Vertical Refresh Rater Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 2003, Trans Text Version 1.1 (02.08.03) Win text (cp1251). (DOS codepage text - see down.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 1. Why it need? 2. Installation. 3. Using. 4. FAQ. 5. Support. 1. Why it need? --------------------- The problem of "60 Hz" is falling stand before of users of MeOS in modern condisions. As a rule, most modern computers consist of 17" monitor (all written later is not actual for owners of LCD monitors). If on 14" or 15" monitors the problem of "60 Hz" not a main, but with 17" monitor it's a most pantfull. And with more size monitors I have no words for discusion: it's a slade-show. Of couse, all of the upper correlated with standart interface of VESA. As for VESA 3.0 - yes, interface have more rich features, but it have no possiblity of change videomode in protect mode (the Virtual86 not realized in MeOS !!!!!). The MeOS not known as a detected devices on boot, it setting of standard VESA videomode with 60 Hz vertical refrash rate ! This programm is a FreeWare. And distribute "AS IS ...". Author not carreing responsibility for probable damage :) . !!!!!_Warning_!!!!!: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! On this time programm have a EXPERIMENTAL status (!). And this reason you have a ! ! chance destroy own device (monitor). Espesialy this taking attantionall users with ! ! monitor without of rate protection. ! ! If you decide using this util I have a suggestion: fill of information form and ! ! send me. ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Installation. ----------------- Extract file VRR (it's ordinary executed MeOS file) from archive and situated it on C:\ root or MeOS floppy. In main, VRR may situated on any directory (you must have possibility run this file under MeOS). 3. Using. ---------- The VRR is a standard executed file of Menuet Operation System. You may send on execute this file by SYSTREE or MASH. After redraw of programm window will be present of current vertical refrash rate and table with possibiling videoregimes. It's sorrably, table have VERY small videomode (the programm is experimental). Change of videomode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may select interesting videomode using _ONLY_ numerical keys: 1,2,3,4 and 5. In a first step you must select resolution of videoregime. In a second step - need select of vertical refresh rate. All changes are indicated on screen in a the programm window. After select videomode, to set mode you must press "Enter" or button "Ok". Notification: in this time all executing MeOS programs will be killing. It this needed for minimize artefacts of the screen. After change videomode you have a two way. First way: you can not any doing and after 13 seconds waiting return last videomode. Second way: press two-three time any key or some time mouse click on artefacts of VRR (or this plase) and fixing selected mode. Also you have possibility modification of horizontal screen size by button "Left"\"Right" or keys "+\-". For correcting your select you may use button "Cancel". Also in programm realized return at initial videomode with 60 Hz vertical refresh by button "Default". And you may return in last videomode by button "Return" or key "r" Note: ~~~~~~ In this time programm may change vertical refresh rate _ONLY_ by lowing screen resolution, because this method will be using at most part videocard (VGA, SVGA or modern) Example: If you have videomode 1024x768x60Hz and if you want select 800x600x95Hz, you must press key "3" and key "1". After that key "Enter" or button "Ok". And after redraw screen two time click on last program window position. If need using button "Left\Right" for correcting horizontal size. 4. FAQ. ---------- 5. Supports. ---------------- All questions, notes and wishs you may send to author by following e-mail: Using with enjoy! Trans.