include "" include "../../../" WND_SIZE_X = 320 WND_SIZE_Y = 200 VC_DELTA = 1 HC_DELTA = 2 MEOS_APP_START CODE fninit call init_sinus_table call init_background call init_palette mov eax,40 mov ebx,101b mcall jmp .paint_window .event_loop: mov eax,23 mov ebx,1 mcall test eax,eax je .draw_screen dec eax je .paint_window or eax,-1 mcall .draw_screen: test [proc_info.wnd_state], 0x04 jnz .event_loop add word [ver_counter],VC_DELTA add word [hor_counter],HC_DELTA call handle_animation xor ebp,ebp mcall 65,virtual_screen_8,,<0,0>,8,_palette jmp .event_loop .paint_window: mcall 9,proc_info,-1 mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 mcall mcall 48,4 ; get skin height lea ecx,[eax + (100 shl 16) + WND_SIZE_Y+4] mov edi,title mcall 0,<100,WND_SIZE_X+9>,,0x74000000 test [proc_info.wnd_state], 0x04 jnz @f xor ebp,ebp mcall 65,virtual_screen_8,,<0,0>,8,_palette @@: mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 mcall jmp .event_loop init_palette: mov ecx,256 mov edi,_palette xor eax,eax .next_pal: mov al,ah shr al,2 stosb stosb stosb stosb inc ah loop .next_pal ret init_sinus_table: sub esp,4 mov ecx,256 mov edi,sinetable .sin_loop: fld dword [esp] fld st0 fsin fmul [scale_sin] fistp word [edi] fadd [delta_angle] fstp dword [esp] add edi,2 loop .sin_loop add esp,4 ret init_background: mov edi,background xor edx,edx .ib_vertical: xor ecx,ecx .ib_horizontal: mov eax,ecx xor eax,edx stosb inc ecx cmp ecx,256 jne .ib_horizontal inc edx cmp edx,256 jne .ib_vertical ret s_OFFX = 0 s_OFFY = 2 handle_animation: sub esp,4 mov ebx,[ver_counter] and ebx,255 add ebx,ebx mov ax,[sinetable+ebx] mov [esp+s_OFFY],ax mov ebx,[hor_counter] and ebx,255 add ebx,ebx mov ax,[sinetable+ebx] mov [esp+s_OFFX],ax mov edi,virtual_screen_8 mov edx,WND_SIZE_Y-1 .a_ver: mov ecx,WND_SIZE_X-1 mov bx,[esp+s_OFFY] add bx,dx and ebx,255 shl ebx,8 .a_hor: mov ax,[esp+s_OFFX] add ax,cx and eax,255 mov al,[background+ebx+eax] stosb dec ecx jge .a_hor dec edx jge .a_ver add esp,4 ret DATA delta_angle dd 0.0245436926066 ; pi/128 scale_sin dd 128.0 title db 'MoveBack',0 UDATA ver_counter dd ? hor_counter dd ? _palette: rd 256 virtual_screen_8: rb WND_SIZE_X*WND_SIZE_Y background: rb 256*256 sinetable: rw 256 proc_info process_information MEOS_APP_END