(* adapted to Oberon-07 by 0CodErr, KolibriOS team *) (* Print first 'PRINT' digits of 'e'. * * Originally written in Pascal by Scott Hemphill * Rewritten in Modula-2 and modified by Andrew Cadach * *) MODULE exp; IMPORT In, Out, Console; CONST PRINT = 1024; DIGITS = PRINT + (PRINT + 31) DIV 32; TYPE number = ARRAY DIGITS + 1 OF INTEGER; VAR s, x: number; xs, i: INTEGER; PROCEDURE init (VAR x: number; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN x[0] := n; FOR i := 1 TO DIGITS DO x[i] := 0 END END init; PROCEDURE divide (VAR x: number; xs, n: INTEGER; VAR y: number; VAR ys: INTEGER); VAR i, c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := 0; FOR i := xs TO DIGITS DO c := 10 * c + x[i]; y[i] := c DIV n; c := c MOD n END; ys := xs; WHILE (ys <= DIGITS) & (y[ys] = 0) DO INC(ys) END END divide; PROCEDURE add (VAR s, x: number; xs: INTEGER); VAR i, c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := 0; FOR i := DIGITS TO xs BY -1 DO c := c + s[i] + x[i]; IF c >= 10 THEN s[i] := c - 10; c := 1 ELSE s[i] := c; c := 0 END END; i := xs; WHILE c # 0 DO DEC(i); c := c + s[i]; IF c >= 10 THEN s[i] := c - 10; c := 1 ELSE s[i] := c; c := 0 END END END add; BEGIN Console.open; init(s, 0); init(x, 1); xs := 0; add(s, x, xs); i := 0; REPEAT INC(i); divide(x, xs, i, x, xs); add(s, x, xs); UNTIL xs > DIGITS; Out.Ln; Out.String (" e = "); Out.Char (CHR(s[0] + ORD("0"))); Out.Char ("."); FOR i := 1 TO PRINT DO Out.Char (CHR(s[i] + ORD("0"))); IF i MOD 64 = 0 THEN Out.Ln; Out.Int (i, 5); Out.String (" ") END END; Out.Ln; Out.Ln; In.Ln; Console.exit(TRUE) END exp.