;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2009. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Ethernet driver for KolibriOS ;; ;; This is an adaptation of MenuetOS driver with minimal changes. ;; ;; Changes were made by CleverMouse. Original copyright follows. ;; ;; ;; ;; This driver is based on the SIS900 driver from ;; ;; the etherboot 5.0.6 project. The copyright statement is ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;; remaining parts Copyright 2004 Jason Delozier, ;; ;; cordata51@hotmail.com ;; ;; ;; ;; See file COPYING for details ;; ;; ;; ;; Updates: ;; ;; Revision Look up table and SIS635 Mac Address by Jarek Pelczar ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; $Revision$ format MS COFF API_VERSION equ 0x01000100 DEBUG equ 1 __DEBUG__ equ 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 include 'proc32.inc' include 'imports.inc' include 'fdo.inc' public START public version struc IOCTL { .handle dd ? .io_code dd ? .input dd ? .inp_size dd ? .output dd ? .out_size dd ? } virtual at 0 IOCTL IOCTL end virtual NUM_RX_DESC equ 4 ;* Number of RX descriptors * NUM_TX_DESC equ 1 ;* Number of TX descriptors * RX_BUFF_SZ equ 1520 ;* Buffer size for each Rx buffer * TX_BUFF_SZ equ 1516 ;* Buffer size for each Tx buffer * MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE equ 1516 TOTAL_BUFFERS_SIZE equ NUM_RX_DESC*RX_BUFF_SZ + NUM_TX_DESC*TX_BUFF_SZ struc ETH_DEVICE { ; pointers to procedures .unload dd ? .reset dd ? .transmit dd ? .set_MAC dd ? .get_MAC dd ? .set_mode dd ? .get_mode dd ? ; status & variables .bytes_tx dq ? .bytes_rx dq ? .packets_tx dd ? .packets_rx dd ? .mode dd ? ; This dword contains cable status (10mbit/100mbit, full/half duplex, auto negotiation or not,..) .name dd ? .mac dp ? ; device specific .io_addr dd ? .pci_bus db ? .pci_dev db ? .irq_line db ? .cur_rx db ? .pci_revision db ? .table_entries: db ? align 4 .special_func: dd 0 .txd: times (3 * NUM_TX_DESC) dd 0 .rxd: times (3 * NUM_RX_DESC) dd 0 .size: } ; First page is designated to ETH_DEVICE, buffers start from second ALLOCATION_SIZE = ((device.size+0FFFh) and not 0FFFh) + TOTAL_BUFFERS_SIZE ; Note that buffers must be contiguous in the physical memory; ; because KernelAlloc allocates contiguous physical pages only in 8-pages blocks, ; align ALLOCATION_SIZE up to 8*(page size) = 8000h ALLOCATION_SIZE = (ALLOCATION_SIZE + 7FFFh) and not 7FFFh MAX_DEVICES = 16 ; maximum number of devices which this driver can handle virtual at 0 device ETH_DEVICE end virtual PCI_HEADER_TYPE equ 0x0e ;8 bit PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 equ 0x10 ;32 bit PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5 equ 0x24 ;32 bits PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO equ 0x01 PCI_VENDOR_ID equ 0x00 ;16 bit PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK equ 0xFFFFFFFC section '.flat' code readable align 16 ; Driver entry point - register our service when the driver is loading. ; TODO: add needed operations when unloading START: cmp dword [esp+4], 1 jne .exit stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc ret 4 .exit: xor eax, eax ret 4 ; Service procedure for the driver - handle all I/O requests for the driver. ; Currently handled requests are: SRV_GETVERSION = 0 and SRV_HOOK = 1. service_proc: ; 1. Get parameter from the stack: [esp+4] is the first parameter, ; pointer to IOCTL structure. mov edx, [esp+4] ; edx -> IOCTL ; 2. Get request code and select a handler for the code. mov eax, [edx+IOCTL.io_code] test eax, eax ; check for SRV_GETVERSION jnz @f ; 3. This is SRV_GETVERSION request, no input, 4 bytes output, API_VERSION. ; 3a. Output size must be at least 4 bytes. cmp [edx+IOCTL.out_size], 4 jl .fail ; 3b. Write result to the output buffer. mov eax, [edx+IOCTL.output] mov [eax], dword API_VERSION ; 3c. Return success. xor eax, eax ret 4 @@: dec eax ; check for SRV_HOOK jnz .fail ; 4. This is SRV_HOOK request, input defines the device to hook, no output. ; 4a. The driver works only with PCI devices, ; so input must be at least 3 bytes long. cmp [edx + IOCTL.inp_size], 3 jl .fail ; 4b. First byte of input is bus type, 1 stands for PCI. mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input] cmp byte [eax], 1 jne .fail ; 4c. Second and third bytes of the input define the device: bus and dev. ; Word in bx holds both bytes. mov bx, [eax+1] ; 4d. Check if the device was already hooked, ; scan through the list of known devices. mov esi, DEV_LIST mov ecx, [NUM_DEV] test ecx, ecx jz .firstdevice .nextdevice: lodsd cmp bx, word [eax + device.pci_bus] je .find_devicenum loop .nextdevice ; 4e. This device doesn't have its own eth_device structure yet, let's create one .firstdevice: ; 4f. Check that we have place for new device. cmp [NUM_DEV], MAX_DEVICES jge .fail ; 4g. Allocate memory for device descriptor and receive+transmit buffers. stdcall KernelAlloc, ALLOCATION_SIZE test eax, eax jz .fail ; 4h. Zero the structure. push eax mov edi, eax mov ecx, (device.size + 3) shr 2 xor eax, eax rep stosd pop eax ; 4i. Save PCI coordinates, loaded to bx at 4c. mov word [eax+device.pci_bus], bx mov ebx, eax ; ebx is always used as a pointer to the structure (in driver, but also in kernel code) ; 4j. Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct. ; Note that get_MAC pointer is filled in initialization by SIS900_probe. mov dword [ebx+device.reset], sis900_init mov dword [ebx+device.transmit], transmit ; mov dword [ebx+device.get_MAC], read_mac mov dword [ebx+device.set_MAC], write_mac mov dword [ebx+device.unload], unload mov dword [ebx+device.name], my_service ; 4k. Now, it's time to find the base io addres of the PCI device ; TODO: implement check if bus and dev exist on this machine mov edx, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 .reg_check: push edx stdcall PciRead16, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], edx pop edx test al, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO jz .inc_reg and eax, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK jnz .got_io .inc_reg: add edx, 4 cmp edx, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5 jbe .reg_check jmp .fail .got_io: mov [ebx+device.io_addr], eax ; 4l. We've found the io address, find IRQ now stdcall PciRead8, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x3c mov byte [ebx+device.irq_line], al ; 4m. Add new device to the list (required for int_handler). mov eax, [NUM_DEV] mov [DEV_LIST+4*eax], ebx inc [NUM_DEV] ; 4m. Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device call SIS900_probe test eax, eax jnz .destroy ; 4n. If device was successfully initialized, register it for the kernel. call EthRegDev cmp eax, -1 je .destroy ret 4 ; 5. If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax .find_devicenum: mov ebx, eax call EthStruc2Dev ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx ; into a device number in edi mov eax, edi ; Application wants it in eax instead ret 4 ; If an error occured, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax) .destroy: dec [NUM_DEV] ; todo: reset device into virgin state .err: stdcall KernelFree, ebx .fail: xor eax, eax ret 4 ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; ;; ;; ;; Actual Hardware dependent code starts here ;; ;; ;; ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; unload: ; TODO: (in this particular order) ; ; - Stop the device ; - Detach int handler ; - Remove device from local list ; - call unregister function in kernel ; - Remove all allocated structures and buffers the card used or eax,-1 ret ;******************************************************************** ; Interface ; SIS900_reset ; SIS900_probe ; SIS900_poll ; SIS900_transmit ; ;******************************************************************** ;******************************************************************** ; Comments: ; Known to work with the following SIS900 ethernet cards: ; - Device ID: 0x0900 Vendor ID: 0x1039 Revision: 0x91 ; - Device ID: 0x0900 Vendor ID: 0x1039 Revision: 0x90 ; ; If your card is not listed, try it and let me know if it ; functions properly and it will be aded to the list. If not ; we may be able to add support for it. ; ; ToDo: ; - Enable MII interface for reading speed ; and duplex settings. ; ; - Update Poll routine to support packet fragmentation. ; ; - Add additional support for other sis900 based cards ; ;******************************************************************** ; comment the next line out if you don't want debug info printed ; on the debug board. This option adds a lot of bytes to the driver ; so it's worth to comment it out. ; SIS900_DEBUG equ 1 SIS900_ETH_ALEN equ 6 ;* Size of Ethernet address * SIS900_ETH_HLEN equ 14 ;* Size of ethernet header * SIS900_ETH_ZLEN equ 60 ;* Minimum packet length * SIS900_DSIZE equ 0x00000fff SIS900_CRC_SIZE equ 4 SIS900_RFADDR_shift equ 16 ;SIS900 Symbolic offsets to registers. SIS900_cr equ 0x0 ; Command Register SIS900_cfg equ 0x4 ; Configuration Register SIS900_mear equ 0x8 ; EEPROM Access Register SIS900_ptscr equ 0xc ; PCI Test Control Register SIS900_isr equ 0x10 ; Interrupt Status Register SIS900_imr equ 0x14 ; Interrupt Mask Register SIS900_ier equ 0x18 ; Interrupt Enable Register SIS900_epar equ 0x18 ; Enhanced PHY Access Register SIS900_txdp equ 0x20 ; Transmit Descriptor Pointer Register SIS900_txcfg equ 0x24 ; Transmit Configuration Register SIS900_rxdp equ 0x30 ; Receive Descriptor Pointer Register SIS900_rxcfg equ 0x34 ; Receive Configuration Register SIS900_flctrl equ 0x38 ; Flow Control Register SIS900_rxlen equ 0x3c ; Receive Packet Length Register SIS900_rfcr equ 0x48 ; Receive Filter Control Register SIS900_rfdr equ 0x4C ; Receive Filter Data Register SIS900_pmctrl equ 0xB0 ; Power Management Control Register SIS900_pmer equ 0xB4 ; Power Management Wake-up Event Register ;SIS900 Command Register Bits SIS900_RELOAD equ 0x00000400 SIS900_ACCESSMODE equ 0x00000200 SIS900_RESET equ 0x00000100 SIS900_SWI equ 0x00000080 SIS900_RxRESET equ 0x00000020 SIS900_TxRESET equ 0x00000010 SIS900_RxDIS equ 0x00000008 SIS900_RxENA equ 0x00000004 SIS900_TxDIS equ 0x00000002 SIS900_TxENA equ 0x00000001 ;SIS900 Configuration Register Bits SIS900_DESCRFMT equ 0x00000100 ; 7016 specific SIS900_REQALG equ 0x00000080 SIS900_SB equ 0x00000040 SIS900_POW equ 0x00000020 SIS900_EXD equ 0x00000010 SIS900_PESEL equ 0x00000008 SIS900_LPM equ 0x00000004 SIS900_BEM equ 0x00000001 SIS900_RND_CNT equ 0x00000400 SIS900_FAIR_BACKOFF equ 0x00000200 SIS900_EDB_MASTER_EN equ 0x00002000 ;SIS900 Eeprom Access Reigster Bits SIS900_MDC equ 0x00000040 SIS900_MDDIR equ 0x00000020 SIS900_MDIO equ 0x00000010 ; 7016 specific SIS900_EECS equ 0x00000008 SIS900_EECLK equ 0x00000004 SIS900_EEDO equ 0x00000002 SIS900_EEDI equ 0x00000001 ;SIS900 TX Configuration Register Bits SIS900_ATP equ 0x10000000 ;Automatic Transmit Padding SIS900_MLB equ 0x20000000 ;Mac Loopback Enable SIS900_HBI equ 0x40000000 ;HeartBeat Ignore (Req for full-dup) SIS900_CSI equ 0x80000000 ;CarrierSenseIgnore (Req for full-du ;SIS900 RX Configuration Register Bits SIS900_AJAB equ 0x08000000 ; SIS900_ATX equ 0x10000000 ;Accept Transmit Packets SIS900_ARP equ 0x40000000 ;accept runt packets (<64bytes) SIS900_AEP equ 0x80000000 ;accept error packets ;SIS900 Interrupt Reigster Bits SIS900_WKEVT equ 0x10000000 SIS900_TxPAUSEEND equ 0x08000000 SIS900_TxPAUSE equ 0x04000000 SIS900_TxRCMP equ 0x02000000 SIS900_RxRCMP equ 0x01000000 SIS900_DPERR equ 0x00800000 SIS900_SSERR equ 0x00400000 SIS900_RMABT equ 0x00200000 SIS900_RTABT equ 0x00100000 SIS900_RxSOVR equ 0x00010000 SIS900_HIBERR equ 0x00008000 SIS900_SWINT equ 0x00001000 SIS900_MIBINT equ 0x00000800 SIS900_TxURN equ 0x00000400 SIS900_TxIDLE equ 0x00000200 SIS900_TxERR equ 0x00000100 SIS900_TxDESC equ 0x00000080 SIS900_TxOK equ 0x00000040 SIS900_RxORN equ 0x00000020 SIS900_RxIDLE equ 0x00000010 SIS900_RxEARLY equ 0x00000008 SIS900_RxERR equ 0x00000004 SIS900_RxDESC equ 0x00000002 SIS900_RxOK equ 0x00000001 ;SIS900 Interrupt Enable Reigster Bits SIS900_IE equ 0x00000001 ;SIS900 Revision ID SIS900B_900_REV equ 0x03 SIS630A_900_REV equ 0x80 SIS630E_900_REV equ 0x81 SIS630S_900_REV equ 0x82 SIS630EA1_900_REV equ 0x83 SIS630ET_900_REV equ 0x84 SIS635A_900_REV equ 0x90 SIS900_960_REV equ 0x91 ;SIS900 Receive Filter Control Register Bits SIS900_RFEN equ 0x80000000 SIS900_RFAAB equ 0x40000000 SIS900_RFAAM equ 0x20000000 SIS900_RFAAP equ 0x10000000 SIS900_RFPromiscuous equ 0x70000000 ;SIS900 Reveive Filter Data Mask SIS900_RFDAT equ 0x0000FFFF ;SIS900 Eeprom Address SIS900_EEPROMSignature equ 0x00 SIS900_EEPROMVendorID equ 0x02 SIS900_EEPROMDeviceID equ 0x03 SIS900_EEPROMMACAddr equ 0x08 SIS900_EEPROMChecksum equ 0x0b ;The EEPROM commands include the alway-set leading bit. ;SIS900 Eeprom Command SIS900_EEread equ 0x0180 SIS900_EEwrite equ 0x0140 SIS900_EEerase equ 0x01C0 SIS900_EEwriteEnable equ 0x0130 SIS900_EEwriteDisable equ 0x0100 SIS900_EEeraseAll equ 0x0120 SIS900_EEwriteAll equ 0x0110 SIS900_EEaddrMask equ 0x013F SIS900_EEcmdShift equ 16 ;For SiS962 or SiS963, request the eeprom software access SIS900_EEREQ equ 0x00000400 SIS900_EEDONE equ 0x00000200 SIS900_EEGNT equ 0x00000100 SIS900_pci_revision equ ebx+device.pci_revision sis900_get_mac_func equ ebx+device.get_MAC sis900_special_func equ ebx+device.special_func sis900_table_entries equ ebx+device.table_entries cur_rx equ ebx+device.cur_rx sys_msg_board_str equ SysMsgBoardStr ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; SIS900_probe ; Description ; Searches for an ethernet card, enables it and clears the rx buffer ; If a card was found, it enables the ethernet -> TCPIP link ;not done - still need to probe mii transcievers ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Debug_Str_Unsupported db 'Sorry your card is unsupported ',13,10,0 end if SIS900_probe: ;******Wake Up Chip******* stdcall PciWrite8, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x40, 0 ;*******Set some PCI Settings********* call SIS900_adjust_pci_device ;*****Get Card Revision****** stdcall PciRead8, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x08 mov [SIS900_pci_revision], al ;save the revision for later use ;****** Look up through the sis900_specific_table mov esi,sis900_specific_table .probe_loop: cmp dword [esi],0 ; Check if we reached end of the list je .probe_loop_failed cmp al,[esi] ; Check if revision is OK je .probe_loop_ok add esi,12 ; Advance to next entry jmp .probe_loop .probe_loop_failed: jmp SIS900_Probe_Unsupported ;*********Find Get Mac Function********* .probe_loop_ok: mov eax,[esi+4] ; Get pointer to "get MAC" function mov [sis900_get_mac_func],eax mov eax,[esi+8] ; Get pointer to special initialization fn mov [sis900_special_func],eax ;******** Get MAC ******** call dword [sis900_get_mac_func] ;******** Call special initialization fn if requested ******** cmp dword [sis900_special_func],0 je .no_special_init call dword [sis900_special_func] .no_special_init: ;******** Set table entries ******** mov al,[SIS900_pci_revision] cmp al,SIS635A_900_REV jae .ent16 cmp al,SIS900B_900_REV je .ent16 mov byte [sis900_table_entries],8 jmp .ent8 .ent16: mov byte [sis900_table_entries],16 .ent8: ;*******Probe for mii transceiver******* ;TODO!!********************* ;*******Initialize Device******* call sis900_init ret SIS900_Probe_Unsupported: if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Str_Unsupported call sys_msg_board_str end if or eax, -1 ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function: sis900_init ; ; Description: resets the ethernet controller chip and various ; data structures required for sending and receiving packets. ; ; Arguments: ; ; returns: none ;not done ;*************************************************************************** sis900_init: call SIS900_reset ;Done call SIS900_init_rxfilter ;Done call SIS900_init_txd ;Done call SIS900_init_rxd ;Done call SIS900_set_rx_mode ;done call SIS900_set_tx_mode ;call SIS900_check_mode ; enable interrupts on packet receive xor eax, eax inc eax ; eax = 1 = SIS900_RxOK mov edx, [ebx+device.io_addr] add edx, SIS900_imr out dx, eax ; globally enable interrupts add edx, SIS900_ier-SIS900_imr out dx, eax ; eax is still 1 xor eax, eax ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; SIS900_reset ; Description ; disables interrupts and soft resets the controller chip ; ;done+ ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Debug_Reset_Failed db 'Reset Failed ',0 end if SIS900_reset: movzx eax, [ebx+device.irq_line] stdcall AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, 0 push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+device.io_addr] ; base address ;******Disable Interrupts and reset Receive Filter******* xor eax, eax ; 0 to initialize lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_ier] out dx, eax ; Write 0 to location lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_imr] out dx, eax ; Write 0 to location lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] out dx, eax ; Write 0 to location ;*******Reset Card*********************************************** lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_RESET ; set flags or eax, SIS900_RxRESET ; or eax, SIS900_TxRESET ; out dx, eax ; Write new Command Register ;*******Wait Loop************************************************ push ebx lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_isr] mov ecx, 0x03000000 ; Status we would like to see from card mov ebx, 2001 ; only loop 1000 times SIS900_Wait: dec ebx ; 1 less loop jz SIS900_DoneWait_e ; 1000 times yet? in eax, dx ; move interrup status to eax and eax, ecx xor ecx, eax jz SIS900_DoneWait jmp SIS900_Wait SIS900_DoneWait_e: if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Reset_Failed call sys_msg_board_str end if SIS900_DoneWait: pop ebx ;*******Set Configuration Register depending on Card Revision******** lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cfg] mov eax, SIS900_PESEL ; Configuration Register Bit mov cl, [SIS900_pci_revision] ; card revision cmp cl, SIS635A_900_REV je SIS900_RevMatch cmp cl, SIS900B_900_REV ; Check card revision je SIS900_RevMatch out dx, eax ; no revision match jmp SIS900_Reset_Complete SIS900_RevMatch: ; Revision match or eax, SIS900_RND_CNT ; Configuration Register Bit out dx, eax SIS900_Reset_Complete: xor eax, eax pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function: sis_init_rxfilter ; ; Description: sets receive filter address to our MAC address ; ; Arguments: ; ; returns: ;done+ ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_init_rxfilter: push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+device.io_addr] ; base address ;****Get Receive Filter Control Register ******** lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] in eax, dx ; get register push eax ;****disable packet filtering before setting filter******* mov eax, SIS900_RFEN ;move receive filter enable flag not eax ;1s complement and eax, [esp] ;disable receiver out dx, eax ;set receive disabled ;********load MAC addr to filter data register********* xor ecx, ecx SIS900_RXINT_Mac_Write: ;high word of eax tells card which mac byte to write mov eax, ecx lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] shl eax, 16 ; out dx, eax ; lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfdr] mov ax, word [ebx+device.mac+ecx*2] ; Get Mac ID word out dx, ax ; Send Mac ID inc cl ; send next word cmp cl, 3 ; more to send? jne SIS900_RXINT_Mac_Write ;********enable packet filitering ***** pop eax ;old register value lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] or eax, SIS900_RFEN ;enable filtering out dx, eax ;set register pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* ;* Function: sis_init_txd ;* ;* Description: initializes the Tx descriptor ;* ;* Arguments: ;* ;* returns: ;*done ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_init_txd: ;********** initialize TX descriptor ************** mov [ebx+device.txd], dword 0 ;put link to next descriptor in link field mov [ebx+device.txd+4],dword 0 ;clear status field lea eax, [ebx+0x1000] call GetPgAddr mov [ebx+device.txd+8], eax ;save address to buffer ptr field ;*************** load Transmit Descriptor Register *************** mov edx, [ebx+device.io_addr] ; base address add edx, SIS900_txdp ; TX Descriptor Pointer add eax, device.txd - 0x1000 ; First Descriptor out dx, eax ; move the pointer ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Function: sis_init_rxd ;* ;* Description: initializes the Rx descriptor ring ;* ;* Arguments: ;* ;* Returns: ;*done ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_init_rxd: xor ecx,ecx mov [cur_rx], cl ;Set cuurent rx discriptor to 0 mov eax, ebx call GetPgAddr mov esi, eax ;******** init RX descriptors ******** SIS900_init_rxd_Loop: mov edx, ecx ;current descriptor imul edx, 12 ; mov eax, ecx ;determine next link descriptor inc eax ; cmp eax, NUM_RX_DESC ; jne SIS900_init_rxd_Loop_0 ; xor eax, eax ; SIS900_init_rxd_Loop_0: ; imul eax, 12 ; lea eax, [eax+esi+device.rxd] mov [ebx+device.rxd+edx], eax ;save link to next descriptor mov [ebx+device.rxd+edx+4],dword RX_BUFF_SZ ;status bits init to buf size mov eax, ecx ;find where the buf is located imul eax,RX_BUFF_SZ ; lea eax, [eax+esi+0x1000+NUM_TX_DESC*TX_BUFF_SZ] mov [ebx+device.rxd+edx+8], eax ;save buffer pointer inc ecx ;next descriptor cmp ecx, NUM_RX_DESC ; jne SIS900_init_rxd_Loop ; ;********* load Receive Descriptor Register with address of first ; descriptor********* mov edx, [ebx+device.io_addr] add edx, SIS900_rxdp lea eax, [esi+device.rxd] out dx, eax ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Function: sis900_set_tx_mode ;* ;* Description: ;* sets the transmit mode to allow for full duplex ;* ;* ;* Arguments: ;* ;* Returns: ;* ;* Comments: ;* If you are having problems transmitting packet try changing the ;* Max DMA Burst, Possible settings are as follows: ;* 0x00000000 = 512 bytes ;* 0x00100000 = 4 bytes ;* 0x00200000 = 8 bytes ;* 0x00300000 = 16 bytes ;* 0x00400000 = 32 bytes ;* 0x00500000 = 64 bytes ;* 0x00600000 = 128 bytes ;* 0x00700000 = 256 bytes ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_set_tx_mode: push ebp mov ebp,[ebx+device.io_addr] lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_TxENA ;Enable Receive out dx, eax lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_txcfg]; Transmit config Register offset mov eax, SIS900_ATP ;allow automatic padding or eax, SIS900_HBI ;allow heartbeat ignore or eax, SIS900_CSI ;allow carrier sense ignore or eax, 0x00600000 ;Max DMA Burst or eax, 0x00000100 ;TX Fill Threshold or eax, 0x00000020 ;TX Drain Threshold out dx, eax pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Function: sis900_set_rx_mode ;* ;* Description: ;* sets the receive mode to accept all broadcast packets and packets ;* with our MAC address, and reject all multicast packets. Also allows ;* full-duplex ;* ;* Arguments: ;* ;* Returns: ;* ;* Comments: ;* If you are having problems receiving packet try changing the ;* Max DMA Burst, Possible settings are as follows: ;* 0x00000000 = 512 bytes ;* 0x00100000 = 4 bytes ;* 0x00200000 = 8 bytes ;* 0x00300000 = 16 bytes ;* 0x00400000 = 32 bytes ;* 0x00500000 = 64 bytes ;* 0x00600000 = 128 bytes ;* 0x00700000 = 256 bytes ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_set_rx_mode: push ebp mov ebp,[ebx+device.io_addr] ;**************update Multicast Hash Table in Receive Filter xor cl, cl SIS900_set_rx_mode_Loop: mov eax, ecx shl eax, 1 lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] ; Receive Filter Control Reg offset mov eax, 4 ;determine table entry add al, cl shl eax, 16 out dx, eax ;tell card which entry to modify lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfdr] ; Receive Filter Control Reg offset mov eax, 0xffff ;entry value out dx, ax ;write value to table in card inc cl ;next entry cmp cl,[sis900_table_entries] ; jl SIS900_set_rx_mode_Loop ;*******Set Receive Filter Control Register************* lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] ; Receive Filter Control Register offset mov eax, SIS900_RFAAB ;accecpt all broadcast packets or eax, SIS900_RFAAM ;accept all multicast packets or eax, SIS900_RFAAP ;Accept all packets or eax, SIS900_RFEN ;enable receiver filter out dx, eax ;******Enable Receiver************ lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] ; Command Register offset in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_RxENA ;Enable Receive out dx, eax ;*********Set lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rxcfg] ; Receive Config Register offset mov eax, SIS900_ATX ;Accept Transmit Packets ; (Req for full-duplex and PMD Loopback) or eax, 0x00600000 ;Max DMA Burst or eax, 0x00000002 ;RX Drain Threshold, 8X8 bytes or 64bytes out dx, eax ; pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ; * SIS960_get_mac_addr: - Get MAC address for SiS962 or SiS963 model ; * @pci_dev: the sis900 pci device ; * @net_dev: the net device to get address for ; * ; * SiS962 or SiS963 model, use EEPROM to store MAC address. And EEPROM ; * is shared by ; * LAN and 1394. When access EEPROM, send EEREQ signal to hardware first ; * and wait for EEGNT. If EEGNT is ON, EEPROM is permitted to be access ; * by LAN, otherwise is not. After MAC address is read from EEPROM, send ; * EEDONE signal to refuse EEPROM access by LAN. ; * The EEPROM map of SiS962 or SiS963 is different to SiS900. ; * The signature field in SiS962 or SiS963 spec is meaningless. ; * MAC address is read into @net_dev->dev_addr. ; *done ;* ;* Return 0 is EAX = failure ;*Done+ ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Start db 'Attempting to get SIS900 Mac ID: ',13,10,0 SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Failed db 'Access to EEprom Failed',13,10,0 SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Address db 'Your Mac ID is: ',0 SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Address2 db 'Your SIS96x Mac ID is: ',0 end if SIS960_get_mac_addr: push ebp mov ebp,[ebx+device.io_addr] ;**********Send Request for eeprom access********************* lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_mear] ; Eeprom access register mov eax, SIS900_EEREQ ; Request access to eeprom out dx, eax ; Send request xor ecx,ecx ; ;******Loop 4000 times and if access not granted error out***** SIS96X_Get_Mac_Wait: in eax, dx ;get eeprom status and eax, SIS900_EEGNT ;see if eeprom access granted flag is set jnz SIS900_Got_EEP_Access ;if it is, go access the eeprom inc ecx ;else keep waiting cmp ecx, 4000 ;have we tried 4000 times yet? jl SIS96X_Get_Mac_Wait ;if not ask again xor eax, eax ;return zero in eax indicating failure ;*******Debug ********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Failed call sys_msg_board_str end if jmp SIS960_get_mac_addr_done ;**********EEprom access granted, read MAC from card************* SIS900_Got_EEP_Access: ; zero based so 3-16 bit reads will take place mov ecx, 2 SIS96x_mac_read_loop: mov eax, SIS900_EEPROMMACAddr ;Base Mac Address add eax, ecx ;Current Mac Byte Offset push ecx call sis900_read_eeprom ;try to read 16 bits pop ecx mov word [ebx+device.mac+ecx*2], ax ;save 16 bits to the MAC ID varible dec ecx ;one less word to read jns SIS96x_mac_read_loop ;if more read more mov eax, 1 ;return non-zero indicating success ;*******Debug Print MAC ID to debug window********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Address2 call sys_msg_board_str lea edx, [ebx+device.mac] call Create_Mac_String end if ;**********Tell EEPROM We are Done Accessing It********************* SIS960_get_mac_addr_done: lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_mear] ; Eeprom access register mov eax, SIS900_EEDONE ;tell eeprom we are done out dx,eax pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* sis900_get_mac_addr: - Get MAC address for stand alone SiS900 model ;* @pci_dev: the sis900 pci device ;* @net_dev: the net device to get address for ;* ;* Older SiS900 and friends, use EEPROM to store MAC address. ;* MAC address is read from read_eeprom() into @net_dev->dev_addr. ;* done/untested ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_get_mac_addr: ;*******Debug ********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Start call sys_msg_board_str end if ;******** check to see if we have sane EEPROM ******* mov eax, SIS900_EEPROMSignature ;Base Eeprom Signature call sis900_read_eeprom ;try to read 16 bits cmp ax, 0xffff je SIS900_Bad_Eeprom cmp ax, 0 je SIS900_Bad_Eeprom ;**************Read MacID************** ; zero based so 3-16 bit reads will take place mov ecx, 2 SIS900_mac_read_loop: mov eax, SIS900_EEPROMMACAddr ;Base Mac Address add eax, ecx ;Current Mac Byte Offset push ecx call sis900_read_eeprom ;try to read 16 bits pop ecx mov word [ebx+device.mac+ecx*2], ax ;save 16 bits to the MAC ID storage dec ecx ;one less word to read jns SIS900_mac_read_loop ;if more read more mov eax, 1 ;return non-zero indicating success ;*******Debug Print MAC ID to debug window********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Address call sys_msg_board_str lea edx, [ebx+device.mac] call Create_Mac_String end if ret SIS900_Bad_Eeprom: xor eax, eax ;*******Debug ********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Failed call sys_msg_board_str end if ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV: - Get MAC address for model 635 ;* ;* ;*************************************************************************** Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV: if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Start call sys_msg_board_str end if push ebp mov ebp,[ebx+device.io_addr] lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] in eax,dx mov edi,eax ; EDI=rfcrSave lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] or eax,SIS900_RELOAD out dx,eax xor eax,eax out dx,eax ; Disable packet filtering before setting filter lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] mov eax,edi and edi,not SIS900_RFEN out dx,eax ; Load MAC to filter data register xor ecx,ecx lea esi,[ebx+device.mac] .get_mac_loop: lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] mov eax,ecx shl eax,SIS900_RFADDR_shift out dx,eax lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfdr] in eax,dx mov [esi],ax add esi,2 inc ecx cmp ecx,3 jne .get_mac_loop ; Enable packet filtering ;lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_rfcr] ;mov eax,edi ;or eax,SIS900_RFEN ;out dx, eax ;*******Debug Print MAC ID to debug window********************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi,SIS900_Debug_Str_GetMac_Address call sys_msg_board_str lea edx, [ebx+device.mac] call Create_Mac_String end if pop ebp ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Function: sis900_read_eeprom ;* ;* Description: reads and returns a given location from EEPROM ;* ;* Arguments: eax - location: requested EEPROM location ;* ;* Returns: eax : contents of requested EEPROM location ;* ; Read Serial EEPROM through EEPROM Access Register, Note that location is ; in word (16 bits) unit */ ;done+ ;*************************************************************************** sis900_read_eeprom: push esi push edx push ecx push ebx push ebp mov ebp,[ebx+device.io_addr] mov ebx, eax ;location of Mac byte to read or ebx, SIS900_EEread ; lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_mear] ; Eeprom access register xor eax, eax ; start send out dx,eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 mov eax, SIS900_EECLK out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 ;************ Shift the read command (9) bits out. ********* mov cl, 8 ; sis900_read_eeprom_Send: mov eax, 1 shl eax, cl and eax, ebx jz SIS900_Read_Eeprom_8 mov eax, 9 jmp SIS900_Read_Eeprom_9 SIS900_Read_Eeprom_8: mov eax, 8 SIS900_Read_Eeprom_9: out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 or eax, SIS900_EECLK out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 cmp cl, 0 je sis900_read_eeprom_Send_Done dec cl jmp sis900_read_eeprom_Send ;********************* sis900_read_eeprom_Send_Done: mov eax, SIS900_EECS ; out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 ;********** Read 16-bits of data in *************** mov cx, 16 ;16 bits to read sis900_read_eeprom_Send2: mov eax, SIS900_EECS out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 or eax, SIS900_EECLK out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 in eax, dx shl ebx, 1 and eax, SIS900_EEDO jz SIS900_Read_Eeprom_0 or ebx, 1 SIS900_Read_Eeprom_0: dec cx jnz sis900_read_eeprom_Send2 ;************** Terminate the EEPROM access. ************** xor eax, eax out dx, eax call SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 mov eax, SIS900_EECLK out dx, eax mov eax, ebx and eax, 0x0000ffff ;return only 16 bits pop ebp pop ebx pop ecx pop edx pop esi ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1 ; Description ; ; ; ; ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_Eeprom_Delay_1: push eax in eax, dx pop eax ret write_mac: DEBUGF 1,'Setting MAC is not supported for SIS900 card.\n' add esp, 6 ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; int_handler ; Description ; handles received IRQs, which signal received packets ; ; Currently only supports one descriptor per packet, if packet is fragmented ; between multiple descriptors you will lose part of the packet ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Debug_Pull_Packet_good db 'Good Packet Waiting: ',13,10,0 SIS900_Debug_Pull_Bad_Packet_Status db 'Bad Packet Waiting: Status',13,10,0 SIS900_Debug_Pull_Bad_Packet_Size db 'Bad Packet Waiting: Size',13,10,0 end if int_handler: ; find pointer of device which made IRQ occur mov esi, DEV_LIST mov ecx, [NUM_DEV] test ecx, ecx jz .nothing .nextdevice: mov ebx, [esi] mov edx, [ebx+device.io_addr] add edx, SIS900_isr in eax, dx ; note that this clears all interrupts test al, SIS900_RxOK jnz .got_it loop .nextdevice .nothing: ret .got_it: ;**************Get Status ************** movzx eax, [ebx+device.cur_rx] ;find current discriptor imul eax, 12 ; mov ecx, [ebx+device.rxd+eax+4] ; get receive status ;**************Check Status ************** ;Check RX_Status to see if packet is waiting test ecx, 0x80000000 jnz SIS900_poll_IS_packet ret ;**********There is a packet waiting check it for errors************** SIS900_poll_IS_packet: test ecx, 0x67C0000 ;see if there are any errors jnz SIS900_Poll_Error_Status ;**************Check size of packet************* and ecx, SIS900_DSIZE ;get packet size minus CRC cmp ecx, SIS900_CRC_SIZE ;make sure packet contains data jle SIS900_Poll_Error_Size ;*******Copy Good Packet to receive buffer****** sub ecx, SIS900_CRC_SIZE ;dont want crc ; update statistics inc dword [ebx+device.packets_rx] add dword [ebx+device.bytes_rx], ecx adc dword [ebx+device.bytes_rx+4], 0 push ecx stdcall KernelAlloc, ecx pop ecx test eax, eax jz int_handler.nothing push ebx push .return ; return address for EthReceiver ;**********Continue copying packet**************** push ecx eax ; save buffer pointer and size for EthReceiver mov edi, eax movzx esi, byte [ebx+device.cur_rx] imul esi, RX_BUFF_SZ lea esi, [esi+ebx+0x1000+NUM_TX_DESC*TX_BUFF_SZ] ; first copy dword-wise, divide size by 4 shr ecx, 2 rep movsd ; copy the dwords mov ecx, [esp+4] and ecx, 3 ; rep movsb ;********Debug, tell user we have a good packet************* if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Pull_Packet_good call sys_msg_board_str end if jmp EthReceiver .return: pop ebx jmp SIS900_Poll_Cnt ;*************Error occured let user know through debug window*********** SIS900_Poll_Error_Status: if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Pull_Bad_Packet_Status call sys_msg_board_str end if jmp SIS900_Poll_Cnt SIS900_Poll_Error_Size: if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Pull_Bad_Packet_Size call sys_msg_board_str end if ;*************Increment to next available descriptor************** SIS900_Poll_Cnt: ;Reset status, allow ethernet card access to descriptor movzx eax, [ebx+device.cur_rx] lea eax, [eax*3] mov ecx, RX_BUFF_SZ mov [ebx+device.rxd+eax*4+4], ecx ; inc [ebx+device.cur_rx] ;get next descriptor and [ebx+device.cur_rx],NUM_RX_DESC-1 ;only 4 descriptors 0-3 ;******Enable Receiver************ mov edx, [ebx+device.io_addr] add edx, SIS900_cr ; Command Register offset in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_RxENA ;Enable Receive out dx, eax ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; transmit ; Description ; Transmits a packet of data via the ethernet card ; buffer pointer in [esp+4] ; size of buffer in [esp+8] ; pointer to device structure in ebx ; ; only one transmit descriptor is used ; ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Debug_Transmit_Packet db 'Transmitting Packet: ',13,10,0 SIS900_Debug_Transmit_Packet_Err db 'Transmitting Packet Error: ',13,10,0 end if str1 db 'Transmitting packet:',13,10,0 str2 db ' ',0 transmit: cmp dword [esp+8], MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE jg transmit_finish cmp dword [esp+8], 60 jl transmit_finish push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+device.io_addr] ; Base Address ;******** Stop the transmitter ******** lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] ; Command Register offset in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_TxDIS ; Disable Transmitter out dx, eax ;*******load Transmit Descriptor Register ******* lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_txdp] mov eax, ebx call GetPgAddr add eax, device.txd out dx, eax ;******* copy packet to descriptor******* mov esi, [esp+8] lea edi, [ebx+0x1000] mov ecx, [esp+12] mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 2 and edx, 3 rep movsd mov ecx, edx rep movsb ;**************set length tag************** mov ecx, [esp+12] ;restore packet size and ecx, SIS900_DSIZE ; inc [ebx+device.packets_tx] add dword [ebx+device.bytes_tx], ecx adc dword [ebx+device.bytes_tx+4], 0 ;**************pad to minimum packet size **************not needed ;cmp ecx, SIS900_ETH_ZLEN ;jge SIS900_transmit_Size_Ok ;push ecx ;mov ebx, SIS900_ETH_ZLEN ;sub ebx, ecx ;mov ecx, ebx ;rep movsb ;pop ecx SIS900_transmit_Size_Ok: or ecx, 0x80000000 ;card owns descriptor mov [ebx+device.txd+4], ecx if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Transmit_Packet call sys_msg_board_str end if ;***************restart the transmitter ******** lea edx,[ebp+SIS900_cr] in eax, dx ; Get current Command Register or eax, SIS900_TxENA ; Enable Transmitter out dx, eax ;****make sure packet transmitted successfully**** ; mov esi,10 ; call delay_ms mov eax, [ebx+device.txd+4] and eax, 0x6200000 jz SIS900_transmit_OK ;**************Tell user there was an error through debug window if defined SIS900_DEBUG mov esi, SIS900_Debug_Transmit_Packet_Err call sys_msg_board_str end if SIS900_transmit_OK: pop ebp transmit_finish: ret ;*************************************************************************** ;* Function: Create_Mac_String ;* ;* Description: Converts the 48 bit value to a string for display ;* ;* String Format: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ;* ;* Arguments: node_addr is location of 48 bit MAC ID ;* ;* Returns: Prints string to general debug window ;* ;* ;done ;*************************************************************************** if defined SIS900_DEBUG SIS900_Char_String db '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' db 'A','B','C','D','E','F' Mac_str_build: times 20 db 0 Create_Mac_String: pusha xor ecx, ecx Create_Mac_String_loop: mov al,byte [edx+ecx];[node_addr+ecx] push eax shr eax, 4 and eax, 0x0f mov bl, byte [SIS900_Char_String+eax] mov [Mac_str_build+ecx*3], bl pop eax and eax, 0x0f mov bl, byte [SIS900_Char_String+eax] mov [Mac_str_build+1+ecx*3], bl cmp ecx, 5 je Create_Mac_String_done mov bl, ':' mov [Mac_str_build+2+ecx*3], bl inc ecx jmp Create_Mac_String_loop Create_Mac_String_done: ;Insert CR and Zero Terminate mov [Mac_str_build+2+ecx*3],byte 13 mov [Mac_str_build+3+ecx*3],byte 10 mov [Mac_str_build+4+ecx*3],byte 0 mov esi, Mac_str_build call sys_msg_board_str ;Print String to message board popa ret end if ;*************************************************************************** ;* Set device to be a busmaster in case BIOS neglected to do so. ;* Also adjust PCI latency timer to a reasonable value, 64. ;*************************************************************************** SIS900_adjust_pci_device: ;*******Get current setting************************ stdcall PciRead16, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x04 ;******see if its already set as bus master******** mov cx, ax and cx,5 cmp cx,5 je SIS900_adjust_pci_device_Latency ;******Make card a bus master******* mov cx, ax ;value to write or cx,5 stdcall PciWrite16, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x04, ecx ;******Check latency setting*********** SIS900_adjust_pci_device_Latency: ;*******Get current latency setting************************ stdcall PciRead8, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x0D ;******see if its aat least 64 clocks******** cmp al,64 jge SIS900_adjust_pci_device_Done ;******Set latency to 32 clocks******* stdcall PciWrite8, dword [ebx+device.pci_bus], dword [ebx+device.pci_dev], 0x0D, 64 ;******Check latency setting*********** SIS900_adjust_pci_device_Done: ret ; End of code align 4 ; Place all initialised data here NUM_DEV dd 0 sis900_specific_table: ; dd SIS630A_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS630A_900_REV,0 ; dd SIS630E_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS630E_900_REV,0 dd SIS630S_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV,0 dd SIS630EA1_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV,0 dd SIS630ET_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV,0;SIS630ET_900_REV_SpecialFN dd SIS635A_900_REV,Get_Mac_SIS635_900_REV,0 dd SIS900_960_REV,SIS960_get_mac_addr,0 dd SIS900B_900_REV,SIS900_get_mac_addr,0 dd 0,0,0,0 ; end of list version dd (5 shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF) my_service db 'SIS900',0 ; max 16 chars include zero include_debug_strings ; All data wich FDO uses will be included here section '.data' data readable writable align 16 ; place all uninitialized data place here DEV_LIST rd MAX_DEVICES ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling