; ; EXAMPLE APPLICATION ; ; Compile with FASM for Menuet ; use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET00' ; 8 byte id dd 38 ; required os dd START ; program start dd I_END ; program image size dd 0x5000 ; required amount of memory dd 0x5000 ; esp = 0x7FFF0 dd 0x00000000 ; reserved=no extended header include 'lang.inc' include 'macros.inc' START: ; start of execution call open_file call draw_window ; at first, draw the window still: mov eax,10 ; wait here for event int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? je red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button jmp still red: ; redraw call draw_window jmp still key: ; key mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore int 0x40 jmp still button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne noclose mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 noclose: cmp ah,2 jne noexam jmp still noexam: cmp ah,3 jne noback mov edi,block cmp dword [edi],0 je nonext dec dword [edi] call open_file call draw_window noback: cmp ah,4 jne nonext mov edi,block inc dword [edi] call open_file call draw_window nonext: jmp still ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw int 0x40 ; DRAW WINDOW mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx,0*65536+400 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,0*65536+270+200 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,0x038899aa;1111cc ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->c int 0x40 mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,144*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x00ffffff ; color of text RRGGBB mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length int 0x40 mov eax,47 ;decimal mov ecx,[block] mov edx,64*65536+34 mov ebx,10 shl ebx,16 mov esi,0x00ffffff int 0x40 add edx,128*65536 ;hex mov bh,1 int 0x40 mov eax,8 mov ebx,280*65536+16*6 mov ecx,30*65536+14 mov edx,2 mov esi,0x3f49df;5599cc int 0x40 mov ebx,15*65536+32 add edx,1 mov eax,8 int 0x40 add ebx,127*65536 add edx,1 mov eax,8 int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,14*65536+33 mov ecx,0xffffff mov edx,buttons mov esi,blen-buttons int 0x40 mov ebx,280*65536+65 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,0xffffff mov edx,text mov esi,16 mov edi,16*2 newline: pusha ; hext mov edi,16 mov ecx,edx mov edx,ebx sub edx,265*65536 newhex: mov eax,47 mov ebx,0x00020101 xor esi,0xffff00 int 0x40 add edx,16*65536 add ecx,1 dec edi jne newhex popa mov eax,4 ; text int 0x40 add ebx,12 add edx,16 dec edi jnz newline mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw int 0x40 ret open_file: pusha mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo int 0x40 popa ret ; DATA AREA fileinfo: dd 8 block dd 0 dd 1 dd text dd os db '/HARDDISK/FIRST',0 labelt: db 'EDITOR HEXADECIMAL' labellen: buttons db ' << >> << OPTIONS >> ' blen: os: times 16384 db ? text: I_END: