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;***** THIS IS A MACHINE GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ********************
;***** Created: 2005-01-11 10:31 ******* Source: ATmega406.xml ***********
;* A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E F O R T H E A V R F A M I L Y
;* Number : AVR000
;* File Name : "m406def.inc"
;* Title : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATmega406
;* Date : 2005-01-11
;* Version : 2.14
;* Support E-mail : avr@atmel.com
;* Target MCU : ATmega406
;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register
;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
;* In addition, the six registers forming the three data pointers X, Y and
;* Z have been assigned names XL - ZH. Highest RAM address for Internal
;* SRAM is also defined
;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc"
;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
;* this:
;* in r16,PORTB ;read PORTB latch
;* sbr r16,(1<<PB6)+(1<<PB5) ;set PB6 and PB5 (use masks, not bit#)
;* out PORTB,r16 ;output to PORTB
;* in r16,TIFR ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
;* sbrc r16,TOV0 ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
;* rjmp TOV0_is_set ;jump if set
;* ... ;otherwise do something else
#ifndef _M406DEF_INC_
#define _M406DEF_INC_
#pragma partinc 0
; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
.device ATmega406
.equ SIGNATURE_000 = 0x1e
.equ SIGNATURE_001 = 0x95
.equ SIGNATURE_002 = 0x07
; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
.equ BPCR = 0xf7 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ BPIR = 0xf2 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CBCR = 0xf1 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ FCSR = 0xf0 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CADAC3 = 0xe3 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CADAC2 = 0xe2 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CADAC1 = 0xe1 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CADAC0 = 0xe0 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ CCSR = 0xc0 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TWCR = 0xbc ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TWDR = 0xbb ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TWAR = 0xba ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TWSR = 0xb9 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TWBR = 0xb8 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ OCR1AH = 0x89 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ OCR1AL = 0x88 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TCNT1H = 0x85 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TCNT1L = 0x84 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TCCR1B = 0x81 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ DIDR0 = 0x7e ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TIMSK1 = 0x6f ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ TIMSK0 = 0x6e ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ PCMSK1 = 0x6c ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ PCMSK0 = 0x6b ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ PRR0 = 0x64 ; MEMORY MAPPED
.equ SREG = 0x3f
.equ SPH = 0x3e
.equ SPL = 0x3d
.equ SPMCSR = 0x37
.equ MCUCR = 0x35
.equ MCUSR = 0x34
.equ SMCR = 0x33
.equ OCDR = 0x31
.equ GPIOR2 = 0x2b
.equ GPIOR1 = 0x2a
.equ OCR0B = 0x28
.equ OCR0A = 0x27
.equ TCNT0 = 0x26
.equ TCCR0B = 0x25
.equ TCCR0A = 0x24
.equ GTCCR = 0x23
.equ EEARH = 0x22
.equ EEARL = 0x21
.equ EEDR = 0x20
.equ EECR = 0x1f
.equ GPIOR0 = 0x1e
.equ EIMSK = 0x1d
.equ EIFR = 0x1c
.equ PCIFR = 0x1b
.equ TIFR1 = 0x16
.equ TIFR0 = 0x15
.equ PORTD = 0x0b
.equ DDRD = 0x0a
.equ PIND = 0x09
.equ PORTC = 0x08
.equ PORTB = 0x05
.equ DDRB = 0x04
.equ PINB = 0x03
.equ PORTA = 0x02
.equ DDRA = 0x01
.equ PINA = 0x00
; ***** BIT DEFINITIONS **************************************************
; ***** AD_CONVERTER *****************
; VADMUX - The VADC multiplexer Selection Register
.equ VADMUX0 = 0 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ VADMUX1 = 1 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ VADMUX2 = 2 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
.equ VADMUX3 = 3 ; Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
; VADCSR - The VADC Control and Status register
.equ VADCCIE = 0 ; VADC Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable
.equ VADCCIF = 1 ; VADC Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag
.equ VADSC = 2 ; VADC Satrt Conversion
.equ VADEN = 3 ; VADC Enable
; ***** EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT ***********
; EICRA - External Interrupt Control Register
.equ ISC00 = 0 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 0
.equ ISC01 = 1 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1
.equ ISC10 = 2 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 0
.equ ISC11 = 3 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bit 1
.equ ISC20 = 4 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 2 Bit 0
.equ ISC21 = 5 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 2 Bit 1
.equ ISC30 = 6 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 3 Bit 0
.equ ISC31 = 7 ; External Interrupt Sense Control 3 Bit 1
; EIMSK - External Interrupt Mask Register
.equ INT0 = 0 ; External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
.equ INT1 = 1 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
.equ INT2 = 2 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
.equ INT3 = 3 ; External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
; EIFR - External Interrupt Flag Register
.equ INTF0 = 0 ; External Interrupt Flag 0
.equ INTF1 = 1 ; External Interrupt Flag 1
.equ INTF2 = 2 ; External Interrupt Flag 2
.equ INTF3 = 3 ; External Interrupt Flag 3
; PCICR - Pin Change Interrupt Control Register
.equ PCIE0 = 0 ; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 0
.equ PCIE1 = 1 ; Pin Change Interrupt Enable 1
; PCIFR - Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register
.equ PCIF0 = 0 ; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 1
.equ PCIF1 = 1 ; Pin Change Interrupt Flag 1
; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_1 **************
; TCCR1B - Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
.equ CS10 = 0 ; Clock Select1 bit 0
.equ CS11 = 1 ; Clock Select1 bit 1
.equ CS12 = 2 ; Clock Select1 bit 2
.equ CTC1 = 3 ; Clear Timer/Counter on Compare Match
; TIMSK1 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
.equ TOIE1 = 0 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE1A = 1 ; Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Interrupt Enable
; TIFR1 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
.equ TOV1 = 0 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
.equ OCF1A = 1 ; Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Flag A
; GTCCR - General Timer/Counter Control Register
.equ PSRSYNC = 0 ; Prescaler Reset
.equ PSRASY = 1 ;
.equ TSM = 7 ; Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode
; ***** WAKEUP_TIMER *****************
; WUTCSR - Wake-up Timer Control Register
.equ WUTP0 = 0 ; Wake-up Timer Prescaler Bit 0
.equ WUTP1 = 1 ; Wake-up Timer Prescaler Bit 1
.equ WUTP2 = 2 ; Wake-up Timer Prescaler Bit 2
.equ WUTE = 3 ; Wake-up Timer Enable
.equ WUTR = 4 ; Wake-up Timer Reset
.equ WUTCF = 5 ; Wake-up timer Calibration Flag
.equ WUTIE = 6 ; Wake-up Timer Interrupt Enable
.equ WUTIF = 7 ; Wake-up Timer Interrupt Flag
; ***** BATTERY_PROTECTION ***********
; BPPLR - Battery Protection Parameter Lock Register
.equ BPPL = 0 ; Battery Protection Parameter Lock
.equ BPPLE = 1 ; Battery Protection Parameter Lock Enable
; BPCR - Battery Protection Control Register
.equ CCD = 0 ;
.equ DCD = 1 ;
.equ SCD = 2 ;
.equ DUVD = 3 ;
; CBPTR - Current Battery Protection Timing Register
.equ OCPT0 = 0 ;
.equ OCPT1 = 1 ;
.equ OCPT2 = 2 ;
.equ OCPT3 = 3 ;
.equ SCPT0 = 4 ;
.equ SCPT1 = 5 ;
.equ SCPT2 = 6 ;
.equ SCPT3 = 7 ;
; BPOCD - Battery Protection OverCurrent Detection Level Register
.equ CCDL0 = 0 ;
.equ CCDL1 = 1 ;
.equ CCDL2 = 2 ;
.equ CCDL3 = 3 ;
.equ DCDL0 = 4 ;
.equ DCDL1 = 5 ;
.equ DCDL2 = 6 ;
.equ DCDL3 = 7 ;
; BPSCD - Battery Protection Short-Circuit Detection Level Register
.equ SCDL0 = 0 ;
.equ SCDL1 = 1 ;
.equ SCDL2 = 2 ;
.equ SCDL3 = 3 ;
; BPDUV - Battery Protection Deep Under Voltage Register
.equ DUDL0 = 0 ;
.equ DUDL1 = 1 ;
.equ DUDL2 = 2 ;
.equ DUDL3 = 3 ;
.equ DUVT0 = 4 ;
.equ DUVT1 = 5 ;
; BPIR - Battery Protection Interrupt Register
.equ SCIE = 0 ;
.equ DOCIE = 1 ;
.equ COCIE = 2 ;
.equ DUVIE = 3 ; Deep Under-voltage Early Warning Interrupt Enable
.equ SCIF = 4 ;
.equ DOCIF = 5 ;
.equ COCIF = 6 ; Charge Over-current Protection Activated Interrupt Flag
.equ DUVIF = 7 ; Deep Under-voltage Early Warning Interrupt Flag
; ***** FET **************************
; FCSR -
.equ PFD = 0 ; Precharge FET disable
.equ CFE = 1 ; Charge FET Enable
.equ DFE = 2 ; Discharge FET Enable
.equ CPS = 3 ; Current Protection Status
.equ PWMOPC = 4 ; Pulse Width Modulation Modulation of OPC output
.equ PWMOC = 5 ; Pulse Width Modulation of OC output
; ***** COULOMB_COUNTER **************
; CADCSRA - CC-ADC Control and Status Register A
.equ CADSE = 0 ; When the CADSE bit is written to one, the ongoing CC-ADC conversion is aborted, and the CC-ADC enters Regular Current detection mode.
.equ CADSI0 = 1 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADSI1 = 2 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADAS0 = 3 ; CC_ADC Accumulate Current Select Bit 0
.equ CADAS1 = 4 ; CC_ADC Accumulate Current Select Bit 1
.equ CADUB = 5 ; CC_ADC Update Busy
.equ CADEN = 7 ; When the CADEN bit is cleared (zero), the CC-ADC is disabled. When the CADEN bit is set (one), the CC-ADC will continuously measure the voltage drop over the external sense resistor RSENSE. In Power-down, only the Regular Current detection is active. In Power-off, the CC-ADC is always disabled.
; CADCSRB - CC-ADC Control and Status Register B
.equ CADICIF = 0 ; CC-ADC Instantaneous Current Interrupt Flag
.equ CADRCIF = 1 ; CC-ADC Accumulate Current Interrupt Flag
.equ CADACIF = 2 ; CC-ADC Accumulate Current Interrupt Flag
.equ CADICIE = 4 ; CAD Instantenous Current Interrupt Enable
.equ CADRCIE = 5 ; Regular Current Interrupt Enable
.equ CADACIE = 6 ;
; CADAC3 - ADC Accumulate Current
.equ CADAC24 = 0 ;
.equ CADAC25 = 1 ;
.equ CADAC26 = 2 ;
.equ CADAC27 = 3 ;
.equ CADAC28 = 4 ;
.equ CADAC29 = 5 ;
.equ CADAC30 = 6 ;
.equ CADAC31 = 7 ;
; CADAC2 - ADC Accumulate Current
.equ CADAC16 = 0 ;
.equ CADAC17 = 1 ;
.equ CADAC18 = 2 ;
.equ CADAC19 = 3 ;
.equ CADAC20 = 4 ;
.equ CADAC21 = 5 ;
.equ CADAC22 = 6 ;
.equ CADAC23 = 7 ;
; CADAC1 - ADC Accumulate Current
.equ CADAC08 = 0 ;
.equ CADAC09 = 1 ;
.equ CADAC10 = 2 ;
.equ CADAC11 = 3 ;
.equ CADAC12 = 4 ;
.equ CADAC13 = 5 ;
.equ CADAC14 = 6 ;
.equ CADAC15 = 7 ;
; CADAC0 - ADC Accumulate Current
.equ CADAC00 = 0 ;
.equ CADAC01 = 1 ;
.equ CADAC02 = 2 ;
.equ CADAC03 = 3 ;
.equ CADAC04 = 4 ;
.equ CADAC05 = 5 ;
.equ CADAC06 = 6 ;
.equ CADAC07 = 7 ;
; CADRCC - CC-ADC Regular Charge Current
.equ CADRCC0 = 0 ; When the CADSE bit is written to one, the ongoing CC-ADC conversion is aborted, and the CC-ADC enters Regular Current detection mode.
.equ CADRCC1 = 1 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADRCC2 = 2 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADRCC3 = 3 ; The CADACT bits determine the conversion time for the Accumulate Current output as shown in Table 43.
.equ CADRCC4 = 4 ; The CADACT bits determine the conversion time for the Accumulate Current output as shown in Table 43.
.equ CADRCC5 = 5 ;
.equ CADRCC6 = 6 ;
.equ CADRCC7 = 7 ; When the CADEN bit is cleared (zero), the CC-ADC is disabled. When the CADEN bit is set (one), the CC-ADC will continuously measure the voltage drop over the external sense resistor RSENSE. In Power-down, only the Regular Current detection is active. In Power-off, the CC-ADC is always disabled.
; CADRDC - CC-ADC Regular Discharge Current
.equ CADRDC0 = 0 ; When the CADSE bit is written to one, the ongoing CC-ADC conversion is aborted, and the CC-ADC enters Regular Current detection mode.
.equ CADRDC1 = 1 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADRDC2 = 2 ; The CADSI bits determine the current sampling interval for the Regular Current detection in Power-down mode. The actual settings remain to be determined.
.equ CADRDC3 = 3 ; The CADACT bits determine the conversion time for the Accumulate Current output as shown in Table 43.
.equ CADRDC4 = 4 ; The CADACT bits determine the conversion time for the Accumulate Current output as shown in Table 43.
.equ CADRDC5 = 5 ;
.equ CADRDC6 = 6 ;
.equ CADRDC7 = 7 ; When the CADEN bit is cleared (zero), the CC-ADC is disabled. When the CADEN bit is set (one), the CC-ADC will continuously measure the voltage drop over the external sense resistor RSENSE. In Power-down, only the Regular Current detection is active. In Power-off, the CC-ADC is always disabled.
; ***** CELL_BALANCING ***************
; CBCR - Cell Balancing Control Register
.equ CBE1 = 0 ; Battery Protection Parameter Lock
.equ CBE2 = 1 ; Cell Balancing Enable 2
.equ CBE3 = 2 ; Cell Balancing Enable 4
.equ CBE4 = 3 ; Cell Balancing Enable 4
; ***** CPU **************************
; SREG - Status Register
.equ SREG_C = 0 ; Carry Flag
.equ SREG_Z = 1 ; Zero Flag
.equ SREG_N = 2 ; Negative Flag
.equ SREG_V = 3 ; Two's Complement Overflow Flag
.equ SREG_S = 4 ; Sign Bit
.equ SREG_H = 5 ; Half Carry Flag
.equ SREG_T = 6 ; Bit Copy Storage
.equ SREG_I = 7 ; Global Interrupt Enable
; MCUCR - MCU Control Register
.equ IVCE = 0 ; Interrupt Vector Change Enable
.equ IVSEL = 1 ; Interrupt Vector Select
.equ PUD = 4 ; Pull-up disable
.equ JTD = 7 ; JTAG Disable
; MCUSR - MCU Status Register
.equ PORF = 0 ; Power-on reset flag
.equ EXTRF = 1 ; External Reset Flag
.equ BODRF = 2 ; Brown-out Reset Flag
.equ WDRF = 3 ; Watchdog Reset Flag
.equ JTRF = 4 ; JTAG Reset Flag
; FOSCCAL - Fast Oscillator Calibration Value
.equ FCAL0 = 0 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit0
.equ FCAL1 = 1 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit1
.equ FCAL2 = 2 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit2
.equ FCAL3 = 3 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit3
.equ FCAL4 = 4 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit4
.equ FCAL5 = 5 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit5
.equ FCAL6 = 6 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit6
.equ FCAL7 = 7 ; Oscillator Calibration Value Bit7
; SMCR - Sleep Mode Control Register
.equ SE = 0 ; Sleep Enable
.equ SM0 = 1 ; Sleep Mode Select bit 0
.equ SM1 = 2 ; Sleep Mode Select bit 1
.equ SM2 = 3 ; Sleep Mode Select bit 2
; GPIOR2 - General Purpose IO Register 2
.equ GPIOR20 = 0 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 0
.equ GPIOR21 = 1 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 1
.equ GPIOR22 = 2 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 2
.equ GPIOR23 = 3 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 3
.equ GPIOR24 = 4 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 4
.equ GPIOR25 = 5 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 5
.equ GPIOR26 = 6 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 6
.equ GPIOR27 = 7 ; General Purpose IO Register 2 bit 7
; GPIOR1 - General Purpose IO Register 1
.equ GPIOR10 = 0 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 0
.equ GPIOR11 = 1 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 1
.equ GPIOR12 = 2 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 2
.equ GPIOR13 = 3 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 3
.equ GPIOR14 = 4 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 4
.equ GPIOR15 = 5 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 5
.equ GPIOR16 = 6 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 6
.equ GPIOR17 = 7 ; General Purpose IO Register 1 bit 7
; GPIOR0 - General Purpose IO Register 0
.equ GPIOR00 = 0 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 0
.equ GPIOR01 = 1 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 1
.equ GPIOR02 = 2 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 2
.equ GPIOR03 = 3 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 3
.equ GPIOR04 = 4 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 4
.equ GPIOR05 = 5 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 5
.equ GPIOR06 = 6 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 6
.equ GPIOR07 = 7 ; General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 7
; CCSR - Clock Control and Status Register
.equ ACS = 0 ; Asynchronous Clock Select
.equ XOE = 1 ; 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator Enable
; DIDR0 - Digital Input Disable Register
.equ VADC0D = 0 ; When this bit is written logic one, the digital input buffer of the corresponding V_ADC pin is disabled.
.equ VADC1D = 1 ; When this bit is written logic one, the digital input buffer of the corresponding V_ADC pin is disabled.
.equ VADC2D = 2 ; When this bit is written logic one, the digital input buffer of the corresponding V_ADC pin is disabled.
.equ VADC3D = 3 ; When this bit is written logic one, the digital input buffer of the corresponding V_ADC pin is disabled.
; PRR0 - Power Reduction Register 0
.equ PRVADC = 0 ; Power Reduction V-ADC
.equ PRTIM0 = 1 ; Power Reduction Timer/Counter0
.equ PRTIM1 = 2 ; Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
.equ PRTWI = 3 ; Power Reduction TWI
; ***** WATCHDOG *********************
; WDTCSR - Watchdog Timer Control Register
.equ WDP0 = 0 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 0
.equ WDP1 = 1 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 1
.equ WDP2 = 2 ; Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bit 2
.equ WDE = 3 ; Watch Dog Enable
.equ WDCE = 4 ; Watchdog Change Enable
.equ WDP3 = 5 ; Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bit 3
.equ WDIE = 6 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable
.equ WDIF = 7 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag
; ***** TIMER_COUNTER_0 **************
; TCCR0A - Timer/Counter0 Control Register
.equ WGM00 = 0 ; Clock Select0 bit 0
.equ WGM01 = 1 ; Clock Select0 bit 1
.equ COM0B0 = 4 ;
.equ COM0B1 = 5 ;
.equ COM0A0 = 6 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ COM0A1 = 7 ; Force Output Compare
; TCCR0B - Timer/Counter0 Control Register
.equ CS00 = 0 ; Clock Select0 bit 0
.equ CS01 = 1 ; Clock Select0 bit 1
.equ CS02 = 2 ; Clock Select0 bit 2
.equ WGM02 = 3 ;
.equ FOC0B = 6 ; Waveform Generation Mode
.equ FOC0A = 7 ; Force Output Compare
; TCNT0 - Timer Counter 0
.equ TCNT00 = 0 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 0
.equ TCNT01 = 1 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 1
.equ TCNT02 = 2 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 2
.equ TCNT03 = 3 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 3
.equ TCNT04 = 4 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 4
.equ TCNT05 = 5 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 5
.equ TCNT06 = 6 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 6
.equ TCNT07 = 7 ; Timer Counter 0 bit 7
; OCR0A - Output compare Register A
.equ OCR0A0 = 0 ;
.equ OCR0A1 = 1 ;
.equ OCR0A2 = 2 ;
.equ OCR0A3 = 3 ;
.equ OCR0A4 = 4 ;
.equ OCR0A5 = 5 ;
.equ OCR0A6 = 6 ;
.equ OCR0A7 = 7 ;
; OCR0B - Output compare Register B
.equ OCR0B0 = 0 ;
.equ OCR0B1 = 1 ;
.equ OCR0B2 = 2 ;
.equ OCR0B3 = 3 ;
.equ OCR0B4 = 4 ;
.equ OCR0B5 = 5 ;
.equ OCR0B6 = 6 ;
.equ OCR0B7 = 7 ;
; TIMSK0 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
.equ TOIE0 = 0 ; Overflow Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE0A = 1 ; Output Compare Interrupt Enable
.equ OCIE0B = 2 ; Output Compare Interrupt Enable
; TIFR0 - Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
.equ TOV0 = 0 ; Overflow Flag
.equ OCF0A = 1 ; Output Compare Flag
.equ OCF0B = 2 ; Output Compare Flag
; ***** PORTA ************************
; PORTA - Port A Data Register
.equ PORTA0 = 0 ; Port A Data Register bit 0
.equ PA0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA1 = 1 ; Port A Data Register bit 1
.equ PA1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA2 = 2 ; Port A Data Register bit 2
.equ PA2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA3 = 3 ; Port A Data Register bit 3
.equ PA3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA4 = 4 ; Port A Data Register bit 4
.equ PA4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA5 = 5 ; Port A Data Register bit 5
.equ PA5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA6 = 6 ; Port A Data Register bit 6
.equ PA6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTA7 = 7 ; Port A Data Register bit 7
.equ PA7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRA - Port A Data Direction Register
.equ DDA0 = 0 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 0
.equ DDA1 = 1 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 1
.equ DDA2 = 2 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 2
.equ DDA3 = 3 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 3
.equ DDA4 = 4 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 4
.equ DDA5 = 5 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 5
.equ DDA6 = 6 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 6
.equ DDA7 = 7 ; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 7
; PINA - Port A Input Pins
.equ PINA0 = 0 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 0
.equ PINA1 = 1 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 1
.equ PINA2 = 2 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 2
.equ PINA3 = 3 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 3
.equ PINA4 = 4 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 4
.equ PINA5 = 5 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 5
.equ PINA6 = 6 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 6
.equ PINA7 = 7 ; Input Pins, Port A bit 7
; ***** PORTB ************************
; PORTB - Port B Data Register
.equ PORTB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Register bit 0
.equ PB0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Register bit 1
.equ PB1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Register bit 2
.equ PB2 = 2 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Register bit 3
.equ PB3 = 3 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Register bit 4
.equ PB4 = 4 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Register bit 5
.equ PB5 = 5 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Register bit 6
.equ PB6 = 6 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Register bit 7
.equ PB7 = 7 ; For compatibility
; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
.equ DDB0 = 0 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
.equ DDB1 = 1 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
.equ DDB2 = 2 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
.equ DDB3 = 3 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
.equ DDB4 = 4 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
.equ DDB5 = 5 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
.equ DDB6 = 6 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
.equ DDB7 = 7 ; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7
; PINB - Port B Input Pins
.equ PINB0 = 0 ; Port B Input Pins bit 0
.equ PINB1 = 1 ; Port B Input Pins bit 1
.equ PINB2 = 2 ; Port B Input Pins bit 2
.equ PINB3 = 3 ; Port B Input Pins bit 3
.equ PINB4 = 4 ; Port B Input Pins bit 4
.equ PINB5 = 5 ; Port B Input Pins bit 5
.equ PINB6 = 6 ; Port B Input Pins bit 6
.equ PINB7 = 7 ; Port B Input Pins bit 7
; ***** PORTC ************************
; PORTC - Port C Data Register
.equ PORTC0 = 0 ; Port C Data Register bit 0
.equ PC0 = 0 ; For compatibility
; ***** PORTD ************************
; PORTD - Data Register, Port D
.equ PORTD0 = 0 ;
.equ PD0 = 0 ; For compatibility
.equ PORTD1 = 1 ;
.equ PD1 = 1 ; For compatibility
.equ DDD0 = 0 ;
.equ DDD1 = 1 ;
; PIND - Input Pins, Port D
.equ PIND0 = 0 ;
.equ PIND1 = 1 ;
; ***** BOOT_LOAD ********************
; SPMCSR - Store Program Memory Control Register
.equ SPMEN = 0 ; Store Program Memory Enable
.equ PGERS = 1 ; Page Erase
.equ PGWRT = 2 ; Page Write
.equ BLBSET = 3 ; Boot Lock Bit Set
.equ RWWSRE = 4 ; Read While Write section read enable
.equ SIGRD = 5 ; Signature Row Read
.equ RWWSB = 6 ; Read While Write Section Busy
.equ SPMIE = 7 ; SPM Interrupt Enable
; ***** TWI **************************
; TWBCSR - TWI Bus Control and Status Register
.equ TWBCIP = 0 ; TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Interrupt Polarity
.equ TWBDT0 = 1 ; TWI Bus Disconnect Time-out Period
.equ TWBDT1 = 2 ; TWI Bus Disconnect Time-out Period
.equ TWBCIE = 6 ; TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Interrupt Enable
.equ TWBCIF = 7 ; TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Interrupt Flag
; TWAMR - TWI (Slave) Address Mask Register
.equ TWAM0 = 1 ;
.equ TWAM1 = 2 ;
.equ TWAM2 = 3 ;
.equ TWAM3 = 4 ;
.equ TWAM4 = 5 ;
.equ TWAM5 = 6 ;
.equ TWAM6 = 7 ;
; TWBR - TWI Bit Rate register
.equ TWBR0 = 0 ;
.equ TWBR1 = 1 ;
.equ TWBR2 = 2 ;
.equ TWBR3 = 3 ;
.equ TWBR4 = 4 ;
.equ TWBR5 = 5 ;
.equ TWBR6 = 6 ;
.equ TWBR7 = 7 ;
; TWCR - TWI Control Register
.equ TWIE = 0 ; TWI Interrupt Enable
.equ TWEN = 2 ; TWI Enable Bit
.equ TWWC = 3 ; TWI Write Collition Flag
.equ TWSTO = 4 ; TWI Stop Condition Bit
.equ TWSTA = 5 ; TWI Start Condition Bit
.equ TWEA = 6 ; TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit
.equ TWINT = 7 ; TWI Interrupt Flag
; TWSR - TWI Status Register
.equ TWPS0 = 0 ; TWI Prescaler
.equ TWPS1 = 1 ; TWI Prescaler
.equ TWS3 = 3 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS4 = 4 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS5 = 5 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS6 = 6 ; TWI Status
.equ TWS7 = 7 ; TWI Status
; TWDR - TWI Data register
.equ TWD0 = 0 ; TWI Data Register Bit 0
.equ TWD1 = 1 ; TWI Data Register Bit 1
.equ TWD2 = 2 ; TWI Data Register Bit 2
.equ TWD3 = 3 ; TWI Data Register Bit 3
.equ TWD4 = 4 ; TWI Data Register Bit 4
.equ TWD5 = 5 ; TWI Data Register Bit 5
.equ TWD6 = 6 ; TWI Data Register Bit 6
.equ TWD7 = 7 ; TWI Data Register Bit 7
; TWAR - TWI (Slave) Address register
.equ TWGCE = 0 ; TWI General Call Recognition Enable Bit
.equ TWA0 = 1 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 0
.equ TWA1 = 2 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 1
.equ TWA2 = 3 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 2
.equ TWA3 = 4 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 3
.equ TWA4 = 5 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 4
.equ TWA5 = 6 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 5
.equ TWA6 = 7 ; TWI (Slave) Address register Bit 6
; ***** BANDGAP **********************
; BGCRR - Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder
.equ BGCR0 = 0 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 0
.equ BGCR1 = 1 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 1
.equ BGCR2 = 2 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 2
.equ BGCR3 = 3 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 3
.equ BGCR4 = 4 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 4
.equ BGCR5 = 5 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 5
.equ BGCR6 = 6 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 6
.equ BGCR7 = 7 ; Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder Bit 7
; BGCCR - Bandgap Calibration Register
.equ BGCC0 = 0 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 0
.equ BGCC1 = 1 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 1
.equ BGCC2 = 2 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 2
.equ BGCC3 = 3 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 3
.equ BGCC4 = 4 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 4
.equ BGCC5 = 5 ; BG Calibration of PTAT Current Bit 5
.equ BGEN = 7 ; Setting the BGEN bit to one will enable the bandgap voltage reference. This bit must be set before enabling the CC_ADC or V_ADC, and must remain set while either ADC is enabled.
; ***** EEPROM ***********************
; EEDR - EEPROM Data Register
.equ EEDR0 = 0 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 0
.equ EEDR1 = 1 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 1
.equ EEDR2 = 2 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 2
.equ EEDR3 = 3 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 3
.equ EEDR4 = 4 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 4
.equ EEDR5 = 5 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 5
.equ EEDR6 = 6 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 6
.equ EEDR7 = 7 ; EEPROM Data Register bit 7
; EECR - EEPROM Control Register
.equ EERE = 0 ; EEPROM Read Enable
.equ EEWE = 1 ; EEPROM Write Enable
.equ EEMWE = 2 ; EEPROM Master Write Enable
.equ EERIE = 3 ; EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable
.equ EEPM0 = 4 ; EEPROM Programming Mode Bits
.equ EEPM1 = 5 ; EEPROM Programming Mode Bits
; ***** LOCKSBITS ********************************************************
.equ LB1 = 0 ; Lock bit
.equ LB2 = 1 ; Lock bit
.equ BLB01 = 2 ; Boot Lock bit
.equ BLB02 = 3 ; Boot Lock bit
.equ BLB11 = 4 ; Boot lock bit
.equ BLB12 = 5 ; Boot lock bit
; ***** FUSES ************************************************************
; LOW fuse bits
.equ SUT0 = 1 ; Select start-up time
.equ SUT1 = 2 ; Select start-up time
.equ BOOTRST = 3 ; Select reset vector
.equ BOOTSZ0 = 4 ; Select boot size
.equ BOOTSZ1 = 5 ; Select boot size
.equ EESAVE = 6 ; EEPROM memory is preserved through chip erase
.equ WDTON = 7 ; Watchdog Timer Always On
; HIGH fuse bits
.equ JTAGEN = 0 ; Enable JTAG
.equ OCDEN = 1 ; Enable OCD
; ***** CPU REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
.def XH = r27
.def XL = r26
.def YH = r29
.def YL = r28
.def ZH = r31
.def ZL = r30
; ***** DATA MEMORY DECLARATIONS *****************************************
.equ FLASHEND = 0x4fff ; Note: Word address
.equ IOEND = 0x00ff
.equ SRAM_START = 0x0100
.equ SRAM_SIZE = 2048
.equ RAMEND = 0x08ff
.equ XRAMEND = 0x07ff
.equ E2END = 0x01ff
.equ EEPROMEND = 0x01ff
.equ EEADRBITS = 9
; ***** BOOTLOADER DECLARATIONS ******************************************
.equ NRWW_START_ADDR = 0x4800
.equ NRWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x4fff
.equ RWW_START_ADDR = 0x0
.equ RWW_STOP_ADDR = 0x47ff
.equ PAGESIZE = 32
.equ FIRSTBOOTSTART = 0x4f00
.equ THIRDBOOTSTART = 0x4c00
; ***** INTERRUPT VECTORS ************************************************
.equ BPINTaddr = 0x0002 ; Battery Protection Interrupt
.equ INT0addr = 0x0004 ; External Interrupt Request 0
.equ INT1addr = 0x0006 ; External Interrupt Request 1
.equ INT2addr = 0x0008 ; External Interrupt Request 2
.equ INT3addr = 0x000a ; External Interrupt Request 3
.equ PCI0addr = 0x000c ; Pin Change Interrupt 0
.equ PCI1addr = 0x000e ; Pin Change Interrupt 1
.equ WDTaddr = 0x0010 ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt
.equ WUTaddr = 0x0012 ; Wakeup timer overflow
.equ OC1addr = 0x0014 ; Timer/Counter 1 Compare Match
.equ OVF1addr = 0x0016 ; Timer/Counter 1 Overflow
.equ OC0Aaddr = 0x0018 ; Timer/Counter0 Compare A Match
.equ OC0Baddr = 0x001a ; Timer/Counter0 Compare B Match
.equ OVF0addr = 0x001c ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
.equ TWICDaddr = 0x001e ; Two-Wire Bus Connect/Disconnect
.equ TWIaddr = 0x0020 ; Two-Wire Serial Interface
.equ VADCaddr = 0x0022 ; Voltage ADC Conversion Complete
.equ CADICaddr = 0x0024 ; Coulomb Counter ADC Conversion Complete
.equ CADRCaddr = 0x0026 ; Coloumb Counter ADC Regular Current
.equ CADACaddr = 0x0028 ; Coloumb Counter ADC Accumulator
.equ ERDYaddr = 0x002a ; EEPROM Ready
.equ SPMRaddr = 0x002c ; Store Program Memory Ready
.equ INT_VECTORS_SIZE = 46 ; size in words
#endif /* _M406DEF_INC_ */
; ***** END OF FILE ******************************************************