2012-03-13 17:51:57 +01:00
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
; FAT12 boot sector for Kolibri OS
; Copyright (C) Alex Nogueira Teixeira
; Copyright (C) Diamond
; Copyright (C) Dmitry Kartashov aka shurf
; Distributed under GPL, see file COPYING for details
; Version 1.0
2013-02-26 19:29:14 +01:00
include "lang.inc"
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
lf equ 0ah
cr equ 0dh
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
pos_read_tmp equ 0700h ;position for temporary read
boot_program equ 07c00h ;position for boot code
seg_read_kernel equ 01000h ;segment to kernel read
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
jmp start_program
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
; Boot Sector and BPB Structure
include 'floppy1440.inc'
;include 'floppy2880.inc'
;include 'floppy1680.inc'
;include 'floppy1743.inc'
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, boot_program
push ss
pop ds
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; print loading string
mov si, loading+boot_program
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
or al, al
jz read_root_directory
mov ah, 0eh
mov bx, 7
int 10h
jmp loop_loading
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
push ss
pop es
; calculate some disk parameters
; - beginning sector of RootDir
mov ax, word [BPB_FATSz16+boot_program]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_NumFATs+boot_program]
mul cx
add ax, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt+boot_program]
mov word [FirstRootDirSecNum+boot_program], ax ; 19
mov si, ax
; - count of sectors in RootDir
mov bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec+boot_program]
mov cl, 5 ; divide ax by 32
shr bx, cl ; bx = directory entries per sector
mov ax, word [BPB_RootEntCnt+boot_program]
xor dx, dx
div bx
mov word [RootDirSecs+boot_program], ax ; 14
; - data start
add si, ax ; add beginning sector of RootDir and count sectors in RootDir
mov word [data_start+boot_program], si ; 33
; reading root directory
; al=count root dir sectrors !!!! TODO: al, max 255 sectors !!!!
mov ah, 2 ; read
push ax
mov ax, word [FirstRootDirSecNum+boot_program]
call conv_abs_to_THS ; convert abs sector (AX) to BIOS T:H:S (track:head:sector)
pop ax
mov bx, pos_read_tmp ; es:bx read buffer
call read_sector
mov si, bx ; read buffer address: es:si
mov ax, [RootDirSecs+boot_program]
mul word [BPB_BytsPerSec+boot_program]
add ax, si ; AX = end of root dir. in buffer pos_read_tmp
; find kernel file in root directory
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
push si
mov cx, 11
mov di, kernel_name+boot_program
rep cmpsb ; compare es:si and es:di, cx bytes long
pop si
je found_kernel_file
add si, 32 ; next dir. entry
cmp si, ax ; end of directory
jb loop_find_dir_entry
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
mov si, error_message+boot_program
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
or al, al
jz freeze_pc
mov ah, 0eh
mov bx, 7
int 10h
jmp loop_error_message
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
jmp $ ; endless loop
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
mov bp, [si+01ah] ; first cluster of kernel file
; <diamond>
mov [cluster1st+boot_program], bp ; starting cluster of kernel file
; <\diamond>
; reading first FAT table
mov ax, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt+boot_program] ; begin first FAT abs sector number
call conv_abs_to_THS ; convert abs sector (AX) to BIOS T:H:S (track:head:sector)
mov bx, pos_read_tmp ; es:bx read position
mov ah, 2 ; ah=2 (read)
mov al, byte [BPB_FATSz16+boot_program] ; FAT size in sectors (TODO: max 255 sectors)
call read_sector
jc file_error_message ; read error
mov ax, seg_read_kernel
mov es, ax
xor bx, bx ; es:bx = 1000h:0000h
; reading kernel file
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; read one cluster of file
call obtain_cluster
jc file_error_message ; read error
; add one cluster length to segment:offset
push bx
mov bx, es
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec+boot_program] ;\
movsx cx, byte [BPB_SecPerClus+boot_program] ; | !!! TODO: !!!
mul cx ; | out this from loop !!!
shr ax, 4 ;/
add bx, ax
mov es, bx
pop bx
mov di, bp
shr di, 1
add di, bp ; di = bp * 1.5
add di, pos_read_tmp
mov ax, [di] ; read next entry from FAT-chain
jc move_4_right
and ax, 0fffh
jmp verify_end_sector
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
cmp ax, 0ff8h ; last cluster
jae execute_kernel
mov bp, ax
jmp loop_obtains_kernel_data
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; <diamond>
mov ax, 'KL'
push 0
pop ds
mov si, loader_block+boot_program
; </diamond>
push word seg_read_kernel
push word 0
retf ; jmp far 1000:0000
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; loading cluster from file to es:bx
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; bp - cluster number to read
; carry = 0 -> read OK
; carry = 1 -> read ERROR
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; print one dot
push bx
mov ax, 0e2eh ; ah=0eh (teletype), al='.'
xor bh, bh
int 10h
pop bx
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-01-17 13:41:44 +01:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; convert cluster number to sector number
mov ax, bp ; data cluster to read
sub ax, 2
xor dx, dx
mov dl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus+boot_program]
mul dx
add ax, word [data_start+boot_program]
call conv_abs_to_THS ; convert abs sector (AX) to BIOS T:H:S (track:head:sector)
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
mov ah, 2 ; ah=2 (read)
mov al, byte [BPB_SecPerClus+boot_program] ; al=(one cluster)
call read_sector
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; read sector from disk
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
push bp
mov bp, 20 ; try 20 times
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
dec bp
jz file_error_message
push ax bx cx dx
int 13h
pop dx cx bx ax
jc newread
pop bp
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
; convert abs. sector number (AX) to BIOS T:H:S
; sector number = (abs.sector%BPB_SecPerTrk)+1
; pre.track number = (abs.sector/BPB_SecPerTrk)
; head number = pre.track number%BPB_NumHeads
; track number = pre.track number/BPB_NumHeads
; Return: cl - sector number
; ch - track number
; dl - drive number (0 = a:)
; dh - head number
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
push bx
mov bx, word [BPB_SecPerTrk+boot_program]
xor dx, dx
div bx
inc dx
mov cl, dl ; cl = sector number
mov bx, word [BPB_NumHeads+boot_program]
xor dx, dx
div bx
; !!!!!!! ax = track number, dx = head number
mov ch, al ; ch=track number
xchg dh, dl ; dh=head number
mov dl, 0 ; dl=0 (drive 0 (a:))
pop bx
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2013-02-26 19:29:14 +01:00
if lang eq sp
loading db cr,lf,'Iniciando el sistema ',00h
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
loading db cr,lf,'Starting system ',00h
2013-02-26 19:29:14 +01:00
end if
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
error_message db 13,10
kernel_name db 'KERNEL MNT ?',cr,lf,00h
FirstRootDirSecNum dw ?
RootDirSecs dw ?
data_start dw ?
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
; <diamond>
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
push cs
pop ds
mov byte [patchhere+1+boot_program], 3 ; change ah=2 to ah=3
mov bp, [cluster1st+boot_program]
push 1000h
pop es
xor bx, bx
call writesec
mov byte [patchhere+1+boot_program], 2 ; change back ah=3 to ah=2
cluster1st dw ?
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
db 1
dw 0
dw write1st+boot_program
dw 0
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
; <\diamond>
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
times 0x1fe-$ db 00h
2008-04-28 21:30:57 +02:00
2011-10-14 23:38:50 +02:00
db 55h,0aah ;boot signature