NTFS reader, part 2: read all directories

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@257 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) 2006-12-30 11:07:47 +00:00
parent b308bbdde7
commit acc759e3d8

View File

@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ ntfs_attr_iRecord dd ?
ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord dd ?
ntfs_attr_offs dd ?
ntfs_attr_list dd ?
ntfs_attr_size dq ?
@ -389,6 +390,8 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
mov eax, [ntfs_cur_iRecord]
mov [ntfs_attr_iRecord], eax
and [ntfs_attr_list], 0
or dword [ntfs_attr_size], -1
or dword [ntfs_attr_size+4], -1
or [ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], -1
call ntfs_read_file_record
test eax, eax
@ -469,6 +472,10 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
push [ntfs_cur_size]
push [ntfs_cur_read]
push [ntfs_cur_buf]
push dword [ntfs_attr_size]
push dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
or dword [ntfs_attr_size], -1
or dword [ntfs_attr_size+4], -1
xor edx, edx
mov [ntfs_cur_offs], edx
mov [ntfs_cur_size], 2
@ -477,6 +484,8 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
push edx
call .doreadattr
pop edx
pop dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
pop dword [ntfs_attr_size]
mov ebp, [ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ntfs_cur_buf]
pop [ntfs_cur_read]
@ -500,6 +509,47 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
push eax
mov eax, [esi+8]
test eax, eax
jnz .testf
mov eax, dword [ntfs_attr_size]
and eax, dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
cmp eax, -1
jnz .testfz
; if attribute is in auxiliary records, its size is defined only in first
mov eax, [esi+10h]
call ntfs_read_file_record
test eax, eax
jnz @f
pop eax
jmp .errret
mov eax, [ntfs_data.frs_buffer]
movzx ecx, word [eax+14h]
add eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ntfs_cur_attr]
cmp dword [eax], -1
jz .errret_pop
cmp dword [eax], ecx
jz @f
add eax, [eax+4]
jmp @b
cmp byte [eax+8], 0
jnz .sdnores
mov eax, [eax+10h]
mov dword [ntfs_attr_size], eax
and dword [ntfs_attr_size+4], 0
jmp .testfz
mov ecx, [eax+30h]
mov dword [ntfs_attr_size], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+34h]
mov dword [ntfs_attr_size+4], ecx
xor eax, eax
imul eax, [ntfs_data.sectors_per_cluster]
cmp eax, [ntfs_cur_offs]
pop eax
@ -507,6 +557,7 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
mov edi, [esi+10h] ; keep previous iRecord
jmp .scanlistcont
cmp edi, -1
jnz @f
@ -516,15 +567,19 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
mov [ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], eax
mov eax, edi
jmp .beginfindattr
sub ebp, ntfs_attrlist_buf-1Ah
test ebp, 1FFh
jnz .ret_is_attr
jnz .scanlistfound
test edx, edx
jnz @f
inc edx
cmp ebp, 0x400
jnz .ret_is_attr
jnz .scanlistfound
inc edx
push esi edi
@ -583,17 +638,29 @@ ntfs_read_attr:
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ntfs_cur_buf]
call memmove
and [ntfs_cur_size], 0 ; CF=0
; Not all auxiliary records contain correct FileSize info
mov eax, dword [ntfs_attr_size]
mov edx, dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
push eax
and eax, edx
cmp eax, -1
pop eax
jnz @f
mov eax, [ecx+30h] ; FileSize
mov edx, [ecx+34h]
mov dword [ntfs_attr_size], eax
mov dword [ntfs_attr_size+4], edx
add eax, 0x1FF
adc edx, 0
shrd eax, edx, 9
sub eax, [ntfs_cur_offs]
ja @f
; return with nothing read
and [ntfs_cur_size], 0
@ -672,6 +739,12 @@ ntfs_read_file_record:
shrd eax, edx, 9
shr edx, 9
jnz .err
push [ntfs_attr_iRecord]
push [ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord]
push [ntfs_attr_offs]
push [ntfs_attr_list]
push dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
push dword [ntfs_attr_size]
push [ntfs_cur_iRecord]
push [ntfs_cur_attr]
push [ntfs_cur_offs]
@ -693,6 +766,12 @@ ntfs_read_file_record:
pop [ntfs_cur_offs]
pop [ntfs_cur_attr]
pop [ntfs_cur_iRecord]
pop dword [ntfs_attr_size]
pop dword [ntfs_attr_size+4]
pop [ntfs_attr_list]
pop [ntfs_attr_offs]
pop [ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord]
pop [ntfs_attr_iRecord]
pop edx ecx
jc .errret
cmp eax, [ntfs_data.frs_size]
@ -774,14 +853,169 @@ ntfs_decode_mcb_entry:
sub ecx, 8
neg ecx
cmp byte [esi-1], 80h
sbb eax, eax
inc eax
rep stosb
pop edi ecx eax
; in: esi->name
; out: CF=1 - file not found
; else CF=0 and eax=ntfs_cur_iRecord valid
mov [ntfs_cur_iRecord], 5 ; start parse from root cluster
mov [ntfs_cur_attr], 0x90 ; $INDEX_ROOT
and [ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov eax, [ntfs_data.cur_index_size]
mov [ntfs_cur_size], eax
mov eax, [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf]
mov [ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
jnc @f
cmp [ntfs_cur_read], 0x20
jc .ret
mov esi, [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf]
mov eax, [esi+14h]
add eax, 10h
cmp [ntfs_cur_read], eax
jae .readok1
add eax, 1FFh
shr eax, 9
cmp eax, [ntfs_data.cur_index_size]
ja @f
; reallocate
push eax
push [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
pop eax
mov [ntfs_data.cur_index_size], eax
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
and [ntfs_data.cur_index_size], 0
and [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf], 0
jmp .stc_ret
mov [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf], eax
jmp .doit2
mov ebp, [esi+8] ; subnode_size
shr ebp, 9
cmp ebp, [ntfs_data.cur_index_size]
jbe .ok2
push esi ebp
push ebp
call kernel_alloc
pop ebp esi
test eax, eax
jz .stc_ret
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [ntfs_data.cur_index_size]
shl ecx, 9-2
rep movsd
mov esi, eax
mov [ntfs_data.cur_index_size], ebp
push esi ebp
push [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
pop ebp esi
mov [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf], esi
add esi, 10h
mov edi, [esp+4]
; edi -> name, esi -> current index data, ebp = subnode size
add esi, [esi]
test byte [esi+0Ch], 2
jnz .subnode
push esi
add esi, 0x52
movzx ecx, byte [esi-2]
push edi
call uni2ansi_char
call char_toupper
push eax
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
call char_toupper
cmp al, [esp]
pop eax
loopz @b
jz .found
pop edi
pop esi
jb .subnode
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
add esi, eax
jmp .scanloopint
test byte [esi+0Ch], 1
jz .notfound
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
mov eax, [esi+eax-8]
mul [ntfs_data.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ntfs_cur_offs], eax
mov [ntfs_cur_attr], 0xA0 ; $INDEX_ALLOCATION
mov [ntfs_cur_size], ebp
mov eax, [ntfs_data.cur_index_buf]
mov esi, eax
mov [ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
mov eax, ebp
shl eax, 9
cmp [ntfs_cur_read], eax
jnz .notfound
cmp dword [esi], 'INDX'
jnz .notfound
mov ebx, esi
call ntfs_restore_usa
jc .notfound
add esi, 0x18
jmp .scanloop
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .done
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jz .next
pop edi
pop esi
jmp .scanloopcont
pop esi
pop esi
mov eax, [esi]
mov [ntfs_cur_iRecord], eax
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
mov [esp+4], edi
inc esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz .doit2
; ntfs_HdRead - read NTFS hard disk
@ -820,8 +1054,8 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
mov eax, 5 ; root cluster
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .doit
; call ntfs_find_lfn
; jnc .doit
call ntfs_find_lfn
jnc .doit2
or ebx, -1
@ -831,6 +1065,12 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
mov [ntfs_cur_iRecord], eax
mov [ntfs_cur_attr], 0x10 ; $STANDARD_INFORMATION
and [ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ntfs_cur_size], 1
mov [ntfs_cur_buf], ntfs_bitmap_buf
call ntfs_read_attr
jc .notfound
mov [ntfs_cur_attr], 0x90 ; $INDEX_ROOT
and [ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov eax, [ntfs_data.cur_index_size]
@ -927,6 +1167,16 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
; edi -> BDFE, esi -> current index data, ebp = subnode size, ebx = first wanted block,
; ecx = number of blocks to read
; edx -> parameters block: dd <output>, dd <flags>
cmp [ntfs_cur_iRecord], 5
jz .skip_specials
; dot and dotdot entries
push esi
xor esi, esi
call .add_special_entry
inc esi
call .add_special_entry
pop esi
; at first, dump index root
add esi, [esi]
@ -958,6 +1208,9 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
mov esi, eax
mov [ntfs_cur_buf], eax
push [ntfs_cur_offs]
mov eax, [ntfs_cur_offs]
imul eax, ebp
mov [ntfs_cur_offs], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
pop [ntfs_cur_offs]
mov eax, ebp
@ -1024,6 +1277,57 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
mov eax, [edx]
inc dword [eax+8] ; new file found
dec ebx
jns .ret
dec ecx
js .ret
inc dword [eax+4] ; new file block copied
mov eax, [edx+4]
mov [edi+4], eax
; mov eax, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x20]
; or al, 0x10
mov eax, 0x10
push edx
mov eax, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov edx, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+4]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x18]
mov edx, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x1C]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+8]
mov edx, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+0xC]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
pop edx
xor eax, eax
mov al, '.'
push edi ecx
lea ecx, [esi+1]
test byte [edi-0x24], 1
jz @f
rep stosw
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
add edi, 520
rep stosb
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
add edi, 264
; do not return DOS 8.3 names
cmp byte [esi+0x51], 2
@ -1040,9 +1344,6 @@ ntfs_HdReadFolder:
js .ret
inc dword [eax+4] ; new file block copied
mov eax, [edx+4] ; flags
call ntfs_direntry_to_bdfe
mov [edi+4], eax ; ANSI/UNICODE name