diff --git a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/crashtest.asm b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/crashtest.asm
index 299a684661..dd97c2dc6c 100644
--- a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/crashtest.asm
+++ b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/crashtest.asm
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ include '../../../../proc32.inc'
include '../../../../macros.inc'
include '../../../../dll.inc'
;include '../../../../debug.inc'
-include '../../../../develop/libraries/libs-dev/libio/libio.inc'
include 'libcrash.inc'
@@ -19,38 +19,6 @@ start:
or eax, eax
jnz quit
- invoke file.open, this_file_name, O_READ
- or eax, eax
- jz quit
- mov [fh], eax
- invoke file.size, this_file_name
- mov [file_len], ebx
- stdcall mem.Alloc, ebx
- or eax, eax
- jz quit
- mov [file_data], eax
- invoke file.read, [fh], eax, [file_len]
- cmp eax, -1
- je quit
- cmp eax, [file_len]
- jne quit
- invoke file.close, [fh]
- inc eax
- jz quit
- stdcall mem.Free, [file_data]
- test eax, eax
- jz quit
- invoke crash.hash, LIBCRASH_SHA512, hash, data_buffer, 0, update_data_buffer, msglen
- invoke crash.bin2hex, hash, hex, LIBCRASH_SHA512
mcall 10
dec eax
@@ -67,9 +35,33 @@ button:
mcall 12, 1
- mcall 0, <0,800>, <0,100>, 0x34000000, 0x80000000, window_title
+ mcall 0, <0,900>, <0,150>, 0x34000000, 0x80000000, window_title
- mcall 4, 0, 0x40ffffff, hex, 128, 0
+ mcall 4, < 0, 0>, 0xc0ffffff, message, , 0
+ mov [hid], 0
+ mov [text_pos_y], 10
+ mov [hash_name], hash_strings
+ .next_hash:
+ mov dword[f70_buf + 4], 0
+ mov dword[msglen], 0
+ mov edi, hex
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov ecx, 1024/4
+ rep stosd
+ invoke crash.hash, [hid], hash, data_buffer, 0, update_data_buffer, msglen
+ invoke crash.bin2hex, hash, hex, [hid]
+ mov ebx, [text_pos_y]
+ mcall 4, , 0xc0ffffff, [hash_name], , 0
+ mov ebx, [text_pos_y]
+ add ebx, 66 SHL 16
+ mcall 4, , 0x40ffffff, hex, 128, 0
+ add [text_pos_y], 10
+ add [hash_name], 12 ; lenght of hash_strings item
+ inc [hid]
+ cmp [hid], LIBCRASH_SHA3_512
+ jng .next_hash
mcall 12, 2
jmp still
@@ -83,23 +75,40 @@ quit:
mcall -1
-proc update_data_buffer
+proc update_data_buffer _left
+ mov eax, data_buffer
+ add eax, [_left]
+ mov dword[f70_buf + 16], eax
+ mov eax, BUFFER_SIZE
+ sub eax, [_left]
+ mov dword[f70_buf + 12], eax
mcall 70, f70_buf
mov eax, ebx
cmp eax, -1
jne @f
inc eax
- add dword[f70_buf + 4], BUFFER_SIZE
+ add dword[f70_buf + 4], eax
-szZ window_title ,'libcrash example'
+szZ window_title ,'libcrash example'
-sz msg_few_args , '2 arguments required',0x0a
-sz msg_bad_hash_type , 'invalid hash type',0x0a
-sz msg_file_not_found , 'file not found: '
+szZ message , 'hash sums of this file'
+md4 db 'md4 : ',0
+md5 db 'md5 : ',0
+sha1 db 'sha1 : ',0
+sha224 db 'sha224 : ',0
+sha256 db 'sha256 : ',0
+sha384 db 'sha384 : ',0
+sha512 db 'sha512 : ',0
+sha3_224 db 'sha3-224 : ',0
+sha3_256 db 'sha3-256 : ',0
+sha3_384 db 'sha3-384 : ',0
+sha3_512 db 'sha3-512 : ',0
funcnum dd 0
@@ -110,37 +119,27 @@ f70_buf:
res2 db 0
fname dd this_file_name
align 4
library \
- libio , 'libio.obj' , \
libcrash, 'libcrash.obj'
-import libio , \
- libio.init , 'lib_init' , \
- file.size , 'file_size' , \
- file.open , 'file_open' , \
- file.read , 'file_read' , \
- file.close , 'file_close'
import libcrash , \
libcrash.init , 'lib_init' , \
crash.hash , 'crash_hash' , \
crash.bin2hex , 'crash_bin2hex'
-hash rd 16
+hash_name rd 1
+text_pos_y rd 1
+hash rd 50
+hid rd 1 ; hash id
msglen rd 1
-fd rd 1
-fh rd 1
-data_length rd 1
hex rb 1024
data_buffer rb BUFFER_SIZE
-file_data rd 1
-file_len rd 1
this_file_name rb 4096
-rb 0x400 ;stack
+rb 0x800 ;stack
diff --git a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.asm b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.asm
index 316427b458..85d17a5951 100644
--- a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.asm
+++ b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.asm
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ include 'md5.asm'
include 'sha1.asm'
include 'sha224_256.asm'
include 'sha384_512.asm'
+include 'sha3.asm'
proc lib_init
@@ -85,22 +86,28 @@ endl
je .quit
- call [_callback]
- test eax, eax
- jz @f
- mov [_len], eax
- jmp .first
- @@:
mov edi, [_data]
mov ecx, [_len]
rep movsb
+ push esi edi
+ stdcall [_callback], [_len]
+ pop edi esi
+ test eax, eax
+ jz @f
+ mov edx, [_msglen]
+ mov ecx, [_len]
+ sub [edx], ecx
+ add [_len], eax
+ jmp .first
+ @@:
mov eax, [_msglen]
mov eax, [eax]
- mov edx, [hi]
- mov edx, [edx + crash_item.len_blk]
- sub edx, 1
- and eax, edx
+ xor edx, edx
+ mov ecx, [hi]
+ mov ecx, [ecx + crash_item.len_blk]
+ div ecx
+ mov eax, edx
mov edx, [hi]
mov ecx, [edx + crash_item.len_blk]
sub ecx, [edx + crash_item.len_size]
@@ -109,36 +116,13 @@ endl
add ecx, [edx + crash_item.len_blk]
add [_len], ecx
- mov eax, [hi]
- mov byte[edi], 0x80
- add edi, 1
- sub ecx, 1
- mov al, 0
- rep stosb
- push ecx
- xor eax, eax
- mov ecx, [hi]
- mov ecx, [ecx + crash_item.len_size]
- sub ecx, 8 ; FIXME for > 2^64 input length
- shr ecx, 2
- rep stosd
- pop ecx
- mov eax, [_msglen]
- mov eax, [eax]
- mov edx, 8
- mul edx
- mov ecx, [hi]
- cmp [ecx + crash_item.endianness], LIBCRASH_ENDIAN_BIG
- jne @f
- bswap eax
- bswap edx
- xchg eax, edx
- @@:
- mov dword[edi], eax
- mov dword[edi + 4], edx
- mov ecx, [hi]
- mov eax, [ecx + crash_item.len_size]
+ mov eax, [edx + crash_item.len_size]
add [_len], eax
+ mov eax, [hi]
+ stdcall [eax + crash_item.finalproc], [hi], [_msglen]
mov [final], 1
jmp .first
@@ -148,12 +132,116 @@ endl
-proc crash._.md4_md5_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+proc crash._.md5_finalproc _hi, _msglen
+ mov byte[edi], 0x80
+ add edi, 1
+ sub ecx, 1
+ mov al, 0
+ rep stosb
+ push ecx
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ mov ecx, [ecx + crash_item.len_size]
+ sub ecx, 8 ; FIXME for > 2^64 input length
+ shr ecx, 2
+ rep stosd
+ pop ecx
+ mov eax, [_msglen]
+ mov eax, [eax]
+ mov edx, 8
+ mul edx
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ mov dword[edi], eax
+ mov dword[edi + 4], edx
-proc crash._.sha1_224_256_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+proc crash._.sha256_finalproc _hi, _msglen
+ mov byte[edi], 0x80
+ add edi, 1
+ sub ecx, 1
+ mov al, 0
+ rep stosb
+ push ecx
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ mov ecx, [ecx + crash_item.len_size]
+ sub ecx, 8 ; FIXME for > 2^64 input length
+ shr ecx, 2
+ rep stosd
+ pop ecx
+ mov eax, [_msglen]
+ mov eax, [eax]
+ mov edx, 8
+ mul edx
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ bswap eax
+ bswap edx
+ xchg eax, edx
+ mov dword[edi], eax
+ mov dword[edi + 4], edx
+ ret
+proc crash._.sha512_finalproc _hi, _msglen
+ mov byte[edi], 0x80
+ add edi, 1
+ sub ecx, 1
+ mov al, 0
+ rep stosb
+ push ecx
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ mov ecx, [ecx + crash_item.len_size]
+ sub ecx, 8 ; FIXME for > 2^64 input length
+ shr ecx, 2
+ rep stosd
+ pop ecx
+ mov eax, [_msglen]
+ mov eax, [eax]
+ mov edx, 8
+ mul edx
+ mov ecx, [_hi]
+ bswap eax
+ bswap edx
+ xchg eax, edx
+ mov dword[edi], eax
+ mov dword[edi + 4], edx
+ ret
+proc crash._.sha3_512_finalproc _hi, _msglen
+ mov byte[edi], 0x01
+ add edi, 1
+ sub ecx, 1
+ mov eax, 0
+ rep stosb
+ or byte[edi - 1], 0x80
+ ret
+proc crash._.md5_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+ ret
+proc crash._.sha256_postprocess _len_out, _hash
mov ecx, [_len_out]
mov esi, [_hash]
mov edi, esi
@@ -167,7 +255,8 @@ proc crash._.sha1_224_256_postprocess _len_out, _hash
-proc crash._.sha384_512_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+proc crash._.sha512_postprocess _len_out, _hash
mov ecx, [_len_out]
mov esi, [_hash]
mov edi, esi
@@ -187,6 +276,15 @@ proc crash._.sha384_512_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+proc crash._.sha3_512_postprocess _len_out, _hash
+ emms
+ ret
proc crash.bin2hex _bin, _hex, _hid ; FIXME _hid param?
mov eax, [_hid]
imul eax, sizeof.crash_item
@@ -215,15 +313,17 @@ endp
crash._.bin2hex_table db '0123456789abcdef'
; see crash_item struct for details
-crash._.table dd crash.md4, crash._.md4_init, crash._.md4_md5_postprocess, 4, 4, 64, 8, 0
- dd crash.md5, crash._.md5_init, crash._.md4_md5_postprocess, 4, 4, 64, 8, 0
- dd crash.sha1, crash._.sha1_init, crash._.sha1_224_256_postprocess, 5, 5, 64, 8, 1
- dd crash.sha256, crash._.sha224_init, crash._.sha1_224_256_postprocess, 8, 7, 64, 8, 1
- dd crash.sha256, crash._.sha256_init, crash._.sha1_224_256_postprocess, 8, 8, 64, 8, 1
- dd crash.sha512, crash._.sha384_init, crash._.sha384_512_postprocess, 16, 12, 128, 16, 1
- dd crash.sha512, crash._.sha512_init, crash._.sha384_512_postprocess, 16, 16, 128, 16, 1
-crash._.crc_init dd 0xffffffff
+crash._.table dd crash.md4, crash._.md4_init, crash._.md4_finalproc, crash._.md4_postprocess, 4, 4, 64, 8
+ dd crash.md5, crash._.md5_init, crash._.md5_finalproc, crash._.md5_postprocess, 4, 4, 64, 8
+ dd crash.sha1, crash._.sha1_init, crash._.sha1_finalproc, crash._.sha1_postprocess, 5, 5, 64, 8
+ dd crash.sha256, crash._.sha224_init, crash._.sha224_finalproc, crash._.sha224_postprocess, 8, 7, 64, 8
+ dd crash.sha256, crash._.sha256_init, crash._.sha256_finalproc, crash._.sha256_postprocess, 8, 8, 64, 8
+ dd crash.sha512, crash._.sha384_init, crash._.sha384_finalproc, crash._.sha384_postprocess, 16, 12, 128, 16
+ dd crash.sha512, crash._.sha512_init, crash._.sha512_finalproc, crash._.sha512_postprocess, 16, 16, 128, 16
+ dd crash.sha3_224, crash._.sha3_224_init, crash._.sha3_224_finalproc, crash._.sha3_224_postprocess, 50, 7, 144, 0
+ dd crash.sha3_256, crash._.sha3_256_init, crash._.sha3_256_finalproc, crash._.sha3_256_postprocess, 50, 8, 136, 0
+ dd crash.sha3_384, crash._.sha3_384_init, crash._.sha3_384_finalproc, crash._.sha3_384_postprocess, 50, 12, 104, 0
+ dd crash.sha3_512, crash._.sha3_512_init, crash._.sha3_512_finalproc, crash._.sha3_512_postprocess, 50, 16, 72, 0
@@ -239,6 +339,11 @@ crash._.sha384_init dq 0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8, 0x629a292a367cd507, 0x9159015a3070dd1
crash._.sha512_init dq 0x6a09e667f3bcc908, 0xbb67ae8584caa73b, 0x3c6ef372fe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1,\
0x510e527fade682d1, 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19137e2179
+crash._.sha3_224_init dq 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
crash._.sha256_table dd 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,\
0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,\
0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,\
@@ -269,6 +374,13 @@ crash._.sha512_table dq 0x428a2f98d728ae22, 0x7137449123ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b
0x28db77f523047d84, 0x32caab7b40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc, 0x431d67c49c100d4c,\
0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6, 0x597f299cfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c4a475817
+crash._.sha3_round dq 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000008082, 0x800000000000808A, 0x8000000080008000,\
+ 0x000000000000808B, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008009,\
+ 0x000000000000008A, 0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000080008009, 0x000000008000000A,\
+ 0x000000008000808B, 0x800000000000008B, 0x8000000000008089, 0x8000000000008003,\
+ 0x8000000000008002, 0x8000000000000080, 0x000000000000800A, 0x800000008000000A,\
+ 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008080, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008008
align 4
@@ -278,5 +390,3 @@ export \
crash.hash , 'crash_hash' , \
crash.bin2hex , 'crash_bin2hex'
-section '.data' data readable writable align 16
-crash._.crc32_table rd 256
diff --git a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.inc b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.inc
index 333e640c18..5a05fbfce1 100644
--- a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.inc
+++ b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/libcrash.inc
@@ -15,24 +15,25 @@
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see .
+LIBCRASH_SHA3_224 = 7
+LIBCRASH_SHA3_256 = 8
+LIBCRASH_SHA3_384 = 9
+LIBCRASH_SHA3_512 = 10
struct crash_item
function dd ?
init_val dd ?
+ finalproc dd ?
postproc dd ?
len_in dd ?
len_out dd ?
len_blk dd ?
len_size dd ?
- endianness dd ?
diff --git a/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/sha3.asm b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/sha3.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69bb8024e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/sha3.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+; libcrash -- cryptographic hash functions
+; Copyright (C) 2013 Ivan Baravy (dunkaist)
+; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+; (at your option) any later version.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; GNU General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+; along with this program. If not, see .
+macro keccak_rol_xor nd, ncl, ncr
+ movq mm0, [C + 8*(ncl)]
+ movq mm1, mm0
+ psllq mm0, 1
+ psrlq mm1, 63
+ por mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [C + 8*(ncr)]
+ movq [D + 8*(nd)], mm0
+proc keccak_theta
+ C rq 5
+ D rq 5
+repeat 5
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 0)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 5)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 10)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 15)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 20)]
+ movq [C + 8*(%-1)], mm0
+end repeat
+ keccak_rol_xor 0, 1, 4
+ keccak_rol_xor 1, 2, 0
+ keccak_rol_xor 2, 3, 1
+ keccak_rol_xor 3, 4, 2
+ keccak_rol_xor 4, 0, 3
+repeat 5
+ movq mm1, [D + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 0)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1 + 0)], mm0
+ movq mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 5)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1 + 5)], mm0
+ movq mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 10)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1 + 10)], mm0
+ movq mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 15)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1 + 15)], mm0
+ movq mm0, mm1
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1 + 20)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1 + 20)], mm0
+end repeat
+ ret
+proc keccak_pi
+ movq mm1, [edi + 8*1]
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*6]
+ movq [edi + 8*1], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*9]
+ movq [edi + 8*6], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*22]
+ movq [edi + 8*9], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*14]
+ movq [edi + 8*22], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*20]
+ movq [edi + 8*14], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*2]
+ movq [edi + 8*20], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*12]
+ movq [edi + 8*2], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*13]
+ movq [edi + 8*12], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*19]
+ movq [edi + 8*13], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*23]
+ movq [edi + 8*19], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*15]
+ movq [edi + 8*23], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*4]
+ movq [edi + 8*15], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*24]
+ movq [edi + 8*4], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*21]
+ movq [edi + 8*24], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*8]
+ movq [edi + 8*21], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*16]
+ movq [edi + 8*8], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*5]
+ movq [edi + 8*16], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*3]
+ movq [edi + 8*5], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*18]
+ movq [edi + 8*3], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*17]
+ movq [edi + 8*18], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*11]
+ movq [edi + 8*17], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*7]
+ movq [edi + 8*11], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*10]
+ movq [edi + 8*7], mm0
+ movq [edi + 8*10], mm1
+ ret
+proc keccak_chi
+ mov eax, 0xffffffff
+ movd mm0, eax
+ movq mm2, mm0
+ punpckldq mm2, mm0
+repeat 5
+ movq mm6, [edi + 8*(0 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm7, [edi + 8*(1 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(0 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm1, mm7
+ pandn mm1, mm2
+ pand mm1, [edi + 8*(2 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pxor mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(0 + 5*(%-1))], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(1 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm1, [edi + 8*(2 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pandn mm1, mm2
+ pand mm1, [edi + 8*(3 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pxor mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(1 + 5*(%-1))], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(2 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm1, [edi + 8*(3 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pandn mm1, mm2
+ pand mm1, [edi + 8*(4 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pxor mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(2 + 5*(%-1))], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(3 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm1, [edi + 8*(4 + 5*(%-1))]
+ pandn mm1, mm2
+ pand mm1, mm6
+ pxor mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(3 + 5*(%-1))], mm0
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(4 + 5*(%-1))]
+ movq mm1, mm6
+ pandn mm1, mm2
+ pand mm1, mm7
+ pxor mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(4 + 5*(%-1))], mm0
+end repeat
+ ret
+macro keccak_rol_mov n, c
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(n)]
+ movq mm1, mm0
+ psllq mm0, (c)
+ psrlq mm1, (64-(c))
+ por mm0, mm1
+ movq [edi + 8*(n)], mm0
+proc keccak_permutation
+repeat 24
+ stdcall keccak_theta
+ keccak_rol_mov 1, 1
+ keccak_rol_mov 2, 62
+ keccak_rol_mov 3, 28
+ keccak_rol_mov 4, 27
+ keccak_rol_mov 5, 36
+ keccak_rol_mov 6, 44
+ keccak_rol_mov 7, 6
+ keccak_rol_mov 8, 55
+ keccak_rol_mov 9, 20
+ keccak_rol_mov 10, 3
+ keccak_rol_mov 11, 10
+ keccak_rol_mov 12, 43
+ keccak_rol_mov 13, 25
+ keccak_rol_mov 14, 39
+ keccak_rol_mov 15, 41
+ keccak_rol_mov 16, 45
+ keccak_rol_mov 17, 15
+ keccak_rol_mov 18, 21
+ keccak_rol_mov 19, 8
+ keccak_rol_mov 20, 18
+ keccak_rol_mov 21, 2
+ keccak_rol_mov 22, 61
+ keccak_rol_mov 23, 56
+ keccak_rol_mov 24, 14
+ stdcall keccak_pi
+ stdcall keccak_chi
+ movq mm0, [edi + 8*(0)]
+ pxor mm0, [crash._.sha3_round + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(0)], mm0
+end repeat
+ ret
+proc crash.sha3_224 _hash, _data
+ mov edi, [_hash]
+repeat 18
+ movq mm0, [esi + 8*(%-1)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1)], mm0
+end repeat
+ stdcall keccak_permutation
+ add esi, 144
+ ret
+proc crash.sha3_256 _hash, _data
+ mov edi, [_hash]
+repeat 17
+ movq mm0, [esi + 8*(%-1)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1)], mm0
+end repeat
+ stdcall keccak_permutation
+ add esi, 136
+ ret
+proc crash.sha3_384 _hash, _data
+ mov edi, [_hash]
+repeat 13
+ movq mm0, [esi + 8*(%-1)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1)], mm0
+end repeat
+ stdcall keccak_permutation
+ add esi, 104
+ ret
+proc crash.sha3_512 _hash, _data
+ mov edi, [_hash]
+repeat 9
+ movq mm0, [esi + 8*(%-1)]
+ pxor mm0, [edi + 8*(%-1)]
+ movq [edi + 8*(%-1)], mm0
+end repeat
+ stdcall keccak_permutation
+ add esi, 72
+ ret