;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; IP.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; IP Processes for Menuet OS TCP/IP stack ;; ;; ;; ;; Version 0.3 29 August 2002 ;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright 2002 Mike Hibbett, mikeh@oceanfree.net ;; ;; ;; ;; See file COPYING for details ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;******************************************************************* ; Interface ; ; ip_rx processes all packets received by the network layer ; It calls the appropriate protocol handler ; ; ; ;******************************************************************* ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; ip_rx ; ; Description ; Handles received IP packets ; This is a kernel function, called by stack_handler ; ;*************************************************************************** ip_rx: ; Look for a buffer to tx mov eax, IPIN_QUEUE call dequeue cmp ax, NO_BUFFER je ipr_exit ; Exit if no buffer available push eax ; convert buffer pointer eax to the absolute address mov ecx, IPBUFFSIZE mul ecx add eax, IPbuffs mov edx, eax ; Save the address in edx for use by future processes ; Validate the IP checksum mov ebx, edx mov ah, [ebx + 10] mov al, [ebx + 11] ; Get the checksum in intel format mov [ebx + 10], word 0 ; clear checksum field - need to when ; recalculating checksum ; this needs two data pointers and two size #. ; 2nd pointer can be of length 0 mov ebx, edx mov [checkAdd1], ebx mov [checkSize1], word 20 mov [checkAdd2], dword 0 mov [checkSize2], word 0 call checksum ; Recalculate IP checksum cmp ax, [checkResult] jnz ipr_dump ; If the IP address is, accept it ; - it is a broadcast packet, which we need for dhcp mov eax, [edx + 16] cmp eax, 0xffffffff je ipr_p0 ; Validate the IP address, if it isn't broadcast cmp eax, [stack_ip] jnz ipr_dump ipr_p0: mov al, [edx] and al, 0x0f cmp al, 0x05 jnz ipr_dump cmp [edx+8], byte 0 jz ipr_dump mov ax, [edx + 6] and ax, 0xFFBF cmp ax, 0 jnz ipr_dump ; Check the protocol, and call the appropriate handler ; Each handler will re-use or free the queue buffer as appropriate mov al, [edx + 9] cmp al , PROTOCOL_ICMP jnz ipr_p1 pop eax call icmp_rx jmp ipr_exit ipr_p1: cmp al , PROTOCOL_TCP jnz ipr_p2 pop eax call tcp_rx jmp ipr_exit ipr_p2: cmp al , PROTOCOL_UDP jnz ipr_dump pop eax call udp_rx jmp ipr_exit ipr_dump: ; No protocol handler available, so ; silently dump the packet, freeing up the queue buffer ; inc dword [dumped_rx_count] pop eax call freeBuff ipr_exit: ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; icmp_rx ; ; Description ; ICMP protocol handler ; This is a kernel function, called by ip_rx ; edx contains the address of the buffer in use. ; This buffer must be reused or marked as empty afterwards ; ;*************************************************************************** icmp_rx: cmp [edx + 20], byte 8 ; Is this an echo request? discard if not jz icmp_echo call freeBuff jmp icmp_exit icmp_echo: push eax mov [edx + 10], word 0 ; I think this was already done by IP rx ; swap the source and destination addresses mov ecx, [edx + 16] mov eax, [edx + 12] mov [edx + 16], eax mov [edx + 12], ecx ; recaluculate the IP header checksum mov ebx, edx mov [checkAdd1], ebx mov [checkSize1], word 20 mov [checkAdd2], dword 0 mov [checkSize2], word 0 call checksum mov ax, [checkResult] mov [edx + 10], ah mov [edx + 11], al ; ?? correct byte order? mov [edx + 20], byte 0 ; change the request to a response mov [edx + 22], word 0 ; clear ICMP checksum prior to re-calc ; Calculate the length of the ICMP data ( IP payload) mov ah, [edx + 2] mov al, [edx + 3] sub ax, 20 mov [checkSize1], ax mov ebx, edx add ebx, 20 mov [checkAdd1], ebx mov [checkAdd2], dword 0 mov [checkSize2], word 0 call checksum mov ax, [checkResult] mov [edx + 22], ah mov [edx + 23], al ; Queue packet for transmission pop ebx mov eax, NET1OUT_QUEUE call queue icmp_exit: ret