;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Contains ext2 inode handling code. ;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 4891 $ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Receives block number from extent-based inode. ; Input: ecx = number of block in inode ; esi = address of extent header ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS ; Output: ecx = address of next block, if successful ; eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext4_block_recursive_search: cmp word [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_magic], 0xF30A ;EXT4_EXT_MAGIC jne .fail movzx ebx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_entries] add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER cmp word [esi - sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_depth], 0 je .leaf_block ;листовой ли это блок? ;не листовой блок, а индексный ; eax - ext4_extent_idx test ebx, ebx jz .fail ;пустой индексный блок -> ошибка ;цикл по индексам экстентов @@: cmp ebx, 1 ;у индексов не хранится длина, je .end_search_index ;поэтому, если остался последний - то это нужный cmp ecx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_block] jb .fail cmp ecx, [esi + sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_IDX + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_block] ;блок слeдующего индекса jb .end_search_index ;следующий дальше - значит текущий, то что нам нужен add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_IDX dec ebx jmp @B .end_search_index: ;ebp указывает на нужный extent_idx, считываем следующий блок mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] mov eax, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_leaf_lo] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail mov esi, ebx jmp ext4_block_recursive_search ;рекурсивно прыгаем в начало .leaf_block: ;листовой блок esi - ext4_extent ;цикл по экстентам @@: test ebx, ebx jz .fail ;ни один узел не подошел - ошибка mov edx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_block] cmp ecx, edx jb .fail ;если меньше, значит он был в предыдущих блоках -> ошибка movzx edi, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_len] add edx, edi cmp ecx, edx jb .end_search_extent ;нашли нужный блок add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT dec ebx jmp @B .end_search_extent: mov edx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_start_lo] sub ecx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_block] ;разница в ext4 блоках add ecx, edx xor eax, eax ret .fail: mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Frees triply indirect block. ; Input: eax = triply indirect block. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_free_triply_indirect: push ebx edx test eax, eax jz .success push eax ; Read the triple indirect block. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax pop eax jnz .fail ; Free the triple indirect block. call ext2_block_free test eax, eax jnz .fail mov edx, ebx add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] @@: mov eax, [ebx] test eax, eax jz .success call ext2_inode_free_doubly_indirect cmp eax, 1 je .success cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF je .fail add ebx, 4 cmp ebx, edx jb @B .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop edx ebx ret .fail: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Frees double indirect block. ; Input: eax = double indirect block. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code, 1 implies finished, ~0 implies error ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_free_doubly_indirect: push ebx edx test eax, eax jz .complete push eax ; Read the double indirect block. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax pop eax jnz .fail call ext2_block_free test eax, eax jnz .fail mov edx, ebx add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] @@: mov eax, [ebx] test eax, eax jz .complete call ext2_block_free test eax, eax jnz .fail add ebx, 4 cmp ebx, edx jb @B .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop edx ebx ret .complete: xor eax, eax inc eax jmp .ret .fail: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Frees all indirect blocks. ; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_free_indirect_blocks: push edi mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] ; Free indirect block. mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4] test eax, eax jz .success call ext2_block_free test eax, eax jnz .fail mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4] call ext2_inode_free_doubly_indirect cmp eax, 1 je .success cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF je .fail mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4] call ext2_inode_free_triply_indirect test eax, eax jnz .fail .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop edi ret .fail: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Allocates block for inode. ; Input: esi = address of inode ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_calloc_block: push ecx ; TODO: fix to have correct preference. mov eax, EXT2_ROOT_INO call ext2_block_calloc test eax, eax jnz .fail mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size] mov eax, 2 shl eax, cl add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop ecx ret .fail: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets block ID for indirect-addressing inode. ; Input: ecx = index of block in inode ; edi = block ID to set to ; esi = address of inode ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_set_block: push ebx ecx edx ; 0 to 11: direct blocks. cmp ecx, 12 jb .direct_block ; Indirect blocks sub ecx, 12 cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] jb .indirect_block ; Double indirect blocks. sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] jb .double_indirect_block ; Triple indirect blocks. sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] ; Get triply-indirect block in temp_block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4] test eax, eax jnz @F call ext2_inode_calloc_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4], ebx mov eax, ebx @@: push eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 ; Get index in triply-indirect block. xor edx, edx mov eax, ecx div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] ; eax: index in triply-indirect block, edx: index in doubly-indirect block. lea ecx, [ebx + eax*4] mov eax, [ebx + eax*4] test eax, eax jnz @F call ext2_inode_calloc_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 mov [ecx], ebx mov eax, [esp] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 mov eax, [ecx] @@: mov [esp], eax call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 mov eax, edx jmp @F .double_indirect_block: ; Get doubly-indirect block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4] test eax, eax jnz .double_indirect_present call ext2_inode_calloc_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4], ebx mov eax, ebx .double_indirect_present: ; Save block we're at. push eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 mov eax, ecx @@: xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] ; eax: index in doubly-indirect block, edx: index in indirect block. lea ecx, [ebx + edx*4] push ecx lea ecx, [ebx + eax*4] cmp dword[ecx], 0 jne @F call ext2_inode_calloc_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_8 mov [ecx], ebx mov eax, [esp + 4] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_8 @@: mov eax, [ecx] push eax call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_12 pop eax pop ecx mov [ecx], edi call ext2_block_write add esp, 4 jmp .return .indirect_block: ; Get index of indirect block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4] test eax, eax jnz @F call ext2_inode_calloc_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4], ebx mov eax, ebx @@: push eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_alloc_4 ; Get the block ID. mov [ebx + ecx*4], edi pop eax call ext2_block_write jmp .return .direct_block: mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + ecx*4], edi xor eax, eax .return: pop edx ecx ebx ret .fail_alloc: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .return .fail_alloc_12: add esp, 4 .fail_alloc_8: add esp, 4 .fail_alloc_4: add esp, 4 jmp .fail_alloc ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Receives block ID from indirect-addressing inode. ; Input: ecx = index of block in inode ; esi = address of inode ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS ; Output: ecx = block ID, if successful ; eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_get_block: ; If inode is extent-based, use ext4_block_recursive_search. test [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_flags], EXT2_EXTENTS_FL jz @F pushad ; Get extent header in EBP. add esi, EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block call ext4_block_recursive_search mov PUSHAD_ECX, ecx mov PUSHAD_EAX, eax popad ret @@: ; 0 to 11: direct blocks. cmp ecx, 12 jb .get_direct_block ; Indirect blocks sub ecx, 12 cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] jb .get_indirect_block ; Double indirect blocks. sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] jb .get_double_indirect_block ; Triple indirect blocks. sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] push edx ebx ; Get triply-indirect block in temp_block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail ; Get index in triply-indirect block. xor edx, edx mov eax, ecx div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square] ; eax: index in triply-indirect block, edx: index in doubly-indirect block. mov eax, [ebx + eax*4] test eax, eax jz .fail_triple_indirect_block call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail mov eax, edx jmp @F .get_double_indirect_block: push edx ebx ; Get doubly-indirect block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4] test eax, eax jz .fail_double_indirect_block mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail mov eax, ecx @@: xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block] ; eax: index in doubly-indirect block, edx: index in indirect block. mov eax, [ebx + eax*4] test eax, eax jz .fail_double_indirect_block call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail mov ecx, [ebx + edx*4] .fail: pop ebx edx ret .get_indirect_block: push ebx ; Get index of indirect block. mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4] test eax, eax jz .fail_indirect_block mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz @F mov ecx, [ebx + ecx*4] @@: pop ebx ret .get_direct_block: mov ecx, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + ecx*4] xor eax, eax ret .fail_indirect_block: pop ebx .fail_triple_indirect_block: xor eax, eax xor ecx, ecx ret .fail_double_indirect_block: pop ebx edx jmp .fail_triple_indirect_block ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get block containing inode. ; Input: eax = inode number. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: ebx = block (hard disk) containing inode. ; edx = index inside block. ; eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_read_block_of_inode: pushad dec eax xor edx, edx ; EAX = block group. div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group] push edx ; Index in group. mov edx, 32 mul edx ; Get index of descriptor in global_desc_table. ; eax: inode group offset relative to global descriptor table start ; Find the block this block descriptor is in. div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block] inc eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .return add ebx, edx ; edx: local index of descriptor inside block mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.inode_table] ; Block number of inode table - in ext2 terms. mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.log_block_size] shl eax, cl ; eax: points to inode table on HDD. mov esi, eax ; Add local address of inode. pop eax mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size] mul ecx ; (index * inode_size) mov ebp, 512 div ebp ; Divide by hard disk block size. add eax, esi ; Found block to read. mov ebx, eax ; Get it inside ebx. xor eax, eax .return: mov PUSHAD_EAX, eax mov PUSHAD_EBX, ebx mov PUSHAD_EDX, edx popad ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets content of inode by number. ; Input: eax = inode number. ; ebx = address from where to write inode content. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_write: push edx edi esi ecx ebx mov esi, ebx ; Ext2 actually stores time of modification of inode in ctime. lea edi, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_ctime] call current_unix_time ; Get block where inode is situated. call ext2_read_block_of_inode test eax, eax jnz .error mov eax, ebx ; Get block into EAX. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] mov ecx, eax ; Save block. call fs_read32_sys test eax, eax jz @F .error: mov eax, ERROR_DEVICE jmp .return @@: mov eax, ecx mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size] mov edi, edx ; The index into the block. add edi, ebx rep movsb ; Write the block. call fs_write32_sys .return: pop ebx ecx esi edi edx ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get content of inode by number. ; Input: eax = inode number. ; ebx = address where to store inode content. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_read: push edx edi esi ecx ebx mov edi, ebx ; Get block where inode is situated. call ext2_read_block_of_inode test eax, eax jnz .error mov eax, ebx ; Get block into EAX. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call fs_read32_sys test eax, eax jz @F .error: mov eax, ERROR_DEVICE jmp .return @@: mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size] mov esi, edx ; The index into the inode. add esi, ebx rep movsb xor eax, eax .return: pop ebx ecx esi edi edx ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Seek inode from the path. ; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = name. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error) ; esi = inode number. ; dl = first byte of file/folder name. ; [ext2_data.ext2_save_inode] stores the inode. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_find: mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode] ; Check for empty root. cmp [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], 0 je .error_empty_root ; Check for root. cmp byte[esi], 0 jne .next_path_part push edi ecx mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode] mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size] rep movsb pop ecx edi xor eax, eax xor dl, dl mov esi, EXT2_ROOT_INO ret 4 .next_path_part: push [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks] xor ecx, ecx .folder_block_cycle: push ecx xchg esi, edx call ext2_inode_get_block xchg esi, edx test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] ; Get directory records from directory. call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .error_get_block push esi push edx call ext2_block_find_parent pop edx pop edi ecx cmp edi, esi ; Did something match? je .next_folder_block ; No, move to next block. cmp byte [esi], 0 ; Reached the "end" of path successfully. jnz @F cmp dword[esp + 8], 0 je .get_inode_ret mov esi, [esp + 8] mov dword[esp + 8], 0 @@: mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode movzx eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode] and eax, EXT2_S_IFMT ; Get the mask. cmp eax, EXT2_S_IFDIR jne .not_found ; Matched till part, but directory entry we got doesn't point to folder. pop ecx ; Stack top contains number of blocks. mov edx, ebx jmp .next_path_part .next_folder_block: ; Next block in current folder. pop eax ; Get blocks counter. sub eax, [ebp + EXTFS.count_block_in_block] jle .not_found push eax inc ecx jmp .folder_block_cycle .not_found: mov eax, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret 4 .get_inode_ret: pop ecx ; Stack top contains number of blocks. mov dl, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name] ; First character of file-name. mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] mov esi, eax ; If we can't get the inode, eax contains the error. call ext2_inode_read ret 4 .error_get_inode_block: .error_get_block: pop ecx .error_get_inode: pop ebx .error_empty_root: mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL ret 4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Seeks parent inode from path. ; Input: esi = path. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code. ; esi = inode. ; edi = pointer to file name. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_find_parent: push esi xor edi, edi .loop: cmp byte[esi], '/' jne @F mov edi, esi inc esi jmp .loop @@: inc esi cmp byte[esi - 1], 0 jne .loop ; If it was just a filename (without any additional directories), ; use the last byte as "parent path". cmp edi, 0 jne @F pop edi dec esi jmp .get_inode ; It had some additional directories, so handle it that way. @@: mov byte[edi], 0 inc edi pop esi .get_inode: push ebx edx stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0 pop edx ebx .return: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Link an inode. ; Input: eax = inode on which to link. ; ebx = inode to link. ; dl = file type. ; esi = name. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_link: push eax push esi edi ebx ecx edx ; Get string length, and then directory entry structure size. call strlen add ecx, 8 push esi ebx ecx xor ecx, ecx mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] mov ebx, esi call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_read ; Get the maximum addressible i_block index by (i_blocks/(2 << s_log_block_size)). ; Note that i_blocks contains number of reserved 512B blocks, which is why we've to ; find out the ext2 blocks. mov eax, 2 mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size] shl eax, cl mov ecx, eax mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks] xor edx, edx div ecx ; EAX is the maximum index inside i_block we can go. push eax push dword 0 ; ECX contains the "block inside i_block" index. xor ecx, ecx @@: call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block test ecx, ecx jz .alloc_block ; We've got no block here, so allocate one. push ecx ; Save block number. mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .error_block_read ; Try to find free space in current block. mov ecx, [esp + 8] call ext2_block_find_fspace test eax, eax jz .found cmp eax, 0x00000001 jne .next_iter ; This block wasn't linking to the next block, so fix that, and use the next one. ; Write the block. pop eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block inc dword [esp] mov ecx, [esp] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block test ecx, ecx jz .alloc_block ; If there was a block there, prepare it for our use! push ecx jmp .prepare_block .next_iter: add esp, 4 inc dword [esp] mov ecx, [esp] cmp ecx, [esp + 4] jbe @B .alloc_block: mov eax, [esp + 12] ; Get inode ID of what we're linking. call ext2_block_calloc test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block mov ecx, [esp] ; Get the index of it inside the inode. mov edi, ebx ; And what to set to. call ext2_inode_set_block test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block ; Update i_size. mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax ; Update i_blocks. mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size] mov eax, 2 shl eax, cl add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax ; Write the inode. mov eax, [esp + 40] mov ebx, esi call ext2_inode_write test eax, eax jnz .error_get_inode_block push edi ; Save the block we just allocated. ; If we've allocated/using-old-block outside of loop, prepare it. .prepare_block: mov eax, [esp] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .error_block_read mov edi, ebx mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], ax .found: pop edx add esp, 8 pop ecx ebx esi push ebx mov [edi], ebx ; Save inode. mov eax, [esp + 4] ; Get EDX off the stack -- contains the file_type. cmp [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.rev_level], EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV je .name ; Set the file-type. mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.file_type], al .name: ; Save name. sub ecx, 8 mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], cl add edi, 8 rep movsb ; Write block. mov eax, edx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .error_block_write mov eax, [esp] mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .error_block_write pop eax inc [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count] call ext2_inode_write test eax, eax jnz .error xor eax, eax .ret: pop edx ecx ebx edi esi add esp, 4 ret .error_block_read: add esp, 4 .error_get_inode_block: add esp, 8 .error_inode_read: add esp, 8 .error_block_write: add esp, 4 .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Unlink an inode. ; Input: eax = inode from which to unlink. ; ebx = inode to unlink. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = number of links to inode, after unlinking (0xFFFFFFFF implies error) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_unlink: push ebx ecx edx esi edi push ebx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_get_inode ; The index into the inode block data. push dword 0 mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] .loop: mov ecx, [esp] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .fail_loop test ecx, ecx jz .fail_loop mov eax, ecx mov edi, eax mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_loop ; edi -> block. .first_dir_entry: mov eax, [esp + 4] cmp [ebx], eax jne @F mov dword[ebx], 0 ; inode. mov word[ebx + 6], 0 ; name_len + file_type. jmp .write_block @@: mov edx, ebx add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] push edx mov edx, ebx movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len] add ebx, ecx .dir_entry: cmp [ebx], eax jne @F mov cx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len] add [edx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], cx add esp, 4 jmp .write_block @@: mov edx, ebx movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len] ; If it's a zero length entry, error. test ecx, ecx jz .fail_inode add ebx, ecx cmp ebx, [esp] jb .dir_entry add esp, 4 inc dword[esp] jmp .loop .write_block: mov eax, edi mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .fail_loop add esp, 4 mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] mov eax, [esp] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .fail_get_inode dec word[ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count] movzx eax, word[ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count] push eax mov eax, [esp + 4] call ext2_inode_write test eax, eax jnz .fail_loop pop eax add esp, 4 .return: pop edi esi edx ecx ebx ret .fail_inode: add esp, 4 .fail_loop: add esp, 4 .fail_get_inode: add esp, 4 .fail: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .return ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Checks if a directory is empty. ; Input: ebx = inode to check. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = points to saved inode. ; Output: eax = 0 signifies empty directory. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_dir_empty: push ebx ecx edx ; The index into the inode block data. push dword 0 mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] .loop: mov ecx, [esp] call ext2_inode_get_block ; Treat a failure as not-empty. test eax, eax jnz .not_empty test ecx, ecx jz .empty mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .not_empty mov edx, ebx add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len] add ebx, ecx .dir_entry: ; Process entry. cmp byte[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], 1 jne @F cmp byte[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name], '.' jne .not_empty @@: cmp byte[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], 2 jne .not_empty cmp word[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name], '..' jne .not_empty @@: movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len] add ebx, ecx cmp ebx, edx jb .dir_entry inc dword[esp] jmp .loop .empty: xor eax, eax .return: add esp, 4 pop edx ecx ebx ret .not_empty: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .return ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Gets the block group's inode bitmap. ; Input: eax = block group. ; Output: eax = if zero, error; else, points to block group descriptor. ; ebx = inode bitmap's block (hard disk). ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_bg_read_inode_bitmap: push ecx call ext2_bg_read_desc test eax, eax jz .fail mov ebx, [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.inode_bitmap] ; Block number of inode bitmap - in ext2 terms. .return: pop ecx ret .fail: xor eax, eax jmp .return ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Allocates a inode. ; Input: eax = inode ID for "preference". ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: Inode marked as set in inode group. ; eax = error code. ; ebx = inode ID. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_alloc: push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_count] push EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.free_inodes_count push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group] lea ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.free_inodes_count] push ebx push ext2_bg_read_inode_bitmap call ext2_resource_alloc ; Inode table starts with 1. inc ebx ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Frees a inode. ; Input: eax = inode ID. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: inode marked as free in block group. ; eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_free: push edi ecx ; Inode table starts with 1. dec eax mov edi, ext2_bg_read_inode_bitmap xor ecx, ecx inc cl call ext2_resource_free pop ecx edi ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Blanks a particular entry in an inode. ; Input: eax = index into block. ; edx = inode. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_blank_entry: push ebx ecx edx edi esi mov edi, eax mov ecx, eax mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error test ecx, ecx jz .allocate mov edx, ecx mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] xor eax, eax rep stosb mov eax, edx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .error jmp .success ; Need to allocate a block. .allocate: mov eax, edx call ext2_block_calloc test eax, eax jnz .error mov ecx, edi mov edi, ebx mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_set_block test eax, eax jnz .error mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size] mov eax, 2 shl eax, cl add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop esi edi edx ecx ebx ret .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Frees a particular entry in an inode. ; Input: eax = index into block. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_free_entry: push ebx ecx edi esi mov edi, eax mov ecx, eax mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error test ecx, ecx jz .success mov eax, ecx call ext2_block_free test eax, eax jnz .error mov ecx, edi xor edi, edi mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_set_block mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size] mov eax, 2 shl eax, cl sub [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax .success: xor eax, eax .ret: pop esi edi ecx ebx ret .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reads a particular entry from an inode. ; Input: eax = index into block. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode. ; Output: eax = error code. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = the read block. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_read_entry: push ebx ecx edx esi mov ecx, eax mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error test ecx, ecx jz .error mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] call ext2_block_read test eax, eax jnz .error .ret: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Writes a particular entry from an inode. ; Input: eax = index into block. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode. ; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = the block to write. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_write_entry: push ebx ecx edx esi mov ecx, eax mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_get_block test eax, eax jnz .error test ecx, ecx jz .error mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] call ext2_block_write test eax, eax jnz .error .ret: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Extends inode to said size. ; Input: eax = inode ID. ; ecx = size to extend to. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_extend: push ebx ecx edx esi edi ; Save the inode. push eax ; Read the inode. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .error mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size] cmp eax, ecx jge .success ; Save the size of the inode. push eax ; ECX contains the size we've to write. sub ecx, eax xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] test edx, edx jz .start_aligned ; Start isn't aligned, so deal with the non-aligned bytes. mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] sub esi, edx cmp esi, ecx jbe @F ; If the size to entend to fits in current block, limit to that. mov esi, ecx @@: ; Clear ESI bytes, in EAX indexed block. push eax call ext2_inode_read_entry test eax, eax pop eax jnz .error_inode_size push eax ecx xor eax, eax mov ecx, esi mov edi, ebx add edi, edx rep stosb pop ecx eax ; Write the block. call ext2_inode_write_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size add [esp], esi sub ecx, esi jz .write_inode .start_aligned: cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] jb @F mov eax, [esp] xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] mov edx, [esp + 4] call ext2_inode_blank_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] sub ecx, eax add [esp], eax jmp .start_aligned ; Handle the remaining bytes. @@: test ecx, ecx jz .write_inode mov eax, [esp] xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] mov edx, [esp + 4] call ext2_inode_blank_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size add [esp], ecx .write_inode: mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] pop eax mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax mov eax, [esp] call ext2_inode_write test eax, eax jnz .error .success: xor eax, eax .ret: add esp, 4 pop edi esi edx ecx ebx ret .error_inode_size: mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] pop eax mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax mov eax, [esp] call ext2_inode_write .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Truncates inode to said size. ; Input: eax = inode ID. ; ecx = size to truncate to. ; ebp = pointer to EXTFS. ; Output: eax = error code. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ext2_inode_truncate: push ebx ecx edx esi edi ; Save the inode. push eax ; Read the inode. mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] call ext2_inode_read test eax, eax jnz .error mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size] cmp ecx, eax jge .success ; Save the size of the inode. push eax ; ECX contains the size we've to truncate. sub ecx, eax not ecx inc ecx xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] test edx, edx jz .start_aligned ; Start isn't aligned, so deal with the non-aligned bytes. mov esi, edx cmp esi, ecx jbe @F ; If the size to truncate is smaller than the un-aligned bytes ; we're going to have to mark neccessary bytes from the EOF ; as 0. push eax call ext2_inode_read_entry test eax, eax pop eax jnz .error_inode_size mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] sub edx, ecx add edi, edx push ecx eax xor eax, eax rep stosb pop eax ecx call ext2_inode_write_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size sub [esp], ecx jmp .write_inode @@: ; Since ECX is greater than or equal to the bytes here un-aligned ; just free the block. call ext2_inode_free_entry sub [esp], esi sub ecx, esi jz .write_inode .start_aligned: cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] jb @F mov eax, [esp] xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] dec eax call ext2_inode_free_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] sub ecx, eax sub [esp], eax jmp .start_aligned ; Handle the remaining bytes. @@: test ecx, ecx jz .write_inode mov eax, [esp] xor edx, edx div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] dec eax push eax call ext2_inode_read_entry test eax, eax pop eax jnz .error_inode_size mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] sub edx, ecx add edi, edx push ecx eax xor eax, eax rep stosb pop eax ecx call ext2_inode_write_entry test eax, eax jnz .error_inode_size sub [esp], ecx .write_inode: mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] pop eax mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax mov eax, [esp] call ext2_inode_write test eax, eax jnz .error .success: xor eax, eax .ret: add esp, 4 pop edi esi edx ecx ebx ret .error_inode_size: mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] pop eax mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax mov eax, [esp] call ext2_inode_write .error: xor eax, eax not eax jmp .ret