;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 5164 $ struct BLITTER_BLOCK xmin dd ? ymin dd ? xmax dd ? ymax dd ? ends struct BLITTER dc RECT sc RECT dst_x dd ? ; 32 dst_y dd ? ; 36 src_x dd ? ; 40 src_y dd ? ; 44 w dd ? ; 48 h dd ? ; 52 bitmap dd ? ; 56 stride dd ? ; 60 ends align 4 block_clip: ;esi= clip RECT ptr ;edi= RECT ptr ;return code: ;eax= 0 - draw, 1 - don't draw push ebx mov eax, [edi+RECT.left] mov ebx, [edi+RECT.right] mov ecx, [esi+RECT.left] ;clip.left mov edx, [esi+RECT.right] ;clip.right cmp eax, edx ;left >= clip.right jge .fail cmp ebx, ecx ;right < clip.left jl .fail cmp eax, ecx ;left >= clip.left jae @F mov eax, ecx @@: mov [edi+RECT.left], eax cmp ebx, edx ;right <= clip.right jle @f mov ebx, edx @@: mov [edi+RECT.right], ebx mov eax, [edi+RECT.top] mov ebx, [edi+RECT.bottom] mov ecx, [esi+RECT.top] ;clip.top mov edx, [esi+RECT.bottom] ;clip.bottom cmp eax, edx ;top >= clip.bottom jge .fail cmp ebx, ecx ;bottom < clip.top jl .fail cmp eax, ecx ;top >= clip.top jae @F mov eax, ecx @@: mov [edi+RECT.top], eax cmp ebx, edx ;bottom <= clip.bottom jle @f mov ebx, edx @@: mov [edi+RECT.bottom], ebx pop ebx xor eax, eax ret .fail: pop ebx mov eax, 1 ret align 4 blit_clip: .sx0 equ 8 .sy0 equ 12 .sx1 equ 16 .sy1 equ 20 .dx0 equ 24 .dy0 equ 28 .dx1 equ 32 .dy1 equ 36 push edi push esi push ebx sub esp, 40 mov ebx, ecx mov edx, [ecx+BLITTER.src_x] mov [esp+.sx0], edx mov eax, [ecx+BLITTER.src_y] mov [esp+.sy0], eax add edx, [ecx+BLITTER.w] add eax, [ecx+BLITTER.h] mov [esp+.sx1], edx mov [esp+.sy1], eax lea edi, [esp+.sx0] lea esi, [ebx+BLITTER.sc] call block_clip test eax, eax mov esi, 1 jnz .done mov edi, [esp+.sx0] mov edx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x] add edx, edi sub edx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_x] mov [esp+.dx0], edx mov ecx, [esp+.sy0] mov eax, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y] add eax, ecx sub eax, [ebx+BLITTER.src_y] mov [esp+.dy0], eax sub edx, edi add edx, [esp+.sx1] mov [esp+.dx1], edx sub eax, ecx add eax, [esp+.sy1] mov [esp+.dy1], eax lea edi, [esp+.dx0] lea esi, [ebx+BLITTER.dc] call block_clip test eax, eax mov esi, 1 jnz .done mov edx, [esp+.dx0] mov eax, [esp+.dx1] sub eax, edx mov [ebx+BLITTER.w], eax mov eax, [esp+.dy0] mov ecx, [esp+.dy1] sub ecx, eax mov [ebx+BLITTER.h], ecx mov ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_x] add ecx, edx sub ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x] mov [ebx+BLITTER.src_x], ecx mov ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_y] add ecx, eax sub ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y] mov [ebx+BLITTER.src_y], ecx mov [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x], edx mov [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y], eax xor esi, esi .done: mov eax, esi add esp, 40 pop ebx pop esi pop edi purge .sx0 purge .sy0 purge .sx1 purge .sy1 purge .dx0 purge .dy0 purge .dx1 purge .dy1 ret align 4 blit_32: .x_y equ 72 .tmp_x_y equ 76 push ebp push edi push esi push ebx sub esp, 80 mov eax, [TASK_BASE] mov ebx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.width] mov edx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.height] inc ebx inc edx xor eax, eax mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.left], eax mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.top], eax mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.right], ebx mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.bottom], edx mov [esp+BLITTER.sc.left], eax mov [esp+BLITTER.sc.top], eax mov eax, [ecx+24] mov [esp+BLITTER.sc.right], eax mov eax, [ecx+28] mov [esp+BLITTER.sc.bottom], eax mov eax, [ecx] mov [esp+BLITTER.dst_x], eax mov eax, [ecx+4] mov [esp+BLITTER.dst_y], eax mov eax, [ecx+16] mov [esp+BLITTER.src_x], eax mov eax, [ecx+20] mov [esp+BLITTER.src_y], eax mov eax, [ecx+8] mov [esp+BLITTER.w], eax mov eax, [ecx+12] mov [esp+BLITTER.h], eax mov eax, [ecx+32] mov [esp+56], eax mov eax, [ecx+36] mov [esp+60], eax mov ecx, esp call blit_clip test eax, eax jne .done mov eax, [TASK_BASE] mov ebx, [esp+BLITTER.dst_x] mov ebp, [esp+BLITTER.dst_y] add ebx, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.left] add ebp, [eax-twdw + WDATA.box.top] mov ecx, ebx shl ecx, 16 mov cx, bp mov [esp+.x_y], ecx mov edi, ebp mov edi, [BPSLine_calc_area+edi*4] mov ebp, [d_width_calc_area+ebp*4] add ebp, ebx add ebp, [_display.win_map] mov eax, [esp+BLITTER.src_y] imul eax, [esp+BLITTER.stride] mov esi, [esp+BLITTER.src_x] lea esi, [eax+esi*4] add esi, [esp+BLITTER.bitmap] mov ecx, [esp+BLITTER.h] mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w] test ecx, ecx ;FIXME check clipping jz .done test edx, edx jz .done lea edi, [edi+ebx*4] ; xchg bx, bx mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK] mov ecx, [esp+80] shr ecx, 4 and ecx, 3 jmp dword [.tbl_32+ecx*4] align 4 .tbl_32 dd blit_copy_32 dd blit_copy_32_bgr dd blit_trans_32 dd blit_trans_32_bgr .done: add esp, 80 pop ebx pop esi pop edi pop ebp ret align 4 blit_copy_32_bgr: mov ebx, 1 align 4 blit_copy_32: .outer32: mov eax, [esp+.x_y] mov [esp+.tmp_x_y], eax xor ecx, ecx align 4 .inner32: cmp [ebp+ecx], bl jne .skip ;-------------------------------------- mov eax, [esi+ecx*4] ; check for hardware cursor cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor je @f cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0 jne .no_mouseunder ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: push ecx mov ecx, [esp+4+.tmp_x_y] ; check mouse area for putpixel call [_display.check_mouse] pop ecx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .no_mouseunder: ; store to real LFB mov [LFB_BASE+edi+ecx*4], eax ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .skip: add [esp+.tmp_x_y], dword 0x10000 inc ecx dec edx jnz .inner32 add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride] add edi, [_display.lfb_pitch] add ebp, [_display.width] inc dword [esp+.x_y] mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w] dec [esp+BLITTER.h] jnz .outer32 jmp blit_32.done align 4 blit_trans_32_bgr: mov ebx, 1 align 4 blit_trans_32: .outer32: mov eax, [esp+.x_y] mov [esp+.tmp_x_y], eax xor ecx, ecx align 4 .inner32: cmp [ebp+ecx], bl jne .skip ;-------------------------------------- mov eax, [esi+ecx*4] test eax, 0xFF000000 jz .skip ; check for hardware cursor cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor je @f cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0 jne .no_mouseunder ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: push ecx mov ecx, [esp+4+.tmp_x_y] ; check mouse area for putpixel call [_display.check_mouse] pop ecx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .no_mouseunder: ; store to real LFB mov [LFB_BASE+edi+ecx*4], eax ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .skip: add [esp+.tmp_x_y], dword 0x10000 inc ecx dec edx jnz .inner32 add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride] add edi, [_display.lfb_pitch] add ebp, [_display.width] inc dword [esp+.x_y] mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w] dec [esp+BLITTER.h] jnz .outer32 jmp blit_32.done