;;===Level_mode================================================================================================================ Level_begin: mov [score], 0 mov [action], 0 mov eax, [gw_mul_gh] sub eax, 3 mov [number_of_free_dots], ax invoke ini.get_str, cur_dir_path, aScore, aChampion_name, champion_name, 15, champion_name invoke ini.get_int, cur_dir_path, aScore, aHiscore, 0 test eax, eax jz @f mov dword [hi_score], eax @@: mov esi, start_map mov edi, field_map mov ecx, [gw_mul_gh] shr ecx, 2 rep movsd call Get_eat Level_body: ;;===Level_body======================================================================================================== mcall 26, 9 mov [time_before_waiting], eax mov eax, [time_wait_limit] mov [time_to_wait], eax .redraw: mcall 12,1 mov ebx, [wp_x] shl ebx, 16 add ebx, dword[window_width] mov ecx, [wp_y] shl ecx, 16 add ecx, dword[window_height] mcall 0, , ,[window_style], ,window_title call Draw_decorations call Draw_snake call Draw_eat call Draw_level_strings mcall 12,2 .still: mcall 26, 9 push eax sub eax, [time_before_waiting] pop [time_before_waiting] cmp [time_to_wait], eax jg @f cmp [action], 0 jne Game_step @@: sub [time_to_wait], eax mcall 23, [time_to_wait] ; test al, al jnz @f cmp [action], 0 jne Game_step mcall 26, 9 mov [time_before_waiting], eax mov eax, [time_wait_limit] mov [time_to_wait], eax jmp .still @@: .message: ; ok, what an event? dec al ; has the window been moved or resized? jz .redraw ; dec al ; was a key pressed? jz .key ; dec al ; was a button pressed? jz .button ; .key: mcall 2 ; get keycode cmp ah, 0x1B ; Escape je First_menu cmp ah, 0x20 ; Space je Pause_mode cmp ah, 0xB0 ; Left je .key.left cmp ah, 0xB1 ; Down je .key.down cmp ah, 0xB2 ; Up je .key.up cmp ah, 0xB3 ; Right je .key.right jmp .still ; jump to wait for another event .button: ; процедура обрабоки кнопок в программе mcall 17 ; функция 17: получить номер нажатой кнопки shr eax, 8 ; сдвигаем регистр eax на 8 бит вправо, чтобы получить номер нажатой кнопки cmp eax, 1 je Exit ; если это не кнопка 1 (зарезервирована системой как кнопка закрытия программы), пропускаем 2 следующие строчки кода jmp .still .key.left: bts dword[action], 0 jc @f mov [time_to_wait], 0 @@: mov [snake_napravlenie_next], LEFT jmp .still .key.down: bts dword[action], 0 jc @f mov [time_to_wait], 0 @@: mov [snake_napravlenie_next], DOWN jmp .still .key.up: bts dword[action], 0 jc @f mov [time_to_wait], 0 @@: mov [snake_napravlenie_next], UP jmp .still .key.right: bts dword[action], 0 jc @f mov [time_to_wait], 0 @@: mov [snake_napravlenie_next], RIGHT jmp .still Game_step: cmp [snake_napravlenie], LEFT ; are we moving to left? jz .left cmp [snake_napravlenie], DOWN ; ... down? jz .down cmp [snake_napravlenie], UP ; ... up? jz .up jmp .right ; then right .left: cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], RIGHT ; next step is to right? jz .with_rewerse jmp .without_rewerse .down: cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], UP ; next step is to up? jz .with_rewerse jmp .without_rewerse .up: cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], DOWN ; next step is to bottom? jz .with_rewerse jmp .without_rewerse .right: cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], LEFT ; next step is to left? jz .with_rewerse jmp .without_rewerse .with_rewerse: call Set_reverse_napravlenie call Reverse .without_rewerse: ; mov [time_to_wait], 0 mov edx, snake_dots-2 add edx, [snake_length_x2] cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], LEFT je .to_left cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], DOWN je .to_down cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], UP je .to_up cmp [snake_napravlenie_next], RIGHT je .to_right .to_left: mov [snake_napravlenie], LEFT mov ax, [edx] dec al cmp al, -1 jne @f mov al, byte[g_w] dec al @@: jmp Snake_move .to_down: mov [snake_napravlenie], DOWN mov ax, [edx] inc ah cmp ah, byte[g_h] jne @f mov ah, 0 @@: jmp Snake_move .to_up: mov [snake_napravlenie], UP mov ax, [edx] dec ah cmp ah, -1 jne @f mov ah, byte[g_h] dec ah @@: jmp Snake_move .to_right: mov [snake_napravlenie], RIGHT mov ax, [edx] inc al cmp al, byte[g_w] jne @f mov al, 0 @@: jmp Snake_move ;;---Level_body-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;---Level_mode---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;===Some_functions============================================================================================================ Draw_snake: ;;===Draw_snake======================================================================================================== call Draw_head_prehead mov edx, [snake_color] mov esi, snake_dots-6 add esi, [snake_length_x2] @@: mov bx, [esi] sub esi, 2 call Draw_square cmp esi, snake_dots-2 jne @b ret ;;---Draw_snake-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw_head_prehead: ;;===Draw_head_prehead================================================================================================= mov edx, [snake_head_color] mov esi, snake_dots-2 add esi, [snake_length_x2] mov bx, [esi] call Draw_square sub esi, 2 mov bx, [esi] mov edx, [snake_color] call Draw_square ret ;;---Draw_head_prehead------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw_level_strings: ;;===Draw_level_strings================================================================================================ mov ebx, [window_width] shr ebx, 1 sub ebx, (string_resume_space-string_pause_space-1)*3+6 shl ebx, 16 add ebx, [top_strings] mcall 4, ,[navigation_strings_color],string_pause_space ; Draw 'PAUSE - SPACE' string ; call Draw_menu_esc call Draw_score_string call Draw_score_number ; Draw score (number) call Draw_champion_string call Draw_champion_name call Draw_hiscore_string call Draw_hiscore_number ret ;;---Draw_level_strings------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reverse: ;;===Reverse=========================================================================================================== mov ecx, [snake_length_x2] shr ecx, 2 mov esi, snake_dots mov edi, snake_dots-2 add edi, [snake_length_x2] @@: mov ax, [edi] xchg ax, [esi] mov [edi], ax add esi, 2 sub edi, 2 dec cx jnz @b ret ;;---Reverse----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw_eat: ;;===Draw_eat========================================================================================================== mov bx, word[eat] mov edx, [eat_color] call Draw_square ret ;;---Draw_eat---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get_eat: ;;===Get_eat=========================================================================================================== ;; in : ;; ;; out : ;; ax = coord's of the eat square (al=x, ah=y) ;; mcall 26,9 ; xor eax, esp shl eax, 1 xor edx, edx div word[number_of_free_dots] mov ebx, field_map .loop: cmp byte[ebx], 0 jne @f test dx, dx jz .place_found dec dx @@: inc ebx jmp .loop .place_found: sub ebx, field_map mov eax, ebx mov bl, byte[g_w] div bl xchg al, ah mov word[eat], ax ret ;;---Get_eat----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sdvig: ;;===Sdvig============================================================================================================= mov esi, snake_dots+2 mov edi, snake_dots mov ecx, [snake_length_x2] shr ecx, 1 cld rep movsw ret ;;---Sdvig------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set_reverse_napravlenie: ;;===Set_reverse_napravlenie=========================================================================================== mov eax, snake_dots mov ebx, snake_dots+2 mov cl, [eax] ; The last dot x_coord mov ch, [ebx] ; The pre_last dot x_coord cmp cl, ch je .X_ravny cmp cl, 0 jne .skip2 mov dl, byte[g_w] dec dl cmp ch, dl jne .Normal_y_ravny mov [snake_napravlenie_next], RIGHT ret .skip2: mov dl, byte[g_w] dec dl cmp cl, dl jne .Normal_y_ravny cmp ch, 0 jne .Normal_y_ravny mov [snake_napravlenie_next], LEFT ret .Normal_y_ravny: cmp cl, ch jg .Napravlenie_to_right mov [snake_napravlenie_next], LEFT ret .Napravlenie_to_right: mov [snake_napravlenie_next], RIGHT ret .X_ravny: inc eax inc ebx mov cl, [eax] mov ch, [ebx] cmp cl, 0 jne .skip3 mov dl, byte[g_h] dec dl cmp ch, dl jne .Normal_x_ravny mov [snake_napravlenie_next], DOWN ret .skip3: mov dl, byte[g_h] dec dl cmp ch, dl jne .Normal_x_ravny cmp ch, 0 jne .Normal_x_ravny mov [snake_napravlenie_next], UP ret .Normal_x_ravny: cmp cl, ch ; !!! jg .Napravlenie_to_down ; 0 1 2 ... mov [snake_napravlenie_next], UP ; 1 ret ; 2 ; . .Napravlenie_to_down: ; . mov [snake_napravlenie_next], DOWN ; . ret ;;---Set_reverse_napravlenie------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake_move: ;;===Snake_move======================================================================================================== ;; in : ;; ax = coord's of new head ;; edx = snake_dots+[snake_length_x2]-2 (snake head) ;; add edx, 2 mov [edx], ax cmp ax, word[eat] jne .eat_and_new_head_are_different add [snake_length_x2], 2 add [score], SCORE_EAT dec word[number_of_free_dots] cmp word[number_of_free_dots], 0 je Game_over mov ax, word[eat] mov cl, 1 call Draw_on_map call Draw_head_prehead call Get_eat call Draw_eat jmp Keys_done .eat_and_new_head_are_different: push ax mov ax, word[snake_dots] mov cl, 0 call Draw_on_map pop ax call Get_from_map test bl, bl jnz Game_over mov cl, 1 call Draw_on_map mov bx, word[snake_dots] mov edx, [background_color] call Draw_square call Sdvig call Draw_head_prehead Keys_done: cmp [score], 0 je @f dec [score] call Draw_score_number @@: mcall 26, 9 mov [time_before_waiting], eax mov eax, [time_wait_limit] mov [time_to_wait], eax jmp Level_body.still ;;---Snake_move------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;---Some_functions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------