;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2009. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; UDP.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ struct UDP_Packet .SourcePort dw ? .DestinationPort dw ? .Length dw ? ; Length of (UDP Header + Data) .Checksum dw ? .Data: ends align 4 uglobal UDP_PACKETS_TX rd MAX_IP UDP_PACKETS_RX rd MAX_IP endg ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; UDP_init ; ; This function resets all UDP variables ; ; IN: / ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 UDP_init: xor eax, eax mov edi, UDP_PACKETS_TX mov ecx, 2*MAX_IP rep stosd ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; UDP_Handler: ; ; Called by IPv4_handler, ; this procedure will inject the udp data diagrams in the application sockets. ; ; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp] ; size of buffer in [esp+4] ; pointer to device struct in ebx ; UDP Packet size in ecx ; pointer to UDP Packet data in edx ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 UDP_handler: DEBUGF 1,"UDP_Handler\n" ; First validate, checksum: pusha rol cx, 8 push cx rol cx, 8 push word IP_PROTO_UDP shl 8 push edi push esi mov di, [edx + UDP_Packet.Checksum] mov [edx + UDP_Packet.Checksum], 0 mov esi, edx xor edx, edx call checksum_1 mov ecx, 12 mov esi, esp call checksum_1 add esp, 12 call checksum_2 cmp di, dx popa jne .dump DEBUGF 1,"UDP Checksum is correct\n" ; Look for a socket where ; IP Packet UDP Destination Port = local Port ; IP Packet SA = Remote IP mov eax, net_sockets .try_more: mov bx , [edx + UDP_Packet.DestinationPort] ; get the local port from the IP Packet's UDP header .next_socket: mov eax, [eax + SOCKET_head.NextPtr] or eax, eax jz .dump cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.Domain], AF_INET4 jne .next_socket cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.Type], IP_PROTO_UDP jne .next_socket cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], bx jne .next_socket DEBUGF 1,"found socket with matching domain, type and localport\n" ; For dhcp, we must allow any remote server to respond. ; I will accept the first incoming response to be the one ; I bind to, if the socket is opened with a destination IP address of ; cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.RemoteIP], 0xffffffff je .ok1 mov ebx, [esp] mov ebx, [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + IPv4_Packet.SourceAddress] ; get the Source address from the IP Packet FIXME cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.RemoteIP], ebx jne .try_more ; Quit if the source IP is not valid, check for more sockets with this IP/PORT combination DEBUGF 1,"Remote Ip matches\n" .ok1: lea ebx, [eax + SOCKET_head.lock] call wait_mutex cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.firstpacket], 0 jz .updateport mov bx, [edx + UDP_Packet.SourcePort] cmp [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], bx jne .dump .ok2: DEBUGF 1,"Found valid UDP packet for socket %x\n", eax lea esi, [edx + UDP_Packet.Data] movzx ecx, [edx + UDP_Packet.Length] rol cx , 8 sub cx , UDP_Packet.Data inc [UDP_PACKETS_RX] pop edi add esp, 4 sub esi, edi xchg esi, edi jmp socket_internal_receiver .updateport: mov bx, [edx + UDP_Packet.SourcePort] DEBUGF 1,"Changing remote port to: %x\n", bx mov [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], bx inc [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.firstpacket] jmp .ok2 .dump: DEBUGF 1,"Dumping UDP packet\n" call kernel_free add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack) ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; UDP_socket_send ; ; IN: eax = socket pointer ; ecx = number of bytes to send ; esi = pointer to data ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 UDP_socket_send: mov edx, dword [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort] ; load local port and remote port at once DEBUGF 1,"local port: %x, remote port: %x\n",\ [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort]:4,\ [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.end + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort]:4 mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.LocalIP] mov eax, [eax + SOCKET_head.end + IPv4_SOCKET.RemoteIP] DEBUGF 1,"Create UDP Packet (size=%u)\n",ecx mov di , IP_PROTO_UDP sub esp, 8 ; reserve some place in stack for later ; Create a part pseudoheader in stack, push dword IP_PROTO_UDP shl 8 add ecx, UDP_Packet.Data ; TODO: fill in: dx = fragment id push edx esi call IPv4_create_packet ; TODO: figure out a way to choose between IPv4 and IPv6 cmp edi, -1 je .fail mov [esp + 8 + 4], eax ; pointer to buffer start mov [esp + 8 + 4 + 4], edx ; buffer size rol cx, 8 mov [edi + UDP_Packet.Length], cx mov [esp + 8 + 2], cx ror cx, 8 pop esi push edi ecx sub ecx, UDP_Packet.Data add edi, UDP_Packet.Data shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, [esp] and ecx, 3 rep movsb pop ecx edi pop dword [edi + UDP_Packet.SourcePort] ; fill in both portnumbers mov [edi + UDP_Packet.Checksum], 0 ; set it to zero, to calculate checksum ; Checksum for UDP header + data xor edx, edx mov esi, edi call checksum_1 ; Checksum for pseudoheader pushd [edi-4] ; destination address ; TODO: fix this, IPv4 packet could have options.. pushd [edi-8] ; source address mov ecx, 12 mov esi, esp call checksum_1 add esp, 12 ; remove the pseudoheader from stack ; Now create the final checksum and store it in UDP header call checksum_2 mov [edi + UDP_Packet.Checksum], dx inc [UDP_PACKETS_TX] DEBUGF 1,"Sending UDP Packet to device %x\n", ebx ; jmp ETH_sender ; .fail: ; todo: queue the packet add esp, 8+12+8 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; UDP_API ; ; This function is called by system function 75 ; ; IN: subfunction number in bl ; device number in bh ; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ; ; OUT: ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 UDP_API: movzx eax, bh shl eax, 2 test bl, bl jz .packets_tx ; 0 dec bl jz .packets_rx ; 1 .error: mov eax, -1 ret .packets_tx: add eax, UDP_PACKETS_TX mov eax, [eax] ret .packets_rx: add eax, UDP_PACKETS_RX mov eax, [eax] ret