# tte tte (tiny text editor) is a terminal based text editor written in C from scratch, trying to be very minimalistic and dependency independent (it's not even using **curses**). This project was mainly created for educational purposes, so is very commented! Thanks to [antirez](http://antirez.com) for inspiring me with his project `kilo` and [Jeremy Ruten](https://twitter.com/yjerem) for his tutorials. ## Installation ### Compiling ``` git clone https://github.com/GrenderG/tte.git cd tte/ make install ``` ### Downloading executable Download it from [here](https://github.com/GrenderG/tte/releases/latest), then ``` sudo mv tte /usr/local/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tte ``` ## Usage ``` tte [file_name] tte -h | --help tte -v | --version ``` If you are planning to use special characters like (á, é, í, ó, ú, ¡, ¿, ...) you must use `ISO 8859-1` encoding in your terminal. See [this issue](https://github.com/GrenderG/tte/issues/2) for more info. ## Keybindings The key combinations chosen here are the ones that fit the best for me. ``` Ctrl-Q : Exit Ctrl-F : Search text (ESC, arrows and enter to interact once searching) Ctrl-S : Save Ctrl-E : Flip line upwards Ctrl-D : Flip line downwards Ctrl-C : Copy line Ctrl-X : Cut line Ctrl-V : Paste line Ctrl-P : Pause tte (type "fg" to resume) ``` ## Current supported languages * C (`*.c`, `*.h`) * C++ (`*.cpp`, `*.hpp`, `*.cc`) * Java (`*.java`) * Bash (`*.sh`) * Python (`*.py`) * PHP (`*.php`) * JavaScript (`*.js`, `*.jsx`) * JSON (`*.json`, `*.jsonp`) * XML (partially) (`*.xml`) * SQL (`*.sql`) * Ruby (`*.rb`) ## Images ![First screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GrenderG/tte/master/images/scr_1.png)