program LodeRunnerLive; {$apptype gui} uses LRLRoutines, LRLSprites, LRLLevels, LRLMainMenu, {LRLHighScores, LRLEditor,} LRLIntroduction; const Version: array [1..34] of char = 'Lode Runner LIVE. Version 1.0'#13#10#13#10'$'; procedure LRLInitialize; begin kos_setkeyboardmode(0); ImagesInitialize; end; procedure LRLDeinitialize; begin ImagesDeinitialize; end; procedure LRLGameStart; var cl: Integer; begin Palette256Set(LRLPalette^); ShowLives := True; ShowScore := True; ShowLevel := True; LRLLives := 5; LRLScore := 0; cl := 1; repeat LRLPlayLevel(cl); KeyboardFlush; if GameResult = 10 then begin Inc(LRLLives); LRLScore := LRLScore + 10000 * longint(cl); Inc(cl); end else Dec(LRLLives); until (LRLLives = 0) or (GameResult = 100); {(GameResult <> 100) and LRLBestScore(LRLScore) then begin LRLInsertScore(LRLEnterName, LRLScore); LRLShowHighScores; end;} end; procedure LRLShell; var MenuSelection: word; begin MenuSelection := 1; repeat LRLSelectItem(MenuSelection); if MenuSelection = 1 then LRLGameStart; {if MenuSelection = 2 then LRLEditLevels; if MenuSelection = 3 then LRLShowHighScores;} until MenuSelection = 4; end; begin LRLInitialize; LRLIntro; LRLShell; LRLDeinitialize; end.