; ; FIRE for MENUET - Compile with FASM ; use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 1 ; header version dd START ; program start dd I_END ; image size dd mem_end ; reguired amount of memory dd mem_end dd 0,0 ; no parameters, no path ;include 'lang.inc' include 'macros.inc' START: red: ; ************************************************ ; ********* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ********** ; ************************************************ draw_window: mov eax,12 ; tell os about redraw mov ebx,1 int 0x40 xor eax,eax ; define and draw window mov ebx,100*65536+321 mov ecx,70*65536+222 mov edx,0x00000000 mov esi,0x00000000 mov edi,0x00000000 int 0x40 mov al,4 ; 'FIRE FOR MENUET' mov ebx,110*65536+8 mov ecx,dword 0x00FFFFFF mov edx,text mov esi,textlen-text int 0x40 mov al,8 mov ebx,(321-19)*65536+12 ; button start x & size mov ecx,5*65536+12 ; button start y & size mov edx,1 ; button number mov esi,0x009a0000 int 0x40 mov ebx,ecx ;5*65536+12 inc edx int 0x40 mov ebx,18*65536+12 inc edx int 0x40 mov ebx,31*65536+12 inc edx int 0x40 mov al,12 ; tell os about redraw end mov ebx,2 int 0x40 sta: ; calculate fire image mov esi, FireScreen+0x2300-80 mov ecx, 80 mov eax, [FireSeed] NEWLINE: mul [RandSeedConst] inc eax mov [esi], dl inc esi loop NEWLINE mov [FireSeed], eax mov ecx, 0x2300-80 sub esi, ecx xor edx, edx xor eax, eax FIRELOOP: lodsb cmp [type], ah jnz notype1 mov dl, [esi + 1] add eax, edx mov dl, [esi] add eax, edx mov dl, [esi + 80] jmp typedone notype1: ; cmp [type],1 ; jnz notype2 mov dl, [esi - 2] ; add eax, edx ; mov dl, [esi - 2] ; add eax, edx lea eax, [eax + edx*2] mov dl, [esi + 78] ; notype2: ; type 2 is never used ; cmp [type],2 ; jnz notype3 ; mov dl, [esi - 2] ; add eax, edx ; mov dl, [esi] ; add eax, edx ; mov dl, [esi + 80] ; notype3: typedone: add eax, edx shr eax, 2 jz ZERO dec eax ZERO: mov [esi - 81], al loop FIRELOOP mov al, 5 ; in this moment always high 24 bits of eax are zero! mov ebx,[delay] int 0x40 inc [calc] cmp [calc], byte 2 jnz nodrw pdraw: mov byte [calc],ah ;byte 0 mov edi,ImageData push edi ; pointer for sysfunction 7, draw image add edi,[fcolor] mov esi,FireScreen xor edx,edx newc: xor eax, eax lodsb mov ecx,eax shr eax,1 add cl,al mov ch,al mov [edi+0],ecx mov [edi+3],ecx mov [edi+6],ecx mov [edi+9],cx lea ebx, [edi+320*3] mov [ebx+0],ecx mov [ebx+3],ecx mov [ebx+6],ecx mov [ebx+9],ecx add edi,12 inc edx cmp edx,80 jnz nnl xor edx,edx add edi,320*3 nnl: cmp esi,FireScreen+8000; 0x2000 jnz newc mov al,7 ; display image ; high 24 bits of eax are zero! pop ebx mov ecx,4*80*65536+200 mov edx,1*65536+22 int 0x40 nodrw: mov eax,11 ; check if os wants to talk to us int 0x40 dec eax jz red cmp al, 3-1 jnz nob4 button: ; get button id mov al,17 int 0x40 shr eax, 8 dec eax jnz noclose or eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 noclose: dec eax ; change fire type jnz nob2 xor [type], 1 nob2: dec eax ; change delay jnz nob3 xor [delay], 1 nob3: dec eax ; change color jnz nob4 mov eax,[fcolor] inc eax ; cmp al,2 ; jbe fcok jnp fcok xor eax,eax fcok: mov [fcolor],eax mov edi,ImageData mov ecx,(320*600)/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd nob4: jmp sta ; DATA SECTION RandSeedConst dd 0x8405 fcolor dd 2 xx db 'x' type db 0 calc db 0 delay dd 0 FireSeed dd 0x1234 text: db 'FIRE FOR MENUET' textlen: I_END: FireScreen: rb 0x2300 ImageData: rb 320*200*3 ; stack align 512 rb 512 mem_end: