;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2014. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; ETHERNET.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; Ethernet network layer for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 5015 $ ETH_FRAME_MINIMUM = 60 ETH_QUEUE_SIZE = 255 struct ETH_header DstMAC dp ? ; destination MAC-address SrcMAC dp ? ; source MAC-address Type dw ? ; type of the upper-layer protocol ends struct ETH_DEVICE NET_DEVICE mac dp ? ends struct ETH_queue_entry device dd ? packet dd ? size dd ? ends iglobal align 4 ETH_BROADCAST dp 0xffffffffffff endg uglobal align 4 ETH_input_event dd ? ETH_queue rd (ETH_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof.ETH_queue_entry + sizeof.queue)/4 endg macro ETH_init { init_queue ETH_queue movi ebx, 1 mov ecx, ETH_process_input call new_sys_threads test eax, eax jns @f DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR,'K : cannot create kernel thread for ethernet, error %d\n', eax @@: } ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ETH_input ; ; This function is called by ethernet drivers, ; It pushes the received ethernet packets onto the eth_in_queue ; ; IN: [esp] = Pointer to buffer ; [esp+4] = size of buffer ; ebx = pointer to eth_device ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ETH_input: push ebx mov esi, esp add_to_queue ETH_queue, ETH_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry, .fail add esp, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry xor edx, edx mov eax, [ETH_input_event] mov ebx, [eax + EVENT.id] xor esi, esi call raise_event ret .fail: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ETH incoming queue is full, discarding packet!\n" pop ebx call NET_packet_free add esp, 4 ret align 4 ETH_process_input: xor esi, esi mov ecx, MANUAL_DESTROY call create_event mov [ETH_input_event], eax .wait: mov eax, [ETH_input_event] mov ebx, [eax + EVENT.id] call wait_event .loop: get_from_queue ETH_queue, ETH_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry, .wait mov eax, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.packet] mov ecx, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.size] mov ebx, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.device] pushd .loop ; return address push ecx eax DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_input: size=%u\n", ecx sub ecx, sizeof.ETH_header jb .dump lea edx, [eax + sizeof.ETH_header] mov ax, [eax + ETH_header.Type] cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4 je IPv4_input cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_ARP je ARP_input ; cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv6 ; je IPv6_input ; cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_PPP_DISCOVERY ; je PPPoE_discovery_input ; cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_PPP_SESSION ; je PPPoE_session_input DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_input: Unknown packet type=%x\n", ax .dump: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_input: dumping\n" call NET_packet_free add esp, 4 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ETH_output ; ; IN: ax = protocol ; ebx = device ptr ; ecx = payload size ; edx = pointer to destination mac ; ; OUT: eax = start of ethernet frame / 0 on error ; ebx = device ptr ; ecx = payload size ; edx = ethernet frame size ; edi = start of ethernet payload ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ETH_output: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_output: size=%u device=%x\n", ecx, ebx cmp ecx, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mtu] ja .exit push ecx push ax edx add ecx, sizeof.ETH_header stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx test eax, eax jz .out_of_ram mov edi, eax pop esi movsd movsw lea esi, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] movsd movsw pop ax stosw lea eax, [edi - sizeof.ETH_header] ; Set eax to buffer start pop ecx lea edx, [ecx + sizeof.ETH_header] ; Set edx to complete buffer size cmp edx, ETH_FRAME_MINIMUM jbe .adjust_size .done: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_output: ptr=%x size=%u\n", eax, edx ret .adjust_size: mov edx, ETH_FRAME_MINIMUM test edx, edx ; clear zero flag jmp .done .out_of_ram: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ETH_output: Out of ram!\n" add esp, 4+2+4 xor eax, eax ret .exit: DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ETH_output: Packet too large!\n" xor eax, eax ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ETH_API ; ; This function is called by system function 76 ; ; IN: subfunction number in bl ; device number in bh ; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ; ; OUT: ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ETH_api: cmp bh, NET_DEVICES_MAX ja .error movzx eax, bh mov eax, dword [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*eax] cmp [eax + NET_DEVICE.device_type], NET_DEVICE_ETH jne .error and ebx, 0xff cmp ebx, .number ja .error jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx] .table: dd .read_mac ; 0 .number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1 .error: or eax, -1 ret .read_mac: movzx ebx, word [eax + ETH_DEVICE.mac] mov eax, dword [eax + ETH_DEVICE.mac + 2] mov [esp+20+4], ebx ; TODO: fix this ugly code ret