align 4 parse_cmd: ; esi must point to command cmp byte [esi+3], 0x20 jae @f mov byte [esi+3], 0 @@: mov eax, [esi] and eax, not 0x20202020 ; convert to upper case ; (also convert spaces to null) mov edi, commands ; list of commands to scan .scanloop: cmp eax, [edi] jne .try_next jmp dword [edi+4] .try_next: add edi, 8 cmp byte [edi], 0 jne .scanloop .error: mcall send, [socketnum2], str500, str500.length, 0 ret align 4 commands: ; all commands must be in uppercase db 'ABOR' dd cmdABOR db 'CWD', 0 dd cmdCWD db 'DELE' dd cmdDELE db 'LIST' dd cmdLIST db 'NLST' dd cmdNLST db 'NOOP' dd cmdNOOP db 'PASS' dd cmdPASS db 'PASV' dd cmdPASV db 'PWD', 0 dd cmdPWD db 'PORT' dd cmdPORT db 'QUIT' dd cmdQUIT db 'RETR' dd cmdRETR db 'STOR' dd cmdSTOR db 'SYST' dd cmdSYST db 'TYPE' dd cmdTYPE db 'USER' dd cmdUSER db 'XPWD' dd cmdPWD db 0 ; end marker align 4 cmdABOR: ret align 4 cmdCWD: ; Change Working Directory sub ecx, 4 jb .err add esi, 4 mov edi, work_dir + 1 cmp byte [esi], '/' jne @f inc esi dec ecx jz .done @@: .loop: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jb .done stosb loop .loop .done: cmp byte [edi-1], '/' je @f mov byte [edi], '/' inc edi @@: mov byte [edi], 0 mcall send, [socketnum2], str250, str250.length, 0 ret .err: ret align 4 cmdDELE: ret align 4 cmdLIST: ; If we are in active mode, it's time to open a data socket.. cmp [mode], MODE_ACTIVE jne @f mcall connect, [datasocketnum], datasock, datasock.length cmp eax, -1 je .err @@: ; Warn the client we're about to send the data mcall send, [socketnum2], str150, str150.length, 0 ; here it comes.. ; Create fpath from home_dir and work_dir call create_path ; Start the search push FA_READONLY + FA_FOLDER push str_mask push fpath call [file.find.first] mov edi, buffer .parse_file: test eax, eax ; did we find a file? jz .done mov edx, eax ; yes, save the descripter ; first, convert the attributes test [edx + FileInfoA.Attributes], FA_FOLDER jnz .folder test [edx + FileInfoA.Attributes], FA_READONLY jnz .readonly mov eax, '-rw-' stosd jmp .attr .folder: mov eax, 'drwx' stosd jmp .attr .readonly: mov eax, '-r--' stosd .attr: mov eax, 'rw-r' stosd mov ax, 'w-' stosw mov al, ' ' stosb ; now.. mov ax, '1 ' stosw ; now write owner, everything is owned by FTP, woohoo! mov eax, 'FTP ' stosd stosd ; now the filesize in ascii mov ebx, [edx + FileInfoA.FileSizeLow] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb ; then date (month/day/year) movzx ebx, [edx + FileInfoA.DateModify + FileDateTime.month] mov eax, [months + 4*ebx] stosd movzx ebx, [edx + FileInfoA.DateModify +] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb movzx ebx, [edx + FileInfoA.DateModify + FileDateTime.year] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb ; and last but not least, filename lea esi, [edx + FileInfoA.FileName] mov ecx, 250 .nameloop: lodsb test al, al jz .namedone stosb loop .nameloop ; insert a cr lf .namedone: mov ax, 0x0d0a stosw ; check next file push edx call [] jmp .parse_file ; close file desc .done: push edx call [file.find.close] ; append the string with a 0 xor al, al stosb ; print everything on the console push buffer call [con_write_asciiz] ; and send it to the client lea esi, [edi - buffer] mcall send, [datasocketnum], buffer, , 0 ; close the data socket.. mcall close, [datasocketnum] cmp [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_OK jne @f mov [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT @@: ; And send "transfer ok" on the base connection mcall send, [socketnum2], str226, str226.length, 0 ret .err: pushd 0x0c call [con_set_flags] push str_err1 call [con_write_asciiz] pushd 0x07 call [con_set_flags] ret align 4 cmdNLST: ret align 4 cmdNOOP: ret align 4 cmdPASS: mcall send, [socketnum2], str230, str230.length, 0 push str_pass_ok call [con_write_asciiz] mov [state], STATE_ACTIVE ret align 4 cmdPASV: ; 227 Entering Passive Mode (a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2) ; where a1.a2.a3.a4 is the IP address and p1*256+p2 is the port number. mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 ; je .err mov [passivesocknum], eax mov [datasock.port], 2000 mov [datasock.ip], 0 mcall bind, [passivesocknum], datasock, datasock.length cmp eax, -1 je bind_err mcall listen, [passivesocknum], 1 mov [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT mov edi, buffer mov eax, '227 ' ; FIXME (now hardcoded to stosd mov eax, '(127' stosd mov eax, ',0,0' stosd mov eax, ',1,7' stosd mov eax, ',208' stosd mov al, ')' stosb mov ax, 0x0d0a stosw xor al, al stosb lea esi, [edi - buffer] mcall send, [socketnum2], buffer, ,0 ret align 4 cmdPWD: ; Print Working Directory mov dword[buffer], '257 ' mov byte[buffer+4], '"' lea edi, [buffer+5] mov esi, work_dir mov ecx, 1024 .loop: lodsb or al, al jz .ok stosb dec ecx jnz .loop .ok: mov dword[edi], '"' + 0x000a0d00 ; '"',13,10,0 lea esi, [edi - buffer + 4] mcall send, [socketnum2], buffer, , 0 ; push work_dir ; push str_pwd ; call [con_printf] ret align 4 cmdPORT: ; PORT a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2 ; IP address a1.a2.a3.a4, port p1*256+p2 mov [mode], MODE_ACTIVE lea esi, [esi+5] xor edx, edx call ascii_to_byte mov dh, bl inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov dl, bl shl edx, 16 inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov dh, bl inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov dl, bl inc esi mov [datasock.ip], edx call ascii_to_byte mov dh, bl inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov dl, bl mov [datasock.port], dx mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 je .err mov [datasocketnum], eax mcall send, [socketnum2], str225, str225.length, 0 ret .err: mcall send, [socketnum2], str425, str425.length, 0 ret align 4 cmdQUIT: mcall send, [socketnum2], str221, str221.length, 0 mcall close, [socketnum2] ret align 4 cmdRETR: cmp [mode], MODE_ACTIVE jne @f mcall connect, [datasocketnum], datasock, datasock.length ; cmp eax, -1 ; je .err @@: mcall send, [socketnum2], str150, str150.length, 0 ; here it comes.. push O_READ push home_dir call [] ; test eax, eax ; jz .cannot_open mov ebx, eax .read_more: push BUFFERSIZE push buffer push ebx call [] ; cmp eax, -1 ; je .cannot_open push eax push ebx mov esi, eax mcall send, [datasocketnum], buffer, , 0 pop ebx pop ecx ; cmp eax, -1 ; je .socketerr cmp ecx, BUFFERSIZE je .read_more mcall close, [datasocketnum] cmp [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_OK jne @f mov [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT @@: mcall send, [socketnum2], str226, str226.length, 0 ; transfer ok ret align 4 cmdSTOR: ret align 4 cmdSYST: mcall send, [socketnum2], str215, str215.length, 0 ret align 4 cmdTYPE: cmp ecx, 6 jb parse_cmd.error mov al, byte[esi+5] and al, not 0x20 cmp al, 'A' je .ascii cmp al, 'E' je .ebdic cmp al, 'I' je .image cmp al, 'L' je .local jmp parse_cmd.error .ascii: mov [type], TYPE_ASCII jmp .subtype .ebdic: mov [type], TYPE_EBDIC .subtype: cmp ecx, 8 jb .non_print mov al, byte[esi+7] and al, not 0x20 cmp al, 'N' je .non_print cmp al, 'T' je .telnet cmp al, 'C' je .asacc jmp parse_cmd.error .non_print: or [type], TYPE_NP jmp .ok .telnet: or [type], TYPE_TELNET jmp .ok .asacc: or [type], TYPE_ASA jmp .ok .image: mov [type], TYPE_IMAGE jmp .ok .local: cmp ecx, 8 jb parse_cmd.error mov al, byte[esi+7] sub al, '0' jb parse_cmd.error cmp al, 9 ja parse_cmd.error or al, TYPE_LOCAL mov [type], al .ok: mcall send, [socketnum2], str200, str200.length, 0 ret align 4 cmdUSER: mcall send, [socketnum2], str331, str331.length, 0 mov [state], STATE_LOGIN mov byte [work_dir], "/" mov byte [work_dir+1], 0 push str_logged_in call [con_write_asciiz] ret align 4 ; esi = ptr to str ascii_to_byte: xor ebx, ebx .loop: movzx eax, byte[esi] sub al, '0' jb .done cmp al, 9 ja .done lea ebx, [ebx*4 + ebx] shl ebx, 1 add ebx, eax inc esi jmp .loop .done: ret align 4 dword_to_ascii: ; edi = ptr where to write, ebx is number mov eax, '1' stosb ret align 4 create_path: ; combine home_dir and work_dir strings into fpath mov edi, fpath mov esi, home_dir mov ecx, 1024 .loop1: lodsb or al, al jz .next stosb loop .loop1 .next: cmp byte[edi-1], '/' jne @f dec edi @@: mov esi, work_dir mov ecx, 1024 .loop2: lodsb or al, al jz .done stosb loop .loop2 .done: stosb ret str150 db '150 Here it comes...', 13, 10 .length = $ - str150 str200 db '200 Command OK.', 13, 10 .length = $ - str200 str215 db '215 UNIX type: L8', 13, 10 .length = $ - str215 str220 db '220 KolibriOS FTP Daemon 1.0', 13, 10 .length = $ - str220 str221 db '221 Bye!', 13, 10 .length = $ - str221 str225 db '225 Data connection open', 13, 10 .length = $ - str225 str226 db '226 Transfer OK, Closing connection', 13, 10 .length = $ - str226 str230 db '230 You are now logged in.', 13, 10 .length = $ - str230 str250 db '250 command successful', 13, 10 .length = $ - str250 str331 db '331 Please specify the password.', 13, 10 .length = $ - str331 str421 db '421 Timeout!', 13, 10 .length = $ - str421 str425 db '425 Cant open data connection.', 13, 10 .length = $ - str425 str500 db '500 Unsupported command', 13, 10 .length = $ - str500 str550 db '550 No such file', 13, 10 .length = $ - str550