; ; Kolibrios FTP Daemon ; ; hidnplayr@gmail.com ; ; GPLv2 ; BUFFERSIZE = 4096 STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0 STATE_CONNECTED = 1 STATE_LOGIN = 2 STATE_ACTIVE = 3 TYPE_UNDEF = 0 TYPE_ASCII = 00000100b TYPE_EBDIC = 00001000b ; subtypes for ascii & ebdic (np = default) TYPE_NP = 00000001b ; non printable TYPE_TELNET = 00000010b TYPE_ASA = 00000011b TYPE_IMAGE = 01000000b ; binary data TYPE_LOCAL = 10000000b ; bits per byte must be specified ; lower 4 bits will hold this value MODE_NOTREADY = 0 MODE_ACTIVE = 1 MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT = 2 MODE_PASSIVE_OK = 3 use32 db 'MENUET01' ; signature dd 1 ; header version dd start ; entry point dd i_end ; initialized size dd mem+0x1000 ; required memory dd mem+0x1000 ; stack pointer dd 0 ; parameters dd path ; path include '../macros.inc' purge mov,add,sub include '../proc32.inc' include '../dll.inc' include '../struct.inc' include '../libio.inc' include '../network.inc' include 'commands.inc' align 4 start: ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz exit ; find path to main settings file mov edi, path ; Calculate the length of zero-terminated string xor al , al mov ecx, 1024 repne scasb dec edi mov esi, filename movsd movsb ; initialize console push 1 call [con_start] push title push -1 push -1 push -1 push -1 call [con_init] mcall 40, 1 shl 7 ; we only want network events invoke ini.get_int, path, str_ftpd, str_port, 21 mov [sockaddr1.port], ax push eax push str1 call [con_printf] mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 je sock_err mov [socketnum], eax push str2 call [con_write_asciiz] ;; mcall setsockopt, [socketnum], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, ;; cmp eax, -1 ;; je opt_err mcall bind, [socketnum], sockaddr1, sockaddr1.length cmp eax, -1 je bind_err push str2 call [con_write_asciiz] invoke ini.get_int, path, str_ftpd, str_conn, 1 ; Backlog (max connections) mov edx, eax push str2 call [con_write_asciiz] mcall listen, [socketnum] cmp eax, -1 je listen_err push str2b call [con_write_asciiz] mcall 10 mcall accept, [socketnum], sockaddr1, sockaddr1.length cmp eax, -1 je acpt_err mov [socketnum2], eax mcall send, [socketnum2], str220, str220.length, 0 ; send welcome string .loop: mcall 10 cmp [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT jne @f mcall accept, [passivesocknum], datasock, datasock.length cmp eax, -1 je @f mov [datasocketnum], eax mov [mode], MODE_PASSIVE_OK push str_datasock call [con_write_asciiz] @@: mcall recv, [socketnum2], buffer, buffer.length cmp eax, -1 je .loop or eax, eax jz .loop push eax mov byte[buffer+eax], 0 pushd 0x0a call [con_set_flags] push buffer call [con_write_asciiz] pushd 0x07 call [con_set_flags] pop ecx mov esi, buffer call parse_cmd jmp .loop acpt_err: pushd 0x0c call [con_set_flags] push str8 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done listen_err: pushd 0x0c call [con_set_flags] push str3 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done bind_err: pushd 0x0c call [con_set_flags] push str4 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done sock_err: pushd 0x0c call [con_set_flags] push str6 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done done: call [con_getch2] push 1 call [con_exit] exit: mcall -1 ; data title db 'KolibriOS FTP daemon 0.1', 0 str1 db 'Starting FTP daemon on port %u', 0 str2 db '.', 0 str2b db ' OK!',10,10,0 str3 db 'Listen error',10,10,0 str4 db 'Bind error',10,10,0 str5 db 'Setsockopt error.',10,10,0 str6 db 'Could not open socket',10,10,0 str7 db 'Got data!',10,10,0 str8 db 'Error accepting connection',10,10,0 str_logged_in db 'Login ok',10,10,0 str_pass_ok db 'Password ok - Logged in',10,10,0 str_pwd db 'Current directory is "%s"\n',0 str_err1 db 'ERROR: cannot connect to remote socket',10,10,0 str_err2 db 'ERROR: cannot open directory',10,10,0 str_datasock db 'Passive data socket connected!',10,10,0 str_mask db '*', 0 months: dd 'Jan ','Feb ','Mar ','Apr ','May ','Jun ' dd 'Jul ','Aug ','Sep ','Oct ','Nov ','Dec ' filename db '.ini', 0 str_port db 'port', 0 str_ftpd db 'ftpd', 0 str_conn db 'conn', 0 sockaddr1: dw AF_INET4 .port dw 21 .ip dd 0 rb 10 .length = $ - sockaddr1 ; import align 4 @IMPORT: library console, 'console.obj', \ libini, 'libini.obj', \ libio, 'libio.obj' import console, \ con_start, 'START', \ con_init, 'con_init', \ con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \ con_exit, 'con_exit', \ con_gets, 'con_gets',\ con_cls, 'con_cls',\ con_printf, 'con_printf',\ con_getch2, 'con_getch2',\ con_set_cursor_pos, 'con_set_cursor_pos',\ con_set_flags, 'con_set_flags' import libini, \ ini.get_str, 'ini_get_str',\ ini.get_int, 'ini_get_int' import libio, \ libio.init , 'lib_init' , \ file.size , 'file_size' , \ file.open , 'file_open' , \ file.read , 'file_read' , \ file.close , 'file_close' , \ file.find.first , 'file_find_first', \ file.find.next , 'file_find_next', \ file.find.close , 'file_find_close' i_end: socketnum dd ? ; thread specific data socketnum2 dd ? state dd ? home_dir db '/rd/1/', 0 rb 1024 work_dir rb 1024 fpath rb 2048 type db ? mode db ? ; active/passive passivesocknum dd ? datasocketnum dd ? datasock: dw AF_INET4 .port dw ? .ip dd ? rb 10 .length = $ - datasock buffer rb BUFFERSIZE .length = $ - buffer path rb 1024 mem: