; mos.inc 0.0.2 ; Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Mathys ; killer@vantage.ch ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ; ; ; revision history ; ---------------- ; ; 10-04-2002 version 0.0.2 ; - removed MOS_WNDCOLORS_SIZE and similar constants. ; while reading the docs i realized that NASM creates ; such symbols already itself... ; + macros: MOS_WAITEVENT, MOS_WAITEVENT_S, MOS_STARTREDRAW, ; MOS_STARTREDRAW_S, MOS_ENDREDRAW, MOS_ENDREDRAW_S, ; MOS_GETSCREENMAX, MOS_GETSCREENMAX_S, MOS_EXIT, MOS_EXIT_S ; + event bit masks ; + some syscall numbers ; + process info structure ; ; 08-??-2002 version 0.0.1 ; first release ; %ifndef _MOS_INC %define _MOS_INC ;********************************************************** ; generates a menuetos 01 header ; takes 2-6 parameters: ; ; MOS_HEADER01 start,end[,appmem,esp,i_param,i_icon] ;********************************************************** %macro MOS_HEADER01 2-6 0x100000,0x7fff0,0,0 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd %1 ; start of code dd %2 ; image size dd %3 ; application memory dd %4 ; esp dd %5 ; i_param dd %6 ; i_icon %endmacro ;********************************************************** ; MOS_DWORD ; packs 2 words into a double word ;********************************************************** %define MOS_DWORD(hi,lo) ((((hi) & 0xffff) << 16) + ((lo) & 0xffff)) ;********************************************************** ; MOS_RGB ; creates a menuet os compatible color (0x00RRGGBB) ;********************************************************** %define MOS_RGB(r,g,b) ((((r) & 255) << 16) + (((g) & 255) << 8) + ((b) & 255)) ;********************************************************** ; window color structure ;********************************************************** struc MOS_WNDCOLORS .frame: resd 1 .grab: resd 1 .grabButton: resd 1 .grabButtonText: resd 1 .grabText: resd 1 .work: resd 1 .workButton: resd 1 .workButtonText: resd 1 .workText: resd 1 .workGraphics: resd 1 endstruc ;********************************************************** ; process info structure ;********************************************************** struc MOS_PROCESSINFO .CPUUsage: resd 1 ; cpu usage .windowStackPos: resw 1 ; process' position in windowing stack .windowStackVal: resw 1 ; window stack value at ecx .reserved1: resw 1 .processName: resb 12 ; process name .memStart: resd 1 ; start of process memory .memUsed: resd 1 ; memory used by the process .pid: resd 1 ; process id .reserved2: resb (1024-34) endstruc ;********************************************************** ; system call numbers ;********************************************************** MOS_SC_EXIT equ -1 MOS_SC_DEFINEWINDOW equ 0 MOS_SC_PUTPIXEL equ 1 MOS_SC_GETKEY equ 2 MOS_SC_GETSYSCLOCK equ 3 MOS_SC_WRITETEXT equ 4 MOS_SC_DELAY equ 5 MOS_SC_OPENFILEFLOPPY equ 6 MOS_SC_PUTIMAGE equ 7 MOS_SC_DEFINEBUTTON equ 8 MOS_SC_GETPROCESSINFO equ 9 MOS_SC_WAITEVENT equ 10 MOS_SC_CHECKEVENT equ 11 MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS equ 12 MOS_SC_DRAWBAR equ 13 MOS_SC_GETSCREENMAX equ 14 MOS_SC_SETBACKGROUND equ 15 MOS_SC_GETPRESSEDBUTTON equ 17 MOS_SC_SYSTEMSERVICE equ 18 MOS_SC_STARTPROGRAM equ 19 MOS_SC_MIDIINTERFACE equ 20 MOS_SC_DEVICESETUP equ 21 MOS_SC_WAITEVENTTIMEOUT equ 23 MOS_SC_CDAUDIO equ 24 MOS_SC_SB16MIXER1 equ 25 MOS_SC_GETDEVICESETUP equ 26 MOS_SC_WSS equ 27 MOS_SC_SB16MIXER2 equ 28 MOS_SC_GETDATE equ 29 MOS_SC_READHD equ 30 MOS_SC_STARTPROGRAMHD equ 31 MOS_SC_GETSCREENPIXEL equ 35 MOS_SC_GETMOUSEPOSITION equ 37 MOS_SC_DRAWLINE equ 38 MOS_SC_GETBACKGROUND equ 39 MOS_SC_SETEVENTMASK equ 40 MOS_SC_WRITENUMBER equ 47 MOS_SC_WINDOWPROPERTIES equ 48 ;********************************************************** ; event numbers ;********************************************************** MOS_EVT_NONE equ 0 MOS_EVT_REDRAW equ 1 MOS_EVT_KEY equ 2 MOS_EVT_BUTTON equ 3 ;********************************************************** ; event bits ;********************************************************** MOS_EVTBIT_REDRAW equ (1 << 0) MOS_EVTBIT_KEY equ (1 << 1) MOS_EVTBIT_BUTTON equ (1 << 2) MOS_EVTBIT_ENDREQUEST equ (1 << 3) MOS_EVTBIT_BGDRAW equ (1 << 4) MOS_EVTBIT_MOUSECHANGE equ (1 << 5) MOS_EVTBIT_IPCEVENT equ (1 << 6) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ0 equ (1 << 16) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ1 equ (1 << 17) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ2 equ (1 << 18) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ3 equ (1 << 19) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ4 equ (1 << 20) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ5 equ (1 << 21) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ6 equ (1 << 22) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ7 equ (1 << 23) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ8 equ (1 << 24) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ9 equ (1 << 25) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ10 equ (1 << 26) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ11 equ (1 << 27) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ12 equ (1 << 28) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ13 equ (1 << 29) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ14 equ (1 << 30) MOS_EVTBIT_IRQ15 equ (1 << 31) ;********************************************************** ; exit application (syscall -1) ;********************************************************** ; exit application %macro MOS_EXIT 0 mov eax,MOS_SC_EXIT int 0x40 %endmacro ; exit application, smaller version %macro MOS_EXIT_S 0 xor eax,eax dec eax int 0x40 %endmacro ;********************************************************** ; wait event stuff ; (MOS_SC_WAITEVENT, syscall 10) ;********************************************************** ; wait for event ; destroys : nothing ; returns : eax = event type %macro MOS_WAITEVENT 0 mov eax,MOS_SC_WAITEVENT int 0x40 %endmacro ; wait for event, smaller version ; destroys : flags ; returns : eax = event type %macro MOS_WAITEVENT_S 0 xor eax,eax mov al,MOS_SC_WAITEVENT int 0x40 %endmacro ;********************************************************** ; window redraw status stuff ; (MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS, syscall 12) ;********************************************************** MOS_RS_STARTREDRAW equ 1 MOS_RS_ENDREDRAW equ 2 ; start window redraw ; destroys: eax,ebx %macro MOS_STARTREDRAW 0 mov ebx,MOS_RS_STARTREDRAW mov eax,MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS int 0x40 %endmacro ; start window redraw, smaller version ; destroys: eax,ebx,flags %macro MOS_STARTREDRAW_S 0 xor ebx,ebx inc ebx xor eax,eax mov al,MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS int 0x40 %endmacro ; end window redraw ; destroys: eax,ebx %macro MOS_ENDREDRAW 0 mov ebx,MOS_RS_ENDREDRAW mov eax,MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS int 0x40 %endmacro ; end window redraw, smaller version ; destroys: eax,ebx,flags %macro MOS_ENDREDRAW_S 0 xor ebx,ebx mov bl,MOS_RS_ENDREDRAW xor eax,eax mov al,MOS_SC_REDRAWSTATUS int 0x40 %endmacro ;********************************************************** ; get screen max stuff (syscall 14) ;********************************************************** ; get screen dimensions in eax ; destroys: nothing %macro MOS_GETSCREENMAX 0 mov eax,MOS_SC_GETSCREENMAX int 0x40 %endmacro ; get screen dimensions in eax, smaller version ; destroys: flags %macro MOS_GETSCREENMAX_S 0 xor eax,eax mov al,MOS_SC_GETSCREENMAX int 0x40 %endmacro %endif