use32 org 0x0 ; standard header db 'MENUET01' ; signature dd 1 ; header version dd start ; entry point dd I_END ; initialized size dd mem ; required memory dd mem ; stack pointer dd 0 ; parameters dd 0 ; path BUFFERSIZE equ 1500 ; useful includes include '../' purge mov,add,sub include '../' include '../' include '../' ; ICMP types & codes ICMP_ECHOREPLY equ 0 ; echo reply message ICMP_UNREACH equ 3 ICMP_UNREACH_NET equ 0 ; bad net ICMP_UNREACH_HOST equ 1 ; bad host ICMP_UNREACH_PROTOCOL equ 2 ; bad protocol ICMP_UNREACH_PORT equ 3 ; bad port ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG equ 4 ; IP_DF caused drop ICMP_UNREACH_SRCFAIL equ 5 ; src route failed ICMP_UNREACH_NET_UNKNOWN equ 6 ; unknown net ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_UNKNOWN equ 7 ; unknown host ICMP_UNREACH_ISOLATED equ 8 ; src host isolated ICMP_UNREACH_NET_PROHIB equ 9 ; prohibited access ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PROHIB equ 10 ; ditto ICMP_UNREACH_TOSNET equ 11 ; bad tos for net ICMP_UNREACH_TOSHOST equ 12 ; bad tos for host ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB equ 13 ; admin prohib ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PRECEDENCE equ 14 ; host prec vio. ICMP_UNREACH_PRECEDENCE_CUTOFF equ 15 ; prec cutoff ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH equ 4 ; Packet lost, slow down ICMP_REDIRECT equ 5 ; shorter route, codes: ICMP_REDIRECT_NET equ 0 ; for network ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST equ 1 ; for host ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET equ 2 ; for tos and net ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST equ 3 ; for tos and host ICMP_ALTHOSTADDR equ 6 ; alternate host address ICMP_ECHO equ 8 ; echo service ICMP_ROUTERADVERT equ 9 ; router advertisement ICMP_ROUTERADVERT_NORMAL equ 0 ; normal advertisement ICMP_ROUTERADVERT_NOROUTE_COMMON equ 16 ; selective routing ICMP_ROUTERSOLICIT equ 10 ; router solicitation ICMP_TIMXCEED equ 11 ; time exceeded, code: ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS equ 0 ; ttl==0 in transit ICMP_TIMXCEED_REASS equ 1 ; ttl==0 in reass ICMP_PARAMPROB equ 12 ; ip header bad ICMP_PARAMPROB_ERRATPTR equ 0 ; error at param ptr ICMP_PARAMPROB_OPTABSENT equ 1 ; req. opt. absent ICMP_PARAMPROB_LENGTH equ 2 ; bad length ICMP_TSTAMP equ 13 ; timestamp request ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY equ 14 ; timestamp reply ICMP_IREQ equ 15 ; information request ICMP_IREQREPLY equ 16 ; information reply ICMP_MASKREQ equ 17 ; address mask request ICMP_MASKREPLY equ 18 ; address mask reply ICMP_TRACEROUTE equ 30 ; traceroute ICMP_DATACONVERR equ 31 ; data conversion error ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT equ 32 ; mobile host redirect ICMP_IPV6_WHEREAREYOU equ 33 ; IPv6 where-are-you ICMP_IPV6_IAMHERE equ 34 ; IPv6 i-am-here ICMP_MOBILE_REGREQUEST equ 35 ; mobile registration req ICMP_MOBILE_REGREPLY equ 36 ; mobile registreation reply ICMP_SKIP equ 39 ; SKIP ICMP_PHOTURIS equ 40 ; Photuris ICMP_PHOTURIS_UNKNOWN_INDEX equ 1 ; unknown sec index ICMP_PHOTURIS_AUTH_FAILED equ 2 ; auth failed ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECRYPT_FAILED equ 3 ; decrypt failed virtual at 0 ICMP_Packet: .Type db ? .Code db ? .Checksum dw ? .Identifier dw ? .SequenceNumber dw ? .Data: end virtual ; entry point start: ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz exit ; initialize console push 1 call [con_start] push title push 25 push 80 push 25 push 80 call [con_init] ; main loop push str1 call [con_write_asciiz] main: ; write prompt push str2 call [con_write_asciiz] ; read string mov esi, s push 256 push esi call [con_gets] ; check for exit test eax, eax jz done cmp byte [esi], 10 jz done ; delete terminating '\n' push esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b mov byte [esi-2], al pop esi ; resolve name push esp ; reserve stack place push esp ; fourth parameter push 0 ; third parameter push 0 ; second parameter push esi ; first parameter call [getaddrinfo] pop esi ; test for error test eax, eax jnz fail ; convert IP address to decimal notation mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr] mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr] mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax push eax call [inet_ntoa] ; write result mov [ip_ptr], eax push eax ; free allocated memory push esi call [freeaddrinfo] push str4 call [con_write_asciiz] mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP cmp eax, -1 jz fail2 mov [socketnum], eax mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18 mcall 40, 1 shl 7 ; + 7 ; call [con_cls] mov [count], 4 mainloop: push str3 call [con_write_asciiz] push [ip_ptr] call [con_write_asciiz] mcall 26,9 mov [time_reference], eax mcall send, [socketnum], icmp_packet, icmp_packet.length, 0 mcall 23, 300 ; 3 seconds time-out mcall 26,9 neg [time_reference] add [time_reference], eax mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer_ptr, BUFFERSIZE, 0 cmp eax, -1 je .no_response ; validate the packet lea esi, [buffer_ptr + ICMP_Packet.Data] mov edi, mov ecx, 32/4 repe cmpsd jne .miscomp push [time_reference] push str7 call [con_printf] jmp continue .miscomp: sub edi, push edi push str9 call [con_printf] jmp continue .no_response: push str8 call [con_write_asciiz] continue: dec [count] jz done mcall 5, 100 ; wait a second inc [] jmp mainloop done: push str10 call [con_write_asciiz] call [con_getch2] push 1 call [con_exit] exit: mcall -1 fail: push str5 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done fail2: push str6 call [con_write_asciiz] jmp done ; data title db 'ICMP - test application',0 str1 db 'ICMP test application v0.1',10,' for KolibriOS # 1540 or later. ',10,10,0 str2 db '> ',0 str3 db 'Ping to: ',0 str4 db 10,0 str5 db 'Name resolution failed.',10,10,0 str6 db 'Could not open socket',10,10,0 str7 db ' time= %u0ms',10,0 str8 db ' timeout!',10,0 str9 db ' miscompare at offset %u',10,0 str10 db 10,10,'Press any key to exit',0 sockaddr1: dw AF_INET4 .port dw 0 .ip dd 0 rb 10 time_reference dd ? ip_ptr dd ? count dd ? ; import align 4 @IMPORT: library network, 'network.obj', console, 'console.obj' import network, \ getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \ freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo', \ inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa' import console, \ con_start, 'START', \ con_init, 'con_init', \ con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \ con_printf, 'con_printf', \ con_exit, 'con_exit', \ con_gets, 'con_gets',\ con_cls, 'con_cls',\ con_getch2, 'con_getch2',\ con_set_cursor_pos, 'con_set_cursor_pos' socketnum dd ? icmp_packet: db 8 ; type db 0 ; code dw 0 ; .id dw 0x0000 ; identifier .seq dw 0x0001 ; sequence number .data db 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678' .length = $ - icmp_packet I_END: buffer_ptr rb BUFFERSIZE s rb 256 align 4 rb 4096 ; stack mem: