format MS COFF include "" section '.text' code readable executable public _GetService@4 public _GetDevInfo@8 public _GetMasterVol@8 public _SetMasterVol@8 public _CreateBuffer@8 public _DestroyBuffer@8 public _SetBuffer@20 public _PlayBuffer@8 public _StopBuffer@8 public _InitHeap@4 public _UserAlloc@4 public _GetNotify@4 public _CreateThread@8 public _GetMousePos@4 public _get_fileinfo@8 public _read_file@20 public _get_key public _get_button_id public _DrawWindow@36 public _make_button@24 public _draw_bar@20 public _write_text@20 public _debug_out@4 public _debug_out_hex@4 public _memset struc FILEIO { .cmd dd ? .offset dd ? dd ? .count dd ? .buff dd ? db ? .name dd ? }; struc CTRL_INFO { .pci_cmd dd ? .irq dd ? .glob_cntrl dd ? .glob_sta dd ? .codec_io_base dd ? .ctrl_io_base dd ? .codec_mem_base dd ? .ctrl_mem_base dd ? .codec_id dd ? } CTRL_INFO_SIZE equ 9*4 SND_CREATE_DEV equ 1 SND_CREATE_BUFF equ 2 SND_PLAY equ 3 SND_STOP equ 4 SND_SETBUFF equ 5 SND_DESTROY_BUFF equ 6 DEV_SET_BUFF equ 4 DEV_NOTIFY equ 5 DEV_SET_MASTERVOL equ 6 DEV_GET_MASTERVOL equ 7 DEV_GET_INFO equ 8 align 4 proc _get_button_id mov eax,17 int 0x40 test al,al jnz @F shr eax,8 ret @@: xor eax,eax dec eax ret endp align 4 proc _get_fileinfo@8 stdcall, name:dword, info:dword push ebx push esi push edi xor eax, eax mov ebx, [name] mov ecx, [info] mov [fileio.cmd], 5 mov [fileio.offset], eax mov [fileio.offset+4], eax mov [fileio.count], eax mov [fileio.buff], ecx mov byte [fileio.buff+4], al mov [], ebx mov eax, 70 lea ebx, [fileio] int 0x40 pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _read_file@20 stdcall,name:dword, buff:dword, offset:dword,\ count:dword,reads:dword push ebx push esi push edi xor eax, eax mov ebx, [name] mov edx, [offset] mov esi, [buff] mov edi, [count] mov [fileio.cmd], eax mov [fileio.offset], edx mov [fileio.offset+4], eax mov [fileio.count], edi mov [fileio.buff], esi mov byte [fileio.buff+4], al mov [], ebx mov eax, 70 lea ebx, [fileio] int 0x40 mov esi, [reads] test esi, esi jz @f mov [esi], ebx @@: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _get_key mov eax, 2 int 0x40 shr eax, 8 ret endp align 4 proc _InitHeap@4 stdcall, heap_size:dword push ebx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 11 mov ecx, [heap_size] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _UserAlloc@4 stdcall, alloc_size:dword push ebx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 mov ecx, [alloc_size] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp ;align 4 ;proc _GetNotify@4 stdcall, p_ev:dword ; push ebx ; mov eax, 68 ; mov ebx, 14 ; mov ecx, [p_ev] ; int 0x40 ; pop ebx ; ret ;endp align 4 proc _GetNotify@4 stdcall, p_ev:dword push ebx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 14 mov ecx, [p_ev] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _CreateThread@8 stdcall, fn:dword, p_stack:dword push ebx mov eax, 51 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, [fn] mov edx,[p_stack] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _GetMousePos@4 stdcall,rel_type:dword push ebx mov eax, 37 mov ebx, [rel_type] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc CallServiceEx stdcall, ioctl:dword push ebx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 17 mov ecx, [ioctl] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _GetService@4 stdcall, name:dword push ebx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 16 mov ecx, [name] int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _GetDevInfo@8 stdcall, hSrv:dword, p_info:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSrv] xor ebx, ebx mov ecx, [p_info] mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], DEV_GET_INFO mov [input], ebx mov [inp_size], ebx mov [output], ecx mov [out_size], CTRL_INFO_SIZE lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _GetMasterVol@8 stdcall, hSrv:dword,pvol:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSrv] mov ecx, [pvol] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], DEV_GET_MASTERVOL mov [input], ebx mov [inp_size], ebx mov [output], ecx mov [out_size], 4 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _SetMasterVol@8 stdcall,hSrv:dword,vol:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSrv] lea ecx, [vol] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], DEV_SET_MASTERVOL mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 4 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _CreateBuffer@8 stdcall, hSound:dword,format:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSound] lea ecx, [format] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], SND_CREATE_BUFF mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 4 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _DestroyBuffer@8 stdcall, hSound:dword, str:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSound] lea ecx, [str] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], SND_DESTROY_BUFF mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 4 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _SetBuffer@20 stdcall,hSound:dword, str:dword, src:dword, offs:dword, size:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSound] lea ecx, [str] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], SND_SETBUFF mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 16 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _PlayBuffer@8 stdcall, hSound:dword, str:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSound] lea ecx, [str] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], SND_PLAY mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 4 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _StopBuffer@8 stdcall, hSound:dword, str:dword locals handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? endl push ebx mov eax, [hSound] lea ecx, [str] xor ebx, ebx mov [handle], eax mov [io_code], SND_STOP mov [input], ecx mov [inp_size], 4 mov [output], ebx mov [out_size], 0 lea eax, [handle] stdcall CallServiceEx, eax pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _DrawWindow@36 stdcall, x:dword, y:dword, sx:dword, sy:dword,\ workcolor:dword, style:dword, captioncolor:dword,\ windowtype:dword, bordercolor:dword push ebx edi esi mov ebx, [x] mov ecx, [y] shl ebx, 16 shl ecx, 16 mov bx, word [sx] mov cx, word [sy] mov edx,[style] shl edx,24 add edx,[workcolor] mov esi,[windowtype] shl esi,24 add esi,[captioncolor] mov edi,[bordercolor] xor eax,eax int 0x40 pop esi edi ebx ret endp align 4 _make_button@24: ;arg1 - x ;arg2 - y ;arg3 - xsize ;arg4 - ysize ;arg5 - id ;arg6 - color push ebx esi mov ebx,[esp+12] shl ebx,16 mov bx,[esp+20] mov ecx,[esp+16] shl ecx,16 mov cx,[esp+24] mov edx,[esp+28] mov esi,[esp+32] mov eax,8 int 0x40 pop esi ebx ret 24 align 4 _draw_bar@20: ;arg1 - x ;arg2 - y ;arg3 - xsize ;arg4 - ysize ;arg5 - color push ebx mov eax,13 mov ebx,[esp+8] shl ebx,16 mov bx,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+12] shl ecx,16 mov cx,[esp+20] mov edx,[esp+24] int 0x40 pop ebx ret 20 _write_text@20: ;arg1 - x ;arg2 - y ;arg3 - color ;arg4 - text ;arg5 - len push ebx esi mov eax,4 mov ebx,[esp+12] shl ebx,16 mov bx,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+20] mov edx,[esp+24] mov esi,[esp+28] int 0x40 pop esi ebx ret 20 align 4 proc _debug_out@4 stdcall, val:dword push ebx mov ecx,[val] mov ebx,1 mov eax,63 int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc _debug_out_hex@4 stdcall val:dword locals count dd ? endl mov [count], 8 .new_char: rol [val], 4 mov ecx, [val] and ecx, 0x0f mov cl,byte [__hexdigits+ecx] mov eax, 63 mov ebx, 1 int 0x40 dec [count] jnz .new_char ret endp align 4 _memset: mov edx,[esp + 0ch] mov ecx,[esp + 4] test edx,edx jz short toend xor eax,eax mov al,[esp + 8] push edi mov edi,ecx cmp edx,4 jb tail neg ecx and ecx,3 jz short dwords sub edx,ecx adjust_loop: mov [edi],al add edi,1 sub ecx,1 jnz adjust_loop dwords: mov ecx,eax shl eax,8 add eax,ecx mov ecx,eax shl eax,10h add eax,ecx mov ecx,edx and edx,3 shr ecx,2 jz tail cld rep stosd main_loop_tail: test edx,edx jz finish tail: mov [edi],al add edi,1 sub edx,1 jnz tail finish: mov eax,[esp + 8] pop edi ret toend: mov eax,[esp + 4] ret public _allmul _allmul: mov eax, [esp+8] mov ecx, [esp+16] or ecx,eax mov ecx, [esp+12] jnz .hard mov eax, [esp+4] mul ecx ret 16 .hard: push ebx mul ecx mov ebx,eax mov eax, [esp+8] mul dword [esp+20] add ebx,eax mov eax,[esp+8] mul ecx add edx,ebx pop ebx ret 16 align 4 _allshr: cmp cl,64 jae .sign cmp cl, 32 jae .MORE32 shrd eax,edx,cl sar edx,cl ret .MORE32: mov eax,edx sar edx,31 and cl,31 sar eax,cl ret .sign: sar edx,31 mov eax,edx ret public __ftol2_sse align 4 __ftol2_sse: push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 20 and esp, 0xFFFFFFF0 fld st0 fst dword [esp+18] fistp qword [esp+10] fild qword [esp+10] mov edx, [esp+18] mov eax, [esp+10] test eax, eax jz .QnaNZ .not_QnaNZ: fsubp st1, st0 test edx, edx jns .pos fstp dword [esp] mov ecx, [esp] xor ecx, 0x80000000 add ecx, 0x7FFFFFFF adc eax, 0 mov edx, [esp+14] adc edx, 0 jmp .exit .pos: fstp dword [esp] mov ecx, [esp] add ecx, 0x7FFFFFFF sbb eax, 0 jmp .exit .QnaNZ: mov edx, [esp+14] test edx, 0x7FFFFFFF jne .not_QnaNZ fstp dword [esp+18] fstp dword [esp+18] .exit: leave ret public __fltused __fltused dd 0 align 4 __hexdigits db '0123456789ABCDEF' align 4 fileio FILEIO