;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2010. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; PCnet32 driver for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Based on the PCnet32 driver for MenuetOS, by Jarek Pelczar ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format MS COFF API_VERSION equ 0x01000100 DRIVER_VERSION equ 5 MAX_DEVICES equ 16 DEBUG equ 1 __DEBUG__ equ 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 include 'proc32.inc' include 'imports.inc' include 'fdo.inc' include 'netdrv.inc' public START public service_proc public version virtual at ebx device: ETH_DEVICE .rx_buffer dd ? .tx_buffer dd ? .io_addr dd ? .irq_line db ? .pci_bus db ? .pci_dev db ? db ? ; align 4 .access_read_csr dd ? .access_write_csr dd ? .access_read_bcr dd ? .access_write_bcr dd ? .access_read_rap dd ? .access_write_rap dd ? .access_reset dd ? ; The following fields up to .tx_ring_phys inclusive form ; initialization block for hardware; do not modify (must be 4-aligned) .private: .mode_ dw ? .tlen_rlen dw ? .phys_addr dp ? .reserved dw ? .filter dq ? .rx_ring_phys dd ? .tx_ring_phys dd ? .rx_ring dd ? .tx_ring dd ? .cur_rx db ? .cur_tx db ? .dirty_rx dd ? .dirty_tx dd ? .tx_full db ? .options dd ? .full_duplex db ? .chip_version dd ? .mii db ? .ltint db ? .dxsuflo db ? .fset db ? .fdx db ? .size = $ - device end virtual struc buf_head { .base dd ? .length dw ? .status dw ? .msg_length dw ? .misc dw ? .reserved dd ? .size: } virtual at 0 buf_head buf_head end virtual struc rx_desc_2 { ; Swstyle 2 .rbadr dd ? .status dd ? .rfrtag dd ? ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |Address | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 |19-16|15-12|11-0 | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+00h| RBADR[31:0] | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+04h| OWN | ERR |FRAM |OFLO | CRC |BUFF | STP | ENP | BPE | PAM |LAFM | BAM | RES |1111 |BCNT | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+08h| RES | RFRTAG[14:0] |0000 |MCNT | ; +--------+-----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+0Ch| USER SPACE | | | ; +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ } struc rx_desc_3 { ; Swstyle 3 .mcnt dd ? .status dd ? .rbadr dd ? ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |Address | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 |22-16|15-12|11-0 | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+00h| RES | RES | RES |0000 |MCNT | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+04h| OWN | ERR |FRAM |OFLO | CRC |BUFF | STP | ENP | BPE | RES |1111 |BCNT | ; +--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; |CRDA+08h| RBADR[31:0] | ; +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; |CRDA+0Ch| USER SPACE | ; +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ } virtual at 0 rx_desc rx_desc_2 end virtual ; PCI Bus defines PORT_AUI equ 0x00 PORT_10BT equ 0x01 PORT_GPSI equ 0x02 PORT_MII equ 0x03 PORT_PORTSEL equ 0x03 PORT_ASEL equ 0x04 PORT_100 equ 0x40 PORT_FD equ 0x80 DMA_MASK equ 0xffffffff LOG_TX_BUFFERS equ 2 LOG_RX_BUFFERS equ 2 TX_RING_SIZE equ 4 TX_RING_MOD_MASK equ (TX_RING_SIZE-1) TX_RING_LEN_BITS equ (LOG_TX_BUFFERS shl 12) RX_RING_SIZE equ 4 RX_RING_MOD_MASK equ (RX_RING_SIZE-1) RX_RING_LEN_BITS equ (LOG_RX_BUFFERS shl 4) PKT_BUF_SZ equ 1544 PKT_BUF_SZ_NEG equ 0xf9f8 WIO_RDP equ 0x10 WIO_RAP equ 0x12 WIO_RESET equ 0x14 WIO_BDP equ 0x16 DWIO_RDP equ 0x10 DWIO_RAP equ 0x14 DWIO_RESET equ 0x18 DWIO_BDP equ 0x1C TOTAL_SIZE equ 0x20 ; CSR registers CSR_CSR equ 0x00 CSR_IAB0 equ 0x01 CSR_IAB1 equ 0x02 CSR_IMR equ 0x03 CSR_TFEAT equ 0x04 CSR_EXTCTL1 equ 0x05 CSR_DTBLLEN equ 0x06 CSR_EXTCTL2 equ 0x07 CSR_MAR0 equ 0x08 CSR_MAR1 equ 0x09 CSR_MAR2 equ 0x0A CSR_MAR3 equ 0x0B CSR_PAR0 equ 0x0C CSR_PAR1 equ 0x0D CSR_PAR2 equ 0x0E CSR_MODE equ 0x0F CSR_RXADDR0 equ 0x18 CSR_RXADDR1 equ 0x19 CSR_TXADDR0 equ 0x1E CSR_TXADDR1 equ 0x1F CSR_TXPOLL equ 0x2F CSR_RXPOLL equ 0x31 CSR_RXRINGLEN equ 0x4C CSR_TXRINGLEN equ 0x4E CSR_DMACTL equ 0x50 CSR_BUSTIMER equ 0x52 CSR_MEMERRTIMEO equ 0x64 CSR_ONNOWMISC equ 0x74 CSR_ADVFEAT equ 0x7A CSR_MACCFG equ 0x7D CSR_CHIPID0 equ 0x58 CSR_CHIPID1 equ 0x59 ; Control and Status Register (CSR0) CSR_INIT equ 1 shl 0 CSR_START equ 1 shl 1 CSR_STOP equ 1 shl 2 CSR_TX equ 1 shl 3 CSR_TXON equ 1 shl 4 CSR_RXON equ 1 shl 5 CSR_INTEN equ 1 shl 6 CSR_INTR equ 1 shl 7 CSR_IDONE equ 1 shl 8 CSR_TINT equ 1 shl 9 CSR_RINT equ 1 shl 10 CSR_MERR equ 1 shl 11 CSR_MISS equ 1 shl 12 CSR_CERR equ 1 shl 13 ; Interrupt masks and deferral control (CSR3) IMR_BSWAP equ 0x0004 IMR_ENMBA equ 0x0008 ; enable modified backoff alg IMR_DXMT2PD equ 0x0010 IMR_LAPPEN equ 0x0020 ; lookahead packet processing enb IMR_DXSUFLO equ 0x0040 ; disable TX stop on underflow IMR_IDONE equ 0x0100 IMR_TINT equ 0x0200 IMR_RINT equ 0x0400 IMR_MERR equ 0x0800 IMR_MISS equ 0x1000 IMR equ IMR_TINT+IMR_RINT+IMR_IDONE+IMR_MERR+IMR_MISS ; Test and features control (CSR4) TFEAT_TXSTRTMASK equ 0x0004 TFEAT_TXSTRT equ 0x0008 TFEAT_RXCCOFLOWM equ 0x0010 ; Rx collision counter oflow TFEAT_RXCCOFLOW equ 0x0020 TFEAT_UINT equ 0x0040 TFEAT_UINTREQ equ 0x0080 TFEAT_MISSOFLOWM equ 0x0100 TFEAT_MISSOFLOW equ 0x0200 TFEAT_STRIP_FCS equ 0x0400 TFEAT_PAD_TX equ 0x0800 TFEAT_TXDPOLL equ 0x1000 TFEAT_DMAPLUS equ 0x4000 ; Extended control and interrupt 1 (CSR5) EXTCTL1_SPND equ 0x0001 ; suspend EXTCTL1_MPMODE equ 0x0002 ; magic packet mode EXTCTL1_MPENB equ 0x0004 ; magic packet enable EXTCTL1_MPINTEN equ 0x0008 ; magic packet interrupt enable EXTCTL1_MPINT equ 0x0010 ; magic packet interrupt EXTCTL1_MPPLBA equ 0x0020 ; magic packet phys. logical bcast EXTCTL1_EXDEFEN equ 0x0040 ; excessive deferral interrupt enb. EXTCTL1_EXDEF equ 0x0080 ; excessive deferral interrupt EXTCTL1_SINTEN equ 0x0400 ; system interrupt enable EXTCTL1_SINT equ 0x0800 ; system interrupt EXTCTL1_LTINTEN equ 0x4000 ; last TX interrupt enb EXTCTL1_TXOKINTD equ 0x8000 ; TX OK interrupt disable ; RX/TX descriptor len (CSR6) DTBLLEN_RLEN equ 0x0F00 DTBLLEN_TLEN equ 0xF000 ; Extended control and interrupt 2 (CSR7) EXTCTL2_MIIPDTINTE equ 0x0001 EXTCTL2_MIIPDTINT equ 0x0002 EXTCTL2_MCCIINTE equ 0x0004 EXTCTL2_MCCIINT equ 0x0008 EXTCTL2_MCCINTE equ 0x0010 EXTCTL2_MCCINT equ 0x0020 EXTCTL2_MAPINTE equ 0x0040 EXTCTL2_MAPINT equ 0x0080 EXTCTL2_MREINTE equ 0x0100 EXTCTL2_MREINT equ 0x0200 EXTCTL2_STINTE equ 0x0400 EXTCTL2_STINT equ 0x0800 EXTCTL2_RXDPOLL equ 0x1000 EXTCTL2_RDMD equ 0x2000 EXTCTL2_RXFRTG equ 0x4000 EXTCTL2_FASTSPNDE equ 0x8000 ; Mode (CSR15) MODE_RXD equ 0x0001 ; RX disable MODE_TXD equ 0x0002 ; TX disable MODE_LOOP equ 0x0004 ; loopback enable MODE_TXCRCD equ 0x0008 MODE_FORCECOLL equ 0x0010 MODE_RETRYD equ 0x0020 MODE_INTLOOP equ 0x0040 MODE_PORTSEL equ 0x0180 MODE_RXVPAD equ 0x2000 MODE_RXNOBROAD equ 0x4000 MODE_PROMISC equ 0x8000 ; BCR (Bus Control Registers) BCR_MMRA equ 0x00 ; Master Mode Read Active BCR_MMW equ 0x01 ; Master Mode Write Active BCR_MISCCFG equ 0x02 BCR_LED0 equ 0x04 BCR_LED1 equ 0x05 BCR_LED2 equ 0x06 BCR_LED3 equ 0x07 BCR_DUPLEX equ 0x09 BCR_BUSCTL equ 0x12 BCR_EECTL equ 0x13 BCR_SSTYLE equ 0x14 BCR_PCILAT equ 0x16 BCR_PCISUBVENID equ 0x17 BCR_PCISUBSYSID equ 0x18 BCR_SRAMSIZE equ 0x19 BCR_SRAMBOUND equ 0x1A BCR_SRAMCTL equ 0x1B BCR_MIICTL equ 0x20 BCR_MIIADDR equ 0x21 BCR_MIIDATA equ 0x22 BCR_PCIVENID equ 0x23 BCR_PCIPCAP equ 0x24 BCR_DATA0 equ 0x25 BCR_DATA1 equ 0x26 BCR_DATA2 equ 0x27 BCR_DATA3 equ 0x28 BCR_DATA4 equ 0x29 BCR_DATA5 equ 0x2A BCR_DATA6 equ 0x2B BCR_DATA7 equ 0x2C BCR_ONNOWPAT0 equ 0x2D BCR_ONNOWPAT1 equ 0x2E BCR_ONNOWPAT2 equ 0x2F BCR_PHYSEL equ 0x31 ; RX status register RXSTAT_BPE equ 0x0080 ; bus parity error RXSTAT_ENP equ 0x0100 ; end of packet RXSTAT_STP equ 0x0200 ; start of packet RXSTAT_BUFF equ 0x0400 ; buffer error RXSTAT_CRC equ 0x0800 ; CRC error RXSTAT_OFLOW equ 0x1000 ; rx overrun RXSTAT_FRAM equ 0x2000 ; framing error RXSTAT_ERR equ 0x4000 ; error summary RXSTAT_OWN equ 0x8000 ; TX status register TXSTAT_TRC equ 0x0000000F ; transmit retries TXSTAT_RTRY equ 0x04000000 ; retry TXSTAT_LCAR equ 0x08000000 ; lost carrier TXSTAT_LCOL equ 0x10000000 ; late collision TXSTAT_EXDEF equ 0x20000000 ; excessive deferrals TXSTAT_UFLOW equ 0x40000000 ; transmit underrun TXSTAT_BUFF equ 0x80000000 ; buffer error TXCTL_OWN equ 0x80000000 TXCTL_ERR equ 0x40000000 ; error summary TXCTL_ADD_FCS equ 0x20000000 ; add FCS to pkt TXCTL_MORE_LTINT equ 0x10000000 TXCTL_ONE equ 0x08000000 TXCTL_DEF equ 0x04000000 TXCTL_STP equ 0x02000000 TXCTL_ENP equ 0x01000000 TXCTL_BPE equ 0x00800000 TXCTL_MBO equ 0x0000F000 TXCTL_BUFSZ equ 0x00000FFF MAX_ETH_FRAME_SIZE equ 1514 section '.flat' code readable align 16 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; proc START ;; ;; ;; ;; (standard driver proc) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 proc START stdcall, state:dword cmp [state], 1 jne .exit .entry: DEBUGF 1,"Loading PCnet driver\n" stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc ret .fail: .exit: xor eax, eax ret endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; proc SERVICE_PROC ;; ;; ;; ;; (standard driver proc) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword mov edx, [ioctl] mov eax, [IOCTL.io_code] ;------------------------------------------------------ cmp eax, 0 ;SRV_GETVERSION jne @F cmp [IOCTL.out_size], 4 jl .fail mov eax, [IOCTL.output] mov [eax], dword API_VERSION xor eax, eax ret ;------------------------------------------------------ @@: cmp eax, 1 ;SRV_HOOK jne .fail cmp [IOCTL.inp_size], 3 ; Data input must be at least 3 bytes jl .fail mov eax, [IOCTL.input] cmp byte [eax], 1 ; 1 means device number and bus number (pci) are given jne .fail ; other types arent supported for this card yet ; check if the device is already listed mov ecx, [devices] test ecx, ecx jz .firstdevice mov esi, device_list ; mov eax, [IOCTL.input] ; get the pci bus and device numbers mov ax , [eax+1] ; .nextdevice: mov ebx, [esi] cmp ax , word [device.pci_bus] ; compare with pci and device num in device list (notice the usage of word instead of byte) je .find_devicenum ; Device is already loaded, let's find it's device number add esi, 4 loop .nextdevice ; This device doesnt have its own eth_device structure yet, lets create one .firstdevice: cmp [devices], MAX_DEVICES ; First check if the driver can handle one more card jge .fail push edx stdcall KernelAlloc, device.size ; Allocate the buffer for eth_device structure pop edx test eax, eax jz .fail mov ebx, eax ; ebx is always used as a pointer to the structure (in driver, but also in kernel code) ; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct mov [device.reset], reset mov [device.transmit], transmit mov [device.get_MAC], read_mac mov [device.set_MAC], write_mac mov [device.unload], unload mov [device.name], my_service ; save the pci bus and device numbers mov eax, [IOCTL.input] mov cl , [eax+1] mov [device.pci_bus], cl mov cl , [eax+2] mov [device.pci_dev], cl ; Now, it's time to find the base io addres of the PCI device find_io [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev], [device.io_addr] ; We've found the io address, find IRQ now find_irq [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev], [device.irq_line] DEBUGF 1,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\ [device.pci_dev]:1,[device.pci_bus]:1,[device.irq_line]:1,[device.io_addr]:4 ;;; allocate_and_clear [device.tx_buffer], (RX_RING_SIZE * PKT_BUF_SZ), .err allocate_and_clear [device.rx_buffer], (TX_RING_SIZE * PKT_BUF_SZ), .err allocate_and_clear [device.rx_ring], (RX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size), .err mov eax, [device.rx_ring] call GetPgAddr mov [device.rx_ring_phys], eax allocate_and_clear [device.tx_ring], (TX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size), .err mov eax, [device.tx_ring] call GetPgAddr mov [device.tx_ring_phys], eax ; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device ; Because initialization fires IRQ, IRQ handler must be aware of this device mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list mov [device_list+4*eax], ebx ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device) inc [devices] ; call probe ; this function will output in eax test eax, eax jnz .destroy ; If an error occured, exit mov [device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH call NetRegDev cmp eax, -1 je .destroy ret ; If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax .find_devicenum: DEBUGF 1,"Trying to find device number of already registered device\n" mov ebx, eax call NetPtrToNum ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx ; into a device number in edi mov eax, edi ; Application wants it in eax instead DEBUGF 1,"Kernel says: %u\n", eax ret ; If an error occured, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax) .destroy: ; todo: reset device into virgin state dec [devices] .err: DEBUGF 1,"Error, removing all data !\n" stdcall KernelFree, [device.rx_buffer] ;;; stdcall KernelFree, [device.tx_buffer] stdcall KernelFree, ebx .fail: or eax, -1 ret ;------------------------------------------------------ endp ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; ;; ;; ;; Actual Hardware dependent code starts here ;; ;; ;; ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; align 4 unload: ; TODO: (in this particular order) ; ; - Stop the device ; - Detach int handler ; - Remove device from local list (RTL8139_LIST) ; - call unregister function in kernel ; - Remove all allocated structures and buffers the card used or eax,-1 ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; probe: enables the device (if it really is a PCnet device) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 probe: make_bus_master [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev] ; first, fill in some of the structure variables mov edi, [device.rx_ring] mov ecx, RX_RING_SIZE mov eax, [device.rx_buffer] call GetPgAddr .rx_init: mov [edi + buf_head.base], eax mov [edi + buf_head.length], PKT_BUF_SZ_NEG mov [edi + buf_head.status], 0x8000 and dword [edi + buf_head.msg_length], 0 and dword [edi + buf_head.reserved], 0 add eax, PKT_BUF_SZ ; inc eax add edi, buf_head.size loop .rx_init mov edi, [device.tx_ring] mov ecx, TX_RING_SIZE mov eax, [device.tx_buffer] call GetPgAddr .tx_init: mov [edi + buf_head.base], eax and dword [edi + buf_head.length], 0 and dword [edi + buf_head.msg_length], 0 and dword [edi + buf_head.reserved], 0 add eax, PKT_BUF_SZ add edi, buf_head.size loop .tx_init mov [device.tlen_rlen], (TX_RING_LEN_BITS or RX_RING_LEN_BITS) ; First, we must try to use Word operations call switch_to_wio set_io 0 call wio_reset xor ecx, ecx call wio_read_csr cmp eax, 4 jne .try_dwio ; Try Word I/O mov ax , 88 add edx, WIO_RAP out dx , ax nop nop in ax , dx sub edx, WIO_RAP cmp ax , 88 jne .try_dwio DEBUGF 1,"Using WIO\n" call switch_to_wio jmp .L1 .try_dwio: call dwio_reset set_io 0 xor ecx, ecx call dwio_read_csr cmp eax, 4 jne .no_dev ; Try Dword I/O set_io DWIO_RAP mov eax, 88 out dx , eax nop nop in eax, dx set_io 0 and eax, 0xffff cmp eax, 88 jne .no_dev DEBUGF 1,"Using DWIO\n" call switch_to_dwio jmp .L1 .no_dev: DEBUGF 1,"PCnet device not found!\n" mov eax, 1 ret .L1: mov ecx, CSR_CHIPID0 call [device.access_read_csr] mov esi, eax mov ecx, CSR_CHIPID1 call [device.access_read_csr] shl eax, 16 or eax, esi mov ecx, eax and ecx, 0xfff cmp ecx, 3 jne .no_dev shr eax, 12 and eax, 0xffff mov [device.chip_version], eax DEBUGF 1,"chip version ok\n" mov [device.fdx], 0 mov [device.mii], 0 mov [device.fset], 0 mov [device.dxsuflo], 0 mov [device.ltint], 0 cmp eax, 0x2420 je .L2 cmp eax, 0x2430 je .L2 mov [device.fdx], 1 cmp eax, 0x2621 je .L4 cmp eax, 0x2623 je .L5 cmp eax, 0x2624 je .L6 cmp eax, 0x2625 je .L7 cmp eax, 0x2626 je .L8 cmp eax, 0x2627 je .L9 DEBUGF 1,"Invalid chip rev\n" jmp .no_dev .L2: mov [device.name], device_l2 jmp .L10 .L4: mov [device.name], device_l4 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 jmp .L10 .L5: mov [device.name], device_l5 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 mov [device.mii], 1 mov [device.fset], 1 mov [device.ltint], 1 jmp .L10 .L6: mov [device.name], device_l6 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 mov [device.mii], 1 mov [device.fset], 1 jmp .L10 .L7: mov [device.name], device_l7 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 mov [device.mii], 1 jmp .L10 .L8: mov [device.name], device_l8 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 mov ecx, CSR_RXPOLL call [device.access_read_bcr] call [device.access_write_bcr] jmp .L10 .L9: mov [device.name], device_l9 ; mov [device.fdx], 1 mov [device.mii], 1 .L10: DEBUGF 1,"device name: %s\n",[device.name] cmp [device.fset], 1 jne .L11 mov ecx, BCR_BUSCTL call [device.access_read_bcr] or eax, 0x800 call [device.access_write_bcr] mov ecx, CSR_DMACTL call [device.access_read_csr] ; and eax, 0xc00 ; or eax, 0xc00 mov eax, 0xc00 call [device.access_write_csr] mov [device.dxsuflo],1 mov [device.ltint],1 .L11: DEBUGF 1,"PCI done\n" mov eax, PORT_ASEL mov [device.options], eax mov [device.mode_], word 0x0003 mov [device.tlen_rlen], word (TX_RING_LEN_BITS or RX_RING_LEN_BITS) mov dword [device.filter], 0 mov dword [device.filter+4], 0 mov eax, IMR mov ecx, CSR_IMR ; Write interrupt mask call [device.access_write_csr] align 4 reset: ; attach int handler movzx eax, [device.irq_line] DEBUGF 1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n",eax:1 stdcall AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, dword 0 test eax, eax jnz @f DEBUGF 1,"\nCould not attach int handler!\n" ; or eax, -1 ; ret @@: set_io 0 call [device.access_reset] ; after a reset, device will be in WIO mode! ; Switch to dword operations DEBUGF 1,"Switching to 32-bit mode\n" mov ecx, DWIO_RDP mov eax, 0 call wio_write_csr call switch_to_dwio ; Lets find out if we are really in 32-bit mode now.. set_io 0 set_io DWIO_RAP mov eax, 88 out dx , eax nop nop in eax, dx set_io 0 and eax, 0xffff cmp eax, 88 je .yes_dwio call switch_to_wio ; it seem to have failed, reset device again and use wio set_io 0 call [device.access_reset] .yes_dwio: ; set/reset autoselect bit mov ecx, BCR_MISCCFG call [device.access_read_bcr] and eax,not 2 test [device.options], PORT_ASEL jz .L1 or eax, 2 .L1: call [device.access_write_bcr] ; Handle full duplex setting cmp byte [device.full_duplex], 0 je .L2 mov ecx, BCR_DUPLEX call [device.access_read_bcr] and eax, not 3 test [device.options], PORT_FD jz .L3 or eax, 1 cmp [device.options], PORT_FD or PORT_AUI jne .L4 or eax, 2 jmp .L4 .L3: test [device.options], PORT_ASEL jz .L4 cmp [device.chip_version], 0x2627 jne .L4 or eax, 3 .L4: mov ecx, BCR_DUPLEX call [device.access_write_bcr] .L2: ; set/reset GPSI bit in test register mov ecx, 124 call [device.access_read_csr] mov ecx, [device.options] and ecx, PORT_PORTSEL cmp ecx, PORT_GPSI jne .L5 or eax, 0x10 .L5: call [device.access_write_csr] cmp [device.mii], 0 je .L6 test [device.options], PORT_ASEL jnz .L6 mov ecx, BCR_MIICTL call [device.access_read_bcr] and eax,not 0x38 test [device.options], PORT_FD jz .L7 or eax, 0x10 .L7: test [device.options], PORT_100 jz .L8 or eax, 0x08 .L8: call [device.access_write_bcr] jmp .L9 .L6: test [device.options], PORT_ASEL jz .L9 mov ecx, BCR_MIICTL DEBUGF 1,"ASEL, enable auto-negotiation\n" call [device.access_read_bcr] and eax, not 0x98 or eax, 0x20 call [device.access_write_bcr] .L9: cmp [device.ltint],0 je .L10 mov ecx,5 call [device.access_read_csr] or eax,(1 shl 14) call [device.access_write_csr] .L10: mov eax, [device.options] and eax, PORT_PORTSEL shl eax, 7 mov [device.mode_], ax mov dword [device.filter], -1 mov dword [device.filter+4], -1 call read_mac lea esi, [device.mac] lea edi, [device.phys_addr] movsd movsw lea eax, [device.private] mov ecx, eax and ecx, 0xFFF ; KolibriOS PAGE SIZE call GetPgAddr add eax, ecx push eax and eax, 0xffff mov ecx, 1 call [device.access_write_csr] pop eax shr eax,16 mov ecx,2 call [device.access_write_csr] mov ecx,4 mov eax,0x0915 call [device.access_write_csr] mov ecx,0 mov eax,1 call [device.access_write_csr] mov [device.tx_full],0 mov [device.cur_rx],0 mov [device.cur_tx],0 mov [device.dirty_rx],0 mov [device.dirty_tx],0 mov ecx,100 .L11: push ecx xor ecx, ecx call [device.access_read_csr] pop ecx test ax,0x100 jnz .L12 loop .L11 .L12: DEBUGF 1,"Starting up device\n" xor ecx, ecx mov eax, 0x0002 call [device.access_write_csr] xor ecx, ecx call [device.access_read_csr] xor ecx, ecx mov eax, CSR_INTEN or CSR_START call [device.access_write_csr] DEBUGF 1,"PCNET reset complete\n" xor eax, eax ; clear packet/byte counters lea edi, [device.bytes_tx] mov ecx, 6 rep stosd ; Set the mtu, kernel will be able to send now mov [device.mtu], 1514 ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Transmit ;; ;; ;; ;; In: buffer pointer in [esp+4] ;; ;; size of buffer in [esp+8] ;; ;; pointer to device structure in ebx ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 transmit: DEBUGF 1,"Transmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n",[esp+4],[esp+8] mov eax, [esp+4] DEBUGF 1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\ [eax+00]:2,[eax+01]:2,[eax+02]:2,[eax+03]:2,[eax+04]:2,[eax+05]:2,\ [eax+06]:2,[eax+07]:2,[eax+08]:2,[eax+09]:2,[eax+10]:2,[eax+11]:2,\ [eax+13]:2,[eax+12]:2 cmp dword [esp+8], 1514 jg .finish ; packet is too long cmp dword [esp+8], 60 jl .finish ; packet is too short ; check descriptor movzx eax, [device.cur_tx] imul edi, eax, PKT_BUF_SZ shl eax, 4 add edi, [device.tx_buffer] add eax, [device.tx_ring] test byte [eax + buf_head.status + 1], 80h jnz .nospace ; descriptor is free, copy data mov esi, [esp+4] mov ecx, [esp+8] mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 2 and edx, 3 rep movsd mov ecx, edx rep movsb ; set length mov ecx, [esp+8] neg ecx mov [eax + buf_head.length], cx ; put to transfer queue mov [eax + buf_head.status], 0x8300 ; trigger an immediate send xor ecx, ecx ; CSR0 call [device.access_read_csr] or eax, CSR_TX call [device.access_write_csr] ; get next descriptor 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, ... inc [device.cur_tx] and [device.cur_tx], 3 DEBUGF 2," - Packet Sent! " .finish: ; update statistics inc [device.packets_tx] mov ecx, [esp+8] add dword [device.bytes_tx], ecx adc dword [device.bytes_tx + 4], 0 DEBUGF 2," - Done!\n" call Kernelfree add esp, 4 ret .nospace: DEBUGF 1, 'ERROR: no free transmit descriptors\n' ; todo: maybe somehow notify the kernel about the error? call Kernelfree add esp, 4 ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Interrupt handler ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 int_handler: DEBUGF 1,"IRQ %x ", eax:2 ; no, you cant replace 'eax:2' with 'al', this must be a bug in FDO ; find pointer of device wich made IRQ occur mov esi, device_list mov ecx, [devices] test ecx, ecx jz .abort .nextdevice: mov ebx, [esi] DEBUGF 1,"device=%x? ", ebx set_io 0 push ecx xor ecx, ecx ; CSR0 call [device.access_read_csr] ; get IRQ reason pop ecx test ax , ax jnz .got_it add esi, 4 loop .nextdevice ret ; If no device was found, abort (The irq was probably for a device, not registered to this driver .got_it: DEBUGF 1,"yes, reason=%x ", ax ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Possible reasons: ; initialization done - ignore ; transmit done - ignore ; packet received - handle ; Clear ALL IRQ reasons. ; N.B. One who wants to handle more than one reason must be ready ; to two or more reasons in one IRQ. xor ecx, ecx call [device.access_write_csr] ; Received packet ok? test ax, CSR_RINT jz @f .receiver_test_loop: movzx eax, [device.cur_rx] ; and eax, RX_RING_MOD_MASK mov edi, eax imul esi, eax, PKT_BUF_SZ ; add esi, [device.rx_buffer] ; esi now points to rx buffer shl edi, 4 ; desc * 16 (16 is size of one ring entry) add edi, [device.rx_ring] ; edi now points to current rx ring entry mov cx , [edi + buf_head.status] test cx , RXSTAT_OWN ; If this bit is set, the controller OWN's the packet, if not, we do jnz .abort test cx , RXSTAT_ENP jz .abort test cx , RXSTAT_STP jz .abort movzx ecx, [edi + buf_head.msg_length] ; get packet length in ecx sub ecx, 4 ; push ecx stdcall KernelAlloc, ecx ; Allocate a buffer to put packet into pop ecx test eax, eax ; Test if we allocated succesfully jz .abort ; push .receiver_test_loop ; push ecx ; for eth_receiver push eax ; ; update statistics inc [device.packets_rx] add dword [device.bytes_rx], ecx adc dword [device.bytes_rx + 4], 0 xchg edi, eax ; copy packet data shr cx , 1 jnc .nb movsb .nb: shr cx , 1 jnc .nw movsw .nw: rep movsd ; mov word [eax + buf_head.length], PKT_BUF_SZ_NEG mov word [eax + buf_head.status], RXSTAT_OWN ; Set OWN bit back to 1 (controller may write to tx-buffer again now) inc [device.cur_rx] ; update descriptor and [device.cur_rx], 3 ; DEBUGF 1,"Inserting packet\n" jmp EthReceiver ; Send the copied packet to kernel .abort: DEBUGF 1,"done \n" @@: ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Write MAC address ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 write_mac: ; in: mac pushed onto stack (as 3 words) DEBUGF 1,"Writing MAC: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x",[esp+0]:2,[esp+1]:2,[esp+2]:2,[esp+3]:2,[esp+4]:2,[esp+5]:2 mov edx, [device.io_addr] add edx, 2 xor eax, eax mov ecx, CSR_PAR0 @@: pop ax call [device.access_write_csr] DEBUGF 1,"." inc ecx cmp ecx, CSR_PAR2 jl @r DEBUGF 1,"\n" ; Notice this procedure does not ret, but continues to read_mac instead. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Read MAC address ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; read_mac: DEBUGF 1,"Reading MAC" mov edx, [device.io_addr] add edx, 6 @@: dec dx dec dx in ax, dx push ax DEBUGF 1,"." cmp edx, [device.io_addr] jg @r DEBUGF 1," %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",[esp+0]:2,[esp+1]:2,[esp+2]:2,[esp+3]:2,[esp+4]:2,[esp+5]:2 lea edi, [device.mac] pop ax stosw pop ax stosw pop ax stosw ret switch_to_wio: DEBUGF 1,"Switch to WIO\n" mov [device.access_read_csr], wio_read_csr mov [device.access_write_csr], wio_write_csr mov [device.access_read_bcr], wio_read_bcr mov [device.access_write_bcr], wio_write_bcr mov [device.access_read_rap], wio_read_rap mov [device.access_write_rap], wio_write_rap mov [device.access_reset], wio_reset ret switch_to_dwio: DEBUGF 1,"Switch to DWIO\n" mov [device.access_read_csr], dwio_read_csr mov [device.access_write_csr], dwio_write_csr mov [device.access_read_bcr], dwio_read_bcr mov [device.access_write_bcr], dwio_write_bcr mov [device.access_read_rap], dwio_read_rap mov [device.access_write_rap], dwio_write_rap mov [device.access_reset], dwio_reset ret ; ecx - index ; return: ; eax - data wio_read_csr: add edx, WIO_RAP mov ax , cx out dx , ax add edx, WIO_RDP - WIO_RAP in ax , dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, WIO_RDP ret ; eax - data ; ecx - index wio_write_csr: add edx, WIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , ax xchg eax, ecx add edx, WIO_RDP - WIO_RAP out dx , ax sub edx, WIO_RDP ret ; ecx - index ; return: ; eax - data wio_read_bcr: add edx, WIO_RAP mov ax , cx out dx , ax add edx, WIO_BDP - WIO_RAP in ax , dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, WIO_BDP ret ; eax - data ; ecx - index wio_write_bcr: add edx, WIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , ax xchg eax, ecx add edx, WIO_BDP - WIO_RAP out dx , ax sub edx, WIO_BDP ret wio_read_rap: add edx, WIO_RAP in ax , dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, WIO_RAP ret ; eax - val wio_write_rap: add edx, WIO_RAP out dx , ax sub edx, WIO_RAP ret wio_reset: push eax add edx, WIO_RESET in ax , dx pop eax sub edx, WIO_RESET ret ; ecx - index ; return: ; eax - data dwio_read_csr: add edx, DWIO_RAP mov eax, ecx out dx , eax add edx, DWIO_RDP - DWIO_RAP in eax, dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, DWIO_RDP ret ; ecx - index ; eax - data dwio_write_csr: add edx, DWIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , eax add edx, DWIO_RDP - DWIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , eax sub edx, DWIO_RDP ret ; ecx - index ; return: ; eax - data dwio_read_bcr: add edx, DWIO_RAP mov eax, ecx out dx , eax add edx, DWIO_BDP - DWIO_RAP in eax, dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, DWIO_BDP ret ; ecx - index ; eax - data dwio_write_bcr: add edx, DWIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , eax add edx, DWIO_BDP - DWIO_RAP xchg eax, ecx out dx , eax sub edx, DWIO_BDP ret dwio_read_rap: add edx, DWIO_RAP in eax, dx and eax, 0xffff sub edx, DWIO_RAP ret ; eax - val dwio_write_rap: add edx, DWIO_RAP out dx , eax sub edx, DWIO_RAP ret dwio_reset: push eax add edx, DWIO_RESET in eax, dx pop eax sub edx, DWIO_RESET ret ; End of code align 4 ; Place all initialised data here devices dd 0 version dd (DRIVER_VERSION shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF) my_service db 'PCnet32',0 ; max 16 chars include zero device_l2 db "PCnet/PCI 79C970",0 device_l4 db "PCnet/PCI II 79C970A",0 device_l5 db "PCnet/FAST 79C971",0 device_l6 db "PCnet/FAST+ 79C972",0 device_l7 db "PCnet/FAST III 79C973",0 device_l8 db "PCnet/Home 79C978",0 device_l9 db "PCnet/FAST III 79C975",0 options_mapping: dd PORT_ASEL ; 0 Auto-select dd PORT_AUI ; 1 BNC/AUI dd PORT_AUI ; 2 AUI/BNC dd PORT_ASEL ; 3 not supported dd PORT_10BT or PORT_FD ; 4 10baseT-FD dd PORT_ASEL ; 5 not supported dd PORT_ASEL ; 6 not supported dd PORT_ASEL ; 7 not supported dd PORT_ASEL ; 8 not supported dd PORT_MII ; 9 MII 10baseT dd PORT_MII or PORT_FD ; 10 MII 10baseT-FD dd PORT_MII ; 11 MII (autosel) dd PORT_10BT ; 12 10BaseT dd PORT_MII or PORT_100 ; 13 MII 100BaseTx dd PORT_MII or PORT_100 or PORT_FD ; 14 MII 100BaseTx-FD dd PORT_ASEL ; 15 not supported include_debug_strings ; All data wich FDO uses will be included here section '.data' data readable writable align 16 ; place all uninitialized data place here device_list rd MAX_DEVICES ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling