/**************************************************************************** * * Open Watcom Project * * Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original * Code as defined in and that are subject to the Sybase Open Watcom * Public License version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. BY USING THIS FILE YOU AGREE TO * ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. A copy of the License is * provided with the Original Code and Modifications, and is also * available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SYBASE AND ALL CONTRIBUTORS HEREBY DISCLAIM * ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the License for the specific language * governing rights and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== * * Description: Win32 implementation of open() and sopen(). * ****************************************************************************/ #include "variety.h" #include "widechar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "liballoc.h" #include "iomode.h" #include "fileacc.h" #include "openmode.h" #include "rtdata.h" #include "seterrno.h" extern unsigned __NFiles; extern char *__appcwd; extern int __appcwdlen; #if (defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__NT__)) typedef struct { DWORD attr; DWORD flags; DWORD cr_time; DWORD cr_date; DWORD acc_time; DWORD acc_date; DWORD mod_time; DWORD mod_date; DWORD size; DWORD size_high; } FILEINFO; int _stdcall get_fileinfo(const char *name,FILEINFO* pinfo); typedef struct { char *name; unsigned int offset; }__file_handle; static char* getfullpath(const char* path) { int prev_is_slash=0; int len=0, depth=0, i; char* buff; char c; if(*path == '/') { buff = (char*)lib_malloc(strlen(path)+1); buff[0] = '\0'; len=0; } else { len= __appcwdlen; buff = (char*)lib_malloc(len+strlen(path)+1); strncpy(buff, __appcwd, __appcwdlen); prev_is_slash = 1; buff[len] = 0; for(i=0; buff[i]; i++) if(buff[i] == '/' && i < len-1) depth++; } while(c=*path++) { switch (c) { case '.': if((*path == '.')&& (*path+1)== '/') { if(!depth) { free(buff); return 0; }; buff[len-1] = 0; len = strrchr(buff, '/') + 1 - buff; buff[len] = 0; depth--; path +=2; prev_is_slash = 1; continue; } if(*path == '/') { path++; prev_is_slash = 1; continue; } buff[len++] = c; continue; case '/': prev_is_slash = 1; buff[len++] = c; continue; default: prev_is_slash = 0; buff[len++] = c; continue; }; }; buff[len]= '\0'; return buff; }; size_t FileSize(FILE *fp) { int hdl; __file_handle *fh; FILEINFO info; hdl = fileno( fp ); // __handle_check( hdl, -1 ); fh = (__file_handle*) __getOSHandle(hdl); get_fileinfo(fh->name,&info); return info.size; } int access(const char *path, int mode) { size_t retval; FILEINFO info; char *p; p = getfullpath(path); retval=get_fileinfo(p,&info); free(p); return retval; } static HANDLE __createFileHandle(const CHAR_TYPE *name) { FILEINFO info; __file_handle *handle; char *path; path = getfullpath(name); if(get_fileinfo(path,&info)) { // printf("failed getfileinfo %s\n\r", path); lib_free(path); return (HANDLE)-1; }; if ( !(handle=(__file_handle*)lib_malloc(sizeof( __file_handle) ))) { lib_free(path); return (HANDLE)-1; }; handle->name = path; handle->offset = 0; return (HANDLE)handle; }; static int __F_NAME(_sopen,__wsopen)( const CHAR_TYPE *name, int mode, int share, va_list args ) { HANDLE handle; int hid, rwmode; unsigned iomode_flags; // First try to get the required slot. // No point in creating a file only to not use it. JBS 99/10/26 hid = __allocPOSIXHandle( DUMMY_HANDLE ); if( hid == -1 ) { return( -1 ); } rwmode = mode; /*** Open the file ***/ handle = __createFileHandle( name); if( handle==(HANDLE)-1 ) { printf("handle = -1 \n\r"); if( mode&O_CREAT ) { // handle = CreateFileA( name, desired_access, // share_mode, NULL, create_disp, // fileattr, NULL ); } if( handle == (HANDLE)-1 ) { __freePOSIXHandle( hid ); return( -1 ); //error } } // Now use the slot we got. __setOSHandle( hid, handle ); // JBS 99/11/01 iomode_flags = 0; if( rwmode == O_RDWR ) iomode_flags |= _READ | _WRITE; else if( rwmode == O_RDONLY) iomode_flags |= _READ; else if( rwmode == O_WRONLY) iomode_flags |= _WRITE; if( mode & O_APPEND ) iomode_flags |= _APPEND; if( mode & (O_BINARY|O_TEXT) ) { if( mode & O_BINARY ) iomode_flags |= _BINARY; } else { if( _RWD_fmode == O_BINARY ) iomode_flags |= _BINARY; } __SetIOMode( hid, iomode_flags ); return( hid ); } #elif static int __F_NAME(_sopen,__wsopen)( const CHAR_TYPE *name, int mode, int share, va_list args ) { DWORD create_disp, exists_disp; DWORD perm, fileattr; DWORD desired_access, share_mode; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security; HANDLE handle; int hid, rwmode; unsigned iomode_flags; // First try to get the required slot. // No point in creating a file only to not use it. JBS 99/10/26 hid = __allocPOSIXHandle( DUMMY_HANDLE ); if( hid == -1 ) { return( -1 ); } rwmode = mode & OPENMODE_ACCESS_MASK; __GetNTAccessAttr( rwmode, &desired_access, &perm ); __GetNTShareAttr( share|rwmode, &share_mode ); fileattr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; security.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); security.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; security.bInheritHandle = mode&O_NOINHERIT ? FALSE : TRUE; #ifdef DEFAULT_WINDOWING #ifdef __WIDECHAR__ if( _WindowsNewWindow != 0 && !_wcsicmp( name, L"con" ) ) #else if( _WindowsNewWindow != 0 && !stricmp( name, "con" ) ) #endif { handle = (HANDLE) __NTGetFakeHandle(); // Now use the slot we got. __setOSHandle( hid, handle ); // JBS 99/11/01 _WindowsNewWindow( NULL, hid, -1 ); iomode_flags = _ISTTY; } else { #endif if( mode & O_CREAT ) { perm = va_arg( args, int ); va_end( args ); perm &= ~_RWD_umaskval; /* 05-jan-95 */ if( ( perm & S_IREAD ) && !( perm & S_IWRITE ) ) { fileattr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; } if( mode & O_EXCL ) { create_disp = CREATE_NEW; exists_disp = CREATE_NEW; } else if( mode & O_TRUNC ) { create_disp = CREATE_ALWAYS; exists_disp = CREATE_NEW; } else { create_disp = OPEN_ALWAYS; exists_disp = OPEN_EXISTING; } } else if( mode & O_TRUNC ) { exists_disp = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; } else { exists_disp = OPEN_EXISTING; } /*** Open the file ***/ #ifdef __WIDECHAR__ handle = __lib_CreateFileW( name, desired_access, share_mode, &security, exists_disp, fileattr, NULL ); #else handle = CreateFileA( name, desired_access, share_mode, &security, exists_disp, fileattr, NULL ); #endif if( handle==(HANDLE)-1 ) { if( mode&O_CREAT ) { #ifdef __WIDECHAR__ handle = __lib_CreateFileW( name, desired_access, share_mode, NULL, create_disp, fileattr, NULL ); #else handle = CreateFileA( name, desired_access, share_mode, NULL, create_disp, fileattr, NULL ); #endif } if( handle == (HANDLE)-1 ) { __freePOSIXHandle( hid ); return( __set_errno_nt() ); } } // Now use the slot we got. __setOSHandle( hid, handle ); // JBS 99/11/01 iomode_flags = 0; if( isatty(hid) ) { iomode_flags = _ISTTY; } #ifdef DEFAULT_WINDOWING } #endif if( rwmode == O_RDWR ) iomode_flags |= _READ | _WRITE; else if( rwmode == O_RDONLY) iomode_flags |= _READ; else if( rwmode == O_WRONLY) iomode_flags |= _WRITE; if( mode & O_APPEND ) iomode_flags |= _APPEND; if( mode & (O_BINARY|O_TEXT) ) { if( mode & O_BINARY ) iomode_flags |= _BINARY; } else { if( _RWD_fmode == O_BINARY ) iomode_flags |= _BINARY; } __SetIOMode( hid, iomode_flags ); return( hid ); } #endif _WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(open,_wopen)( const CHAR_TYPE *name, int mode, ... ) { int permission; va_list args; va_start( args, mode ); permission = va_arg( args, int ); va_end( args ); return( __F_NAME(sopen,_wsopen)( name, mode, SH_COMPAT, permission ) ); } _WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(sopen,_wsopen)( const CHAR_TYPE *name, int mode, int shflag, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, shflag ); return( __F_NAME(_sopen,__wsopen)( name, mode, shflag, args ) ); }