virtual at 0 viewer_data: .buf_start dq ? .cur_pos dq ? .filesize dq ? .buf_pos dd ? .buf_size dd ? .col dq ? .hPlugin dd ? .hFile dd ? .hWorkFile dd ? .encoding db ? .bEofReached db ? .flags db ? ; & 1: hex mode ; & 2: unwrap ; & 4: big-endian unicode rb 1 .filename rb 1024 .hostname rb 1024 .buf rb 16384 .size = $ end virtual view_file: mov eax, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data] mov ecx, [eax+ecx*4] test byte [ecx], 10h jz .file ret .file: lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data] push ecx mov ecx, viewer_data.size mov edx, viewer_vtable call new_screen pop ecx test eax, eax jnz @f ret @@: mov eax, dword [esi+panel1_hPlugin-panel1_dir] mov [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin], eax test eax, eax jz .nocopyhostname lea edi, [ebp+viewer_data.hostname] push esi mov eax, dword [esi+panel1_parents-panel1_dir] mov esi, dword [esi+panel1_parents_sz-panel1_dir] add esi, eax @@: dec esi cmp byte [esi-1], 0 jz @f cmp byte [esi-1], '/' jnz @b @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b pop esi .nocopyhostname: mov eax, dword [esi+panel1_hFile-panel1_dir] mov [ebp+viewer_data.hFile], eax mov [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.cp866 mov [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 0 and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 0 and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 lea edi, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] push edi @@: lodsb test al, al jz @f stosb jmp @b @@: lea esi, [ecx+40] cmp byte [edi-1], '/' jz @f mov al, '/' stosb @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b pop eax push eax mov ebx, attrinfo mov [ebx+21], eax .attr_retry: mov edx, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test edx, edx jz .attr_native push ebp push dword [ebx+16] push eax push [ebp+viewer_data.hFile] call [edx+PluginInfo.getattr] pop ebp jmp .attr_common .attr_native: push 70 pop eax int 40h .attr_common: test eax, eax jz @f lea ebx, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] push ebx push aCannotReadFile call get_error_msg push eax mov eax, esp push RetryOrCancelBtn push 2 push eax push 3 call SayErr add esp, 3*4 mov ebx, attrinfo test eax, eax jz .attr_retry pop eax jmp delete_active_screen @@: mov eax, dword [attrinfo.attr+32] mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize], eax mov eax, dword [attrinfo.attr+36] mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize+4], eax mov ebx, readinfo xor eax, eax mov dword [ebx+readinfo.first-readinfo], eax mov dword [ebx+readinfo.first+4-readinfo], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], eax mov [ebx+readinfo.size-readinfo], 16384 lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] mov [], eax mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], eax pop dword [] mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz .retry push ebx ebp push O_READ push dword [] push [ebp+viewer_data.hFile] call [] pop ebp ebx mov [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile], eax test eax, eax jnz .retry push ContinueBtn push 1 push aCannotOpenFile_ptr push 1 call SayErr jmp delete_active_screen .retry: mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz .read_native push ebp push 16384 push [] push [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile] call [] pop ebp cmp eax, -1 jz .readok ; let's hope that plugin says error itself mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], eax mov ebx, eax jmp .readok .read_native: push 70 pop eax int 40h mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], ebx test eax, eax jz .readok cmp eax, 6 jz .readok .readerr: lea ebx, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] push ebx push aCannotReadFile call get_error_msg push eax mov eax, esp push RetryOrCancelBtn push 2 push eax push 3 call SayErr add esp, 3*4 mov ebx, readinfo test eax, eax jz .attr_retry jmp delete_active_screen .readok: cmp ebx, 2 jb .nounicode cmp word [ebp+viewer_data.buf], 0xFEFF jz @f cmp word [ebp+viewer_data.buf], 0xFFFE jnz .nounicode or byte [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 4 @@: mov [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode .nounicode: call viewer_set_keybar call viewer_draw_text ret viewer_get_next_char: pusha cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jnz @f cmp [bForHex], 0 jnz @f cmp dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], 0 jnz @f cmp dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], 0 jnz @f lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] cmp eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] jnz @f cmp word [eax], 0xFFFE jz .skip cmp word [eax], 0xFEFF jnz @f .skip: add [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], 2 @@: mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] lea ecx, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] add ecx, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size] cmp eax, ecx jb .buffered mov al, ' ' sub ecx, ebp cmp ecx, viewer_data.buf + 16384 jb .err mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] add eax, 8192 mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], eax mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] adc edx, 0 mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], edx add eax, 16384-8192 adc edx, 0 mov dword [readinfo.first], eax mov dword [readinfo.first+4], edx mov dword [readinfo.size], 8192 lea edi, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] lea esi, [edi+8192] mov ecx, (16384-8192)/4 rep movsd mov [], edi lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] mov [], eax .readretry: mov ebx, readinfo mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz .native push ecx ebp push 8192 push [] push [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile] call [] pop ebp ecx mov ebx, eax cmp eax, -1 jnz .readok xor ebx, ebx jmp .readok .native: push 70 pop eax int 40h test eax, eax jz .readok cmp eax, 6 jz .readok .readerr: call ask_retry_ignore jz .readretry .readok: sub [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], 8192 add ebx, 16384-8192 mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], ebx mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] cmp ecx, 16384-8192 jnz .buffered .err: stc popa ret .buffered: cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jz .unicode mov al, [eax] .done: mov [esp+28], al inc [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] clc popa ret .unicode: inc [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] cmp [bForHex], 0 jnz @f call read_unicode_char jmp .done @@: mov ax, [eax] mov [esp+29], ah jmp .done viewer_get_prev_char: pusha lea ecx, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] cmp [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], ecx ja .buffered mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] test eax, eax jnz @f test edx, edx jnz @f stc jmp .ret @@: sub eax, 8192 sbb edx, 0 jnc @f xor eax, eax xor edx, edx @@: call viewer_seek add [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], 8192 .buffered: mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] dec eax cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jz .unicode mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], eax mov al, [eax] mov [esp+28], al .done: clc .ret: popa ret .unicode: dec eax mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], eax call read_unicode_char jmp .done read_unicode_char: mov ax, [eax] uni2ansi_char: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 4 jz @f xchg al, ah @@: cmp ax, 0x80 jb .ret cmp ax, 0x401 jz .yo1 cmp ax, 0x451 jz .yo2 cmp ax, 0x410 jb .unk cmp ax, 0x440 jb .rus1 cmp ax, 0x450 jb .rus2 .unk: mov al, ' ' .ret: ret .yo1: mov al, 'ð' ret .yo2: mov al, 'ñ' ret .rus1: ; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF add al, 0x70 ret .rus2: ; 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF add al, 0xA0 ret fld_uint64: fild qword [eax] test byte [eax+7], 80h jz .ret fadd [@f] .ret: ret @@ dq 18446744073709551616.0 ;0x10000000000000000 viewer_draw_text: call viewer_seek_to_current xor eax, eax xor edx, edx call get_console_ptr mov ah, [view_status_color] lea esi, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] mov dl, 3 mov ecx, [cur_width] sub ecx, 44 cmp ecx, 20 jae .5 mov cl, 20 .5: lodsb cmp al, '/' jnz @f dec edx jz .6 @@: stosw loop .5 .6: dec ecx stosw push esi @@: inc esi cmp byte [esi-1], 0 jnz @b sub esi, [esp] dec esi cmp ecx, esi jae .7 mov al, '.' stosw stosw stosw sub ecx, 3 sub esi, ecx add [esp], esi .7: pop esi @@: lodsb test al, al jz @f dec ecx stosw jmp @b @@: mov al, ' ' add ecx, 8 rep stosw movzx esi, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] lea esi, [encodings.names+esi*8] mov cl, 8 @@: lodsb stosw loop @b mov al, ' ' mov cl, 8 rep stosw std push edi mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize+4] mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize] mov cl, 10 @@: push eax mov eax, edx xor edx, edx div ecx xchg eax, [esp] div ecx xchg eax, edx add al, '0' mov ah, [view_status_color] stosw xchg eax, edx pop edx test eax, eax jnz @b test edx, edx jnz @b mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_status_color] stosw cld pop edi inc edi inc edi mov al, ' ' mov cl, 5 rep stosw if lang eq ru mov al, 'Š' stosw mov al, '®' stosw mov al, '«' stosw else mov al, 'C' stosw mov al, 'o' stosw mov al, 'l' stosw end if mov al, ' ' stosw push edi mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4] test edx, edx jnz .col_big cmp eax, 100000 jae .col_big mov cl, 10 push -'0' @@: div ecx push edx xor edx, edx test eax, eax jnz @b @@: pop eax add eax, '0' jz .col_done mov ah, [view_status_color] stosw jmp @b .col_big: push eax mov al, '.' mov ah, [view_status_color] stosw stosw stosw xor eax, eax xchg eax, edx mov cl, 100 div ecx pop eax div ecx mov cl, 10 xor eax, eax xchg eax, edx div ecx add al, '0' mov ah, [view_status_color] stosw mov al, dl add al, '0' stosw .col_done: pop ecx add ecx, 10*2 sub ecx, edi shr ecx, 1 mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_status_color] rep stosw finit fldcw [fpu_cw] mov [tmp], 100 lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.filesize] cmp dword [eax], 0 jnz @f cmp dword [eax+4], 0 jz .size_zero @@: call fld_uint64 lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] call fld_uint64 fdivrp fimul [_100d] fistp [tmp] .size_zero: mov byte [edi-2], '%' sub edi, 4 mov eax, [tmp] mov cl, 10 @@: xor edx, edx div ecx xchg eax, edx add al, '0' mov [edi], al sub edi, 2 xchg eax, edx test eax, eax jnz @b xor eax, eax push 1 pop edx call get_console_ptr test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz .DrawHex push 2 pop edx xor ecx, ecx mov dword [scrpos], ecx mov dword [scrpos+4], ecx mov dword [viewer_right_side], ecx mov dword [viewer_right_side+4], ecx .1: call viewer_get_next_char jc .done .2: cmp al, 0xD jz .newline cmp al, 0xA jz .newline cmp ecx, [cur_width] jb .no_newline test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 jnz .no_newline .newline: push eax mov ecx, dword [scrpos] mov eax, dword [scrpos+4] sub ecx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col] sbb eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4] ja .line_filled jb .line_full cmp ecx, [cur_width] ja .line_filled jmp @f .line_full: xor ecx, ecx @@: test ecx, ecx jnz @f mov eax, dword [scrpos] or eax, dword [scrpos+4] jz @f inc ecx @@: sub ecx, [cur_width] neg ecx mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_normal_color] rep stosw .line_filled: mov eax, dword [scrpos] sub eax, dword [viewer_right_side] mov eax, dword [scrpos+4] sbb eax, dword [viewer_right_side+4] jb @f mov eax, dword [scrpos] mov dword [viewer_right_side], eax mov eax, dword [scrpos+4] mov dword [viewer_right_side+4], eax @@: xor ecx, ecx mov dword [scrpos], ecx mov dword [scrpos+4], ecx inc edx pop eax cmp edx, [cur_height] jae .done .no_newline: cmp al, 0xD jz .3 cmp al, 0xA jz .3 .4: test al, al jns @f movzx esi, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] cmp esi, encodings.unicode jz @f shl esi, 7 movzx eax, al mov al, [encodings.tables-80h+esi+eax] @@: cmp al, 9 jz .tab call .write_char inc ecx jns .1 push edx mov eax, ecx xor edx, edx div [tabsize] mov ecx, edx pop edx jmp .1 .3: mov bl, al call viewer_get_next_char jc .done xor bl, al cmp bl, 0xA xor 0xD jz .1 jmp .2 .tab: push edx push ecx mov eax, ecx mov ecx, [tabsize] xor edx, edx div ecx pop eax sub ecx, edx add eax, ecx test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 jnz @f cmp eax, [cur_width] jbe @f sub eax, [cur_width] sub ecx, eax mov eax, [cur_width] @@: push eax mov al, ' ' @@: call .write_char loop @b pop ecx pop edx jmp .1 .done: setc [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached] .done2: inc edx cmp edx, [cur_height] jnc @f mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] or eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] jz @f call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_prev_newline jmp viewer_draw_text @@: push edi xor eax, eax mov edx, [cur_height] dec edx call get_console_ptr mov ecx, edi pop edi sub ecx, edi shr ecx, 1 mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_normal_color] rep stosw cmp [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached], 0 jz @f xor edx, edx mov eax, [cur_width] sub eax, 4 call get_console_ptr mov ah, [view_status_color] mov al, '1' stosw mov al, '0' stosw stosw @@: call draw_image ret .DrawHex: xor esi, esi mov [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached], 0 .line: mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_normal_color] push edi mov ecx, [cur_width] rep stosw mov ebx, edi pop edi mov [bForHex], 1 call viewer_get_next_char mov [bForHex], 0 jc .hexdone push eax push edi add edi, 36*2 mov al, 0xB3 mov ah, [view_normal_color] call .safechar pop edi mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] push esi shl esi, 4 add eax, esi adc edx, 0 pop esi push eax mov al, dl shr eax, 4 and al, 0xF call .hex_digit mov al, dl and al, 0xF call .hex_digit pop eax push 8 pop ecx add edi, 7*2 std @@: push eax and al, 0xF call .hex_digit pop eax shr eax, 4 loop @b cld add edi, 9*2 mov al, ':' mov ah, [view_normal_color] stosw mov al, ' ' stosw xor ecx, ecx pop eax jmp @f .hexchar: mov [bForHex], 1 call viewer_get_next_char mov [bForHex], 0 jc .hexdone @@: cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jz .hexchar_unicode push eax shr al, 4 call .hex_digit pop eax push eax and al, 0xF call .hex_digit mov al, ' ' call .safechar pop eax push edi add edi, 48*2 push ecx shl ecx, 2 sub edi, ecx pop ecx cmp ecx, 8 jb @f sub edi, 4 @@: test al, al jns @f movzx edx, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] shl edx, 7 movzx eax, al mov al, [encodings.tables+eax+edx-80h] mov ah, [view_normal_color] @@: call .safechar pop edi inc ecx cmp ecx, 8 jnz @f mov al, 0xB3 call .safechar mov al, ' ' call .safechar @@: cmp ecx, 16 jnz .hexchar jmp .hexchar_nextline .hexchar_unicode: push eax shr eax, 12 call .hex_digit pop eax push eax shr eax, 8 and al, 0xF call .hex_digit pop eax push eax shr al, 4 call .hex_digit pop eax push eax and al, 0xF call .hex_digit mov al, ' ' mov ah, [view_normal_color] call .safechar pop eax push edi add edi, 38*2 push ecx shl ecx, 3 sub edi, ecx pop ecx cmp ecx, 4 jb @f sub edi, 4 @@: call uni2ansi_char mov ah, [view_normal_color] call .safechar pop edi inc ecx cmp ecx, 4 jnz @f mov al, 0xB3 call .safechar mov al, ' ' call .safechar @@: cmp ecx, 8 jnz .hexchar .hexchar_nextline: mov edi, ebx add esi, 3 mov edx, esi cmp esi, [cur_height] jae .done2 dec esi dec esi jmp .line .hexdone: mov [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached], 1 mov edi, ebx lea edx, [esi+2] jmp .done2 .hex_digit: push eax cmp al, 10 sbb al, 69h das mov ah, [view_normal_color] call .safechar pop eax ret .safechar: cmp edi, ebx jae @f stosw @@: ret .write_char: push ecx eax mov ecx, dword [scrpos] mov eax, dword [scrpos+4] sub ecx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col] sbb eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4] jb .left ja .skip test ecx, ecx jnz @f mov eax, dword [scrpos] or eax, dword [scrpos+4] jnz .skip @@: cmp ecx, [cur_width] ja .skip jb .do mov al, '>' mov [edi-2], al mov al, [view_arrows_color] mov [edi-1], al jmp .skip .left: mov eax, dword [scrpos] or eax, dword [scrpos+4] jnz .skip mov al, '<' mov ah, [view_arrows_color] stosw jmp .skip .do: mov al, [esp] mov ah, [view_normal_color] stosw .skip: pop eax ecx add dword [scrpos], 1 adc dword [scrpos+4], 0 ret viewer_seek_to_current: mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] viewer_seek: push eax edx sub eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] sbb edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] jb .prev ja .next cmp eax, 16384 jae .next lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf+eax] mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], eax pop edx eax ret .prev: inc edx jnz .read_full and eax, not 511 cmp eax, -16384 jbe .read_full lea edi, [ebp+viewer_data.buf+16384-4] lea esi, [edi+eax] lea ecx, [eax+16384] push ecx shr ecx, 2 std rep movsd cld pop ecx add dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], eax adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], -1 neg eax cmp dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], ecx jb .doread mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], ecx jmp .doread .read_full: pop edx eax push eax edx and eax, not 511 sub eax, 8192-512 sbb edx, 0 jnc @f xor eax, eax xor edx, edx @@: mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], edx and dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], 0 mov eax, 16384 .doread: mov ebx, readinfo push dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] pop dword [ebx+4] push dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] pop dword [ebx+8] mov [ebx+12], eax lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] mov [ebx+16], eax lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] mov [ebx+21], eax call .q cmp ebx, [readinfo.size] jnz @f add ebx, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size] @@: .ret: mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], ebx pop edx eax sub eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] lea eax, [ebp+eax+viewer_data.buf] mov [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos], eax ret .next: or eax, 511 sub eax, 16384-1 sbb edx, 0 jnz .read_full cmp eax, 16384 jae .read_full cmp [ebp+viewer_data.buf_size], 16384 jb .read_full lea edi, [ebp+viewer_data.buf] lea esi, [edi+eax] mov ecx, 16384 sub ecx, eax shr ecx, 2 rep movsd add dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start], eax adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4], 0 mov ebx, readinfo mov [ebx+16], edi sub edi, ebp sub edi, viewer_data.buf mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] add edx, edi mov [ebx+4], edx mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] adc edx, 0 mov [ebx+8], edx mov [ebx+12], eax lea eax, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] mov [ebx+21], eax call .q sub ebx, [readinfo.size] add ebx, 16384 jmp .ret .q: mov ebx, readinfo mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz .native push ebp push dword [ebx+12] push dword [ebx+16] push [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile] push eax push dword [ebx+8] push dword [ebx+4] push [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile] call [eax+PluginInfo.setpos] pop eax call [] pop ebp mov ebx, eax cmp eax, -1 jnz @f xor ebx, ebx @@: ret .native: push 70 pop eax int 40h test eax, eax jz .readok cmp eax, 6 jz .readok .readerr: call ask_retry_ignore jz .q .readok: ret ask_retry_ignore: push esi lea esi, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] push esi push aCannotReadFile call get_error_msg push eax mov eax, esp push RetryOrIgnoreBtn push 2 push eax push 3 call SayErr add esp, 3*4 pop esi test eax, eax ret viewer_set_curpos: mov eax, [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] sub eax, ebp sub eax, viewer_data.buf xor edx, edx add eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start] adc edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.buf_start+4] mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], edx ret viewer_next_newline: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jz .nohex push 8 pop ecx cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jz @f add ecx, ecx @@: call viewer_get_next_char jc @f loop @b call viewer_set_curpos clc @@: ret .nohex: xor ecx, ecx @@: call viewer_get_next_char jc .ret cmp al, 0xD jz .1 cmp al, 0xA jz .1 cmp al, 9 jz .tab inc ecx .next: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 jnz @b cmp ecx, [cur_width] jbe @b call viewer_get_prev_char jmp .2 .tab: push ecx mov eax, ecx mov ecx, [tabsize] xor edx, edx div ecx sub ecx, edx add [esp], ecx pop ecx jmp .next .1: mov cl, al call viewer_get_next_char jc .ret xor cl, al cmp cl, 0xD xor 0xA jz .2 dec [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jnz .2 dec [ebp+viewer_data.buf_pos] .2: .ret: call viewer_set_curpos ret viewer_prev_newline: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jz .nohex push 8 pop ecx cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jz @f add ecx, ecx @@: call viewer_get_prev_char jc @f loop @b @@: call viewer_set_curpos ret .nohex: mov eax, 8192 push eax cdq div [cur_width] pop eax sub eax, edx mov edx, eax call viewer_get_prev_char jc .0 dec edx cmp al, 0xD jz .2 cmp al, 0xA jnz .3 .2: mov cl, al call viewer_get_prev_char jc .0 dec edx xor cl, al cmp cl, 0xD xor 0xA jnz .3 @@: call viewer_get_prev_char jc .0 dec edx jz .0 .3: cmp al, 0xD jz .1 cmp al, 0xA jnz @b .1: call viewer_get_next_char .0: push dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] push dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] call viewer_set_curpos @@: push dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] push dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] call viewer_next_newline jc .ret3 mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] sub eax, [esp+8] sbb edx, [esp+12] jae .ret3 pop eax pop eax jmp @b .ret3: pop dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos] pop dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4] .ret: pop eax pop eax jmp viewer_seek_to_current viewer_set_keybar: mov eax, keybar_viewer if lang eq ru test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz .hex mov dword [eax+(4-1)*6], 'Š®¤ ' mov word [eax+(4-1)*6+4], ' ' jmp @f .hex: mov dword [eax+(4-1)*6], '’¥ªá' mov word [eax+(4-1)*6+4], 'â ' @@: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 jnz .unwrap mov dword [eax+6], ' §¢' mov word [eax+6+4], '¥à' jmp @f .unwrap: mov dword [eax+6], '‘¢¥à' mov word [eax+6+4], '­ ' @@: else test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz .hex mov dword [eax+(4-1)*6], 'Hex ' ; mov word [eax+(4-1)*6+4], ' ' jmp @f .hex: mov dword [eax+(4-1)*6], 'Text' ; mov word [eax+(4-1)*6+4], ' ' @@: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 jnz .unwrap mov dword [eax+6], 'Unwr' mov word [eax+6+4], 'ap' jmp @f .unwrap: mov dword [eax+6], 'Wrap' mov word [eax+6+4], ' ' @@: end if movzx esi, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] dec esi jz @f push 1 pop esi @@: lea esi, [encodings.names+esi*8] lea edi, [eax+keybar_cp-keybar_viewer] movsd movsw jmp draw_keybar viewer_OnRedraw: call viewer_set_keybar call viewer_draw_text ret viewer_OnExit: mov edx, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] test edx, edx jz @f and [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin], 0 push edx ebp push [ebp+viewer_data.hWorkFile] call [edx+PluginInfo.close] pop ebp edx mov ebx, [ebp+viewer_data.hFile] call close_handle_if_unused @@: ret viewer_IsHandleUsed: cmp edx, [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin] jnz @f cmp ebx, [ebp+viewer_data.hFile] @@: ret viewer_OnKey: mov esi, viewer_ctrlkeys jmp process_ctrl_keys .exit: call viewer_OnExit jmp delete_active_screen .down: cmp [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached], 0 jnz .ret call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_next_newline jc .ret call viewer_draw_text ret .pgdn: cmp [ebp+viewer_data.bEofReached], 0 jnz .ret call viewer_seek_to_current mov ebx, [cur_height] sub ebx, 3 @@: call viewer_next_newline jc .ret dec ebx jnz @b call viewer_draw_text ret .up: call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_prev_newline call viewer_draw_text ret .pgup: call viewer_seek_to_current mov ebx, [cur_height] sub ebx, 3 @@: call viewer_prev_newline dec ebx jnz @b .done_redraw: call viewer_draw_text .ret: ret .f8: movzx esi, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] dec [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] jz .done_redraw_keybar mov [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], 1 jmp .done_redraw_keybar .f2: xor [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 2 .done_redraw_keybar: call viewer_set_keybar jmp .done_redraw .f4: xor [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 pushf call viewer_set_keybar popf jnz .tohex push 1 pop eax cmp [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], encodings.unicode jnz @f add eax, eax @@: add dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], eax adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], 0 call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_prev_newline jmp .done_redraw .tohex: and byte [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], 0xF0 jmp .done_redraw .home: xor eax, eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], eax jmp .done_redraw .end: mov eax, dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize] mov edx, dword [ebp+viewer_data.filesize+4] and al, 0xF0 mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], edx and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 0 and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jmp .done_redraw .right: add dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 1 adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jnc .done_redraw sub dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 1 sbb dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 ret .left: sub dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 1 sbb dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jnc .done_redraw add dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 1 adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 ret .ctrl_left: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz .ctrl_left_hex sub dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 20 sbb dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jnc .done_redraw .ctrl_shift_left: and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 0 and dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jmp .done_redraw .ctrl_left_hex: call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_get_prev_char jc @f call viewer_set_curpos jmp .done_redraw .ctrl_right: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz .ctrl_right_hex add dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 20 adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 jnc .done_redraw sub dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], 20 sbb dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], 0 @@: ret .ctrl_right_hex: call viewer_seek_to_current call viewer_get_next_char call viewer_set_curpos jmp .done_redraw .ctrl_shift_right: test [ebp+viewer_data.flags], 1 jnz @b mov eax, dword [viewer_right_side] mov edx, dword [viewer_right_side+4] sub eax, [cur_width] sbb edx, 0 jnc @f xor eax, eax xor edx, edx @@: mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.col], eax mov dword [ebp+viewer_data.col+4], edx jmp .done_redraw .shift_f8: mov ecx, mov al, [ebp+viewer_data.encoding] @@: cmp byte [ecx-1], al jz @f mov ecx, [ecx] jmp @b @@: push 1 push aTables push ecx call menu cmp eax, -1 jz .ret mov al, [eax-1] mov [ebp+viewer_data.encoding], al cmp al, encodings.unicode jnz .done_redraw_keybar add dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], 1 adc dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos+4], 0 and dword [ebp+viewer_data.cur_pos], not 1 jmp .done_redraw_keybar viewer_getname: if lang eq ru mov eax, 'à®á' stosd mov eax, '¬®âà' stosd mov eax, ' ' stosd stosb else mov eax, 'View' stosd mov eax, ' ' stosd stosd stosb end if sub ecx, 13 cmp [ebp+viewer_data.hPlugin], 0 jz .native lea esi, [ebp+viewer_data.hostname] push ecx edi shr ecx, 1 @@: lodsb test al, al jz @f stosb loop @b @@: sub edi, [esp] sub [esp+4], edi add [esp], edi pop edi ecx lea esi, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] jmp .main .native: lea esi, [ebp+viewer_data.filename] push 3 pop edx @@: lodsb stosb dec ecx test al, al jz .ret cmp al, '/' jnz @b dec edx jnz @b .main: push esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b sub esi, [esp] dec esi cmp esi, ecx jbe @f mov al, '.' stosb stosb stosb sub ecx, 3 sub esi, ecx add [esp], esi @@: pop esi @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b .ret: ret