use32 org 0 db 'MENUET01' dd 1, @entry, @end, @memory, @stack, 0, 0 include "../../" include "../../" ; include "../../" include "../../" include "../../" include "../../" @entry: mcall 68, 11 ;; RUN NOTIFY call make_param mcall 70, fi_launch ;; CONVERT PID TO STR mov ebx, 10 mov ecx, 0 @@: mov edx, 0 div ebx push edx inc ecx cmpne eax, 0, @b mov ebx, @@: pop eax add al, "0" mov [ebx], al inc ebx loop @b ;; ADD POSTFIX TO STR mov dword [ebx + 0], "-NOT" mov dword [ebx + 4], "IFY" ;; OPEN CONTROLLER (0x08 + 0x01 -- CREATE AND READ/WRITE) mcall 68, 22,, 2048, 0x09 mov [ctrl.addr], eax ;; WAIT UNTIL CONTROLLER BECOMES READY TO USE add eax, NTCTRL_READY @@: mcall 5, 1 cmpe byte [eax], 0, @b ;; CONFIG PBAR mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_PBAR_MAX mov dword [eax], 9 mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_PBAR_CUR mov dword [eax], 9 mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_APPLY_PBAR mov byte [eax], 1 ;; LOOP OF NOTIFIES CHANGES @@: ;; SHIFT TEXT call shift ;; ADD UNSHIFTABLE TEXT mov byte [params], 0 call make_text ;; SEND TEXT TO NOTIFY mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_TEXT stdcall string.copy, params, eax ;; APPLY NEW TEXT mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_APPLY_TEXT mov byte [eax], 1 ;; CLOSE NOTIFY IF TIME IS END cmpe byte [sz_time], "0", .exit ;; WAIT AND DO NEXT ITERATION mcall 5, 20 jmp @b .exit: ;; CLOSE NOTIFY mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_CLOSE mov byte [eax], 1 mcall -1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shift: ;; SHIFT TEXT mov eax, sz_text mov dh, [eax] @@: mov dl, [eax + 1] mov [eax], dl inc eax cmpne byte [eax + 1], 0, @b mov [eax], dh inc byte [timer] cmpne byte [timer], 5, .skip_changes sub byte [timer], 5 ;; CHANGE TIMER TEXT dec byte [sz_time] ;; CHANGE ICON mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_ICON inc byte [eax] cmpne byte [eax], 12, @f sub byte [eax], 11 @@: ;; APPLY NEW ICON mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_APPLY_ICON mov byte [eax], 1 ;; CHANGE TITLE mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_TITLE mov dl, 1 sub dl, [eax] mov [eax], dl ;; APPLY NEW TITLE mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_APPLY_TITLE mov byte [eax], 1 ;; CHANGE PBAR mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_PBAR_CUR dec dword [eax] ;; APPLY PBAR mov eax, [ctrl.addr] add eax, NTCTRL_APPLY_PBAR mov byte [eax], 1 .skip_changes: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_text: stdcall string.concatenate, sz_text, params stdcall string.concatenate, sz_sec_line_start, params stdcall string.concatenate, sz_time, params stdcall string.concatenate, sz_sec_line_end, params ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_param: stdcall string.copy, sz_quote, params call make_text stdcall string.concatenate, sz_quote, params stdcall string.concatenate, sz_flags, params ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sz_time: db "9", 0 sz_text: db "Hello, World!!! It is a marquee! ", 0 sz_quote: db "'", 0 sz_sec_line_start: db 10, "Will close after ", 0 sz_sec_line_end: db " seconds", 0 sz_flags: db "Idcp", 0 fi_launch: dd 7, 0, params, 0, 0 ;db "/usbhd0/2/svn/programs/system/notify3/notify", 0 db "@notify", 0 @end: ;===================================================================== timer rb 1 params rb 256 ctrl: .name rb 32 .addr rd 1 rb 2048 @stack: @memory: