CFLAGS_GENERIC = "-fno-ident -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-check -fno-stack-protector -mno-stack-arg-probe -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -ffast-math -mno-ms-bitfields -march=pentium-mmx" CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE = "-Os -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 " .. CFLAGS_GENERIC CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SPEED = "-O2 -mpush-args -mno-accumulate-outgoing-args " .. CFLAGS_GENERIC -- The following could in specific cases be marginally faster CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SPEED, -- and in all cases gives a notable overhead in size. CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SPEED_INSANE = "-O2 " .. CFLAGS_GENERIC -- Default is optimizing by size. Override on per-project or per-file basis. CFLAGS = CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE CFLAGS_c = "" -- extra flags for *.c CFLAGS_cpp = " -fno-rtti" -- extra flags for *.cpp LDFLAGS = "-static -nostdlib -n --file-alignment=16 --section-alignment=16" INCLUDES = "" LIBS = "" LIBDEPS = {} OBJS = {} function compile_gcc(input, output) if not output then output = '%B.o' end tup.append_table(OBJS, tup.foreach_rule(input, "kos32-gcc -c " .. CFLAGS .. "$(CFLAGS_%e) " .. INCLUDES .. " -o %o %f", output) ) end function link_gcc(input, output) if not output then input,output = OBJS,input end if STARTUP then table.insert(LIBDEPS, STARTUP) LDFLAGS = LDFLAGS .. " " .. STARTUP end if tup.getconfig("HELPERDIR") == "" and #LIBDEPS then if type(input) == "string" then input = {input} end if not input.extra_inputs then input.extra_inputs = {} end tup.append_table(input.extra_inputs, LIBDEPS) end if type(output) == "string" then output = {output} end if not output.extra_outputs then output.extra_outputs = {} end table.insert(output.extra_outputs, output[1] .. ".map") tup.rule(input, "kos32-ld " .. LDFLAGS .. " -o %o %f -Map " .. LIBS .. " && kos32-objcopy %o -O binary " .. tup.getconfig("KPACK_CMD"), output) end