
903 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// draw.c -- this is the only file outside the refresh that touches the
// vid buffer
#include "quakedef.h"
typedef struct {
vrect_t rect;
int width;
int height;
byte *ptexbytes;
int rowbytes;
} rectdesc_t;
static rectdesc_t r_rectdesc;
byte *draw_chars; // 8*8 graphic characters
qpic_t *draw_disc;
qpic_t *draw_backtile;
/* Support Routines */
typedef struct cachepic_s
char name[MAX_QPATH];
cache_user_t cache;
} cachepic_t;
#define MAX_CACHED_PICS 128
cachepic_t menu_cachepics[MAX_CACHED_PICS];
int menu_numcachepics;
qpic_t *Draw_PicFromWad (char *name)
return W_GetLumpName (name);
qpic_t *Draw_CachePic (char *path)
cachepic_t *pic;
int i;
qpic_t *dat;
for (pic=menu_cachepics, i=0 ; i<menu_numcachepics ; pic++, i++)
if (!strcmp (path, pic->name))
if (i == menu_numcachepics)
if (menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
Sys_Error ("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");
strcpy (pic->name, path);
dat = Cache_Check (&pic->cache);
if (dat)
return dat;
// load the pic from disk
COM_LoadCacheFile (path, &pic->cache);
dat = (qpic_t *)pic->cache.data;
if (!dat)
Sys_Error ("Draw_CachePic: failed to load %s", path);
SwapPic (dat);
return dat;
void Draw_Init (void)
int i;
draw_chars = W_GetLumpName ("conchars");
draw_disc = W_GetLumpName ("disc");
draw_backtile = W_GetLumpName ("backtile");
r_rectdesc.width = draw_backtile->width;
r_rectdesc.height = draw_backtile->height;
r_rectdesc.ptexbytes = draw_backtile->data;
r_rectdesc.rowbytes = draw_backtile->width;
Draws one 8*8 graphics character with 0 being transparent.
It can be clipped to the top of the screen to allow the console to be
smoothly scrolled off.
void Draw_Character (int x, int y, int num)
byte *dest;
byte *source;
unsigned short *pusdest;
int drawline;
int row, col;
num &= 255;
if (y <= -8)
return; // totally off screen
if (y > vid.height - 8 || x < 0 || x > vid.width - 8)
Sys_Error ("Con_DrawCharacter: (%i, %i)", x, y);
if (num < 0 || num > 255)
Sys_Error ("Con_DrawCharacter: char %i", num);
row = num>>4;
col = num&15;
source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3);
if (y < 0)
{ // clipped
drawline = 8 + y;
source -= 128*y;
y = 0;
drawline = 8;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.conbuffer + y*vid.conrowbytes + x;
while (drawline--)
if (source[0])
dest[0] = source[0];
if (source[1])
dest[1] = source[1];
if (source[2])
dest[2] = source[2];
if (source[3])
dest[3] = source[3];
if (source[4])
dest[4] = source[4];
if (source[5])
dest[5] = source[5];
if (source[6])
dest[6] = source[6];
if (source[7])
dest[7] = source[7];
source += 128;
dest += vid.conrowbytes;
// FIXME: pre-expand to native format?
pusdest = (unsigned short *)
((byte *)vid.conbuffer + y*vid.conrowbytes + (x<<1));
while (drawline--)
if (source[0])
pusdest[0] = d_8to16table[source[0]];
if (source[1])
pusdest[1] = d_8to16table[source[1]];
if (source[2])
pusdest[2] = d_8to16table[source[2]];
if (source[3])
pusdest[3] = d_8to16table[source[3]];
if (source[4])
pusdest[4] = d_8to16table[source[4]];
if (source[5])
pusdest[5] = d_8to16table[source[5]];
if (source[6])
pusdest[6] = d_8to16table[source[6]];
if (source[7])
pusdest[7] = d_8to16table[source[7]];
source += 128;
pusdest += (vid.conrowbytes >> 1);
void Draw_String (int x, int y, char *str)
while (*str)
Draw_Character (x, y, *str);
x += 8;
Draws a single character directly to the upper right corner of the screen.
This is for debugging lockups by drawing different chars in different parts
of the code.
void Draw_DebugChar (char num)
byte *dest;
byte *source;
int drawline;
extern byte *draw_chars;
int row, col;
if (!vid.direct)
return; // don't have direct FB access, so no debugchars...
drawline = 8;
row = num>>4;
col = num&15;
source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3);
dest = vid.direct + 312;
while (drawline--)
dest[0] = source[0];
dest[1] = source[1];
dest[2] = source[2];
dest[3] = source[3];
dest[4] = source[4];
dest[5] = source[5];
dest[6] = source[6];
dest[7] = source[7];
source += 128;
dest += 320;
void Draw_Pic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic)
byte *dest, *source;
unsigned short *pusdest;
int v, u;
if ((x < 0) ||
(x + pic->width > vid.width) ||
(y < 0) ||
(y + pic->height > vid.height))
Sys_Error ("Draw_Pic: bad coordinates");
source = pic->data;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x;
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
Q_memcpy (dest, source, pic->width);
dest += vid.rowbytes;
source += pic->width;
// FIXME: pretranslate at load time?
pusdest = (unsigned short *)vid.buffer + y * (vid.rowbytes >> 1) + x;
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u++)
pusdest[u] = d_8to16table[source[u]];
pusdest += vid.rowbytes >> 1;
source += pic->width;
void Draw_TransPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic)
byte *dest, *source, tbyte;
unsigned short *pusdest;
int v, u;
if (x < 0 || (unsigned)(x + pic->width) > vid.width || y < 0 ||
(unsigned)(y + pic->height) > vid.height)
Sys_Error ("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates");
source = pic->data;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x;
if (pic->width & 7)
{ // general
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u++)
if ( (tbyte=source[u]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u] = tbyte;
dest += vid.rowbytes;
source += pic->width;
{ // unwound
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u+=8)
if ( (tbyte=source[u]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+1]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+1] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+2]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+2] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+3]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+3] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+4]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+4] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+5]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+5] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+6]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+6] = tbyte;
if ( (tbyte=source[u+7]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+7] = tbyte;
dest += vid.rowbytes;
source += pic->width;
// FIXME: pretranslate at load time?
pusdest = (unsigned short *)vid.buffer + y * (vid.rowbytes >> 1) + x;
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u++)
tbyte = source[u];
pusdest[u] = d_8to16table[tbyte];
pusdest += vid.rowbytes >> 1;
source += pic->width;
void Draw_TransPicTranslate (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic, byte *translation)
byte *dest, *source, tbyte;
unsigned short *pusdest;
int v, u;
if (x < 0 || (unsigned)(x + pic->width) > vid.width || y < 0 ||
(unsigned)(y + pic->height) > vid.height)
Sys_Error ("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates");
source = pic->data;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x;
if (pic->width & 7)
{ // general
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u++)
if ( (tbyte=source[u]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u] = translation[tbyte];
dest += vid.rowbytes;
source += pic->width;
{ // unwound
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u+=8)
if ( (tbyte=source[u]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+1]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+1] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+2]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+2] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+3]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+3] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+4]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+4] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+5]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+5] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+6]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+6] = translation[tbyte];
if ( (tbyte=source[u+7]) != TRANSPARENT_COLOR)
dest[u+7] = translation[tbyte];
dest += vid.rowbytes;
source += pic->width;
// FIXME: pretranslate at load time?
pusdest = (unsigned short *)vid.buffer + y * (vid.rowbytes >> 1) + x;
for (v=0 ; v<pic->height ; v++)
for (u=0 ; u<pic->width ; u++)
tbyte = source[u];
pusdest[u] = d_8to16table[tbyte];
pusdest += vid.rowbytes >> 1;
source += pic->width;
void Draw_CharToConback (int num, byte *dest)
int row, col;
byte *source;
int drawline;
int x;
row = num>>4;
col = num&15;
source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3);
drawline = 8;
while (drawline--)
for (x=0 ; x<8 ; x++)
if (source[x])
dest[x] = 0x60 + source[x];
source += 128;
dest += 320;
void Draw_ConsoleBackground (int lines)
int x, y, v;
byte *src, *dest;
unsigned short *pusdest;
int f, fstep;
qpic_t *conback;
char ver[100];
conback = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/conback.lmp");
// hack the version number directly into the pic
#ifdef _WIN32
sprintf (ver, "(WinQuake) %4.2f", (float)VERSION);
dest = conback->data + 320*186 + 320 - 11 - 8*strlen(ver);
#elif defined(X11)
sprintf (ver, "(X11 Quake %2.2f) %4.2f", (float)X11_VERSION, (float)VERSION);
dest = conback->data + 320*186 + 320 - 11 - 8*strlen(ver);
#elif defined(__linux__)
sprintf (ver, "(Linux Quake %2.2f) %4.2f", (float)LINUX_VERSION, (float)VERSION);
dest = conback->data + 320*186 + 320 - 11 - 8*strlen(ver);
dest = conback->data + 320 - 43 + 320*186;
sprintf (ver, "%4.2f", VERSION);
for (x=0 ; x<strlen(ver) ; x++)
Draw_CharToConback (ver[x], dest+(x<<3));
// draw the pic
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.conbuffer;
for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, dest += vid.conrowbytes)
v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*200/vid.conheight;
src = conback->data + v*320;
if (vid.conwidth == 320)
memcpy (dest, src, vid.conwidth);
f = 0;
fstep = 320*0x10000/vid.conwidth;
for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4)
dest[x] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+1] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+2] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+3] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
pusdest = (unsigned short *)vid.conbuffer;
for (y=0 ; y<lines ; y++, pusdest += (vid.conrowbytes >> 1))
// FIXME: pre-expand to native format?
// FIXME: does the endian switching go away in production?
v = (vid.conheight - lines + y)*200/vid.conheight;
src = conback->data + v*320;
f = 0;
fstep = 320*0x10000/vid.conwidth;
for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4)
pusdest[x] = d_8to16table[src[f>>16]];
f += fstep;
pusdest[x+1] = d_8to16table[src[f>>16]];
f += fstep;
pusdest[x+2] = d_8to16table[src[f>>16]];
f += fstep;
pusdest[x+3] = d_8to16table[src[f>>16]];
f += fstep;
void R_DrawRect8 (vrect_t *prect, int rowbytes, byte *psrc,
int transparent)
byte t;
int i, j, srcdelta, destdelta;
byte *pdest;
pdest = vid.buffer + (prect->y * vid.rowbytes) + prect->x;
srcdelta = rowbytes - prect->width;
destdelta = vid.rowbytes - prect->width;
if (transparent)
for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<prect->width ; j++)
t = *psrc;
*pdest = t;
psrc += srcdelta;
pdest += destdelta;
for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++)
memcpy (pdest, psrc, prect->width);
psrc += rowbytes;
pdest += vid.rowbytes;
void R_DrawRect16 (vrect_t *prect, int rowbytes, byte *psrc,
int transparent)
byte t;
int i, j, srcdelta, destdelta;
unsigned short *pdest;
// FIXME: would it be better to pre-expand native-format versions?
pdest = (unsigned short *)vid.buffer +
(prect->y * (vid.rowbytes >> 1)) + prect->x;
srcdelta = rowbytes - prect->width;
destdelta = (vid.rowbytes >> 1) - prect->width;
if (transparent)
for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<prect->width ; j++)
t = *psrc;
*pdest = d_8to16table[t];
psrc += srcdelta;
pdest += destdelta;
for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<prect->width ; j++)
*pdest = d_8to16table[*psrc];
psrc += srcdelta;
pdest += destdelta;
This repeats a 64*64 tile graphic to fill the screen around a sized down
refresh window.
void Draw_TileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h)
int width, height, tileoffsetx, tileoffsety;
byte *psrc;
vrect_t vr;
r_rectdesc.rect.x = x;
r_rectdesc.rect.y = y;
r_rectdesc.rect.width = w;
r_rectdesc.rect.height = h;
vr.y = r_rectdesc.rect.y;
height = r_rectdesc.rect.height;
tileoffsety = vr.y % r_rectdesc.height;
while (height > 0)
vr.x = r_rectdesc.rect.x;
width = r_rectdesc.rect.width;
if (tileoffsety != 0)
vr.height = r_rectdesc.height - tileoffsety;
vr.height = r_rectdesc.height;
if (vr.height > height)
vr.height = height;
tileoffsetx = vr.x % r_rectdesc.width;
while (width > 0)
if (tileoffsetx != 0)
vr.width = r_rectdesc.width - tileoffsetx;
vr.width = r_rectdesc.width;
if (vr.width > width)
vr.width = width;
psrc = r_rectdesc.ptexbytes +
(tileoffsety * r_rectdesc.rowbytes) + tileoffsetx;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
R_DrawRect8 (&vr, r_rectdesc.rowbytes, psrc, 0);
R_DrawRect16 (&vr, r_rectdesc.rowbytes, psrc, 0);
vr.x += vr.width;
width -= vr.width;
tileoffsetx = 0; // only the left tile can be left-clipped
vr.y += vr.height;
height -= vr.height;
tileoffsety = 0; // only the top tile can be top-clipped
Fills a box of pixels with a single color
void Draw_Fill (int x, int y, int w, int h, int c)
byte *dest;
unsigned short *pusdest;
unsigned uc;
int u, v;
if (r_pixbytes == 1)
dest = vid.buffer + y*vid.rowbytes + x;
for (v=0 ; v<h ; v++, dest += vid.rowbytes)
for (u=0 ; u<w ; u++)
dest[u] = c;
uc = d_8to16table[c];
pusdest = (unsigned short *)vid.buffer + y * (vid.rowbytes >> 1) + x;
for (v=0 ; v<h ; v++, pusdest += (vid.rowbytes >> 1))
for (u=0 ; u<w ; u++)
pusdest[u] = uc;
void Draw_FadeScreen (void)
int x,y;
byte *pbuf;
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
S_ExtraUpdate ();
VID_LockBuffer ();
for (y=0 ; y<vid.height ; y++)
int t;
pbuf = (byte *)(vid.buffer + vid.rowbytes*y);
t = (y & 1) << 1;
for (x=0 ; x<vid.width ; x++)
if ((x & 3) != t)
pbuf[x] = 0;
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
S_ExtraUpdate ();
VID_LockBuffer ();
Draws the little blue disc in the corner of the screen.
Call before beginning any disc IO.
void Draw_BeginDisc (void)
D_BeginDirectRect (vid.width - 24, 0, draw_disc->data, 24, 24);
Erases the disc icon.
Call after completing any disc IO
void Draw_EndDisc (void)
D_EndDirectRect (vid.width - 24, 0, 24, 24);