UInt32latches[3];//what pxa wants to be outputting
UInt32inputs[3];//what pxa is receiving [only set by the pxa255gpioSetState() API]
UInt32levels[3];//what pxa sees (it differs from above for IN pins)
UInt32dirs[3];//1 = output
UInt32riseDet[3];//1 = rise detect
UInt32fallDet[3];//1 = fall detect
UInt32detStatus[3];//1 = detect happened
UInt32AFRs[6];//1, 2, 3 = alt funcs
#define PXA255_GPIO_LOW 0 //these values make it look like all HiZ, AFR, and nonexistent pins have pullups to those who dumbly assume gpioGEt returns a boolean