{"ls"," Lists the files in a directory. Usage:\n\r ls ;lists the files in current directory\n\r ls <directory> ;lists the files at specified folder\n\r",&cmd_ls},
{"mkdir"," Makes directory. Usage:\n\r mkdir <folder name> ;creates the folder in working directory\n\r mkdir <path><folder name> ;create folder by specified path\n\r",&cmd_mkdir},
{"more"," Displays a file data to the screen. Usage:\n\r more <file name>\n\r",&cmd_more},
{"ps"," Lists the current processes running\n\r",&cmd_ps},
{"pwd"," Displays the name of the working directory\n\r",&cmd_pwd},
{"reboot"," Reboots the computer or KoOS kernel. Usage:\n\r reboot ;reboot a PC\n\r reboot kernel ;reboot the KoOS kernel\n\r",&cmd_reboot},
{"rm"," Removes a file. Usage:\n\r rm file name>\n\r",&cmd_rm},
{"rmdir"," Removes a folder. Usage:\n\r rmdir <directory>\n\r",&cmd_rmdir},
{"sleep"," Stops the shell for the desired period. Usage:\n\r sleep <time in the 1/100 of second>\n\r Example:\n\r sleep 500 ;pause for 5sec.\n\r",&cmd_sleep},
{"shutdown"," Turns off the computer\n\r",&cmd_shutdown},
{"touch"," Creates an empty file or updates the time/date stamp on a file. Usage:\n\r touch <file name>\n\r",&cmd_touch},