diff --git a/data/common/icons16.png b/data/common/icons16.png
index e937fa6d46..19dd24a34e 100644
Binary files a/data/common/icons16.png and b/data/common/icons16.png differ
diff --git a/data/eng/settings/menu.dat b/data/eng/settings/menu.dat
index f570a8de6b..6a7f2ead22 100644
--- a/data/eng/settings/menu.dat
+++ b/data/eng/settings/menu.dat
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 59 Hotkeys               |mykey
 56 Clipboard viewer      |develop/clipview
 62 Calendar              |calendar
+33 Online update      *  |/kolibrios/utils/osupdate
 48 Process manager       |cpu
 24 Terminal              |terminal
 05 Save ramdisk          |rdsave
diff --git a/data/rus/settings/menu.dat b/data/rus/settings/menu.dat
index 44c696cc40..c8a6dc767b 100644
--- a/data/rus/settings/menu.dat
+++ b/data/rus/settings/menu.dat
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 24 ��ନ���              |terminal
 24 ���᮫� SHELL         |shell
 05 ���࠭���� ��ࠧ�     |rdsave
+33 ������ ����������  *  |/kolibrios/utils/osupdate
 #8 **** ���⥬� > ��
 50 Eolite                |File Managers/Eolite
 05 KFM2                  |File Managers/kfm2
diff --git a/programs/demos/crownscr/trunk/crownscr.asm b/programs/demos/crownscr/trunk/crownscr.asm
index d41bd58cce..6e42d5d195 100644
--- a/programs/demos/crownscr/trunk/crownscr.asm
+++ b/programs/demos/crownscr/trunk/crownscr.asm
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 fullscreen = 1
 n_points = 0x1800
 delay = 2
+const480 = 480
 speed equ 0.004
@@ -25,16 +26,32 @@ use32
 	       dd     i_end		      ; size of image
 	       dd     i_end+0x1000	      ; memory for app
 	       dd     i_end+0x1000	      ; esp
-	       dd     0x0		      ; I_Param
+	       dd     params		      ; I_Param
 	       dd     0x0		      ; I_Icon
-copyright db   'Crown_s Soft(c) Screensaver v1.13m    www.crown-s-soft.com',0
+copyright db   'Crown_s Soft(c) Screensaver - www.crown-s-soft.com',0
 include "lang.inc"
 include "figuresi.inc"
 include "..\..\..\macros.inc"
+    cmp     dword[params], '@ss'
+    setz    [screensaver]
+    mov     ebx, EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY
+    cmovz   ebx, EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_MOUSE
+    mcall   40
+    cmp [flscr],0
+    jz @f
+    mov     edi, transparent_cursor
+    xor     eax, eax
+    mov     ecx, 32*32
+    rep     stosd
+    mcall   37, 4, transparent_cursor, 2
+    mov     ecx, eax
+    mcall   37, 5
     call filling_alfbet ; fill table alfbet by casual numbers
@@ -49,7 +66,7 @@ start:
       mov  [maxy],ax
-      sub  ax,480
+      sub  ax,const480
       jnc m5
 	xor ax,ax
@@ -58,47 +75,49 @@ start:
       shr  eax,16
       mov  [maxx],ax
-      sub  ax,480
+      sub  ax,const480
       jnc m6
 	xor ax,ax
       shr  ax,1
       mov  [posx],ax
-      mov  [outsize],480+65536*480
+      mov  [outsize],const480+65536*const480
     jmp m4
       mov  [posx],75
       mov  [posy],20
-      mov  [outsize],450+65536*480
+      mov  [outsize],const480+65536*const480
     call draw_window
-    mov  eax,23
-    mov  ebx,delay
-    mcall			; wait here for event
+    mcall 23,delay			; wait here for event
     cmp  eax,1			; redraw request ?
     je	 red
     cmp  eax,2			; key in buffer ?
     je	 key
     cmp  eax,3			; button in buffer ?
-    je	 button
+    je	 close
+    cmp  eax,6			; mouse moved ?
+    je	 close
     call calcframe
-    mov  edx,dword [posy]     ; edx=image position in window [x]*65536+[y]
-    mov  ecx,[outsize]	      ; ecx=image position in window [x]*65536+[y]
-    mov  ebx,scr	      ; ebx pointer to image in memory
     mov  eax,07 	      ; putimage
+    mov  ebx,scr	      ; ebx pointer to image in memory
+    mov  ecx,[outsize]	      ; ecx=image position in window [w]*65536+[h]
+    mov  edx,dword [posy]     ; edx=image position in window [x]*65536+[y]
 jmp  still
+	cmp  [screensaver], 0
+	jnz  close
     mov  eax,2
@@ -108,16 +127,12 @@ key:
     jz	 close
 jmp  still
-button: 			; button
-    mov  eax,17 		; get id
-    mcall
-;    cmp  ah,1                   ; button id=1 ?
-;    jne  still
-    mov  eax,-1 		; close this program
-    mcall
+    cmp     [screensaver], 0
+    jz      @f
+    mcall   70, f70
+  @@:
+    mcall   -1
 ;   *********************************************
@@ -126,35 +141,17 @@ close:
-    mov  eax,12 		     ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
-    mov  ebx,1			     ; 1, start of draw
-    mcall
+    mcall 12, 1 ;start draw
     cmp  [flscr],0
     jnz  m2
-      mov  ebx,1*65536+638	     ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
-      mov  ecx,1*65536+478	     ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
-      mov  edx,0x02000000	     ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl
-      mov  esi,0x805080d0	     ; color of grab bar  RRGGBB,8->color gl
-      mov  edi,0x005080d0	     ; color of frames    RRGGBB
-      xor  eax,eax		     ; function 0 : define and draw window
-      mcall
+      mcall 48,4
+      mov  esi, eax
+                                   ; DRAW WINDOW
+      mov  ecx,100*65536+const480+4         ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
+      add  ecx, esi
+      mcall 0, 100*65536+const480+9,,0x74000000,,copyright
-				     ; WINDOW LABEL
-      mov  ebx,8*65536+8	     ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
-      mov  ecx,0x10ddeeff	     ; color of text RRGGBB
-      mov  edx,copyright	     ; pointer to text beginning
-      mov  esi,copyrightlen-copyright; text length
-      mov  eax,4		     ; function 4 : write text to window
-      mcall
-				     ; CLOSE BUTTON
-      mov  ebx,(640-19)*65536+12     ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
-      mov  ecx,5*65536+12	     ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
-      mov  edx,1		     ; button id
-      mov  esi,0x6688dd 	     ; button color RRGGBB
-      mov  eax,8		     ; function 8 : define and draw button
-      mcall
     jmp m3
       movzx  ebx,[maxx] 	     ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
@@ -172,16 +169,14 @@ draw_window:
-    mov  eax,12 		     ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
-    mov  ebx,2			     ; 2, end of draw
-    mcall
+    mcall 12, 2 ;end draw
      mov  edi,scr
-     mov  ecx,480*480*3/4
+     mov  ecx,const480*const480*3/4
      xor  eax,eax
      rep stosd	   ; CLS
@@ -292,7 +287,7 @@ turn:
   mov  eax,[x1]
   add  eax,[mid]
-  mul  [const480]
+  mul  [consts]
   add  eax,[y1]
   add  eax,[mid]
   mul  [const3]
@@ -361,7 +356,7 @@ align 2
   const3   dd	 3
   const6   dw	 6
-  const480 dd	 480
+  consts   dd    const480
   mFl	  dd	 n_points
   pp1	  dw	 0
@@ -398,7 +393,15 @@ align 2
   y1	  dd	 ?
   z1	  dd	 ?
+f70:    ; run
+        dd 7, 0, 0, 0, 0
+        db '/sys/@SS',0
+screensaver db ?
+params rb 4
+transparent_cursor rd 32*32
 align 16
   alfbet:		  ; alfbet  db  n_points*4  dup (?)
   scr = alfbet+n_points*4   ; scr     db  480*480*3+1 dup (?)
-  i_end = scr+480*480*3+1 ; i_param db  256         dup (?)
+  i_end = scr+const480*const480*3+1 ; i_param db  256         dup (?)
diff --git a/programs/demos/spiral/spiral.asm b/programs/demos/spiral/spiral.asm
index 2183a6cc5f..eef734d025 100644
--- a/programs/demos/spiral/spiral.asm
+++ b/programs/demos/spiral/spiral.asm
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ start:
         mov     edi, transparent_cursor
         xor     eax, eax
         mov     ecx, 32*32
-        rep     stosd
+        rep stosd
         mcall   37, 4, transparent_cursor, 2
         mov     ecx, eax
         mcall   37, 5
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ turtle Turtle 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, <180, 255, 255>
 f70:    ; run
         dd 7, 0, 0, 0, 0
-        db '/sys/@ss',0
+        db '/sys/@SS',0
 align 4
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ frame_start   dd ?
 color         dd ?
 proc_info process_information
-params rb 0x400
+params rb 4
 transparent_cursor rd 32*32
 screensaver db ?
 align 4