REM REM --- Tiny BASIC Interpreter and Compiler Project REM --- Lunar Lander Demonstration Game REM REM --- Released as Public Domain by Damian Gareth Walker 2019 REM --- Created: 15-Aug-2019 REM REM --- Variables: REM A: altitude REM B: fuel to burn this turn REM F: fuel remaining REM T: time elapsed REM V: velocity this turn REM W: velocity next turn REM --- Initialise the Program LET A=1000 LET B=0 LET F=150 LET V=50 LET T=0 REM --- Main Loop 100 PRINT "Time:",T," Alt:",A," Velocity:",V," Fuel:",F," Thrust:",B 111 IF F>30 THEN PRINT "Thrust (0-30)?" IF F<31 THEN PRINT "Thrust (0-",F,")?" INPUT B IF B>=0 THEN IF B<=30 THEN IF B<=F THEN GOTO 120 GOTO 111 120 LET W=V-B+5 LET F=F-B LET A=A-(V+W)/2 LET V=W LET T=T+1 IF A>0 THEN GOTO 100 REM --- End of Game IF V<5 THEN GOTO 140 PRINT "You crashed!" GOTO 160 140 IF A<0 THEN GOTO 150 PRINT "Perfect landing!" GOTO 160 150 PRINT "Touchdown." 160 IF A<0 THEN LET A=0 PRINT "Time:",T," Alt:",A," Velocity:",V," Fuel:",F END