REM REM --- Tiny BASIC Interpreter and Compiler Project REM --- Hunt the Hurkle Demostration Game REM REM --- Released as Public Domain by Damian Gareth Walker 2019 REM --- Created: 11-Aug-2019 REM REM --- Variables REM G: hurkle column REM H: hurkle row REM M: moves taken REM R: random number seed REM X: player guess column REM Y: player guess row REM --- Initialise the random number generator PRINT "Think of a number." INPUT R IF R<0 THEN LET R=0 IF R>4095 THEN LET R=4095 REM --- Initialise the game GOSUB 200 LET G=R-(R/10*10) GOSUB 200 LET H=R-(R/10*10) LET M=0 REM --- Input player guess 30 PRINT "Where is the hurkle? Enter column then row." INPUT X,Y IF X>=0 THEN IF X<=9 THEN IF Y>=0 THEN IF Y<=9 THEN GOTO 40 PRINT "That location is off the grid!" GOTO 30 REM --- Process player guess 40 LET M=M+1 PRINT "The Hurkle is..." IF GX THEN IF HX THEN IF H=Y THEN PRINT " the east." IF G>X THEN IF H>Y THEN PRINT " the southeast." IF G=X THEN IF H>Y THEN PRINT " the south." IF GY THEN PRINT " the southwest." IF G6 THEN GOTO 70 PRINT "You have taken ",M," turns so far." GOTO 30 REM --- Player has won 60 PRINT "...RIGHT HERE!" PRINT "You took ",M," turns to find it." END REM --- Player has lost 70 PRINT "You have taken too long over this. You lose!" END REM --- Random number generator REM Input: R - current seed REM Outputs: R - updated seed 200 LET R=5*R+35 LET R=R-R/4096*4096 RETURN