include '' PG_UNMAP equ 0x000 PG_MAP equ 0x001 PG_WRITE equ 0x002 PG_SW equ 0x003 PG_USER equ 0x005 PG_UW equ 0x007 PG_NOCACHE equ 0x018 PG_LARGE equ 0x080 PG_GLOBAL equ 0x100 DRV_ENTRY equ 1 DRV_EXIT equ -1 struct LHEAD next dd ? ;next object in list prev dd ? ;prev object in list ends struct MUTEX lhead LHEAD count dd ? ends struct PCIDEV bk dd ? fd dd ? vendor_device_id dd ? class dd ? devfn db ? bus db ? rb 2 owner dd ? ; pointer to SRV or 0 ends struct IOCTL handle dd ? io_code dd ? input dd ? inp_size dd ? output dd ? out_size dd ? ends ; The following macro assume that we are on uniprocessor machine. ; Serious work is needed for multiprocessor machines. macro spin_lock_irqsave spinlock { pushf cli } macro spin_unlock_irqrestore spinlock { popf } macro spin_lock_irq spinlock { cli } macro spin_unlock_irq spinlock { sti } ; \begin{diamond}[29.09.2006] ; may be useful for kernel debugging ; example 1: ; dbgstr 'Hello, World!' ; example 2: ; dbgstr 'Hello, World!', save_flags macro dbgstr string*, f { local a iglobal_nested a db 'K : ',string,13,10,0 endg_nested if ~ f eq pushfd end if push esi mov esi, a if defined SysMsgBoardStr._pe_import invoke SysMsgBoardStr else call SysMsgBoardStr end if pop esi if ~ f eq popfd end if } ; \end{diamond}[29.09.2006] ; MOV Immediate. ; Useful for things like movi eax,10: ; shorter than regular mov, but slightly slower, ; do not use it in performance-critical places. macro movi dst, imm { if imm >= -0x80 & imm <= 0x7F push imm pop dst else mov dst, imm end if } macro call name { if name eqtype func & defined name#._pe_import err Use invoke, not call/stdcall for PE imports! end if call name }