align 4 proc glopNormal uses ecx esi edi, context:dword, p:dword mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,[context] add edi,offs_cont_current_normal mov ecx,4 rep movsd mov dword[esi],0.0 ;context.current_normal.W = 0.0 ret endp align 4 proc glopTexCoord uses ecx esi edi, context:dword, p:dword mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,[context] add edi,offs_cont_current_tex_coord mov ecx,4 rep movsd ret endp align 4 proc glopEdgeFlag uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] ;ebx = p[1] mov dword[eax+offs_cont_current_edge_flag],ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopColor uses eax ecx esi edi, context:dword, p:dword locals q rd 7 endl ;current_color[3] = p[1-4] ;longcurrent_color[2] = p[5-7] mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,[context] add edi,offs_cont_current_color mov ecx,7 rep movsd mov eax,[context] cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_color_material_enabled],1 jne @f mov dword[q],OP_Material mov ecx,[eax+offs_cont_current_color_material_mode] mov dword[q+4],ecx mov ecx,[eax+offs_cont_current_color_material_type] mov dword[q+8],ecx mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,dword[q+12] ;edi = [q3] mov ecx,4 rep movsd stdcall glopMaterial, eax,[q] @@: ret endp align 4 proc gl_eval_viewport uses eax, context:dword locals zsize dd ? ;float endl mov eax,[context] add eax,offs_cont_viewport ;eax = (GLViewport*) v mov dword[zsize],(1 shl (ZB_Z_BITS + ZB_POINT_Z_FRAC_BITS)) fild dword[zsize] fstp dword[zsize] fld1 fld1 fadd st1,st0 ;st1 = 2.0 fdiv st0,st1 ;st0 = 0.5 fild dword[eax+offs_vpor_xsize] fsub st0,st1 fdiv st0,st2 fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_X] fiadd dword[eax+offs_vpor_xmin] fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_X] fild dword[eax+offs_vpor_ysize] fsub st0,st1 fdiv st0,st2 fchs fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Y] fchs fiadd dword[eax+offs_vpor_ymin] fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Y] fld dword[zsize] fsub st0,st1 fdiv st0,st2 fchs fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Z] fchs mov dword[zsize],(1 shl ZB_POINT_Z_FRAC_BITS) / 2 fiadd dword[zsize] fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Z] if DEBUG ;gl_eval_viewport stdcall dbg_print,f_ev,txt_nl add eax,offs_vpor_scale stdcall gl_print_matrix,eax,1 add eax,8 stdcall gl_print_matrix,eax,1 end if ret endp align 4 proc glopBegin uses eax ebx ecx edx, context:dword, p:dword locals tmp M4 endl ; assert(c->in_begin == 0); mov edx,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] ;ebx = p[1] mov [edx+offs_cont_begin_type],ebx mov dword[edx+offs_cont_in_begin],1 mov dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex_n],0 mov dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex_cnt],0 bt dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_updated],0 jnc .end_mmpu cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_lighting_enabled],0 ;if(context.lighting_enabled) je @f ; precompute inverse modelview mov ebx,ebp sub ebx,64 stdcall gl_M4_Inv, ebx, edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr stdcall gl_M4_Transpose, edx+offs_cont_matrix_model_view_inv, ebx jmp .end_if_0 @@: mov ecx,edx add ecx,offs_cont_matrix_model_projection ; precompute projection matrix stdcall gl_M4_Mul, ecx,dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr+4],dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] ;if DEBUG ;glopBegin ;stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,4 ;stdcall gl_print_matrix,[edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr+4],4 ;stdcall gl_print_matrix,[edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],4 ;end if ; test to accelerate computation mov dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform],0 fldz fld dword[ecx+12*4] fcomp st1 fstsw ax sahf jne .end_if_0 fld dword[ecx+13*4] fcomp st1 fstsw ax sahf jne .end_if_0 fld dword[ecx+14*4] fcomp st1 fstsw ax sahf jne .end_if_0 mov dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform],1 .end_if_0: ; test if the texture matrix is not Identity stdcall gl_M4_IsId,edx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr+8 xor edx,1 mov ebx,[context] mov dword[ebx+offs_cont_apply_texture_matrix],edx mov edx,[context] mov dword[edx+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_updated],0 .end_mmpu: ; viewport cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_viewport+offs_vpor_updated],0 ;if (context.viewport.updated) je @f stdcall gl_eval_viewport,edx mov dword[edx+offs_cont_viewport+offs_vpor_updated],0 @@: ; triangle drawing functions cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_render_mode],GL_SELECT jne @f mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_front],gl_draw_triangle_select mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_back],gl_draw_triangle_select jmp .end_if_2 @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_polygon_mode_front],GL_POINT jne @f mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_front],gl_draw_triangle_point jmp .end_if_1 @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_polygon_mode_front],GL_LINE jne @f mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_front],gl_draw_triangle_line jmp .end_if_1 @@: ;default: mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_front],gl_draw_triangle_fill .end_if_1: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_polygon_mode_back],GL_POINT jne @f mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_back],gl_draw_triangle_point jmp .end_if_2 @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_polygon_mode_back],GL_LINE jne @f mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_back],gl_draw_triangle_line jmp .end_if_2 @@: ;default: mov dword[edx+offs_cont_draw_triangle_back],gl_draw_triangle_fill .end_if_2: ret endp ; coords, tranformation , clip code and projection ; TODO : handle all cases align 4 proc gl_vertex_transform, context:dword, v:dword pushad mov eax,[context] mov edx,[v] cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_lighting_enabled],0 ;if (context.lighting_enabled) je .els_0 ; eye coordinates needed for lighting mov ebx,dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] finit fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_X] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_Y] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_Z] mov ecx,4 .cycle_0: fld dword[ebx] ;st0 = m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.X fld dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = m[1] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Y fld dword[ebx+8] ;st0 = m[2] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Z fadd dword[ebx+12] ;st0 += m[3] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Z * m[2] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Y * m[1] fstp dword[edx+offs_vert_ec] ; = v.coord.X * m[0] + v.coord.Y * m[1] + v.coord.Z * m[2] + m[3] add ebx,16 ;следущая строка матрицы add edx,4 ;следущая координата вектора loop .cycle_0 ; projection coordinates mov ebx,dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr+4] mov edx,[v] finit fld dword[edx+offs_vert_ec+offs_X] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_ec+offs_Y] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_ec+offs_Z] mov ecx,4 .cycle_1: fld dword[ebx] ;st0 = m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= fld dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = m[1] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= fld dword[ebx+8] ;st0 = m[2] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= fadd dword[ebx+12] ;st0 += m[3] faddp ;st0 += * m[2] faddp ;st0 += * m[1] fstp dword[edx+offs_vert_pc] ;v.pc.X = * m[0] + * m[1] + * m[2] + m[3] add ebx,16 ;следущая строка матрицы add edx,4 ;следущая координата вектора loop .cycle_1 mov ebx,eax add ebx,offs_cont_matrix_model_view_inv mov edi,eax add edi,offs_cont_current_normal mov edx,[v] finit fld dword[edi+offs_X] fld dword[edi+offs_Y] fld dword[edi+offs_Z] mov ecx,3 .cycle_2: fld dword[ebx] ;st0 = m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= n.X fld dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = m[1] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= n.Y fld dword[ebx+8] ;st0 = m[2] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= n.Z faddp ;st0 += n.Z * m[2] faddp ;st0 += n.Y * m[1] fstp dword[edx+offs_vert_normal] ;v.normal.X = n.X * m[0] + n.Y * m[1] + n.Z * m[2] add ebx,16 ;следущая строка матрицы add edx,4 ;следущая координата вектора loop .cycle_2 cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_normalize_enabled],0 je .end_els ;stdcall gl_V3_Norm(&v->normal) jmp .end_els .els_0: ; no eye coordinates needed, no normal ; NOTE: W = 1 is assumed mov ebx,eax add ebx,offs_cont_matrix_model_projection finit fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_X] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_Y] fld dword[edx+offs_vert_coord+offs_Z] mov esi,edx add esi,offs_vert_pc fld dword[ebx] ;st0 = m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.X fld dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = m[1] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Y fld dword[ebx+8] ;st0 = m[2] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Z fadd dword[ebx+12] ;st0 += m[3] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Z * m[2] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Y * m[1] fstp dword[esi] ;v.pc.X = v.coord.X * m[0] + v.coord.Y * m[1] + v.coord.Z * m[2] + m[3] fld dword[ebx+16] ;st0 = m[4] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.X fld dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = m[5] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Y fld dword[ebx+24] ;st0 = m[6] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Z fadd dword[ebx+28] ;st0 += m[7] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Z * m[6] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Y * m[5] fstp dword[esi+4] ;v.pc.X = v.coord.X * m[4] + v.coord.Y * m[5] + v.coord.Z * m[6] + m[7] fld dword[ebx+32] ;st0 = m[8] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.X fld dword[ebx+36] ;st0 = m[9] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Y fld dword[ebx+40] ;st0 = m[10] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Z fadd dword[ebx+44] ;st0 += m[11] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Z * m[10] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Y * m[9] fstp dword[esi+8] ;v.pc.X = v.coord.X * m[8] + v.coord.Y * m[9] + v.coord.Z * m[10] + m[11] cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform],0 je .els_1 ;if (context.matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform) mov ebx,dword[ebx+60] ;ebx = m[15] mov dword[esi+12],ebx ;v.pc.W = m[15] jmp .end_els .els_1: fld dword[ebx+48] ;st0 = m[12] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.X fld dword[ebx+52] ;st0 = m[13] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Y fld dword[ebx+56] ;st0 = m[14] fmul st0,st3 ;st0 *= v.coord.Z fadd dword[ebx+60] ;st0 += m[15] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Z * m[14] faddp ;st0 += v.coord.Y * m[13] fstp dword[esi+12] ;v.pc.W = v.coord.X * m[12] + v.coord.Y * m[13] + v.coord.Z * m[14] + m[15] .end_els: ffree st0 fincstp ffree st0 fincstp ffree st0 fincstp if DEBUG ;gl_vertex_transform stdcall dbg_print,f_vt,txt_nl mov edx,[v] add edx,offs_vert_pc stdcall gl_print_matrix,edx,1 end if mov edx,[v] stdcall gl_clipcode, dword[edx+offs_vert_pc+offs_X], dword[edx+offs_vert_pc+offs_Y],\ dword[edx+offs_vert_pc+offs_Z], dword[edx+offs_vert_pc+offs_W] mov dword[edx+offs_vert_clip_code],eax popad ret endp align 4 proc glopVertex, context:dword, p:dword locals ;ebx = GLVertex * v n dd ? ;ebp-4 endl pushad mov edx,[context] ; assert(c->in_begin != 0); mov ecx,[edx+offs_cont_vertex_n] mov [n],ecx inc dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex_cnt] ; quick fix to avoid crashes on large polygons mov ecx,[edx+offs_cont_vertex_max] cmp dword[n],ecx jl @f shl dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex_max],1 ; just double size imul ecx,2*sizeof.GLVertex stdcall gl_malloc,ecx cmp eax,0 jne .no_err ;gl_fatal_error("unable to allocate GLVertex array.\n"); .no_err: mov edi,eax mov ebx,eax mov esi,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] mov ecx,[n] imul ecx,(sizeof.GLVertex)/4 ;((...)/4) что-бы использовать movsd вместо movsb rep movsd stdcall gl_free,dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex] mov dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex],ebx @@: ; new vertex entry mov ebx,[n] imul ebx,sizeof.GLVertex add ebx,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] inc dword[n] mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,ebx add edi,offs_vert_coord ;edi = &v.coord mov ecx,4 rep movsd stdcall gl_vertex_transform, edx, ebx ; color cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_lighting_enabled],0 je .els_0 stdcall gl_shade_vertex, edx,ebx jmp @f .els_0: mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_current_color] mov [ebx+offs_vert_color],eax @@: ; tex coords cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_texture_2d_enabled],0 je @f cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_apply_texture_matrix],0 je .els_1 ; gl_M4_MulV4(&v->tex_coord, c->matrix_stack_ptr[2], &c->current_tex_coord); jmp @f .els_1: mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_current_tex_coord] mov [ebx+offs_vert_tex_coord],eax @@: ; precompute the mapping to the viewport cmp dword[ebx+offs_vert_clip_code],0 jne @f stdcall gl_transform_to_viewport, edx,ebx @@: ; edge flag mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_current_edge_flag] mov dword[ebx+offs_vert_edge_flag],eax ;v.edge_flag = context.current_edge_flag cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_POINTS jne @f stdcall gl_draw_point, edx, dword[edx+offs_cont_vertex] ;dword[edx+...] = &context.vertex[0] mov dword[n],0 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_LINES jne @f cmp dword[n],2 jne .end_f mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] push eax add eax,sizeof.GLVertex stdcall gl_draw_line, edx, eax xor eax,eax mov dword[n],eax jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_LINE_STRIP je .li_loop cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_LINE_LOOP jne @f .li_loop: cmp dword[n],1 jne .els_2 mov esi,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] mov edi,esi add edi,2*sizeof.GLVertex mov ecx,(sizeof.GLVertex)/4 ;((...)/4) что-бы использовать movsd вместо movsb rep movsd ;context.vertex[2] = context.vertex[0] jmp .end_f .els_2: cmp dword[n],2 jne .end_f ;else if (n == 2) mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] push eax add eax,sizeof.GLVertex stdcall gl_draw_line, edx, eax mov edi,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] mov esi,edi add esi,sizeof.GLVertex mov ecx,(sizeof.GLVertex)/4 ;((...)/4) что-бы использовать movsd вместо movsb rep movsd ;context.vertex[0] = context.vertex[1] mov dword[n],1 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_TRIANGLES jne @f cmp dword[n],3 jne .end_f mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_vertex] push eax add eax,sizeof.GLVertex push eax add eax,sizeof.GLVertex stdcall gl_draw_triangle, edx, eax xor eax,eax mov dword[n],eax jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP jne @f ; if (c->vertex_cnt >= 3) { ; if (n == 3) ; n = 0; ; /* needed to respect triangle orientation */ ; switch(c->vertex_cnt & 1) { ; case 0: ; gl_draw_triangle(c,&c->vertex[2],&c->vertex[1],&c->vertex[0]); ; break; ; default: ; case 1: ; gl_draw_triangle(c,&c->vertex[0],&c->vertex[1],&c->vertex[2]); ; break; ; } ; } jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_TRIANGLE_FAN jne @f cmp dword[n],2 jne .end_f ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[0], &c->vertex[1], &c->vertex[2]); ; c->vertex[1] = c->vertex[2]; mov dword[n],2 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_QUADS jne @f cmp dword[n],4 jne .end_f ; c->vertex[2].edge_flag = 0; ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[0], &c->vertex[1], &c->vertex[2]); ; c->vertex[2].edge_flag = 1; ; c->vertex[0].edge_flag = 0; ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[0], &c->vertex[2], &c->vertex[3]); xor eax,eax mov dword[n],eax jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_QUAD_STRIP jne @f cmp dword[n],2 jne .end_f ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[0], &c->vertex[1], &c->vertex[2]); ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[1], &c->vertex[3], &c->vertex[2]); ; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) ; c->vertex[i] = c->vertex[i + 2]; mov dword[n],2 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_POLYGON jne @f ;... jmp .end_f @@: ; default: ; gl_fatal_error("glBegin: type %x not handled\n", c->begin_type); ; } .end_f: mov ecx,[n] mov [edx+offs_cont_vertex_n],ecx popad ret endp align 4 proc glopEnd uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] ; assert(c->in_begin == 1); cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_LINE_LOOP jne .else_i cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_vertex_cnt],3 jl .end_i mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_vertex] push ebx add ebx,2*sizeof.GLVertex push ebx stdcall gl_draw_line, eax jmp .end_i .else_i: cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_begin_type],GL_POLYGON jne .end_i mov ebx,dword[eax+offs_cont_vertex_cnt] @@: ;while (ebx >= 3) cmp ebx,3 jl .end_i dec ebx ; gl_draw_triangle(c, &c->vertex[i], &c->vertex[0], &c->vertex[i - 1]); jmp @b .end_i: mov dword[eax+offs_cont_in_begin],0 ret endp