use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x1 dd start dd i_end dd mem,stacktop dd 0,cur_dir_path include '../../../../../' include '../../../../../' include '../../../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac' include '../../../../../' include '../' @use_library macro matr_cell c_funct,c_param,funct,param, dia { dia dword[esp-4*(c_param*(c_funct-funct)+(1+c_param-param))] } align 4 start: load_library name_tgl, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_path, \ err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, import_lib_tinygl, err_message_import, head_f_i cmp eax,-1 jz button.exit mcall 40,0x27 stdcall [kosglMakeCurrent], 10,10,400,350,ctx1 stdcall reshape, 400,350 ; *** init *** stdcall [glLightfv], GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos stdcall [glEnable], GL_CULL_FACE stdcall [glEnable], GL_LIGHTING stdcall [glEnable], GL_LIGHT0 stdcall [glEnable], GL_DEPTH_TEST ; make the gears stdcall [glGenLists],1 mov [gear1],eax stdcall [glNewList], eax, GL_COMPILE stdcall [glMaterialfv], GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red ;;;stdcall [glColor4fv], red stdcall gear, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 20, 0.7 call [glEndList] stdcall [glGenLists],1 mov [gear2],eax stdcall [glNewList], eax, GL_COMPILE stdcall [glMaterialfv], GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, green ;;;stdcall [glColor4fv], green stdcall gear, 0.5, 2.0, 2.0, 10, 0.7 call [glEndList] stdcall [glGenLists],1 mov [gear3],eax stdcall [glNewList], eax, GL_COMPILE stdcall [glMaterialfv], GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, blue ;;;stdcall [glColor4fv], blue stdcall gear, 1.3, 2.0, 0.5, 10, 0.7 call [glEndList] stdcall [glEnable], GL_NORMALIZE ; *** end init *** call draw_3d align 4 red_win: call draw_window align 4 still: mcall 10 cmp al,1 jz red_win cmp al,2 jz key cmp al,3 jz button jmp still ; new window size or exposure align 4 proc reshape uses ebx ecx, width:dword, height:dword locals h dq ? mh dq ? endl stdcall [glViewport], 0, 0, [width], [height] stdcall [glMatrixMode], GL_PROJECTION stdcall [glLoadIdentity] fild dword[height] fidiv dword[width] fst qword[h] ;h = height / width fchs fstp qword[mh] mov ebx,ebp sub ebx,8 mov ecx,ebp sub ecx,16 stdcall [glFrustum], dword p1, dword p2, ebx, ecx, dword p5, dword p6 stdcall [glMatrixMode], GL_MODELVIEW stdcall [glLoadIdentity] stdcall [glTranslatef], 0.0, 0.0, -40.0 stdcall [glClear], GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ret endp align 4 p1 dq -1.0 p2 dq 1.0 p5 dq 5.0 p6 dq 60.0 align 4 draw_window: pushad mcall 12,1 mov edx,0x33ffffff ;0x73ffffff mcall 0,(50 shl 16)+430,(30 shl 16)+400,,,caption stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] mcall 12,2 popad ret align 4 key: mcall 2 cmp ah,27 ;Esc je button.exit cmp ah,61 ;+ jne @f fld dword[scale] fdiv dword[delt_sc] fstp dword[scale] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: cmp ah,45 ;- jne @f fld dword[scale] fmul dword[delt_sc] fstp dword[scale] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: cmp ah,178 ;Up jne @f fld dword[view_rotx] fadd dword[delt_size] fstp dword[view_rotx] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: cmp ah,177 ;Down jne @f fld dword[view_rotx] fsub dword[delt_size] fstp dword[view_rotx] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: cmp ah,176 ;Left jne @f fld dword[view_roty] fadd dword[delt_size] fstp dword[view_roty] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: cmp ah,179 ;Right jne @f fld dword[view_roty] fsub dword[delt_size] fstp dword[view_roty] call draw_3d stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers] @@: jmp still align 4 button: mcall 17 cmp ah,1 jne still .exit: mcall -1 align 4 caption db 'Gears, [Esc] - exit, [<-],[->],[Up],[Down] - rotate',0 align 4 ctx1 db 28 dup (0) ;TinyGLContext or KOSGLContext ;sizeof.TinyGLContext = 28 align 4 draw_3d: stdcall [glClear], GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT stdcall [glPushMatrix] ;;;stdcall [glScalef], [scale], [scale], [scale] ;??? stdcall [glRotatef], [view_rotx], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 stdcall [glRotatef], [view_roty], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 stdcall [glRotatef], [view_rotz], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 stdcall [glPushMatrix] stdcall [glTranslatef], -3.0, -2.0, 0.0 stdcall [glRotatef], [angle], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 stdcall [glCallList],[gear1] stdcall [glPopMatrix] stdcall [glPushMatrix] stdcall [glTranslatef], 3.1, -2.0, 0.0 push dword 1.0 push dword 0.0 push dword 0.0 finit fld1 fld1 faddp fchs fld dword[angle] fmulp fsub dword[an_9] fstp dword[esp-4] sub esp,4 call [glRotatef] ;, -2.0*angle-9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 stdcall [glCallList],[gear2] stdcall [glPopMatrix] stdcall [glPushMatrix] stdcall [glTranslatef], -3.1, 4.2, 0.0 push dword 1.0 push dword 0.0 push dword 0.0 finit fld1 fld1 faddp fchs fld dword[angle] fmulp fsub dword[an_25] fstp dword[esp-4] sub esp,4 call [glRotatef] ;, -2.0*angle-25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 stdcall [glCallList],[gear3] stdcall [glPopMatrix] stdcall [glPopMatrix] ;;; tkSwapBuffers(); ; count++; ; if (count==limit) { ; exit(0); ret align 4 an_9 dd 9.0 an_25 dd 25.0 qObj dd 0 ;??? scale dd 0.14 ;??? delt_sc dd 0.85 ;??? delt_size dd 5.0 align 4 pos dd 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0.0 red dd 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0 green dd 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 blue dd 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 view_rotx dd 20.0 view_roty dd 30.0 view_rotz dd 0.0 gear1 dd ? gear2 dd ? gear3 dd ? angle dd 0.0 limit dd ? count dd 1 ; ; Draw a gear wheel. You'll probably want to call this function when ; building a display list since we do a lot of trig here. ; ; Input: inner_radius - radius of hole at center ; outer_radius - radius at center of teeth ; width - width of gear ; teeth - number of teeth ; tooth_depth - depth of tooth ; align 4 proc gear uses eax ebx, inner_radius:dword, outer_radius:dword, width:dword, teeth:dword, tooth_depth:dword locals i dd ? r0 dd ? r1 dd ? r2 dd ? angle dd ? da dd ? u dd ? v dd ? endl finit mov eax,[inner_radius] mov [r0],eax fld1 fld1 faddp fld dword[tooth_depth] fdiv st0,st1 fld dword[outer_radius] fsub st0,st1 fst dword[r1] ;r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth/2.0 fadd dword[tooth_depth] fstp dword[r2] ;r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth/2.0 ffree st0 ;st0 = tooth_depth/2.0 fincstp ;st0 = 2.0 fldpi fidiv dword[teeth] fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[da] ;da = M_PI / teeth / 2.0 stdcall [glShadeModel], GL_FLAT stdcall [glNormal3f], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 mov ebx,[teeth] ; draw front face stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUAD_STRIP mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 matr_cell 4,3,1,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,2,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,3,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 4,3,1,2,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,2,fstp fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 4,3,1,1,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,2,2,fstp fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,2,1,fstp ;st0 = angle fadd dword[da] fadd dword[da] fadd dword[da] fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,2,fstp fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,1,fstp sub esp,48 ;12*4 call [glVertex3f] ;, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f] ;, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f] ;, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f] ;, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), width*0.5 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: call [glEnd] ; draw front sides of teeth stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUADS mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 matr_cell 4,3,1,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,2,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,3,fstp fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,2,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,2,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+2*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,3,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,3,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+3*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,1,fstp fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,2,fstp sub esp,48 ;12*4 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+da), r2*sin(angle+da), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+2*da), r2*sin(angle+2*da), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), width*0.5 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: call [glEnd] stdcall [glNormal3f], 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ; draw back face stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUAD_STRIP mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 fchs matr_cell 4,3,1,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,2,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,3,fstp fld st0 fsin fld st0 fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,2,fstp fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 4,3,2,2,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,2,fstp fld st0 fcos fld st0 fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,1,fstp fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 4,3,2,1,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,1,fstp ;st0 = angle fadd dword[da] fadd dword[da] fadd dword[da] fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,3,2,fstp fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,3,1,fstp sub esp,48 ;12*4 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), -width*0.5 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: call [glEnd] ; draw back sides of teeth stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUADS mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 fchs matr_cell 4,3,1,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,2,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,3,3,fst matr_cell 4,3,4,3,fstp fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,4,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,3,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,3,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+2*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,2,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 4,3,2,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+3*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,1,fstp fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 4,3,1,2,fstp sub esp,48 ;12*4 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+2*da), r2*sin(angle+2*da), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+da), r2*sin(angle+da), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), -width*0.5 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: call [glEnd] ; draw outward faces of teeth stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUAD_STRIP mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 matr_cell 12,3, 1,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 4,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 7,3,fst matr_cell 12,3,10,3,fst fchs matr_cell 12,3, 2,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 5,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 8,3,fst matr_cell 12,3,11,3,fstp fldz matr_cell 12,3, 3,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 6,3,fst matr_cell 12,3, 9,3,fst matr_cell 12,3,12,3,fstp fld st0 fsin matr_cell 12,3, 6,2,fst matr_cell 12,3,12,2,fst fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 12,3, 1,2,fst matr_cell 12,3, 2,2,fstp fld st0 fcos matr_cell 12,3, 6,1,fst matr_cell 12,3,12,1,fst fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 12,3, 1,1,fst matr_cell 12,3, 2,1,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 12,3, 4,1,fst matr_cell 12,3, 5,1,fst matr_cell 12,3, 1,1,fsub fstp dword[u] fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 12,3, 4,2,fst matr_cell 12,3, 5,2,fst matr_cell 12,3, 1,2,fsub fst dword[v] fmul st0,st0 fld dword[u] fmul st0,st0 faddp fsqrt ;st0 = len fld dword[u] fdiv st0,st1 fchs matr_cell 12,3, 3,2,fstp fld dword[v] fdiv st0,st1 matr_cell 12,3, 3,1,fstp ffree st0 ;len fincstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+2*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 12,3, 7,1,fst matr_cell 12,3, 8,1,fstp fld st0 fsin fmul dword[r2] matr_cell 12,3, 7,2,fst matr_cell 12,3, 8,2,fstp fadd dword[da] ;st0 = angle+3*da fld st0 fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 12,3,10,1,fst matr_cell 12,3,11,1,fst matr_cell 12,3, 7,1,fsub fchs matr_cell 12,3, 9,2,fstp ;-u fsin fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 12,3,10,2,fst matr_cell 12,3,11,2,fst matr_cell 12,3, 7,2,fsub matr_cell 12,3, 9,1,fstp ;v sub esp,144 ;12*12 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), -width*0.5 ;u = r2*cos(angle+da) - r1*cos(angle) ;v = r2*sin(angle+da) - r1*sin(angle) ;len = sqrt( u*u + v*v ) ;u /= len ;v /= len call [glNormal3f];, v, -u, 0.0 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+da), r2*sin(angle+da), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+da), r2*sin(angle+da), -width*0.5 call [glNormal3f];, cos(angle), sin(angle), 0.0 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+2*da), r2*sin(angle+2*da), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r2*cos(angle+2*da), r2*sin(angle+2*da), -width*0.5 ;u = r1*cos(angle+3*da) - r2*cos(angle+2*da) ;v = r1*sin(angle+3*da) - r2*sin(angle+2*da) call [glNormal3f];, v, -u, 0.0 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), -width*0.5 call [glNormal3f];, cos(angle), sin(angle), 0.0 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: finit fld1 fld1 faddp fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st1 matr_cell 2,3,1,3,fst fchs matr_cell 2,3,2,3,fstp fldz matr_cell 2,3,1,2,fst matr_cell 2,3,2,2,fstp fldz fcos fmul dword[r1] matr_cell 2,3,1,1,fst matr_cell 2,3,2,1,fstp sub esp,24 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(0), r1*sin(0), width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r1*cos(0), r1*sin(0), -width*0.5 call [glEnd] stdcall [glShadeModel], GL_SMOOTH ; draw inside radius cylinder stdcall [glBegin], GL_QUAD_STRIP mov dword[i],0 @@: cmp dword[i],ebx jg @f finit fld1 fld1 faddp fldpi fmul st0,st1 fimul dword[i] fidiv dword[teeth] fst dword[angle] ;angle = i * 2.0*M_PI / teeth fldz matr_cell 3,3,1,3,fstp fld dword[width] fdiv st0,st2 matr_cell 3,3,3,3,fst fchs matr_cell 3,3,2,3,fstp fld st0 fsin fchs matr_cell 3,3,1,2,fst fchs fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 3,3,2,2,fst matr_cell 3,3,3,2,fstp fcos fchs matr_cell 3,3,1,1,fst fchs fmul dword[r0] matr_cell 3,3,2,1,fst matr_cell 3,3,3,1,fstp sub esp,36 ;12*3 call [glNormal3f];, -cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0.0 call [glVertex3f];, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), -width*0.5 call [glVertex3f];, r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), width*0.5 inc dword[i] jmp @b @@: call [glEnd] ;ffree st0 ;2.0 ;fincstp ret endp ;-------------------------------------------------- align 4 import_lib_tinygl: macro E_LIB n { n dd sz_#n } include '../' dd 0,0 macro E_LIB n { sz_#n db `n,0 } include '../' ;-------------------------------------------------- system_path db '/sys/lib/' name_tgl db 'tinygl.obj',0 err_message_found_lib db 'Sorry I cannot load library tinygl.obj',0 head_f_i: head_f_l db 'System error',0 err_message_import db 'Error on load import library tinygl.obj',0 ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 i_end: rb 4096 stacktop: cur_dir_path: rb 4096 library_path: rb 4096 mem: