use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01, START, I_END, E_END, E_END, 0, 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include '../../../../../' include '../../../../../' include '../../../../../' ;include '../../../../../' include '../../libio/' include '../../libimg/' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- START: mcall 68, 11 stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT or eax, eax jnz exit invoke, input_file, O_READ or eax, eax jz exit mov [fh], eax invoke file.size, input_file mov [img_data_len], ebx stdcall mem.Alloc, ebx or eax, eax jz exit mov [img_data], eax invoke, [fh], eax, [img_data_len] cmp eax, -1 je exit cmp eax, [img_data_len] jne exit invoke file.close, [fh] inc eax jz exit invoke img.decode, [img_data], [img_data_len], 0 or eax, eax jz exit mov [image_initial], eax stdcall mem.Free, [img_data] test eax, eax jz exit ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- still: mcall 10 cmp eax, 1 je .draw_window cmp eax, 2 je .key cmp eax, 3 je .button jmp still .draw_window: mcall 12, 1 mcall 0, <200, 150>, <200, 150>, 0x73FFFFFF, 0x00000000, window_title call draw_image mcall 12, 2 jmp still .key: mcall 2 jmp still .button: mcall 17 shr eax, 8 cmp eax, 1 jne still exit: cmp [image_initial], 0 je @f invoke img.destroy, [image_initial] @@: cmp [image_scaled], 0 je @f invoke img.destroy, [image_scaled] @@: mcall -1 proc draw_image cmp [image_scaled], 0 je @f invoke img.destroy, [image_scaled] @@: mcall 9, proc_info, -1 mov ecx, [proc_info.client_box.height] inc ecx mov edx, [proc_info.client_box.width] inc edx mov ebx, [image_initial] ; invoke img.scale, ebx, 1, 2, 5, 5, 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_TYPE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_BILINEAR, edx, ecx ; invoke img.scale, ebx, 1, 2, 5, 5, 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_TYPE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_INTEGER, 3, 3 invoke img.scale, ebx, 0, 0, [ebx + Image.Width], [ebx + Image.Height], 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_TYPE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_BILINEAR, edx, ecx ; proc img.scale _src, _crop_x, _crop_y, _crop_width, _crop_height, _dst, _scale_type, _scale_alg, _param1, _param2 ; see for available scale types and algorithms ; LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_BILINEAR: _param1, _param2 -- width and height of rectangle to fit _src image to ; LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_INTEGER: _param1 -- scale factor (i.e. 3 means scaling 7x7 to 21x21); _param2 ignored ; LIBIMG_SCALE_TYPE_*: just try and see, they are common STRETCH, FIT_BY_WIDTH etc. ; returns pointer to a scaled image ; invoke img.scale, ebx, 0, 0, [ebx + Image.Width], [ebx + Image.Height], 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_TYPE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_SCALE_ALG_INTEGER, 3, 3 test eax, eax jz exit mov [image_scaled], eax invoke img.draw, eax, 0, 0, [eax + Image.Width], [eax + Image.Height], 0, 0 ret endp ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- window_title db 'img.scale example',0 input_file db '/hd0/1/gray_5x7.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/grayscale_123x123.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/grayscale_357x357.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/grayscale_620x620.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/rgb_220.jpg',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/rgba_217.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/rgb_7x9.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/rgba_7x9.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/gray_7x9.tiff',0 ;input_file db '/hd0/1/rgb_70x90.png',0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 @IMPORT: library \ libio , 'libio.obj' , \ libimg , 'libimg.obj' import libio , \ libio.init , 'lib_init' , \ file.size , 'file_size' , \ , 'file_open' , \ , 'file_read' , \ file.close , 'file_close' import libimg , \ libimg.init , 'lib_init' , \ img.decode , 'img_decode' , \ img.destroy , 'img_destroy' , \ img.draw , 'img_draw' , \ img.scale , 'img_scale' , \ img.formats_table,'img_formats_table' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_END: fh dd ? img_data_len dd ? img_data dd ? image_initial dd ? image_scaled dd ? proc_info process_information rd 0x1000 ; stack E_END: