include '' ; compare proc for sorter Compare: cmpsd jnz @F cmp esi,edi @@: ret ; compare proc for sorter 2 Compare2: cmpsd @@: cmpsb jnz @F cmp byte [esi-1],0 jnz @B cmp esi,edi @@: ret FreeSymbols: mov ecx,[Symbols] jecxz @F mcall 68,13 and [Symbols],0 and [NumSymbols],0 @@: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Load symbols event OnLoadSymbols.FileErr: test ebp,ebp jz @f mcall 68,13,edi ret @@: push eax mcall 68,13,edi mov esi,aCannotLoadFile call PutMessageNoDraw pop eax cmp eax,0x20 jae .Unk mov esi,[LoadErrMsgs+eax*4] test esi,esi jnz PutMessage .Unk: mov esi,UnkErrMsg2 jmp PutMessage OnLoadSymbols: xor ebp,ebp ; load input file mov esi,[CurArg] call FreeSymbols .Silent: ; esi = ptr to symbols filename xor edi,edi cmp [NumSymbols],edi ; Any previously loaded symbols? je .LoadFile call FreeSymbols ; Yep, free them .LoadFile: mov ebx,FN70AttrBlock ; Get file attributes mov [ebx+21],esi mcall 70 test eax,eax jnz .FileErr cmp dword [FileAttr+36],edi ; Is upper dword of filesize larger then 0? jnz .MemErr mov ecx,dword [FileAttr+32] ; Lower dword of filesize mcall 68,12 ; allocate the memory test eax,eax jz .MemErr mov edi,eax mov ebx,FN70ReadBlock mov [ebx+12],ecx mov [ebx+16],edi mov [ebx+21],esi mcall 70 ; Read the file into the allocated buffer test eax,eax jnz .FileErr ; calculate memory requirements to load debug symbols lea edx,[ecx+edi-1] ; edx = EOF-1 mov esi,edi xor ecx,ecx mov [SymbolSection],1 ;;;;; .CalcLoop: cmp esi,edx jae .CalcDone cmp byte [esi],' ' ; skip spaces at the beginning of a line jne .NotSpace inc esi jmp .CalcLoop .NotSpace: cmp byte [esi],'.' jne .NotSection inc esi mov [SymbolSection],0 cmp dword [esi],'text' je .SectionOK cmp dword [esi],'data' je .SectionOK cmp dword [esi],'bss ' jne .SkipLine .SectionOK: inc [SymbolSection] jmp .SkipLine .NotSection: cmp [SymbolSection],0 je .SkipLine cmp word [esi],'0x' jne .SkipLine inc esi inc esi @@: cmp esi,edx jae .CalcDone lodsb or al,20h sub al,'0' cmp al,9 jbe @B sub al,'a'-'0'-10 cmp al,15 jbe @B dec esi @@: cmp esi,edx ja .CalcDone lodsb cmp al,20h je @B jb .CalcLoop cmp al,9 jz @B add ecx,12+1 inc [NumSymbols] @@: inc ecx cmp esi,edx ja .CalcDone lodsb cmp al,0xD jz .CalcLoop cmp al,0xA jz .CalcLoop jmp @B .SkipLine: cmp esi,edx jae .CalcDone lodsb cmp al,0xD jz .CalcLoop cmp al,0xA jz .CalcLoop jmp .SkipLine .CalcDone: ; Allocate memory to place the debug symbols in mcall 68,12 test eax,eax jnz .MemOK inc ebx mov ecx,edi mov al,68 mcall .MemErr: mov esi,aNoMemory jmp PutMessage .MemOK: mov [Symbols],eax mov ebx,eax push edi mov esi,edi mov edi,[NumSymbols] lea ebp,[eax+edi*4] lea edi,[eax+edi*8] ; Actual loading of the debug symbols ; esi->input, edx->EOF, ebx->ptrs, edi->names mov [SymbolSection],1 ;;;;; .ReadLoop: cmp esi,edx jae .ReadDone cmp byte [esi],' ' jne .NotSpace2 inc esi jmp .ReadLoop .NotSpace2: cmp byte [esi],'.' jne .NotSection2 inc esi mov [SymbolSection],0 cmp dword [esi],'text' je .SectionOK2 cmp dword [esi],'data' je .SectionOK2 cmp dword [esi],'bss ' jne .ReadLine .SectionOK2: inc [SymbolSection] jmp .ReadLine .NotSection2: cmp [SymbolSection],0 je .ReadLine cmp word [esi],'0x' jnz .ReadLine inc esi inc esi xor eax,eax xor ecx,ecx @@: shl ecx,4 add ecx,eax cmp esi,edx jae .ReadDone lodsb or al,20h sub al,'0' cmp al,9 jbe @B sub al,'a'-'0'-10 cmp al,15 jbe @B dec esi @@: cmp esi,edx ja .ReadDone lodsb cmp al,20h jz @B jb .ReadLoop cmp al,9 jz @B mov dword [ebx],edi add ebx,4 mov dword [ebp],edi add ebp,4 mov dword [edi],ecx add edi,4 stosb @@: xor eax,eax stosb cmp esi,edx ja .ReadDone lodsb cmp al,0xD jz .ReadLoop cmp al,0xA jz .ReadLoop mov byte [edi-1],al jmp @B .ReadLine: cmp esi,edx jae .ReadDone lodsb cmp al,0xD jz .ReadLoop cmp al,0xA jz .ReadLoop jmp .ReadLine .ReadDone: pop ecx mcall 68,13 mov ecx,[NumSymbols] mov edx,[Symbols] mov ebx,Compare call Sort mov ecx,[NumSymbols] lea edx,[edx+ecx*4] mov ebx,Compare2 call Sort mov esi,aSymbolsLoaded call PutMessage jmp DrawMessages;DrawDisAsm ; ; in: EAX = address ; out: ESI, CF FindSymbol: cmp [NumSymbols],0 jnz @F .Ret0: xor esi,esi stc ret @@: push ebx ecx edx xor edx,edx mov esi,[Symbols] mov ecx,[NumSymbols] mov ebx,[esi] cmp [ebx],eax jz .DoneZ jb @F pop edx ecx ebx jmp .Ret0 @@: ; invariant: symbols_addr[edx] < eax < symbols_addr[ecx] ; TODO: add meaningful label names .0: push edx .1: add edx,ecx sar edx,1 cmp edx,[esp] jz .Done2 mov ebx,[esi+edx*4] cmp [ebx],eax jz .Done ja .2 mov [esp],edx jmp .1 .2: mov ecx,edx pop edx jmp .0 .DoneCont: dec edx .Done: test edx,edx jz @F mov ebx,[esi+edx*4-4] cmp [ebx],eax jz .DoneCont @@: pop ecx .DoneZ: mov esi,[esi+edx*4] add esi,4 pop edx ecx ebx clc ret .Done2: lea esi,[esi+edx*4] pop ecx edx ecx ebx stc ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; in: esi->name ; out: if found: CF = 0, EAX = value ; otherwise CF = 1 FindSymbolName: cmp [NumSymbols],0 jnz @F .StcRet: stc ret @@: push ebx ecx edx edi push -1 pop edx mov ebx,[Symbols] mov ecx,[NumSymbols] lea ebx,[ebx+ecx*4] ; invariant: symbols_name[edx] < name < symbols_name[ecx] .0: push edx .1: add edx,ecx sar edx,1 cmp edx,[esp] jz .Done2 call .Cmp jz .Done jb .2 mov [esp],edx jmp .1 .2: mov ecx,edx pop edx jmp .0 .Done: pop ecx .DoneZ: mov eax,[ebx+edx*4] mov eax,[eax] pop edi edx ecx ebx clc ret .Done2: pop edx edi edx ecx ebx stc ret .Cmp: mov edi,[ebx+edx*4] push esi add edi,4 @@: cmpsb jnz @F cmp byte [esi-1],0 jnz @B @@: pop esi ret