MALLOC_ALIGNMENT = 8 ; must be power of two not less than 8, not greater than 4096 CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK = MALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1 ; ----------------------- Chunk representations ------------------------ ; ; (The following includes lightly edited explanations by Colin Plumb.) ; ; The malloc_chunk declaration below is misleading (but accurate and ; necessary). It declares a "view" into memory allowing access to ; necessary fields at known offsets from a given base. ; ; Chunks of memory are maintained using a `boundary tag' method as ; originally described by Knuth. (See the paper by Paul Wilson ; for a survey of such ; techniques.) Sizes of free chunks are stored both in the front of ; each chunk and at the end. This makes consolidating fragmented ; chunks into bigger chunks fast. The head fields also hold bits ; representing whether chunks are free or in use. ; ; Here are some pictures to make it clearer. They are "exploded" to ; show that the state of a chunk can be thought of as extending from ; the high 31 bits of the head field of its header through the ; prev_foot and PINUSE_BIT bit of the following chunk header. ; ; A chunk that's in use looks like: ; ; chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Size of previous chunk (if P = 0) | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |P| ; | Size of this chunk 1| +-+ ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | | ; +- -+ ; | | ; +- -+ ; | : ; +- size - sizeof(size_t) available payload bytes -+ ; : | ; chunk-> +- -+ ; | | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |1| ; | Size of next chunk (may or may not be in use) | +-+ ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; ; And if it's free, it looks like this: ; ; chunk-> +- -+ ; | User payload (must be in use, or we would have merged!) | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |P| ; | Size of this chunk 0| +-+ ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Next pointer | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Prev pointer | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | : ; +- size - sizeof(struct chunk) unused bytes -+ ; : | ; chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Size of this chunk | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |0| ; | Size of next chunk (must be in use, or we would have merged)| +-+ ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | : ; +- User payload -+ ; : | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; |0| ; +-+ ; Note that since we always merge adjacent free chunks, the chunks ; adjacent to a free chunk must be in use. ; ; Given a pointer to a chunk (which can be derived trivially from the ; payload pointer) we can, in O(1) time, find out whether the adjacent ; chunks are free, and if so, unlink them from the lists that they ; are on and merge them with the current chunk. ; ; Chunks always begin on even word boundaries, so the mem portion ; (which is returned to the user) is also on an even word boundary, and ; thus at least double-word aligned. ; ; The P (PINUSE_BIT) bit, stored in the unused low-order bit of the ; chunk size (which is always a multiple of two words), is an in-use ; bit for the *previous* chunk. If that bit is *clear*, then the ; word before the current chunk size contains the previous chunk ; size, and can be used to find the front of the previous chunk. ; The very first chunk allocated always has this bit set, preventing ; access to non-existent (or non-owned) memory. If pinuse is set for ; any given chunk, then you CANNOT determine the size of the ; previous chunk, and might even get a memory addressing fault when ; trying to do so. ; ; The C (CINUSE_BIT) bit, stored in the unused second-lowest bit of ; the chunk size redundantly records whether the current chunk is ; inuse (unless the chunk is mmapped). This redundancy enables usage ; checks within free and realloc, and reduces indirection when freeing ; and consolidating chunks. ; ; Each freshly allocated chunk must have both cinuse and pinuse set. ; That is, each allocated chunk borders either a previously allocated ; and still in-use chunk, or the base of its memory arena. This is ; ensured by making all allocations from the `lowest' part of any ; found chunk. Further, no free chunk physically borders another one, ; so each free chunk is known to be preceded and followed by either ; inuse chunks or the ends of memory. ; ; Note that the `foot' of the current chunk is actually represented ; as the prev_foot of the NEXT chunk. This makes it easier to ; deal with alignments etc but can be very confusing when trying ; to extend or adapt this code. ; ; The exceptions to all this are ; ; 1. The special chunk `top' is the top-most available chunk (i.e., ; the one bordering the end of available memory). It is treated ; specially. Top is never included in any bin, is used only if ; no other chunk is available. In effect, ; the top chunk is treated as larger (and thus less well ; fitting) than any other available chunk. The top chunk ; doesn't update its trailing size field since there is no next ; contiguous chunk that would have to index off it. However, ; space is still allocated for it (TOP_FOOT_SIZE) to enable ; separation or merging when space is extended. ; ; 2. Chunks allocated via mmap, have both cinuse and pinuse bits ; cleared in their head fields. Because they are allocated ; one-by-one, each must carry its own prev_foot field, which is ; also used to hold the offset this chunk has within its mmapped ; region, which is needed to preserve alignment. Each mmapped ; chunk is trailed by the first two fields of a fake next-chunk ; for sake of usage checks. ; struct malloc_chunk prev_foot dd ? ; size of previous chunk (if free) head dd ? ; size and inuse bits data rd 0 ; label for data (if busy) fd dd ? ; pointer to data in next malloc_chunk (if free) bk dd ? ; pointer to data in prev malloc_chunk (if free) ends mchunk_prev_foot = malloc_chunk.prev_foot - mchunk_head = malloc_chunk.head - mchunk_fd = malloc_chunk.fd - mchunk_bk = malloc_chunk.bk - ; ------------------- Chunks sizes and alignments ----------------------- MCHUNK_SIZE = sizeof.malloc_chunk if FOOTERS CHUNK_OVERHEAD = 8 else CHUNK_OVERHEAD = 4 end if ; MMapped chunks need a second word of overhead ... MMAP_CHUNK_OVERHEAD = 8 ; ... and additional padding for fake next-chunk at foot MMAP_FOOT_PAD = 16 ; The smallest size we can malloc is an aligned minimal chunk MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = (MCHUNK_SIZE + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) and not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK ; Bounds on request (not chunk) sizes. MAX_REQUEST = (-MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) * 4 MIN_REQUEST = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE - CHUNK_OVERHEAD ; ------------------ Operations on head and foot fields ----------------- ; The head field of a chunk is or'ed with PINUSE_BIT when previous ; adjacent chunk in use, and or'ed with CINUSE_BIT if this chunk is in ; use, unless mmapped, in which case both bits are cleared. ; ; FLAG4_BIT is not used by this malloc, but might be useful in extensions. PINUSE_BIT = 1 CINUSE_BIT = 2 FLAG4_BIT = 4 INUSE_BITS = PINUSE_BIT + CINUSE_BIT FLAG_BITS = PINUSE_BIT + CINUSE_BIT + FLAG4_BIT ; Head value for fenceposts FENCEPOST_HEAD = 4 + INUSE_BITS ; ---------------------- Overlaid data structures ----------------------- ; When chunks are not in use, they are treated as nodes of either ; lists or trees. ; ; "Small" chunks are stored in circular doubly-linked lists, and look ; like this: ; ; chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Size of previous chunk | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; `head:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |P| ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Forward pointer to next chunk in list | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Back pointer to previous chunk in list | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Unused space (may be 0 bytes long) . ; . . ; . | ;nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; `foot:' | Size of chunk, in bytes | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; ; Larger chunks are kept in a form of bitwise digital trees (aka ; tries) keyed on chunksizes. Because malloc_tree_chunks are only for ; free chunks greater than 256 bytes, their size doesn't impose any ; constraints on user chunk sizes. Each node looks like: ; ; chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Size of previous chunk | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; `head:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |P| ; mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Forward pointer to next chunk of same size | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Back pointer to previous chunk of same size | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Pointer to left child (child[0]) | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Pointer to right child (child[1]) | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Pointer to parent | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | bin index of this chunk | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; | Unused space . ; . | ;nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; `foot:' | Size of chunk, in bytes | ; +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; ; Each tree holding treenodes is a tree of unique chunk sizes. Chunks ; of the same size are arranged in a circularly-linked list, with only ; the oldest chunk (the next to be used, in our FIFO ordering) ; actually in the tree. (Tree members are distinguished by a non-null ; parent pointer.) If a chunk with the same size an an existing node ; is inserted, it is linked off the existing node using pointers that ; work in the same way as fd/bk pointers of small chunks. ; ; Each tree contains a power of 2 sized range of chunk sizes (the ; smallest is 0x100 <= x < 0x180), which is is divided in half at each ; tree level, with the chunks in the smaller half of the range (0x100 ; <= x < 0x140 for the top nose) in the left subtree and the larger ; half (0x140 <= x < 0x180) in the right subtree. This is, of course, ; done by inspecting individual bits. ; ; Using these rules, each node's left subtree contains all smaller ; sizes than its right subtree. However, the node at the root of each ; subtree has no particular ordering relationship to either. (The ; dividing line between the subtree sizes is based on trie relation.) ; If we remove the last chunk of a given size from the interior of the ; tree, we need to replace it with a leaf node. The tree ordering ; rules permit a node to be replaced by any leaf below it. ; ; The smallest chunk in a tree (a common operation in a best-fit ; allocator) can be found by walking a path to the leftmost leaf in ; the tree. Unlike a usual binary tree, where we follow left child ; pointers until we reach a null, here we follow the right child ; pointer any time the left one is null, until we reach a leaf with ; both child pointers null. The smallest chunk in the tree will be ; somewhere along that path. ; ; The worst case number of steps to add, find, or remove a node is ; bounded by the number of bits differentiating chunks within ; bins. Under current bin calculations, this ranges from 6 up to 21 ; (for 32 bit sizes) or up to 53 (for 64 bit sizes). The typical case ; is of course much better. ; ; All large chunks which have been extended after last call to sys_trim ; are kept in a single-linked list with head inside malloc_state. ; For a chunk not in the list, release_fd/release_bk point to itself. struct malloc_tree_chunk malloc_chunk left_child dd ? ; pointer to right_child dd ? ; pointer to parent dd ? ; pointer to index dd ? ends tchunk_left_child = malloc_tree_chunk.left_child - tchunk_right_child = malloc_tree_chunk.right_child - tchunk_parent = malloc_tree_chunk.parent - tchunk_index = malloc_tree_chunk.index - tchunk_release_fd = mchunk_prev_foot - 8 tchunk_release_bk = tchunk_release_fd + 4 ; ----------------------------- Segments -------------------------------- ; ; Each malloc space may include non-contiguous segments, held in a ; list headed by an embedded malloc_segment record representing the ; top-most space. Large chunks that are directly allocated by mmap are not ; included in this list. They are instead independently created and ; destroyed without otherwise keeping track of them. ; ; Except for the top-most segment of an mstate, each segment record ; is kept at the tail of its segment. Segments are added by pushing ; segment records onto the list headed by &mstate.seg for the ; containing mstate. ; struct malloc_segment base dd ? ; base address size dd ? ; allocated size next dd ? ; pointer to next malloc_segment ends ; ---------------------------- malloc_state ----------------------------- ; A malloc_state holds all of the bookkeeping for a space. ; The main fields are: ; ; Top ; The topmost chunk of the currently active segment. Its size is ; cached in topsize. The actual size of topmost space is ; topsize+TOP_FOOT_SIZE, which includes space reserved for adding ; fenceposts and segment records if necessary when getting more ; space from the system. ; ; Designated victim (dv) ; This is the preferred chunk for servicing small requests that ; don't have exact fits. It is normally the chunk split off most ; recently to service another small request. Its size is cached in ; dvsize. The link fields of this chunk are not maintained since it ; is not kept in a bin. ; ; SmallBins ; An array of bin headers for free chunks. These bins hold chunks ; with sizes less than MIN_LARGE_SIZE bytes. Each bin contains ; chunks of all the same size, spaced 8 bytes apart. To simplify ; use in double-linked lists, each bin header acts as a malloc_chunk ; pointing to the real first node, if it exists (else pointing to ; itself). This avoids special-casing for headers. But to avoid ; waste, we allocate only the fd/bk pointers of bins, and then use ; repositioning tricks to treat these as the fields of a chunk. ; ; TreeBins ; Treebins are pointers to the roots of trees holding a range of ; sizes. There are 2 equally spaced treebins for each power of two ; from TREE_SHIFT to TREE_SHIFT+16. The last bin holds anything ; larger. ; ; Bin maps ; There is one bit map for small bins ("smallmap") and one for ; treebins ("treemap). Each bin sets its bit when non-empty, and ; clears the bit when empty. Bit operations are then used to avoid ; bin-by-bin searching -- nearly all "search" is done without ever ; looking at bins that won't be selected. The bit maps ; conservatively use 32 bits per map word, even if on 64bit system. ; For a good description of some of the bit-based techniques used ; here, see Henry S. Warren Jr's book "Hacker's Delight" (and ; supplement at Many of these are ; intended to reduce the branchiness of paths through malloc etc, as ; well as to reduce the number of memory locations read or written. ; ; Segments ; A list of segments headed by an embedded malloc_segment record ; representing the initial space. ; ; Magic tag ; A cross-check field that should always hold same value as malloc_magic. ; ; Max allowed footprint ; The maximum allowed bytes to allocate from system (zero means no limit) ; ; Flags ; Bits recording whether to use locks ; ; Statistics ; Each space keeps track of current and maximum system memory. ; ; Trim support ; Fields holding the amount of unused topmost memory that should trigger ; trimming, and a counter to force periodic scanning to release unused ; non-topmost segments. ; ; Locking ; If USE_LOCKS is defined, the "mutex" lock is acquired and released ; around every public call using this mspace. ;typedef struct malloc_segment msegment; ;typedef struct malloc_segment* msegmentptr; NSMALLBINS = 32 NTREEBINS = 32 SMALLBIN_SHIFT = 3 SMALLBIN_WIDTH = 1 shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT TREEBIN_SHIFT = 8 MIN_LARGE_SIZE = 1 shl TREEBIN_SHIFT assert MIN_LARGE_SIZE = NSMALLBINS * SMALLBIN_WIDTH MAX_SMALL_SIZE = MIN_LARGE_SIZE - 1 MAX_SMALL_REQUEST = MAX_SMALL_SIZE - CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK - CHUNK_OVERHEAD struct malloc_state smallmap dd ? ; bitmap for non-empty small bins treemap dd ? ; bitmap for non-empty tree bins dvsize dd ? ; designated victim size topsize dd ? ; size of free top area dv dd ? ; pointer to of designated victim top dd ? ; pointer to of top area topmax dd ? ; maximum value of top after prev release check release_checks dd ? ; counter before next release check release_list rd 2 ; list of malloc_tree_chunk with pages to release mmap_list rd 2 ; list of mmapped chunks magic dd ? ; for FOOTERS smallbins rd NSMALLBINS*2 ; pointers to treebins rd NTREEBINS ; pointers to footprint dd ? max_footprint dd ? footprint_limit dd ? ; zero means no limit mmap_threshold dd ? segment_size dd ? mflags dd ? mutex dd ? seg malloc_segment ends ; Bits for malloc_state.mflags USE_LOCK_BIT = 2 ; TOP_FOOT_SIZE = (-8) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK + (sizeof.malloc_segment + CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) and not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK + MIN_CHUNK_SIZE SYS_ALLOC_PADDING = TOP_FOOT_SIZE + MALLOC_ALIGNMENT ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; out: eax -> malloc_segment macro segment_holding address { lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.seg] @@: mov ecx, address sub ecx, [eax+malloc_segment.base] cmp ecx, [eax+malloc_segment.size] jb @f mov eax, [] test eax, eax jnz @b @@: } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state macro lock_heap { local .done test [ebp+malloc_state.mflags], USE_LOCK_BIT jz .done ; TODO: use mutex when it will be available in kernel API @@: mov eax, 1 xchg [ebp+malloc_state.mutex], eax test eax, eax jz .done mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 1 call FS_SYSCALL_PTR jmp @b .done: } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state macro unlock_heap { local .done test [ebp+malloc_state.mflags], USE_LOCK_BIT jz .done ; TODO: use mutex when it will be available in kernel API mov [ebp+malloc_state.mutex], 0 .done: } ; ---------------------------- Indexing Bins ---------------------------- MIN_SMALL_INDEX = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE shr SMALLBIN_SHIFT ; in: sizereg = size, must be >= 1 shl TREEBIN_SHIFT ; out: ecx = index, sizereg = size << leftshift_for_tree_index macro compute_tree_index sizereg { mov ecx, NTREEBINS-1 cmp sizereg, 0xC000 shl TREEBIN_SHIFT jae @f bsr ecx, sizereg ror sizereg, cl adc ecx, ecx lea sizereg, [(sizereg-1)*2] sub ecx, TREEBIN_SHIFT*2 @@: } ; ----------------------- Runtime Check Support ------------------------- macro mark_inuse_foot where { if FOOTERS mov ebx, ebp xor ebx, [malloc_magic] mov [where+mchunk_prev_foot], ebx end if } ; ----------------------- Operations on smallbins ----------------------- ; Link a free chunk into a smallbin ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi ->, edx = size macro insert_small_chunk_noshift { bts [ebp+malloc_state.smallmap], edx mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.smallbins+edx*8+mchunk_fd] lea edx, [ebp+malloc_state.smallbins+edx*8] mov [ecx+mchunk_bk], esi mov [edx+mchunk_fd], esi mov [esi+mchunk_fd], ecx mov [esi+mchunk_bk], edx } macro insert_small_chunk { shr edx, SMALLBIN_SHIFT insert_small_chunk_noshift } ; Unlink a chunk from a smallbin ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, eax ->, edx = size macro unlink_small_chunk { mov ecx, [eax+mchunk_fd] mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_bk] cmp [ecx+mchunk_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx+mchunk_fd], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+mchunk_bk], ebx mov [ebx+mchunk_fd], ecx cmp ecx, ebx jnz @f shr edx, SMALLBIN_SHIFT btr [ebp+malloc_state.smallmap], edx @@: } ; Unlink the first chunk from a smallbin ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, edx -> list header, eax -> ; in: ecx = smallbin index macro unlink_first_small_chunk { mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_fd] cmp [ebx+mchunk_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+mchunk_bk], edx mov [edx+mchunk_fd], ebx cmp edx, ebx jnz @f btr [ebp+malloc_state.smallmap], ecx @@: } ; Replace dv node, binning the old one ; Used only when dvsize known to be small ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, ecx = chunk size, edx -> macro replace_dv { mov esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], edx mov edx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], ecx shr edx, SMALLBIN_SHIFT jz @f insert_small_chunk_noshift ; ebp,esi,edx @@: } ; ------------------------- Operations on trees ------------------------- ; Insert chunk into tree ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi ->, edx = size macro insert_large_chunk return_action { local .not_first, .loop, .exact_size mov edi, edx compute_tree_index edx lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+ecx*4] mov [esi+tchunk_index], ecx mov dword [esi+tchunk_left_child], 0 mov dword [esi+tchunk_right_child], 0 bts [ebp+malloc_state.treemap], ecx jc .not_first mov [ebx], esi mov [esi+tchunk_parent], ebx mov [esi+mchunk_fd], esi mov [esi+mchunk_bk], esi return_action .not_first: mov ebx, [ebx] .loop: mov ecx, [ebx+mchunk_head] and ecx, not FLAG_BITS cmp ecx, edi jz .exact_size xor ecx, ecx add edx, edx adc ecx, ecx lea ecx, [ebx+tchunk_left_child+ecx*4] cmp dword [ecx], 0 jz @f mov ebx, [ecx] jmp .loop @@: mov [ecx], esi mov [esi+tchunk_parent], ebx mov [esi+mchunk_fd], esi mov [esi+mchunk_bk], esi return_action .exact_size: mov edx, [ebx+mchunk_fd] mov [edx+mchunk_bk], esi mov [ebx+mchunk_fd], esi mov [esi+mchunk_fd], edx mov [esi+mchunk_bk], ebx mov dword [esi+tchunk_parent], 0 return_action } ; Unlink steps: ; ; 1. If x is a chained node, unlink it from its same-sized fd/bk links ; and choose its bk node as its replacement. ; 2. If x was the last node of its size, but not a leaf node, it must ; be replaced with a leaf node (not merely one with an open left or ; right), to make sure that lefts and rights of descendents ; correspond properly to bit masks. We use the rightmost descendent ; of x. We could use any other leaf, but this is easy to locate and ; tends to counteract removal of leftmosts elsewhere, and so keeps ; paths shorter than minimally guaranteed. This doesn't loop much ; because on average a node in a tree is near the bottom. ; 3. If x is the base of a chain (i.e., has parent links) relink ; x's parent and children to x's replacement (or null if none). ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, eax -> ; destroys ebx,edx,esi, keeps eax,ecx macro unlink_large_chunk { local .last, .common1, .find_rightmost_child, .done, .advance_right, .remove_root mov esi, [eax+tchunk_parent] cmp [eax+mchunk_bk], eax jz .last mov edx, [eax+mchunk_fd] mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_bk] cmp [edx+mchunk_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx+mchunk_fd], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [edx+mchunk_bk], ebx mov [ebx+mchunk_fd], edx jmp .common1 .last: mov ebx, [eax+tchunk_right_child] lea edx, [eax+tchunk_right_child] test ebx, ebx jnz .find_rightmost_child mov ebx, [eax+tchunk_left_child] lea edx, [eax+tchunk_left_child] test ebx, ebx jz .common1 .find_rightmost_child: cmp dword [ebx+tchunk_right_child], 0 jnz .advance_right cmp dword [ebx+tchunk_left_child], 0 jz @f lea edx, [ebx+tchunk_left_child] mov ebx, [ebx+tchunk_left_child] jmp .find_rightmost_child .advance_right: lea edx, [ebx+tchunk_right_child] mov ebx, [ebx+tchunk_right_child] jmp .find_rightmost_child @@: mov dword [edx], 0 .common1: test esi, esi jz .done mov edx, [eax+tchunk_index] cmp [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+edx*4], eax jz .remove_root xor edx, edx cmp [esi+tchunk_left_child], eax setnz dl mov [esi+tchunk_left_child+edx*4], ebx jmp @f .remove_root: mov [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+edx*4], ebx test ebx, ebx jnz @f btr [ebp+malloc_state.treemap], edx @@: test ebx, ebx jz .done mov [ebx+tchunk_parent], esi cmp dword [eax+tchunk_left_child], 0 jz @f mov edx, [eax+tchunk_left_child] mov [ebx+tchunk_left_child], edx mov [edx+tchunk_parent], ebx @@: cmp dword [eax+tchunk_right_child], 0 jz @f mov edx, [eax+tchunk_right_child] mov [ebx+tchunk_right_child], edx mov [edx+tchunk_parent], ebx @@: .done: } ; Relays to large vs small bin operations ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi ->, edx = size macro insert_chunk return_action { local .large cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .large insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx return_action .large: insert_large_chunk return_action ; ebp, esi, edx } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, eax ->, edx = size macro unlink_chunk { local .large, .common cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .common .large: unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax .common: } ; ----------------------- Direct-mmapping chunks ----------------------- ; Since a system call is used in these functions anyway, ; the speed is not of primary value here. ; Directly mmapped chunks are set up with an offset to the start of ; the mmapped region stored in the prev_foot field of the chunk. This ; allows reconstruction of the required argument to MUNMAP when freed, ; and also allows adjustment of the returned chunk to meet alignment ; requirements (especially in memalign). ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, ecx = nb ; out: eax -> allocated block on success, 0 on failure ; destroys: eax, ebx, ecx assert MALLOC_ALIGNMENT <= 4096 ; it is important here proc mmap_alloc add ecx, 8*4 + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK + 0xFFF jc .error and ecx, not 0xFFF cmp [ebp+malloc_state.footprint_limit], 0 jz @f mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] add eax, ecx jc .error cmp eax, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint_limit] ja .error @@: mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 call FS_SYSCALL_PTR test eax, eax jz .error lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.mmap_list] mov edx, [ebp+malloc_state.mmap_list] cmp [edx+4], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx], eax mov [edx+4], eax mov [eax], edx mov [eax+4], ebx add eax, ((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) + 16 lea edx, [ecx-((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)-8-MMAP_FOOT_PAD] mov dword [eax+mchunk_prev_foot], ((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) + 16 mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx mark_inuse_foot eax+edx mov dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], FENCEPOST_HEAD mov dword [eax+edx+4+mchunk_head], 0 add ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] mov [ebp+malloc_state.footprint], ecx cmp ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint] jb @f mov [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint], ecx @@: ret .error: xor eax, eax ret endp ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, ecx = nb, edx -> old ; in: ebx = can_move: if zero, fail unless realloc in place is possible proc mmap_resize mov eax, [edx+mchunk_head] cmp ecx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .error sub eax, ecx jc .realloc cmp eax, 4 jb .realloc cmp eax, 0x2000 ja .realloc mov eax, edx ret .realloc: test ebx, ebx jz .error sub edx, [edx+mchunk_prev_foot] mov eax, [edx] mov ebx, [edx+4] cmp [eax+4], edx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx], edx jnz heap_corrupted mov [eax+4], ebx mov [ebx], eax mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 20 add ecx, 8*4 + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK + 0xFFF and ecx, not 0xFFF call FS_SYSCALL_PTR test eax, eax jz .error mov ebx, [eax] mov [ebx+4], eax mov ebx, [eax+4] mov [ebx], eax add eax, ((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)+16 mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] add edx, ((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)+8+MMAP_FOOT_PAD lea ebx, [ecx-((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)-8-MMAP_FOOT_PAD] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx-((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)-8-MMAP_FOOT_PAD mov dword [eax+ecx-((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)-8-MMAP_FOOT_PAD+mchunk_head], FENCEPOST_HEAD mov dword [eax+ecx-((-16) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)-8-MMAP_FOOT_PAD+4+mchunk_head], 0 add ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] sub ecx, edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.footprint], ecx cmp ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint] jb @f mov [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint], ecx @@: ret .error: xor eax, eax ret endp ; -------------------------- mspace management -------------------------- ; Initialize top chunk and its size ; in: eax -> malloc_state, ebx -> for top, ecx = size ; ebx must be aligned to MALLOC_ALIGNMENT macro init_top { mov [], ebx mov [eax+malloc_state.topmax], ebx mov [eax+malloc_state.topsize], ecx lea edx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [ebx+mchunk_head], edx mov dword [ebx+ecx+mchunk_head], TOP_FOOT_SIZE } ; Same as init_top, but return the previous top ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, eax -> for top, ecx = size ; out: edx -> for old top macro reinit_top { lea edx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx mov dword [eax+ecx+mchunk_head], TOP_FOOT_SIZE mov edx, [] mov [], eax mov [ebp+malloc_state.topmax], eax mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], ecx } ; Initialize bins for a new mstate that is otherwise zeroed out ; in: eax -> malloc_state macro init_bins { lea ebx, [eax+malloc_state.smallbins] mov edx, NSMALLBINS @@: mov [ebx+mchunk_fd], ebx mov [ebx+mchunk_bk], ebx add ebx, 8 dec edx jnz @b } ; Add a segment to hold a new noncontiguous region ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, eax = segment base, ecx = segment size malloc_seg_chunk_size = (sizeof.malloc_segment + CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) and not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK macro add_segment { local .nothing, .large push edi push eax ecx ; Ensure alignment for top add eax, 8 + ((-8) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) sub ecx, TOP_FOOT_SIZE + ((-8) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) ; reset top to new space reinit_top segment_holding edx mov ecx, [eax+malloc_segment.base] add ecx, [eax+malloc_segment.size] lea ebx, [edx+MIN_CHUNK_SIZE] lea eax, [ecx - malloc_seg_chunk_size - MALLOC_ALIGNMENT] cmp eax, ebx jae @f mov eax, edx @@: ; Set up segment record mov dword [eax+mchunk_head], malloc_seg_chunk_size+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+malloc_seg_chunk_size ; Push current record mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.seg.base] mov [eax+malloc_segment.base], ebx mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.seg.size] mov [eax+malloc_segment.size], ebx mov ebx, [] mov [], ebx popd [ebp+malloc_state.seg.size] [ebp+malloc_state.seg.base] mov [], eax ; Insert trailing fenceposts mov esi, edx sub edx, eax lea edi, [eax+malloc_seg_chunk_size+mchunk_head] mov eax, FENCEPOST_HEAD sub ecx, edi shr ecx, 2 rep stosd ; Insert the rest of old top into a bin as an ordinary free chunk neg edx jz .nothing and dword [esi+edx+mchunk_head], not PINUSE_BIT lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .small lea ecx, [esi+edx] mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx insert_large_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .small: insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .nothing: pop edi } ; -------------------------- System allocation -------------------------- ; Get memory from system using MMAP ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi = size ; Allocate a new segment and a chunk inside that segment. ; Algorithm of segment size calculation: ; 1. Calculate minimal size required to ; successful subsequent allocation of a chunk. ; 2. Set maximum of it and malloc_state.segment_size as the new size. ; 3. If footprint limit is set and the selected size would overflow it, ; decrease to the maximum allowed by the limit. ; 4. If the selected size is less than the minimal size, fail. ; 5. Call the kernel. If failed, retry several times halving ; the requested size until either allocation succeeds or ; the minimal size is reached; in the former case, try one last time ; requesting the minimal size. If failed, pass the fail to the caller. ; 6. If allocation succeeded, add the final size to malloc_state.segment_size ; for subsequent allocations. proc sys_alloc call trim_top mov edx, esi add edx, SYS_ALLOC_PADDING + 0xFFF jc .fail and edx, not 0xFFF ; edx = minimal memory required mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.segment_size] cmp ecx, edx ja @f mov ecx, edx @@: mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint_limit] test ebx, ebx jz @f sub ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] cmp ecx, ebx jb @f mov ecx, ebx @@: cmp ecx, edx jb .fail .retry: mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 call FS_SYSCALL_PTR test eax, eax jnz .ok cmp ecx, edx jbe .fail shr ecx, 1 cmp ecx, edx jae .retry mov ecx, edx jmp .retry .fail: mov FS_ERRNO, ENOMEM xor eax, eax ret .ok: add [ebp+malloc_state.segment_size], ecx add [ebp+malloc_state.footprint], ecx mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] cmp ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint] jb @f mov [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint], ebx @@: push esi add_segment ; ebp, eax, ecx pop esi mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] sub ecx, esi jbe .fail mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], ecx mov eax, [] add [], esi add [ebp+malloc_state.topmax], esi lea edx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+esi+mchunk_head], edx lea edx, [esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx mark_inuse_foot eax+esi ret endp ; ----------------------- system deallocation -------------------------- proc chunk_trim add edx, 0xFFF and edx, not 0xFFF and esi, not 0xFFF sub esi, edx jbe .nothing segment_holding edx mov ecx, [eax+malloc_segment.base] mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 26 sub edx, ecx call FS_SYSCALL_PTR .nothing: ret endp proc trim_top mov edx, [] xor edx, [ebp+malloc_state.topmax] test edx, not 0xFFF jz .nothing push esi mov edx, [] mov esi, [ebp+malloc_state.topmax] mov [ebp+malloc_state.topmax], edx add esi, 0xFFF call chunk_trim pop esi .nothing: ret endp proc sys_trim call trim_top push edi lea edi, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] push edi .release_list: cmp eax, [esp] jz .release_done mov edi, eax mov esi, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] sub eax, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] lea edx, [] lea esi, [eax+esi+tchunk_release_fd] call chunk_trim mov eax, [edi+tchunk_release_fd] mov [edi+tchunk_release_fd], edi mov [edi+tchunk_release_bk], edi jmp .release_list .release_done: mov [ebp+malloc_state.release_list+0], eax mov [ebp+malloc_state.release_list+4], eax pop edi edi mov [ebp+malloc_state.release_checks], RELEASE_CHECK_RATE ret endp macro trim_if_should { dec [ebp+malloc_state.release_checks] jnz @f call sys_trim @@: } ; ---------------------------- malloc --------------------------- ; allocate a large request from the best fitting chunk in a treebin ; if succeeded, unlock the heap and return ; if failed, go ahead ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi = nb macro tmalloc_large_and_return { local .find_in_bin, .follow_right, .try_next_bin, .found_subtree, .found_match, .no_new_chunk, .follow_left, .nothing push edi macro ret \{ pop edi ret \} push 0 push 0 mov eax, esi compute_tree_index eax ; ecx = idx, eax = sizebits sub [esp], esi ; edx = rsize cmp [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+ecx*4], 0 jz .try_next_bin ; Traverse tree for this bin looking for node with size == nb mov edi, [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+ecx*4] xor ebx, ebx ; The deepest untaken right subtree .find_in_bin: mov edx, [edi+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS sub edx, esi cmp [esp], edx jbe @f mov [esp], edx mov [esp+4], edi test edx, edx jz .found_match @@: add eax, eax jc .follow_right cmp dword [edi+tchunk_right_child], 0 jz @f mov ebx, [edi+tchunk_right_child] @@: cmp dword [edi+tchunk_left_child], 0 mov edi, [edi+tchunk_left_child] jnz .find_in_bin jmp @f .follow_right: cmp dword [edi+tchunk_right_child], 0 mov edi, [edi+tchunk_right_child] jnz .find_in_bin @@: mov edi, ebx ; set t to least subtree holding sizes > nb test ebx, ebx jnz .found_subtree cmp dword [esp+4], 0 jnz .found_match .try_next_bin: ; set t to root of next non-empty treebin mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.treemap] shr eax, cl shr eax, 1 jz .nothing bsf eax, eax add eax, ecx mov edi, [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+(eax+1)*4] .found_subtree: ; find smallest of tree or subtree mov edx, [edi+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS sub edx, esi cmp [esp], edx jbe @f mov [esp], edx mov [esp+4], edi @@: cmp dword [edi+tchunk_left_child], 0 jnz .follow_left cmp dword [edi+tchunk_right_child], 0 mov edi, [edi+tchunk_right_child] jnz .found_subtree cmp dword [esp+4], 0 jz .nothing .found_match: ; If dv is a better fit, return 0 so malloc will use it mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] sub eax, esi cmp [esp], eax jae .nothing mov eax, [esp+4] cmp dword [esp], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae @f mov ecx, [esp] add ecx, esi add ecx, eax mov ebx, [ecx+tchunk_release_fd] mov edx, [ecx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx mov [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx @@: mov ecx, esi unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax cmp dword [esp], MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .no_new_chunk lea edx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx lea esi, [eax+ecx] mov edx, [esp] lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx add esp, 8 macro unlock_ret \{ unlock_heap ret \} insert_chunk unlock_ret ; ebp, esi, edx purge unlock_ret .no_new_chunk: add ecx, [esp] lea edx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx or dword [eax+ecx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx add esp, 8 unlock_heap ret .follow_left: mov edi, [edi+tchunk_left_child] jmp .found_subtree .nothing: add esp, 8 pop edi purge ret } ; allocate a small request from the best fitting chunk in a treebin ; in: ebp -> malloc_state, esi = size macro tmalloc_small_and_return { local .follow_left, .found_best, .no_new_chunk bsf ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.treemap] mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.treebins+ecx*4] mov edx, eax mov ecx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ecx, not FLAG_BITS sub ecx, esi @@: cmp dword [edx+tchunk_left_child], 0 jnz .follow_left cmp dword [edx+tchunk_right_child], 0 jz .found_best mov edx, [edx+tchunk_right_child] mov ebx, [edx+mchunk_head] and ebx, not FLAG_BITS sub ebx, esi cmp ecx, ebx jbe @b mov eax, edx mov ecx, ebx jmp @b .follow_left: mov edx, [edx+tchunk_left_child] mov ebx, [edx+mchunk_head] and ebx, not FLAG_BITS sub ebx, esi cmp ecx, ebx jbe @b mov eax, edx mov ecx, ebx jmp @b .found_best: push esi cmp ecx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae @f add esi, ecx add esi, eax mov ebx, [esi+tchunk_release_fd] mov edx, [esi+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], esi jnz heap_corrupted cmp [edx+tchunk_release_fd], esi jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx mov [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx @@: unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax pop esi cmp ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .no_new_chunk lea edx, [eax+esi] lea ebx, [esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot edx lea ebx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [edx+mchunk_head], ebx mov [edx+ecx+mchunk_prev_foot], ecx replace_dv ; ebp, ecx, edx unlock_heap ret .no_new_chunk: lea edx, [ecx+esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] add ecx, esi mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx or dword [eax+ecx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx unlock_heap ret } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [bytes] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate ; out: eax -> allocated data macro do_malloc { ; ; Basic algorithm: ; If a small request (< 256 bytes minus per-chunk overhead): ; 1. If one exists, use a remainderless chunk in associated smallbin. ; (Remainderless means that there are too few excess bytes to ; represent as a chunk.) ; 2. If it is big enough, use the dv chunk, which is normally the ; chunk adjacent to the one used for the most recent small request. ; 3. If one exists, split the smallest available chunk in a bin, ; saving remainder in dv. ; 4. If it is big enough, use the top chunk. ; 5. If available, get memory from system and use it ; Otherwise, for a large request: ; 1. Find the smallest available binned chunk that fits, and use it ; if it is better fitting than dv chunk, splitting if necessary. ; 2. If better fitting than any binned chunk, use the dv chunk. ; 3. If request size >= mmap threshold, try to directly mmap this chunk. ; 4. If it is big enough, use the top chunk. ; 5. If available, get memory from system and use it ; lock_heap mov eax, [bytes] cmp [bytes], MAX_SMALL_REQUEST ja .large mov ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE cmp eax, MIN_REQUEST jb @f lea ecx, [eax + CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK] and ecx, not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK @@: mov esi, ecx shr ecx, SMALLBIN_SHIFT mov eax, [ebp + malloc_state.smallmap] shr eax, cl test eax, 3 jz .small.remainder ; Remainderless fit to a smallbin. shr eax, 1 sbb ecx, -1 ; Uses next bin if idx empty lea edx, [ebp + malloc_state.smallbins + ecx*8] mov eax, [ebp + malloc_state.smallbins + ecx*8 + mchunk_fd] unlink_first_small_chunk ; ebp, edx, eax, ecx lea edx, [ecx*SMALLBIN_WIDTH+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx or dword [eax+ecx*SMALLBIN_WIDTH+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx*SMALLBIN_WIDTH unlock_heap ret .small.remainder: cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] jbe .use_dv_chunk test eax, eax jz .small.try_split_large bsf eax, eax add ecx, eax lea edx, [ebp + malloc_state.smallbins + ecx*8] mov eax, [ebp + malloc_state.smallbins + ecx*8 + mchunk_fd] unlink_first_small_chunk ; ebp, edx, eax, ecx lea edx, [esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], edx lea edx, [eax+esi] shl ecx, SMALLBIN_SHIFT sub ecx, esi mark_inuse_foot edx lea ebx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [edx+mchunk_head], ebx mov [edx+ecx+mchunk_prev_foot], ecx replace_dv ; ebp, ecx, edx unlock_heap ret .use_dv_chunk: mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] sub ecx, esi cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f cmp ecx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae @f lea edx, [eax+esi] add edx, ecx mov ebx, [edx+tchunk_release_fd] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx jnz heap_corrupted mov ebx, [edx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], edx jnz heap_corrupted mov edx, [edx+tchunk_release_fd] mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], edx mov [edx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx @@: cmp ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .no_new_chunk_dv lea edx, [eax+esi] mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], ecx lea ebx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [edx+mchunk_head], ebx mov [edx+ecx+mchunk_prev_foot], ecx lea ebx, [esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot edx unlock_heap ret .no_new_chunk_dv: add ecx, esi mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], 0 mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], 0 lea ebx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx or dword [eax+ecx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx unlock_heap ret .small.try_split_large: cmp [ebp+malloc_state.treemap], 0 jz .from_top_or_sys tmalloc_small_and_return .large: cmp eax, MAX_REQUEST jae .fail lea esi, [eax + CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK] and esi, not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK cmp [ebp+malloc_state.treemap], 0 jz .from_dv_top_or_sys tmalloc_large_and_return ; can fail .from_dv_top_or_sys: cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] jbe .use_dv_chunk .from_top_or_sys: ; Directly map large chunks cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.mmap_threshold] jb @f mov ecx, esi call mmap_alloc test eax, eax jz @f unlock_heap ret @@: cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] jae .from_sys mov eax, [] mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] lea edx, [eax+esi] sub ecx, esi mov [], edx cmp edx, [ebp+malloc_state.topmax] jb @f mov [ebp+malloc_state.topmax], edx @@: mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], ecx lea ebx, [ecx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [edx+mchunk_head], ebx lea ebx, [esi+PINUSE_BIT+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot edx unlock_heap ret .from_sys: call sys_alloc unlock_heap ret .fail: mov FS_ERRNO, ENOMEM xor eax, eax unlock_heap ret } ; ---------------------------- free --------------------------- ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [mem] = stack var with pointer to free macro do_free { ; Consolidate freed chunks with preceeding or succeeding bordering ; free chunks, if they exist, and then place in a bin. Intermixed ; with special cases for top, dv, mmapped chunks, and usage errors. cmp [mem], 0 jz .nothing if FOOTERS mov ecx, [mem] mov eax, [ecx+mchunk_head] and eax, not FLAG_BITS mov eax, [ecx+eax+mchunk_prev_foot] xor eax, [malloc_magic] cmp eax, ebp jnz heap_corrupted end if lock_heap mov eax, [mem] mov ecx, [eax+mchunk_head] mov edx, ecx and ecx, INUSE_BITS assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 assert CINUSE_BIT = 2 ; Possible values of ecx: ; 0 = mmapped chunk, should be rare ; 1 = illegal, trying to double-free ; 2 = previous chunk is not in use, merge backwards ; 3 = previous chunk is in use, no merge backwards and edx, not FLAG_BITS cmp ecx, 2 ja .see_forward jb .free_mmapped ; turn CINUSE_BIT to PINUSE_BIT, increase chances to detect double-free dec dword [eax+mchunk_head] cmp dword [eax+mchunk_prev_foot], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f mov ebx, [eax+tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [eax+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx @@: mov ecx, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] add edx, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] sub eax, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] cmp eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .append_dv push edx mov edx, ecx unlink_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx pop edx .see_forward: mov esi, eax assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 btr dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], 0 jnc heap_corrupted test dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jnz .consolidated .consolidate_forward: add eax, edx cmp eax, [] jz .prepend_top cmp eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .prepend_dv push esi edx mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS add [esp], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .consolidate_large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .consolidate_common .consolidate_large: lea ecx, [eax+edx] mov ebx, [eax+edx+tchunk_release_fd] mov edx, [eax+edx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx mov [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax .consolidate_common: pop edx esi cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .dv_consolidated .consolidated: lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .large insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx unlock_heap .nothing: ret .large: lea ecx, [esi+edx] lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx @@: push edi macro trim_ret \{ trim_if_should unlock_heap pop edi ret \} insert_large_chunk trim_ret ; ebp, esi, edx purge trim_ret .dv_consolidated: mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f lea ecx, [esi+edx] lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx @@: assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 inc edx mov [esi+mchunk_head], edx unlock_heap ret .append_dv: mov esi, eax assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 btr dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], 0 jnc heap_corrupted test dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jz .consolidate_forward mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ecx mov [eax+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f add edx, eax lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov [edx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], edx @@: unlock_heap ret .prepend_dv: add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f lea ecx, [esi+edx] mov eax, [esi+edx+tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [esi+edx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [eax+tchunk_release_bk], ecx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx jnz heap_corrupted mov [eax+tchunk_release_bk], ebx mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], eax @@: mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], esi mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f lea ecx, [esi+edx] lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx @@: assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 inc edx mov [esi+mchunk_head], edx unlock_heap ret .prepend_top: add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], edx mov [], esi assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 inc edx mov [esi+mchunk_head], edx cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jnz @f mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], 0 mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], 0 @@: trim_if_should unlock_heap ret .free_mmapped: dec ecx jz heap_corrupted mov ecx, eax add edx, [eax+mchunk_prev_foot] add edx, MMAP_FOOT_PAD-8 test edx, 0xFFF jnz heap_corrupted sub [ebp+malloc_state.footprint], edx sub ecx, [ecx+mchunk_prev_foot] test ecx, 0xFFF jnz heap_corrupted mov eax, [ecx] mov ebx, [ecx+4] cmp [eax+4], ecx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx], ecx jnz heap_corrupted mov [eax+4], ebx mov [ebx], eax mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 13 call FS_SYSCALL_PTR unlock_heap ret } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [n_elements] = stack var with number of elements ; in: [elem_size] = stack var with element size macro do_calloc malloc_call { mov eax, [n_elements] mul [elem_size] test edx, edx jnz .fail mov [n_elements], eax malloc_call test eax, eax jz .nothing test dword [eax+mchunk_head], INUSE_BITS jz .nothing push eax edi mov edi, eax mov ecx, [n_elements] add ecx, 3 shr ecx, 2 xor eax, eax rep stosd pop edi eax .nothing: ret .fail: mov FS_ERRNO, ENOMEM xor eax, eax ret } ; ------------ Internal support for realloc, memalign, etc -------------- ; Try to realloc; only in-place unless can_move true ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [oldmem] = stack var with pointer to realloc ; in: [bytes] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate macro try_realloc_chunk can_move { lock_heap mov eax, [oldmem] mov ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE cmp [bytes], MIN_REQUEST jb @f mov ecx, [bytes] add ecx, CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK and ecx, not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK @@: mov [bytes], ecx mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS ; Possible values of [eax+mchunk_head] and INUSE_BIT: ; 0 = mmapped chunk, should be rare ; 1 = illegal, trying to realloc already-freed chunk ; 2,3 = normal chunk test dword [eax+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jz .mmapped test dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT jz heap_corrupted cmp ecx, edx jbe .realloc_decrease add eax, edx cmp eax, [] jz .move_top cmp eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .extend_into_dv test dword [eax+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jnz .failed ; extend into next free chunk push edx mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS add [esp], edx sub [esp], ecx jb .failed_pop cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .common .large: cmp dword [esp], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae @f lea ecx, [eax+edx] mov ebx, [eax+edx+tchunk_release_fd] mov edx, [eax+edx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx mov [edx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx @@: unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax .common: pop edx mov eax, [oldmem] mov ecx, [bytes] cmp edx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jae .add_chunk .no_new_chunk: add edx, ecx mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [edx+ebx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx or dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+edx .nothing: unlock_heap ret .realloc_decrease: test dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jz .prepend_free sub edx, ecx cmp edx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .nothing cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .add_chunk lea ebx, [eax+ecx] add ebx, edx lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov esi, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [esi+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], esi mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [esi+tchunk_release_bk], ebx mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov eax, [oldmem] .add_chunk: mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] lea esi, [eax+ecx] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [ecx+ebx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot esi lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx and dword [esi+edx+mchunk_head], not PINUSE_BIT push edi macro unlock_ret \{ pop edi unlock_heap ret \} insert_chunk unlock_ret ; ebp, esi, edx purge unlock_ret .prepend_free: add eax, edx cmp eax, [] jz .move_top cmp eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .prepend_dv sub edx, ecx push edx mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS add [esp], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .prepend_old_large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .prepend_old_common .prepend_old_large: add edx, eax mov ebx, [edx+tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [edx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], edx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], edx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax .prepend_old_common: pop edx mov esi, [oldmem] add esi, [bytes] mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .prepend_new_small lea ecx, [esi+edx] lea eax, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], ecx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_fd], ebx mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax push edi macro after_insert \{ pop edi jmp .prepend_new_common \} insert_large_chunk after_insert ; ebp, esi, edx purge after_insert .prepend_new_small: insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .prepend_new_common: mov eax, [oldmem] mov ecx, [bytes] mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [ebx+ecx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx unlock_heap ret .prepend_dv: add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] add eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] sub edx, ecx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .move_dv cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f cmp [eax+tchunk_release_fd], eax jnz .move_dv @@: lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov esi, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [esi+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], esi mov [eax+tchunk_release_bk], ebx mov [esi+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], eax jmp .move_dv .extend_into_dv: add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] sub edx, ecx jb .failed cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .move_dv cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .move_dv add eax, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] mov ebx, [eax+tchunk_release_fd] mov esi, [eax+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], eax jnz heap_corrupted cmp [esi+tchunk_release_fd], eax jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_bk], esi mov [esi+tchunk_release_fd], ebx .move_dv: mov eax, [oldmem] cmp edx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .dv_no_new_chunk mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [ecx+ebx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx add ecx, eax mark_inuse_foot ecx lea ebx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [ecx+mchunk_head], ebx mov [ecx+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx and dword [ecx+edx+mchunk_head], not PINUSE_BIT mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], ecx unlock_heap ret .dv_no_new_chunk: add edx, ecx mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [edx+ebx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx or dword [eax+edx+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT mark_inuse_foot eax+edx mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], 0 mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], 0 unlock_heap ret .move_top: add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] sub edx, ecx jbe .failed mov eax, [oldmem] mov ebx, [eax+mchunk_head] and ebx, PINUSE_BIT lea ebx, [ecx+ebx+CINUSE_BIT] mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx add ecx, eax mark_inuse_foot ecx mov [], ecx mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], edx assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 inc edx mov [ecx+mchunk_head], edx unlock_heap ret .mmapped: test dword [eax+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT jnz heap_corrupted mov edx, eax if can_move mov ebx, 1 else xor ebx, ebx end if call mmap_resize test eax, eax jz .failed unlock_heap ret .failed_pop: pop edx .failed: unlock_heap } ; ------------------ Exported realloc, memalign, etc -------------------- ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [oldmem] = stack var with pointer to realloc ; in: [bytes] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate macro do_realloc malloc_call, free_call { cmp [oldmem], 0 jz .malloc cmp [bytes], 0 jz .free cmp [bytes], MAX_REQUEST jae .fail if FOOTERS mov ecx, [oldmem] mov eax, [ecx+mchunk_head] and eax, not FLAG_BITS mov eax, [ecx+eax+mchunk_prev_foot] xor eax, [malloc_magic] cmp eax, ebp jnz heap_corrupted end if try_realloc_chunk 1 ; ebp, [oldmem], [bytes] sub [bytes], CHUNK_OVERHEAD ; try_realloc_chunk has padded [bytes] malloc_call [bytes] test eax, eax jz .justret mov esi, [oldmem] push eax push edi mov ecx, [esi+mchunk_head] mov edi, eax mov edx, MMAP_CHUNK_OVERHEAD test ecx, INUSE_BITS jz @f mov edx, CHUNK_OVERHEAD @@: and ecx, not FLAG_BITS sub ecx, edx cmp ecx, [bytes+8] jb @f mov ecx, [bytes+8] @@: shr ecx, 2 rep movsd pop edi free_call [oldmem+4] pop eax .justret: ret .malloc: malloc_call [bytes] ret .free: free_call [oldmem] xor eax, eax ret .fail: mov FS_ERRNO, ENOMEM xor eax, eax ret } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [oldmem] = stack var with pointer to realloc ; in: [bytes] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate macro do_realloc_in_place { cmp [oldmem], 0 jz .fail cmp [bytes], MAX_REQUEST jae .fail if FOOTERS mov ecx, [oldmem] mov eax, [ecx+mchunk_head] and eax, not FLAG_BITS mov eax, [ecx+eax+mchunk_prev_foot] xor eax, [malloc_magic] cmp eax, ebp jnz heap_corrupted end if try_realloc_chunk 0 ; ebp, [oldmem], [bytes] .fail: xor eax, eax ret } ; in: ebp -> malloc_state ; in: [alignment] = stack var with required alignment ; in: [bytes] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate macro do_memalign malloc_call { mov eax, [alignment] cmp [alignment], MALLOC_ALIGNMENT jbe .just_malloc lea edx, [eax-1] cmp eax, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .set_to_min_chunk_size test eax, edx jnz .set_align_pow2 .alignment_ok: add eax, [bytes] jc .too_large cmp eax, MAX_REQUEST jae .too_large mov ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE cmp [bytes], MIN_REQUEST jb @f mov ecx, [bytes] add ecx, CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK and ecx, not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK @@: mov [bytes], ecx add ecx, [alignment] add ecx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE - CHUNK_OVERHEAD malloc_call ecx test eax, eax jz .nothing mov esi, eax lock_heap mov eax, esi mov edx, [alignment] dec edx test esi, edx jz .aligned ; Find an aligned spot inside chunk. Since we need to give ; back leading space in a chunk of at least MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, if ; the first calculation places us at a spot with less than ; MIN_CHUNK_SIZE leader, we can move to the next aligned spot. ; We've allocated enough total room so that this is always ; possible. not edx lea eax, [esi-1] add eax, [alignment] and eax, edx mov edx, eax sub edx, esi cmp edx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jae @f add eax, [alignment] add edx, [alignment] @@: test dword [esi+mchunk_head], INUSE_BITS jz .unaligned_mmapped ; give back leader, use the rest mov ecx, [esi+mchunk_head] and ecx, not FLAG_BITS sub ecx, edx mark_inuse_foot eax+ecx or ecx, CINUSE_BIT mov [eax+mchunk_head], ecx test dword [esi+mchunk_head], PINUSE_BIT jnz .insert_before mov ebx, esi mov edx, [esi+mchunk_prev_foot] sub esi, [esi+mchunk_prev_foot] cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .append_dv push eax mov eax, esi cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .append_large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .append_common .append_large: mov ecx, [ebx+tchunk_release_fd] mov esi, [ebx+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted cmp [esi+tchunk_release_fd], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], esi mov [esi+tchunk_release_fd], ecx unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax .append_common: mov esi, eax mov edx, [esp] pop eax sub edx, esi .insert_before: lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [eax+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .small_before lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], eax mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [eax+tchunk_release_bk], ebx push edi macro after_insert label \{ pop edi jmp label \} insert_large_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .small_before: insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .common_before: .aligned: ; give back spare room at the end test dword [eax+mchunk_head], INUSE_BITS jz .done_after mov ecx, [bytes] mov edx, [eax+mchunk_head] mov ebx, edx and edx, not FLAG_BITS lea esi, [eax+ecx] sub edx, ecx test dword [esi+edx+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jz @f cmp edx, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE jb .done_after @@: and ebx, INUSE_BITS add ebx, ecx mov [eax+mchunk_head], ebx mark_inuse_foot esi test dword [esi+edx+mchunk_head], CINUSE_BIT jnz .insert_after add esi, edx cmp esi, [ebp+malloc_state.dv] jz .prepend_dv cmp esi, [] jz .prepend_top mov edx, [esi+mchunk_head] and edx, not FLAG_BITS push eax mov eax, esi add esi, edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jae .prepend_large unlink_small_chunk ; ebp, eax, edx jmp .prepend_common .prepend_large: mov ecx, [esi+tchunk_release_fd] mov ebx, [esi+tchunk_release_bk] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], esi jnz heap_corrupted cmp [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], esi jnz heap_corrupted mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov ecx, esi unlink_large_chunk ; ebp, eax mov esi, ecx .prepend_common: pop eax mov edx, esi mov esi, [bytes] add esi, eax sub edx, esi .insert_after: lea ebx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ebx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx and dword [esi+edx+mchunk_head], not PINUSE_BIT cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .small_after push edi lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] lea edi, [esi+edx] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], edi mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], edi mov [edi+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [edi+tchunk_release_bk], ebx insert_large_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx purge after_insert .small_after: insert_small_chunk ; ebp, esi, edx .done_after: unlock_heap ret .prepend_dv: sub esi, edx add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize] mov [ebp+malloc_state.dv], esi lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx mov [esi+edx+mchunk_prev_foot], edx cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .prepend_dv.norelease add esi, edx cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f cmp [esi+tchunk_release_fd], esi jnz .prepend_dv.norelease @@: lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], esi mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], esi mov [esi+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [esi+tchunk_release_bk], ebx .prepend_dv.norelease: mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx unlock_heap ret .prepend_top: sub esi, edx mov [], esi add edx, [ebp+malloc_state.topsize] mov [ebp+malloc_state.topsize], edx assert PINUSE_BIT = 1 inc edx mov [esi+mchunk_head], edx unlock_heap ret .append_dv: mov edx, eax sub edx, esi cmp edx, NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb .append_dv.norelease cmp [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], NSMALLBINS shl SMALLBIN_SHIFT jb @f cmp [eax+tchunk_release_fd], eax jnz .append_dv.norelease @@: lea ebx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov ecx, [ebp+malloc_state.release_list] cmp [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], ebx jnz heap_corrupted mov [ebx+tchunk_release_fd], eax mov [ecx+tchunk_release_bk], eax mov [eax+tchunk_release_fd], ecx mov [eax+tchunk_release_bk], ebx .append_dv.norelease: lea ecx, [edx+PINUSE_BIT] mov [ebp+malloc_state.dvsize], edx mov [eax+mchunk_prev_foot], edx mov [esi+mchunk_head], ecx jmp .common_before .unaligned_mmapped: ; For mmapped chunks, just adjust offset mov ecx, [esi+mchunk_head] sub ecx, edx add edx, [esi+mchunk_prev_foot] mov [eax+mchunk_prev_foot], edx mov [eax+mchunk_head], ecx unlock_heap ret .too_large: mov FS_ERRNO, ENOMEM xor eax, eax .nothing: ret .set_to_min_chunk_size: mov eax, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE mov [alignment], eax jmp .alignment_ok .set_align_pow2: bsr ecx, eax mov eax, 2 shl eax, cl mov [alignment], eax jmp .alignment_ok .just_malloc: malloc_call [bytes] ret } macro do_malloc_trim { ret } macro do_malloc_footprint { mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint] ret } macro do_malloc_max_footprint { mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.max_footprint] ret } macro do_malloc_footprint_limit { mov eax, [ebp+malloc_state.footprint_limit] test eax, eax jnz @f dec eax @@: ret } macro do_malloc_set_footprint_limit { mov eax, [bytes] test eax, eax jnz @f inc eax @@: cmp eax, -1 jnz @f inc eax @@: add eax, 0xFFF and eax, not 0xFFF mov [ebp+malloc_state.footprint_limit], eax ret } macro do_mspace_mallopt { } ; ----------------------------- user mspaces ---------------------------- malloc_state_chunk_size = (sizeof.malloc_state + CHUNK_OVERHEAD + CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) and not CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK macro init_user_mstate { mov ebx, eax add eax, 8 + ((-8) and CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) mov dword [eax+mchunk_head], malloc_state_chunk_size + INUSE_BITS mov [eax+malloc_state.mmap_threshold], DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD mov [eax+malloc_state.seg.base], ebx mov [eax+malloc_state.seg.size], ecx mov [eax+malloc_state.segment_size], ecx mov [eax+malloc_state.footprint], ecx mov [eax+malloc_state.max_footprint], ecx lea ecx, [ecx+ebx+8-TOP_FOOT_SIZE] if FOOTERS mov ebx, [malloc_magic] mov [eax+malloc_state.magic], ebx end if mov [eax+malloc_state.release_checks], RELEASE_CHECK_RATE init_bins ; eax lea ebx, [eax+malloc_state.release_list-tchunk_release_fd] mov [eax+malloc_state.release_list+0], ebx mov [eax+malloc_state.release_list+4], ebx lea ebx, [eax+malloc_state.mmap_list] mov [eax+malloc_state.mmap_list], ebx mov [eax+malloc_state.mmap_list+4], ebx lea ebx, [eax+malloc_state_chunk_size] sub ecx, ebx init_top ; eax, ebx, ecx } ; in: [capacity] = stack var with number of bytes to allocate ; in: [locked] = stack var which is zero if locking is not needed ; out: eax -> allocated data macro do_create_mspace { mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 mov ecx, [capacity] test ecx, ecx jnz @f mov ecx, DEFAULT_MSPACE_SIZE @@: add ecx, 0xFFF and ecx, not 0xFFF jz .fail call FS_SYSCALL_PTR test eax, eax jz .fail init_user_mstate and [eax+malloc_state.mflags], not USE_LOCK_BIT cmp [locked], 0 jz @f or [eax+malloc_state.mflags], USE_LOCK_BIT @@: ret .fail: xor eax, eax ret } ; in: [msp] = stack var with mspace to free macro do_destroy_mspace { mov edx, [msp] if FOOTERS mov ebx, [malloc_magic] cmp [edx+malloc_state.magic], ebx jnz heap_corrupted end if add edx, malloc_state.mmap_list push edx mov ecx, [edx] cmp ecx, [esp] jz .large_done @@: mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 13 mov edx, [ecx] call FS_SYSCALL_PTR mov ecx, edx cmp edx, [esp] jnz @b .large_done: pop edx add edx, malloc_state.seg - malloc_state.mmap_list .free_segments: mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 13 mov ecx, [edx+malloc_segment.base] mov edx, [] call FS_SYSCALL_PTR test edx, edx jnz .free_segments ret }