format PE DLL GUI 0.8 at 7FF00000h entry start include '../../' include '../../' include '' include '' include '' section '.text' code readable executable FS_STACK_MAX equ dword [fs:4] FS_STACK_MIN equ dword [fs:8] FS_SELF_PTR equ dword [fs:0x18] FS_PROCESS_DATA equ dword [fs:0x30] FS_ERRNO equ dword [fs:0x34] FS_SYSCALL_PTR equ dword [fs:0xC0] ENOMEM = 12 DLL_PROCESS_DETACH = 0 DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH = 1 DLL_THREAD_ATTACH = 2 DLL_THREAD_DETACH = 3 SYSCALL_METHOD_I40 = 1 SYSCALL_METHOD_SYSENTER = 2 SYSCALL_METHOD_SYSCALL = 3 ; Pointer to this structure is passed as the third argument ; to 'start' procedure by the kernel. struct kernel_init_data version dw ? flags dw ? syscall_method dd ? ; either one of SYSCALL_METHOD_xxx or pointer to procedure exe_base dd ? stack_base dd ? stack_size dd ? exe_path dd ? command_line dd ? ends include '' proc syscall_int40 int 0x40 ret endp proc kercall jmp FS_SYSCALL_PTR endp prologue@proc equ fpo_prologue epilogue@proc equ fpo_epilogue proc start stdcall, dll_base, reason, reserved ; 1. Do nothing unless called by the kernel for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. cmp [reason], DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH jnz .nothing ; 2. Validate version of the init struct. ; If not known, say a debug message and die. mov ebp, [reserved] cmp [ebp+kernel_init_data.version], 1 jnz .version_mismatch ; 3. Setup common data based on the init struct. mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.stack_base] mov FS_STACK_MIN, eax add eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.stack_size] mov FS_STACK_MAX, eax mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.syscall_method] cmp eax, 0x10000 jae @f mov eax, syscall_int40 @@: mov FS_SYSCALL_PTR, eax ; 4. Initialize the process heap. mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_base] mov edx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfHeapReserve] cmp word [eax], 'MZ' jnz @f add eax, [eax+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] mov edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve] @@: malloc_init ; ...TBD... ; Call exe entry point. mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_base] mov edx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint] cmp word [eax], 'MZ' jnz @f mov ecx, [eax+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] add ecx, eax mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint] @@: add edx, eax call edx ; If exe entry point has returned control, die. mov eax, -1 call FS_SYSCALL_PTR .version_mismatch: mov esi, version_mismatch_msg mov eax, 63 mov ebx, 1 @@: mov cl, [esi] test cl, cl jz @f int 0x40 ; can't use FS_SYSCALL_PTR here, it has not yet been set inc esi jmp @b @@: mov eax, -1 int 0x40 .nothing: ret endp align 4 data export export 'kolibri.dll' \ , kercall, 'kercall' \ , malloc, 'malloc' \ , free, 'free' \ , calloc, 'calloc' \ , realloc, 'realloc' \ , realloc_in_place, 'realloc_in_place' \ , memalign, 'memalign' \ , create_mspace, 'create_mspace' \ , destroy_mspace, 'destroy_mspace' \ , mspace_malloc, 'mspace_malloc' \ , mspace_free, 'mspace_free' \ , mspace_calloc, 'mspace_calloc' \ , mspace_realloc, 'mspace_realloc' \ , mspace_realloc_in_place, 'mspace_realloc_in_place' \ , mspace_memalign, 'mspace_memalign' \ end data version_mismatch_msg db 'Version mismatch between kernel and kolibri.dll',13,10,0 if FOOTERS section '.data' data readable writable malloc_magic dd ? end if