format ELF include '' section '.text' executable public exp_ as "exp" public exp2_ as "exp2" SaveCW dw ? MaskedCW dw ? ; 2**x = 2**int(x) * 2**frac(x). ; We can easily compute 2**int(x) with fscale and ; 2**frac(x) using f2xm1. exp2_int: fstcw [SaveCW] ; Modify the control word to truncate when rounding. fstcw [MaskedCW] or byte ptr MaskedCW + 1, 1100b fldcw [MaskedCW] fld st0 ;Duplicate tos. fld st0 frndint ;Compute integer portion. fxch ;Swap whole and int values. fsub st0, st1 ;Compute fractional part. f2xm1 ;Compute 2**frac(x)-1. fld1 faddp st1, st0 ;Compute 2**frac(x). fxch ;Get integer portion. fld1 ;Compute 1*2**int(x). fscale fstp st1 ;Remove st(1) (which is 1). fmulp st1, st0 ;Compute 2**int(x) * 2**frac(x). fstp st1 ;Remove st1 fldcw [SaveCW] ;Restore rounding mode. ret exp_: ; exp(x) = 2**(x * lg(e)) fld qword[esp+4] fldl2e ;Put lg(e) onto the stack. fmulp st1, st0 ;Compute x*lg(e). call exp2_int;Compute 2**(x * lg(e)) ret exp2_: fld qword[esp+4] call exp2_int;Compute 2 ** x ret