forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
1) add keys Ctrl+H, Ctrl+G 2) update panels code git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
427 lines
16 KiB
427 lines
16 KiB
// (êîëè÷åñòâî ñèìâîëîâ â íîâîì äîêóìåíòå + 2)
#define TE_MAXCHARS 100002
// ìàêñèìàëüíûé ðàçìåð ôàéëà ñèíòàêñèñà
// buffer for copy|paste
#define TE_BUF_SIZE 4096
typedef void (*editor_callback)(void);
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) editor_symbol {
uint8_t c; // +0 ñèìâîë
uint8_t col; // +1 öâåò
uint32_t prev; // +2 èíäåêñ ïðåäûäóùåãî
uint32_t next; // +6 óêàçàòåëè (èíäåêñ ñëåäóþùåãî)
uint32_t tc; // +10 âðåì. ñîçäàíèÿ
uint32_t td; // +14 âðåì. óäàëåíèÿ
/// ñòðóêòóðà òåêñòîâîãî ðåäàêòîðà
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
uint32_t x_pos; //0
uint32_t y_pos; //50
uint32_t width; //440
uint32_t hight; //150
uint32_t w_pane; //30 øèðèíà ïàíåëè â îêíå, width of left pane with line numbers
uint32_t h_pane; //25 âûñîòà ïàíåëè â îêíå, hight of top pane with Rows, Cols Undo info
uint32_t width_sym; //9 øèðèíà ñèìâîëà (çíàêîìåñòà) â îêíå
uint32_t hight_sym; //16 âûñîòà ñèìâîëà (çíàêîìåñòà) â îêíå
uint8_t drag_m; // âûäåëåíèå îò ìûøè
uint8_t drag_k; // âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
uint32_t sel_x0; // ñòðóêòóðà âûäåëåíèÿ
uint32_t sel_y0;
uint32_t sel_x1;
uint32_t sel_y1;
uint32_t seln_x0; //äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ ñòðóêòóðà âûäåëåíèÿ
uint32_t seln_y0;
uint32_t seln_x1;
uint32_t seln_y1;
struct editor_symbol *tex; // text memory pointer
struct editor_symbol *tex_1; // óêàçàòåëü çà ïîñëåäíèì ñóùåñòâóþùèì ñèìâîëîì (êîíåö ôàéëà)
struct editor_symbol *tex_end;// text end memory pointer (óêàçàòåëü çà êîíöîì âûäåëåííîãî áóôåðà äëÿ òåêñòà)
uint32_t cur_x; //êîîðäèíàòà x êóðñîðà
uint32_t cur_y; //êîîðäèíàòà y êóðñîðà
uint32_t max_chars; // TE_MAXCHARS ;+86 ìàêñèìàëüíîå ÷èñëî ñèìâîëîâ â îäíîì äîêóìåíòå
uint32_t count_colors_text; // 1 ;+90 êîëè÷åñòâî öâåòîâ òåêñòà
uint32_t count_key_words; //+94 êîëëè÷åñòâî êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ
color_t color_cursor; // 0x808080 ;+98 öâåò êóðñîðà
color_t color_wnd_capt; // 0x80 ;+102 öâåò ïîëåé âîêðóã îêíà
color_t color_wnd_work; // 0x0 ;+106 öâåò ôîíà îêíà
color_t color_wnd_bord; //0xd0d0d0 ;+110 öâåò òåêñòà íà ïîëÿõ
color_t color_select; // 0x208080 ;+114 öâåò âûäåëåíèÿ
color_t color_cur_text; // 0xff0000 ;+118 öâåò ñèìâîëà ïîä êóðñîðîì
color_t color_wnd_text; // 0xffff00 ;+122 öâåò òåêñòà â îêíå
char *syntax_file; // óêàçàòåëü íà íà÷àëî ôàéëà ñèíòàêñèñà
uint32_t syntax_file_size; // TE_MAX_SYNTAX_FILESIZE ;+130 ìàêñèìàëüíûé ðàçìåð ôàéëà ñèíòàêñèñà
void *text_colors; // óêàçàòåëü íà ìàññèâ öâåòîâ òåêñòà
char *help_text_f1; // óêàçàòåëü íà òåêñò ñïðàâêè (ïî íàæàòèè F1)
int help_id; // -1 ;+142 èäåíòèôèêàòîð äëÿ ñïðàâêè
void *key_words_data; // óêàçàòåëü íà ñòðóêòóðû êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ TexColViv
uint32_t tim_ch; // êîëè÷åñòâî èçìåíåíèé â ôàéëå
uint32_t tim_undo; // êîëè÷åñòâî îòìåíåííûõ äåéñòâèé
uint32_t tim_ls; // âðåìÿ ïîñëåäíåãî ñîõðàíåíèÿ
uint32_t tim_co; // âðåìÿ ïîñëåäíåé öâåòîâîé ðàçìåòêè
void *el_focus; // óêàçàòåëü íà ïåðåìåííóþ ýëåìåíòà â ôîêóñå pointer to pointer**
uint8_t err_save; // îøèáêà ñîõðàíåíèÿ ôàéëà
uint8_t panel_id; // íîìåð îòêðûòîé ïàíåëè
uint8_t key_new; // ñèìâîë, êîòîðûé áóäåò äîáàâëÿòñÿ ñ êëàâèàòóðû
uint8_t symbol_new_line; // ascii 20 ñèìâîë çàâåðøåíèÿ ñòðîêè
scrollbar *scr_w; // âåðòèêàëüíûé ñêðîëëèíã != NULL
scrollbar *scr_h; // ãîðèçîíòàëüíûé ñêðîëëèíã != NULL
char *arr_key_pos;// óêàçàòåëü íà ìàññèâ ïîçèöèé êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ
char *buffer; // óêàçàòåëü íà áóôåð êîïèðîâàíèÿ/âñòàâêè != NULL, also size
char *buffer_find;// óêàçàòåëü íà áóôåð äëÿ ïîèñêà (sized 302)
uint8_t cur_ins; // 1 ðåæèì ðàáîòû êóðñîðà (îáû÷íûé èëè çàìåíà)
uint8_t mode_color; // 1 ðåæèì âûäåëåíèÿ ñëîâ öâåòîì (0-âûêë. 1-âêë.)
uint8_t mode_invis; // 0 ðåæèì ïîêàçà íåïå÷àòàåìûõ ñèìâîëîâ
uint8_t gp_opt; // 0 îïöèè âîçâðàùàåìûå ôóíêöèåé ted_get_pos_by_cursor
editor_callback fun_on_key_ctrl_all; // óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ âûçûâàåìóþ ïðè íàæàòèè Ctrl+N,O,S,F,G,H, can be NULL
uint32_t reserved_1; // ...
uint32_t reserved_2; // ...
uint32_t reserved_3; // ...
uint32_t buffer_size;// BUF_SIZE ðàçìåð áóôåðà êîïèðîâàíèÿ/âñòàâêè
editor_callback fun_find_err; // óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ âûçûâàåìóþ åñëè ïîèñê çàêîí÷èëñÿ íåóäà÷íî
editor_callback fun_init_synt_err; // unused óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ âûçûâàåìóþ ïðè îøèáî÷íîì îòêðûòèè ôàéëà ñèíòàêñèñà
editor_callback fun_draw_panel_buttons; // óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ ðèñîâàíèÿ ïàíåëè ñ êíîïêàìè
editor_callback fun_draw_panels; // óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ ðèñîâàíèÿ ïàíåëè ïîèñêà|çàìåíû|ïåðåõîäà|ñèíòàêñèñà
uint32_t reserved_4; // ...
editor_callback fun_save_err; // óêàçàòåëü íà ôóíêöèþ âûçûâàåìóþ åñëè ñîõðàíåíèå ôàéëà çàêîí÷èëîñü íåóäà÷íî
uint32_t increase_size; //200 ÷èñëî ñèìâîëîâ íà êîòîðûå áóäåò óâå÷èâàòüñÿ ïàìÿòü ïðè íåõâàòêå
void *ptr_free_symb; // èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âíóòðè ýëåìåíòà äëÿ óñêîðåíèÿ âñòàâêè òåêñòà
uint32_t font_size; // ;+250 ìíîæèòåëü äëÿ ðàçìåðà øðèôòà // binary OR mask for ECX SysFn4
} editor;
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) editor_color_item
char word[40]; // ñëîâî äëÿ ïîäñâåòêè
uint32_t f1_offset; // ñìåùåíèå â òàáëèöå F1 ïîäñêàçîê
uint8_t flags; // ôëàãè èñïîëüçóåìûå ïðè âûäåëåíèè
uint8_t endc; // ñèìâîë êîíöà âûäåëåíèÿ (èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðè flags&4)
uint8_t escc; // ýêðàíèðóþùèé ñèìâîë (èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðè flags&4) ascii(34) ïðèìåðû ýêðàíèðîâàíèÿ \r \n \t
uint8_t color; // öâåò ïî òàáëèöå öâåòîâ
struct editor_syntax_file
uint32_t count_colors_text; // êîë-âî öâåòîâ òåêñòà dd (text-color_wnd_text)/4
uint32_t count_key_words; // êîë-âî êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ dd (f1-text)/48
color_t color_cursor; // dd 0xf1fcd0
color_t color_wnd_capt; // dd 0x080808
color_t color_wnd_work; // dd 0x1C1C1C
color_t color_wnd_bord; // dd 0xc0c0c0
color_t color_select; // dd 0x3E3D32
color_t color_cur_text; // dd 0x808080
color_t color_wnd_text[]; // òàáëèöà öâåòîâ ðàçìåðîì count_colors_text
// editor_color_item[]; // òàáëèöà êëþ÷åâûõ ïîäñâå÷åííûõ ñëîâ ðàçìåðîì count_key_words
static struct editor_syntax_file default_syntax = {
10, //count_colors_text
1, // count_key_words dd (f1-text)/48, minimum 1
0xf1fcd0, //color_cursor dd 0xf1fcd0
0x080808, //color_wnd_capt dd 0x080808
0x1C1C1C, //color_wnd_work dd 0x1C1C1C
0xc0c0c0, //color_wnd_bord dd 0xc0c0c0
0x3E3D32, //color_select dd 0x3E3D32
0x808080, //color_cur_text dd 0x808080
{0xD0D0D0, 0xffff00, 0x00ff00, 0x00ffff, 0x808080, 0xff40ff, 0x4080ff, 0xff0000, 0x8080ff, 0x00ccff}
// next structure must follow syntax definition, at least has 1 element !!!
static struct editor_color_item word1 = {
"siemargl", 1, 0, 0, 1 // test word colored as 1st in table
// next structure preferably follow syntax definition, at least has 1 element !!!
static char f1_table[] = {
extern void (*ted_draw)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_init_scroll_bars)(editor *, int opt) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// opt bits = 1 - ìåíÿòü öâåò ñêðîëëèíãîâ, 2 - èçìåíèëèñü ðàçìåðû îêíà, 4 - èçìåíèëèñü ðàçìåðû äîêóìåíòà
extern void (*ted_init_syntax_file)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_mouse)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_text_add)(editor *, char *text, int textlen, int opt) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// add text to cursor pos
/// opt == ted_opt_ed_change_time, ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
///ted_opt_ed_move_cursor equ 1 ;äâèãàòü êóðñîð ïîñëå äîáàâëåíèÿ òåêñòà
///ted_opt_ed_change_time equ 2 ;äîáàâëÿòü èçìåíåíèÿ ïðè ðåäàêòèðîâàíèè òåêñòà
extern void (*ted_but_select_word)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// select word under cursor
extern void (*ted_but_copy)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_paste)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_find)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_replace)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
///move cursor to <ed_buffer_find>, calls ted_fun_find_err() if exist
extern void (*ted_but_sumb_upper)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_sumb_lover)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_convert_by_table)(editor *, char* table) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// return 1 if need to be saved (has changes), 0 otherwise
extern int (*ted_can_save)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// all==1 - clear all memory
extern void (*ted_clear)(editor *, int all) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_delete)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline void editor_delete(editor *ed)
/// frees all memory (destroy)
/// allocate memory
extern void (*ted_init)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
/// return 1 if have selection
extern int (*ted_is_select)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
enum control_keys {
KM_SHIFT = 0x00010000,
KM_CTRL = 0x00020000,
KM_ALT = 0x00040000,
KM_NUMLOCK = 0x00080000
extern void (*ted_key_asm)(editor *, char* table, int control) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline __attribute__((__stdcall__)) void editor_keyboard(editor *ed, char* table, enum control_keys control, int ch)
/// ch = GET_KEY
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"push %4\n\t"
"push %3\n\t"
"push %2\n\t"
"call *%1 \n\t"::"a"(ch), "m"(ted_key_asm), "m"(ed), "m"(table), "m"(control):);
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"nop \n\t"::"a"(ch):);
(*ted_key_asm)(ed, table, control);
extern void (*ted_open_file_asm)(editor *, struct fs_dirinfo*, char *fname) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline int editor_openfile(editor *ed, char *fname, int *readbytes)
/// returns errcode as SysFn70
int ret;
struct fs_dirinfo di;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"push %%edi \n\t":::);
(*ted_open_file_asm)(ed, &di, fname);
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"pop %%edi \n\t":"=b"(*readbytes), "=a"(ret)::);
return ret;
extern void (*ted_save_file_asm)(editor *, struct fs_dirinfo*, char *fname) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline int editor_savefile(editor *ed, char *fname)
/// returns errcode, calls fun_save_err() if exists
struct fs_dirinfo di;
(*ted_save_file_asm)(ed, &di, fname);
return ed->err_save;
extern void (*ted_but_cut)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_undo)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_redo)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_but_reverse)(editor *) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
extern void (*ted_text_colored_asm)() __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline void editor_text_colored(editor *ed)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"call *%0 \n\t"::"m"(ted_text_colored_asm), "D"(ed):);
static inline
uint32_t get_control_keys(void)
uint32_t ctrl;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
return ctrl;
static inline
int get_keyboard_layout(int opt, char* buf)
/// 128 byte buffer
/// opt: 1 - normal, 2 - shifted, 3 - alted, or 9 - return language
uint32_t lang;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
:"a"(26),"b"(2), "c"(opt), "d"(buf));
return lang;
static void editor_key(editor* ed, oskey_t key)
// callback for gui
//if(ed->el_focus != ed) return; // need to check not to lose keyb buffer
uint32_t control = get_control_keys();
enum control_keys ed_ctrl = 0;
int ly_opt = 1;
if (control & 3) { ed_ctrl |= KM_SHIFT; ly_opt = 2; }
if (control & 0xC) ed_ctrl |= KM_CTRL;
if (control & 0x30){ ed_ctrl |= KM_ALT; ly_opt = 3; }
if (control & 0x80) ed_ctrl |= KM_NUMLOCK;
char conv_table[128];
get_keyboard_layout(ly_opt, conv_table);
editor_keyboard(ed, conv_table, ed_ctrl, key.val);
static inline void gui_add_editor(kolibri_window *wnd, editor* e)
kolibri_window_add_element(wnd, KOLIBRI_EDITOR, e);
static inline editor* kolibri_new_editor(uint32_t x_w, uint32_t y_h, uint32_t font, uint32_t max_chars, void *editor_interlock)
/// font - 0b10SSS 8x16 size multiply (SSS+1), 0xSSS - 6x9 multiply (SSS+1)
editor *ed = (editor *)calloc(1, sizeof(editor));
ed->x_pos = x_w >> 16;
ed->width = x_w & 0xFFFF;
ed->y_pos = y_h >> 16;
ed->hight = y_h & 0xFFFF;
ed->w_pane = 30;
ed->h_pane = 20;
// font
if (font == 0) font = 0x10; // default 16 = 8x16
int font_multipl = (font & 7) + 1;
ed->font_size = font << 24;
if (font & 0x10) // 8x16
ed->width_sym = 8 * font_multipl;
ed->hight_sym = 16 * font_multipl;
} else // 6x9
ed->width_sym = 6 * font_multipl;
ed->hight_sym = 9 * font_multipl;
// memory sizing for text & syntax
ed->max_chars = max_chars;
ed->increase_size = max_chars / 2;
ed->syntax_file_size = sizeof (default_syntax);
/* // loaded auto from syntax
ed->color_cursor = 0x808080;
ed->color_wnd_capt = 0x80;
ed->color_wnd_bord = 0xd0d0d0;
ed->color_select = 0x208080;
ed->color_cur_text = 0xff0000;
ed->color_wnd_text = 0xffff00;
ed->symbol_new_line = 20; // ascii(20)
ed->scr_w = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(0, 16), X_Y(0, 0), 100, 30, 0); // cur_area will be inited ltr, max & pos undef
ed->scr_h = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(0, 0), X_Y(0, 16), 100, 30, 0); // cur_area will be inited ltr, max & pos undef
ed->buffer_size = TE_BUF_SIZE;
ed->buffer = malloc(TE_BUF_SIZE);
ed->buffer_find = malloc(TE_BUF_SIZE / 8); //where to store text to search
ed->cur_ins = 1; // insert mode default
ed->mode_color = 1; // can select text
ed->mode_invis = 1; // show nonprinted symbols
ed->el_focus = editor_interlock;
(*ted_init)(ed); // memory allocation, cleaning
ed->syntax_file = (char*)&default_syntax;
(*ted_init_syntax_file)(ed); // load colors and syntax highlight
ed->help_text_f1 = f1_table; // override if not aligned immediately after syntax words
ed->key_words_data = &word1;
return ed;
/// return 1 if symbol is not visible (deleted or undo-ed)
static inline int editor_symbol_not_vis(editor* ed, struct editor_symbol* sym)
return (sym->td && sym->td + ed->tim_undo <= ed->tim_ch) || (sym->tc > ed->tim_ch - ed->tim_undo);
/// returns next good symbol by index
static inline
uint32_t editor_iterat_next(editor* ed, uint32_t idx)
uint32_t i;
if (ed->tim_undo)
for (i = ed->tex[idx].next; i != 0 && (ed->tex[i].c == '\n' || editor_symbol_not_vis(ed, ed->tex + i)); i = ed->tex[i].next);
} else
for (i = ed->tex[idx].next; i != 0 && (ed->tex[i].c == '\n' || ed->tex[i].td); i = ed->tex[i].next);
return i;
// returns malloc'ed mem
static inline
char* editor_get_text(editor* ed)
char *buf = malloc(ed->max_chars), *pc = buf;
if (!pc) return NULL;
int i;
// *pc++ = ed->tex[0].c;
for (i = ed->tex[0].next; i; i = editor_iterat_next(ed, i)) *pc++ = ed->tex[i].c;
*pc++ = '\0';
return buf;
char* editor_get_text20(editor* ed)
char *buf = malloc(ed->max_chars), *pc = buf;
if (!pc) return NULL;
int i = ed->tex[0].next, c = 0;
for (; i > 0 && c < 30; c++, i = ed->tex[i].next) *pc++ = ed->tex[i].c;
*pc++ = '\0';
return buf;