Kirill Lipatov (Leency) 6cfca28b78 KlbrInWin src uploaded
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@2292 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2011-10-15 10:20:45 +00:00

6360 lines
125 KiB
Raw Blame History

; Cb-n#%li.-# @l$i Lkbnbe
format PE GUI 4.0 at 400000h
section '.text' code readable executable
entry start
jmp i40_9x
xor ebx, ebx
call [GetVersion]
shr eax, 31
mov [bIs9x], al
; get default heap
call [GetProcessHeap]
mov [hHeap], eax
push 261
push startcurdir
push ebx
call [GetModuleFileNameA]
xchg ecx, eax
inc ecx
inc ecx
lea edi, [ecx+startcurdir-1]
mov al, '\'
repnz scasb
mov byte [edi+2], bl
mov esi, startcurdir
mov edi, esi
xor ecx, ecx
dec ecx
mov al, 0
repnz scasb
not ecx
dec ecx
mov edi, win32_path
push edi
rep movsb
mov al, '\'
cmp byte [edi-1], al
jz @f
@@: mov esi, inifilename
mov ecx, inifilenamesize
rep movsb
; parse command line
call [GetCommandLineA]
xchg eax, esi
mov edi, inname
call getfilename
mov edi, inname
call getfilename
jc no_file_given
cmp byte [esi], bl
jz file_known
mov [parameters], esi
jmp file_known
mov [inname], bl
push comdlg32_name
call [LoadLibraryA]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push eax
push aGetOpenFileNameA
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push ofn
call eax
test eax, eax
jz @f
call [FreeLibrary]
jmp file_known
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
; TLS data
mov eax, [tls_index]
mov ecx, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ecx+eax*4]
; save registers
mov [ebp+tls._cs], cs
mov [ebp+tls._ds], ds
mov [ebp+tls._fs], fs
mov [ebp+tls._esp], esp
mov [ebp+tls._eip], exception
mov eax, 1000h
call malloc_big
mov edi, eax
; test for server
push seh
push dword [fs:ebx]
mov [fs:ebx], esp
xor eax, eax
div edx
pop dword [fs:ebx]
pop esi
test eax, eax
jz server
mov [ebp+tls.cur_slot], eax
mov [hSharedData], ecx
mov [hSharedMutex], edx
push edi
push user32_thunks
push user32_name
call init_dll
push gdi32_thunks
push gdi32_name
call init_dll
pop edi
push edi
call [lstrlenA]
inc eax
push eax
push eax
call malloc
pop ecx
mov [ebp+tls.cur_dir], eax
push edi
xchg eax, edi
xchg eax, esi
rep movsb
call free_big
call map_shared_data
push bgr_mutex_name
push ebx
push ebx
call [CreateMutexA]
mov [hBgrMutex], eax
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 80000000h ; GENERIC_READ
push inname
call [CreateFileA]
inc eax
jnz infileopened
mov esi, fileopenerr
push 10h
push ebx
push esi
push ebx
cmp [bInitialized], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, [esi-4]
div edx
call [MessageBoxA]
call free_ldt
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
dec eax
xchg eax, edi
push eax
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push eax
push 36
push header
push edi
call [ReadFile]
test eax, eax
pop eax
mov esi, filereaderr
jz fail
cmp eax, 36
jnz fail
cmp [header], 'KPCK'
jnz .program_not_packed
mov eax, [header+4]
call malloc_big
test eax, eax
mov esi, memerr
jz fail
push eax
push eax
push ebx
push edi
call [GetFileSize]
mov [limit], eax
call malloc_big
test eax, eax
jz fail
push eax
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push edi
call [SetFilePointer]
push eax
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push eax
push [limit]
push dword [esp+16]
push edi
call [ReadFile]
test eax, eax
pop eax
mov esi, filereaderr
jz fail
cmp eax, [limit]
jnz fail
pop esi
push esi
mov eax, [esi+4]
mov [limit], eax
call unpack
push esi
call free_big
pop edx
mov esi, notexe
cmp dword [edx], 'MENU'
jnz fail
cmp word [edx+4], 'ET'
jnz fail
mov ax, word [edx+6]
sub ax, '00'
xchg al, ah
cmp ax, 1
ja fail
push edi
mov esi, edx
mov edi, header
mov ecx, 9
rep movsd
jz @f
mov eax, [edx+18h]
mov [header+1Ch], eax
mov eax, [edx+14h]
shr eax, 1
sub eax, 10h
mov [header+18h], eax
mov [header+20h], ebx
push edx
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push dword [edx+14h]
push ebx
call [VirtualAlloc]
pop edx
test eax, eax
mov esi, memerr
jz fail
mov [base], eax
mov edi, eax
mov esi, edx
mov ecx, [limit]
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
jmp .program_packed_common
mov esi, notexe
cmp [header], 'MENU'
jnz fail
cmp word [header+4], 'ET'
jnz fail
mov ax, word [header+6]
sub ax, '00'
xchg al, ah
cmp ax, 1
ja fail
jz @f
mov eax, [header+18h]
mov [header+1Ch], eax
mov eax, [header+14h]
shr eax, 1
sub eax, 10h
mov [header+18h], eax
mov [header+20h], ebx
; hmm... Menuet/Kolibri seems to ignore app_i_end field in case of running from ramdisk (fn 19)
; but depend on app_i_end in case of running from fn 58
; so force read all file
push ebx
push edi
call [GetFileSize]
mov [header+10h], eax
mov eax, [header+14h]
cmp eax, [header+10h]
jb fail
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push eax
push ebx
call [VirtualAlloc]
test eax, eax
mov esi, memerr
jz fail
mov [base], eax
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push edi
call [SetFilePointer]
push eax
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push eax
push [header+10h]
push [base]
push edi
call [ReadFile]
test eax, eax
pop eax
mov esi, filereaderr
jz fail
push edi
call [CloseHandle]
mov esi, [parameters]
mov edi, esi
test esi, esi
jz no_params
mov eax, [header+1Ch]
test eax, eax
jz no_params
mov edx, eax
add eax, 256
cmp eax, [header+14h]
mov esi, params_err
ja fail
mov esi, edi
mov ecx, 256
xor eax, eax
repnz scasb
neg cl
mov edi, edx
add edi, [base]
rep movsb
; read ini file client settings
; disks
push 512
push ramdisk_path
push default_ramdisk
push ramdisk_keyname
push aDisk
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
mov edi, hd_partitions_num
push win32_path
push ebx
push hdxn
push aDisk
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
test eax, eax
jz .cont
push eax
shl eax, 9 ; *512
push eax
call malloc
mov [edi-4+hd_partitions_array-hd_partitions_num], eax
pop ecx
xchg esi, eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
push eax ecx
push eax
push hdpart
push converted_path
call [wsprintfA]
add esp, 12
mov byte [esi+511], 0
push win32_path
push 511
push esi
push null_string
push converted_path
push aDisk
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push 10h
push converted_path
mov esi, no_partition
jmp fail2
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
cmp eax, 10
jbe @f
lea eax, [eax+esi-9]
cmp byte [eax], ','
jnz @f
cmp dword [eax+1], 'read'
jnz @f
cmp dword [eax+5], 'only'
jnz @f
mov byte [eax], 0
mov byte [esi+511], 1
add esi, 512
pop ecx eax
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz .partitions
inc [hdxn+2]
inc [hdpart+2]
cmp edi, hd_partitions_num+4*4
jnz hdloop
mov esi, converted_path
; read fonts
push win32_path
push 512
push esi
push null_string
push aFont1
push aMain
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
call getfilemap
mov [char_mt], eax
push win32_path
push 512
push esi
push null_string
push aFont2
push aMain
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
call getfilemap
mov [char2_mt], eax
push win32_path
push ebx
push aSetBgr
push aQuestions
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
mov [SetBgrQuestion], eax
; read skin
push win32_path
push 512
push esi
push null_string
push aSkin
push aMain
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
call getfilemap
xchg eax, edi
cmp dword [edi], 'KPCK'
jnz @f
mov eax, [edi+4]
call malloc_big
mov esi, memerr
test eax, eax
jz fail
push eax
push eax
push edi
call unpack
push edi
call [UnmapViewOfFile]
pop edi
inc ebx
cmp dword [edi], 'SKIN' ; ident
mov esi, skinfileerr
jnz fail
cmp dword [edi+4], 1 ; version
jnz fail
; skin parameters
mov esi, edi
add esi, [esi+8] ; parameters offset
mov ecx, 9
push edi
mov edi, _skinh
rep movsd
pop edi
mov ecx, common_colors
mov edx, 127
call get_wnd_colors
test al, al
jnz @f
and eax, edx
push eax
xchg eax, ecx
push edi
mov edi, common_colors
push edi
rep movsb
pop ecx
pop edi
pop edx
call set_wnd_colors
; skin bitmaps
mov esi, edi
add esi, [esi+16]
cmp dword [esi], 0
jz skinbmploopend
movzx eax, word [esi]
movzx ecx, word [esi+2]
mov edx, [esi+4]
add esi, 8
add edx, edi
lea eax, [eax*2+ecx-1]
; convert bmp data to Win32 DIB
push eax edx
mov eax, [edx]
add eax, 3
and al, not 3
mul dword [edx+4]
imul eax, 3
add eax, 40
push eax
push [hHeap]
call [HeapAlloc]
pop edx
mov dword [eax], 40 ; biSize
mov ecx, [edx]
mov [eax+4], ecx ; biWidth
mov ecx, [edx+4]
mov [eax+8], ecx ; biHeight
mov dword [eax+12], 180001h ; biPlanes, biBitCount
push esi edi
lea edi, [eax+40]
lea esi, [edx+8]
mov ecx, [edx+4]
push eax
mov eax, [edx]
imul eax, ecx
add esi, eax
add esi, eax
add esi, eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [edx]
add ecx, ecx
add ecx, [edx]
sub esi, ecx
push esi
rep movsb
add edi, 3
and edi, not 3
pop esi
pop ecx
loop .x1
pop edx
pop edi esi
pop eax
dec eax
jnz @f
; inactive left
mov [left1_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
dec eax
jnz @f
; active left
mov [left_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
dec eax
jnz @f
; inactive oper
mov [oper1_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
dec eax
jnz @f
; active oper
mov [oper_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
dec eax
jnz @f
; inactive base
mov [base1_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
dec eax
jnz skinbmploop
; active base
mov [base_bmp], edx
jmp skinbmploop
; skin buttons
mov esi, edi
add esi, [esi+12]
test eax, eax
jz skinbuttonsloopend
mov edx, skin_btn_close
dec eax
jz .button
mov edx, skin_btn_minimize
dec eax
jz .button
jmp skinbuttonsloop
mov ecx, 4
mov [edx], eax
add edx, 4
loop @b
jmp skinbuttonsloop
dec ebx
jz .mem
xor ebx, ebx
push edi
call [UnmapViewOfFile]
jmp @f
push edi
call free_big
; sound volume
push win32_path
push 10
push aSoundVol
push aSetup
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
and al, 0x7F
mov [sound_vol], al
; direct screen access parameters
push win32_path
push 32
push aColorDepth
push aDirectScreenAccess
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
test eax, eax
jz @f
cmp eax, 24
jz @f
cmp eax, 32
jz @f
mov esi, aInvalidColorDepth
jmp fail
mov [ColorDepth], eax
push win32_path
push 200
push aInvalidateTime
push aDirectScreenAccess
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
mov [InvalidateTime], eax
mov [DSA], ebx
push DSACritSect
call [InitializeCriticalSection]
cmp [ColorDepth], ebx
jz @f
push 2000h ; MEM_RESERVE
push 1000000h
push ebx
call [VirtualAlloc]
mov esi, memerr
test eax, eax
jz fail
mov [DSA], eax
; parse path
mov eax, [header+20h]
test eax, eax
jz path_done
cmp eax, [header+14h]
jae path_done
; jb @f
; push 30h
; push aWarning
; push aPathInvalid
; push 0
; call [MessageBoxA]
; jmp path_done
push 0
push startcurdir
push 261
push inname
call [GetFullPathNameA]
; test for /rd/1
push ramdisk_path
call [lstrlenA]
push eax
push eax
push ramdisk_path
push eax
push startcurdir
push 1
push 800h
call [CompareStringA]
cmp eax, 2
pop eax
jz .ramdisk
; test for /hdx/y
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
mov esi, [hd_partitions_array+ecx*4]
mov edi, [hd_partitions_num+ecx*4]
test edi, edi
jz .hdxcont
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
push eax
push eax
push esi
push eax
push startcurdir
push 1
push 800h
call [CompareStringA]
cmp eax, 2
pop eax
jz .hdxy
add esi, 512
dec edi
jnz .hdyloop
pop ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 4
jb .hdxloop
mov esi, aPathUnknown
jmp fail
push eax
mov edi, [header+20h]
add edi, [base]
mov eax, '/RD/'
mov ax, '1/'
jmp .common
pop ecx
sub esi, [hd_partitions_array+ecx*4]
shr esi, 9
inc esi
push eax
mov edi, [header+20h]
add edi, [base]
push esi
push ecx
push hdxy_str
push edi
call [wsprintfA]
add esp, 10h
add edi, eax
pop eax
lea esi, [startcurdir+eax]
cmp al, '\'
jnz @f
mov al, '/'
test al, al
jnz .l
mov eax, [header+20h]
add eax, [base]
push eax
push eax
call [CharToOemA]
; create window
; push 0
; push 16
; push 16
; push 1
; push 1
; push 400000h
; call [LoadImageA]
; push eax ; hIconSm
push ebx ; hIconSm
push classname ; lpszClassName
push ebx ; lpszMenuName
push ebx ; hbrBackground
push 32512
push ebx
call [LoadCursorA]
mov [hArrow], eax
push eax ; hCursor
; push ebx ; hIcon
push 1
push 400000h
call [LoadIconA]
push eax ; hIcon
push 400000h ; hInstance
push ebx ; cbWndExtra
push ebx ; cbClsExtra
push wndproc ; lpfnWndProc
push 3 ; style = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
push 48 ; cbSize
push esp
call [RegisterClassExA]
add esp, 48
push ebx ; lpParam
push 400000h ; hInstance
push ebx ; hMenu
push ebx ; hWndParent
mov eax, 80000000h ; CW_USEDEFAULT
push eax ; nHeight
push eax ; nWidth
push eax ; y
push eax ; x
push eax ; dwStyle = WS_POPUP
; push ebx ; lpWindowName
mov esi, inname
mov edx, esi
cmp al, 0
jz .done
cmp al, '\'
jz .x
cmp al, '/'
jz .x
cmp al, ':'
jnz @b
.x: mov edx, esi
jmp @b
dec esi
cmp byte [esi-1], '.'
jnz @f
dec esi
mov byte [esi], 0
push edx
mov [process_name], edx
push classname ; lpClassName
push ebx ; dwExStyle
call [CreateWindowExA]
mov [ebp+tls.hWnd], eax
mov [ebp+tls.bActive], 1
mov [ebp+tls.bFirstMouseMove], 1
test eax, eax
mov esi, createwnderr
jz fail
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov [edi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads], eax
cmp [edi+shared_data_struc.thread_id-shared_data_struc.threads], 2
jnz .notfirst
mov esi, [shared_data]
cmp [esi+shared_data_struc.vk], 0
jnz .workarea_vk
push ebx
lea eax, [esi+shared_data_struc.workarea_left]
push eax
push ebx
call [SystemParametersInfoA]
dec [esi+shared_data_struc.workarea_right]
dec [esi+shared_data_struc.workarea_bottom]
jmp .workarea_set
push esi
call get_screen_size
pop esi
inc ebx
mov word [esi+shared_data_struc.workarea_bottom], bx
shr ebx, 10h
inc ebx
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.workarea_right], ebx
xor ebx, ebx
push newprg_section_name
push 1000h
push ebx
push 4
push ebx
push -1
call [CreateFileMappingA]
push eax
mov esi, shared_section_create_err
test eax, eax
jz fail
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 2
push eax
call [MapViewOfFile]
pop ecx
push eax
push ecx
call [CloseHandle]
pop eax
push eax
cmp word [eax], 0x201
jnz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+tls.hWnd]
mov [eax+2], ecx
mov byte [eax+1], 3
call [UnmapViewOfFile]
; allocate LDT selectors
; data segment
mov esi, selector_data
mov eax, [base]
mov [esi+2], ax
shr eax, 10h
mov [esi+4], al
mov [esi+7], ah
mov eax, [header+14h]
dec eax
mov [limit], eax
mov [fn9limit], eax
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov [edi+24], eax
shr eax, 0Ch
mov [esi], ax
shr eax, 10h
or al, 11000000b
mov [esi+6], al
mov byte [esi+5], 11110010b
lea edi, [esi+8]
; code segment
mov byte [esi+5], 11111010b
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jnz alloc_ldt_9x
push ntdll_name
call [GetModuleHandleA]
push aNtSetLdtEntries
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
mov [NtSetLdtEntries], eax
push dword [esi-4]
push dword [esi-8]
push 17h
push dword [esi+4]
push dword [esi]
push 0Fh
call eax
mov esi, ldterr
test eax, eax
js fail
mov eax, [DSA]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
mov edx, eax
mov dx, (11000000b shl 8) + 11110010b
ror edx, 16
xchg dl, dh
ror edx, 8
push edx
shl eax, 16
mov ax, 0FFFh
push eax
push 1Fh
call [NtSetLdtEntries]
test eax, eax
js fail
mov [_gs], 1Fh
; jump to program code
mov eax, [header+18h]
mov [ebp+tls._esp], eax
mov eax, [header+0Ch]
mov [ebp+tls._eip], eax
push 3200h ; eflags
xor eax, eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
; Kolibri process was successfully created, notify parent
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov [edi+shared_data_struc.win32_stack-shared_data_struc.threads], esp
mov [bInitialized], 1
div edx
jmp i40_done
mov eax, r0p
call CallRing0
; patch int40
add edi, (40h-9)*8
mov eax, i40_9x
mov [edi], ax
mov word [edi+2], cs
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+6], ax
mov word [edi+4], 1110111100000000b
xor ebx, ebx
jmp dorunklbr
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jnz @f
.ret: ret
cmp [temp_cs], 0
jz .ret
mov eax, fl0p
call acquire_shared ; int 9 is global resource
sidt [idtr]
mov edi, dword [idtr+2]
add edi, 8*9
push dword [edi]
push dword [edi+4]
mov [edi], ax
mov word [edi+2], 28h
; mov word [edi+4], 0xEE00
; shr eax, 16
; mov [edi+6], ax
mov [edi+4], eax
mov word [edi+4], 0xEE00
int 9
pop dword [edi+4]
pop dword [edi]
call release_shared
int 20h ; VMMCall Get_Cur_VM_Handle
dw 1
dw 1
push 0
push 1
push dword [esi]
push dword [esi+4]
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Allocate_LDT_Selector
dw 78h
dw 1
add esp, 14h
mov [klbr_cs], ax
push 0
push 1
push dword [esi-8]
push dword [esi-4]
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Allocate_LDT_Selector
dw 78h
dw 1
add esp, 14h
mov [klbr_ds], ax
mov eax, [DSA]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push 0
push 1
mov edx, eax
mov dx, (11000000b shl 8) + 11110010b
ror edx, 16
xchg dl, dh
ror edx, 8
shl eax, 16
mov ax, 0FFFh
push eax
push edx
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Allocate_LDT_Selector
dw 78h
dw 1
add esp, 14h
mov [_gs], ax
push 0
push 1
mov eax, temp_code
mov ecx, eax
shl eax, 16
add eax, temp_code_size-1
push eax
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 0xFF000000
add eax, 0000000011111011b shl 8
shr ecx, 16
mov al, cl
push eax
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Allocate_LDT_Selector
dw 78h
dw 1
add esp, 14h
mov [temp_cs], ax
mov [temp_cs2], ax
push 0
push 1
mov eax, temp_stack
mov ecx, eax
shl eax, 16
add eax, temp_stack_size-1
push eax
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 0xFF000000
add eax, 0000000011110011b shl 8
shr ecx, 16
mov al, cl
push eax
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Allocate_LDT_Selector
dw 78h
dw 1
add esp, 14h
mov [temp_ss], ax
; mov eax, 40h
; mov cx, [_cs]
; mov edx, i40_9x
; int 20h ; VMMCall Set_PM_Int_Vector
; dw 45h
; dw 1
; xor ecx, ecx
; xor edx, edx
; int 20h ; VMMCall Get_PM_Int_Vector
; dw 44h
; dw 1
int 20h ; VMMCall Get_Cur_VM_Handle
dw 1
dw 1
movzx eax, [klbr_cs]
call free_selector
movzx eax, [klbr_ds]
call free_selector
movzx eax, [temp_cs]
call free_selector
movzx eax, [temp_ss]
call free_selector
xor ebx, ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall Get_Cur_VM_Handle
dw 1
dw 1
push 0
push dword [esi]
push dword [esi+4]
push ebx
movzx eax, [klbr_cs]
push eax
int 20h ; VMMCall _SetDescriptor
dw 7Ch
dw 1
push 0
push dword [esi-8]
push dword [esi-4]
push ebx
movzx eax, [klbr_ds]
push eax
int 20h ; VMMCall _SetDescriptor
dw 7Ch
dw 1
add esp, 40
; rdmsr may throw exception
mov esi, .exception_struc
int 20h ; VMMCall Install_Exception_Handler
dw 0EFh
dw 1
xor ebx, ebx ; assume OK
mov esi, .exception_struc
int 20h ; VMMCall Remove_Exception_Handler
dw 0F0h
dw 1
dd 0
dd .start_eip
dd .end_eip
dd .exception_handler
inc ebx
jmp .end_eip
push 0
push eax
push ebx
int 20h ; VMMCall _Free_LDT_Selector
dw 79h
dw 1
add esp, 12
mov eax, [esp+12]
add dword [eax+0xB8], 2
xor eax, eax
cmp dword [esp+8], 2 ; WM_DESTROY
jnz @f
push 260
mov eax, converted_path
mov [parameters], eax
push eax
push 23
push dword [esp+12+4]
push user32_name
call [GetModuleHandleA]
push GetDlgItemTextA_thunk+2
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
call eax
xor eax, eax
ret 10h
cmp al, 0
jz .not
cmp al, ' '
jbe @b
cmp al, '"'
setz dl
jz .loo
dec esi
cmp al, 0
jz .end
cmp al, ' '
ja @f
test dl, 1
jz .end
@@: cmp al, '"'
jnz @f
test dl, 1
jnz .end_quote
@@: stosb
jmp .loo
or al, al
jnz @f
dec esi
@@: mov al, 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 2
push [hSharedData]
call [MapViewOfFile]
mov [shared_data], eax
push -1
push [hSharedMutex]
call [WaitForSingleObject]
push [hSharedMutex]
call [ReleaseMutex]
push eax
mov eax, [cur_slot]
call get_slot_ptr
pop eax
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
jmp @b
mov edi, [shared_data]
shl eax, 6
lea edi, [eax+edi+shared_data_struc.threads]
push esi
mov ecx, 6
xor edx, edx
cmp al, 0
jz .d
or al, 20h
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 10
jb @f
sub al, 'a'-10-'0'
shl edx, 4
or dl, al
loop .l
pop esi
xchg eax, edx
; set Win32 context
push eax ecx
mov eax, [cs:tls_index]
shl eax, 2
add eax, [fs:2Ch]
mov eax, [cs:eax]
mov ds, [cs:eax+tls._ds]
mov es, [eax+tls._ds]
; mov fs, [_fs]
mov ecx, [esp+8] ; eip
dec ecx
dec ecx
mov [eax+tls._eip], ecx
mov ecx, [esp+16] ; eflags
mov ss, [eax+tls._ds]
xchg esp, [eax+tls._esp]
push ecx
add [eax+tls._esp], 20
mov eax, [eax+tls._esp]
add eax, [base]
mov ecx, [eax-20]
mov eax, [eax-16]
; test for page fault in direct screen area
push ebp eax
mov eax, [tls_index]
mov ebp, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ebp+eax*4]
mov eax, [ebp+tls.saved_fs0]
mov [fs:0], eax
mov eax, [ebp+tls.saved_fs4]
mov [fs:4], eax
cmp [ebp+tls.exc_code], 0C0000005h
jnz noaccvio
mov eax, [ebp+tls.exc_data]
sub eax, [DSA]
cmp eax, 0FFFFFFh
ja noaccvio
; handle page fault in direct screen area
pop eax ebp
mov ebp, [tls_index]
shl ebp, 2
add ebp, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ebp]
push DSACritSect
call [EnterCriticalSection]
cmp [bHaveDSA], 0
jnz dsafail
call get_screen_size
mov eax, ebx
shr eax, 16
movzx ebx, bx
inc eax
inc ebx
mov edi, eax
mul ebx
mul [ColorDepth]
shr eax, 3
add eax, 0xFFF
and eax, not 0xFFF
mov ecx, [ebp+tls.exc_data]
sub ecx, [DSA]
cmp ecx, eax
jb @f
push DSACritSect
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
push 40h
push 0
push DSAErr
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
push ebp eax
mov ebp, [tls_index]
shl ebp, 2
add ebp, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ebp]
jmp notint40
push 4
push 1000h
push eax
push [DSA]
call [VirtualAlloc]
; get screen data
push ebp
push 0
call [GetDC]
push eax
xchg eax, ebp
call [CreateCompatibleDC]
xchg eax, esi
push ebx
push edi
push ebp
call [CreateCompatibleBitmap]
push eax
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
xor eax, eax
push 0xCC0020
push eax
push eax
push ebp
push ebx
push edi
push eax
push eax
push esi
call [BitBlt]
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push ebp
xchg eax, ebp
xor eax, eax
; now esi=hDC, ebp=hBitmap
push eax ; biClrImportant
push eax ; biClrUsed
push eax ; biYPelsPerMeter
push eax ; biXPelsPerMeter
push eax ; biSizeImage
push eax ; biCompression
push 1 ; biPlanes
mov ecx, [ColorDepth]
mov [esp+2], cx ; biBitColor
neg ebx
push ebx ; biHeight
neg ebx
push edi ; biWidth
push 40 ; biSize
mov ecx, esp
push eax
push ecx
push [DSA]
push ebx
push eax
push ebp
push esi
call [GetDIBits]
add esp, 40
push ebp
call [DeleteObject]
push esi
call [DeleteDC]
push 0
call [ReleaseDC]
mov [bHaveDSA], 1
push eax
push esp
push 0
push 0
push DSAFreeThread
push 10000h
push 0
call [CreateThread]
pop eax
push DSACritSect
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
pop ebp
mov ebp, [tls_index]
shl ebp, 2
add ebp, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ebp]
jmp i40_done
; test for int40
mov eax, [ebp+tls._eip]
cmp eax, [limit]
jae notint40
add eax, [base]
cmp word [eax], 0x40CD
jz int40
pop eax
push esi
sub esp, 400h
mov esi, esp
push dword [esi+408h]
push [ebp+tls._eip]
push dword [esi+404h]
push [ebp+tls._esp]
push edi
push dword [esi+400h]
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
push eax
push excstr
push esi
call [wsprintfA]
push 0
push exceptionstr
push esi
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
lock dec [NumThreads]
jnz .et
call free_ldt
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
push 0
call [ExitThread]
add [ebp+tls._eip], 2
pop eax ebp
mov ebp, [tls_index]
shl ebp, 2
add ebp, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [ebp]
inc eax
cmp eax, num_i40_fns
push eax ; emulate ret addr for not_supported_i40_fn
jae not_supported_i40_fn
pop eax
call [i40fns + eax*4]
cmp [NumThreads], 1
jnz i40_done_mt
mov eax, [ebp+tls._esp]
mov [klbr_esp], eax
mov eax, [ebp+tls._eip]
mov [jmp_klbr_eip], eax
lea eax, [esp+24h]
mov [ebp+tls._esp], eax
mov [ebp+tls._eip], exception
mov eax, [fs:0]
mov [ebp+tls.saved_fs0], eax
mov eax, [fs:4]
mov [ebp+tls.saved_fs4], eax
mov ss, [klbr_ds]
mov esp, [klbr_esp]
mov es, [klbr_ds]
; mov fs, [klbr_null]
; mov gs, [klbr_null]
mov gs, [_gs]
mov ds, [klbr_ds]
jmp [cs:jmp_klbr]
mov eax, [ebp+tls._esp]
mov [esp+12], eax
mov ecx, [ebp+tls._eip]
xchg [fs:0], ecx
mov [ebp+tls.saved_fs0], ecx
movzx ecx, [klbr_cs]
xchg [fs:4], ecx
mov [ebp+tls.saved_fs4], ecx
lea eax, [esp+24h]
mov [ebp+tls._esp], eax
mov [ebp+tls._eip], exception
mov ss, [klbr_ds]
mov esp, [ds:esp-24h+12]
mov es, [klbr_ds]
; mov fs, [klbr_null]
; mov gs, [klbr_null]
mov gs, [_gs]
mov ds, [klbr_ds]
jmp fword [fs:0]
sub esp, 200h-4
mov esi, esp
push dword [esi+200h+20h]
push [ebp+tls._eip]
push dword [esi+200h+8]
push [ebp+tls._esp]
push dword [esi+200h]
push dword [esi+200h+4]
push dword [esi+200h+14h]
push dword [esi+200h+18h]
push dword [esi+200h+10h]
push dword [esi+200h+1Ch]
push notsupportedmsg
push esi
call [wsprintfA]
push 0
push nsm
push esi
push 0
call [MessageBoxA]
lock dec [NumThreads]
jnz .thread
call free_ldt
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
push 0
call [ExitThread]
align 4
i40fns dd i40_terminate ; -1
dd i40_draw_window ; 0
dd i40_put_pixel ; 1
dd i40_getkey ; 2
dd i40_get_sys_time ; 3
dd i40_writetext ; 4
dd i40_delay ; 5
dd i40_read_floppy_file ; 6
dd i40_putimage ; 7
dd i40_define_button ; 8
dd i40_get_process_info ; 9
dd i40_wait_event ; 10
dd i40_check_event ; 11
dd i40_redraw_status ; 12
dd i40_drawrect ; 13
dd i40_get_screen_size ; 14
dd i40_set_background ; 15
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 16
dd i40_getbutton ; 17
dd i40_sys_service ; 18
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 19
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 20
dd i40_sys_setup ; 21
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 22
dd i40_wait_event_timeout ; 23
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 24
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 25
dd i40_getsetup ; 26
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 27
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 28
dd i40_get_sys_date ; 29
dd i40_current_folder ; 30
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 31
dd i40_delete_ramdisk_file ; 32
dd i40_write_ramdisk_file ; 33
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 34
dd i40_screen_getpixel ; 35
dd i40_screen_getarea ; 36
dd i40_read_mouse_pos ; 37
dd i40_draw_line ; 38
dd i40_get_background ; 39
dd i40_set_event_mask ; 40
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 41
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 42
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 43
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 44
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 45
dd i40_reserve_free_ports ; 46
dd i40_display_number ; 47
dd i40_display_settings ; 48
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 49
dd i40_set_window_shape ; 50
dd i40_create_thread ; 51
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 52
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 53
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 54
dd i40_sound_interface ; 55
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 56
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 57
dd i40_file_system ; 58
dd not_supported_i40_fn ; 59
dd i40_ipc ; 60
dd i40_direct_scr_access ; 61
dd i40_pci ; 62
dd i40_debug_board ; 63
dd i40_resize_app_memory ; 64
dd i40_putimage_palette ; 65
dd i40_process_def ; 66
dd i40_move_resize ; 67
dd i40_sys_services ; 68
dd i40_debug_services ; 69
dd i40_file_system_lfn ; 70
dd i40_window_settings ; 71
num_i40_fns = ($ - i40fns)/4
; in: esi->filename
; out: eax->mapped file
push esi
sub esp, 200h
cmp word [esi+1], ':\'
jz .fullpath
mov edi, esp
push esi
mov esi, startcurdir
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
dec edi
mov al, '\'
cmp byte [edi-1], al
jz @f
test al, al
jnz @b
mov esi, esp
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 80000000h ; GENERIC_READ
push esi
call [CreateFileA]
add esp, 200h
pop esi
inc eax
jz .failed
dec eax
xchg eax, edi
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push edi
call [CreateFileMappingA]
test eax, eax
jz .failed
push edi
xchg eax, edi
call [CloseHandle]
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 4 ; FILE_MAP_READ
push edi
call [MapViewOfFile]
test eax, eax
jz .failed
push eax
push edi
call [CloseHandle]
pop eax
push ebx
push filereaderr
jmp fail2
push [InvalidateTime]
call [Sleep]
push DSACritSect
call [EnterCriticalSection]
push 4000h
push 0
push [DSA]
call [VirtualFree]
mov [bHaveDSA], 0
push DSACritSect
call [LeaveCriticalSection]
virtual at 0
.next dd ? ; must be 1st dword
.id dd ?
.xsize dw ?
.xstart dw ?
.ysize dw ?
.ystart dw ?
.color dd ?
.size = $
end virtual
sub esp, 40
push 44
push esp
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetWindowPlacement]
mov eax, [esp+8] ; showCmd
add esp, 44
push ebp
mov ebp, [tls_index]
mov eax, [fs:2Ch]
mov ebp, [eax+ebp*4]
mov eax, [esp+8+4]
cmp eax, 0xF ; WM_PAINT
jz wmpaint
dec eax
; jz wmcreate
dec eax
jz wmdestroy
dec eax
jz wmmove
dec eax
dec eax
jz wmsize
dec eax
jz wmactivate
cmp eax, 0x1A-6
jz wmsettingchange
cmp eax, 0x20-6
jz wmsetcursor
cmp eax, 0x24-6
jz wmgetminmaxinfo
sub eax, 0x84-6
jz wmnchittest
cmp eax, 0xA1-0x84
jz wmnclbuttondown
cmp eax, 0xA3-0x84
jz wmnclbuttondblclk
sub eax, 0x100-0x84 ; WM_KEYDOWN
jz wmkeydown
dec eax
jz wmkeyup
dec eax
jz wmchar
dec eax
dec eax
jz wmsyskeydown
dec eax
jz wmsyskeyup
sub eax, 0x200-0x105 ; WM_MOUSEMOVE
jz wmmousemove
dec eax
jz wmlbuttondown
dec eax
jz wmlbuttonup
dec eax
dec eax
jz wmrbuttondown
dec eax
jz wmrbuttonup
cmp eax, 0x20A-0x205
jz wmmousewheel
cmp eax, 0x214-0x205
jz wmsizing
sub eax, 0x400-0x205 ; WM_USER
jz wm_ipc
cmp eax, 0xC000-0x400
jz vk_mouse
dec eax
jz wm_debug1
dec eax
jz wm_debug2
pop ebp
jmp [DefWindowProcA]
call del_background
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 10h
jz wmdef
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 5
push 0
push 0
push 0
push dword [esp+20]
call [PostMessageA]
jmp wmdef
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov ecx, [ebp+tls.cur_slot]
inc ecx
cmp word [esp+12+4], 0
jz .inact1
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.active_process], ecx
jmp .cmn1
call acquire_shared
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.active_process], ecx
jnz @f
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.active_process], 1
@@: call release_shared
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and al, 0Fh
cmp al, 3
jz .setactive
cmp al, 4
jnz wmdef
mov al, [esp+12+4]
mov [ebp+tls.bActive], al ; 0/1/2
mov [ebp+tls.curdraw], 0
push 0
push 0
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [InvalidateRect]
jmp wmdef
push esi
push edi
sub esp, 0x40
push esp
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [BeginPaint]
; test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 1
; jz @f
; mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 1
@@: xchg eax, edi
cmp [ebp+tls.curdraw], 0
mov [ebp+tls.curdraw], 1
jz .nopaint
call draw_window_base
push esp
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [EndPaint]
add esp, 40h
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
ret 10h
push 0
call [PostQuitMessage]
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
call test_maximized
jnz wmdef
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [SetForegroundWindow]
jmp @b
; call test_maximized
; jnz @b
; mov eax, [esp+0x10+4]
; or byte [eax+18h], 2 ; SWP_NOMOVE
; jmp @b
; for window type 1 always return HTCLIENT
mov cl, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and cl, 0x0F
cmp cl, 0x01
jz .client
mov ax, [esp+0x10+4] ; x
sub ax, [ebp+tls.x_start]
mov dx, [esp+0x12+4] ; y
sub dx, [ebp+tls.y_start]
; test for caption
push eax
mov eax, [_skinh]
cmp cl, 0x03
jz @f
mov al, 21
cmp dx, ax
pop eax
jae .nocaption
; check for buttons
push esi
call find_button
test esi, esi
pop esi
jnz .button
push 2 ; HTCAPTION
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
push 1 ; HTCLIENT
jmp .ret
; do not resize window with type 0
jecxz .client
; do not resize window with type 4
cmp ecx, 0x04000000
jz .client
; do not resize maximized window
push eax edx
call test_maximized
pop edx eax
jz .client
sub dx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
neg dx
cmp dx, 7
jbe .bottomall
cmp ax, 7
jbe .left
sub ax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
neg ax
cmp ax, 7
ja .client
push 11 ; HTRIGHT
jmp .ret
push 10 ; HTLEFT
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
cmp ax, 7
jbe .bottomleft
sub ax, [ebp+tls.x_size]
neg ax
cmp ax, 7
ja .bottom
jmp .ret
jmp .ret
push 15 ; HTBOTTOM
jmp .ret
cmp [ebp+tls.hCursor], 0
jz wmdef
push [ebp+tls.hCursor]
call [SetCursor]
push 1
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
mov al, byte [ebp+tls.color_main+3]
and al, 0xF
jz .nomaximize
cmp al, 1
jz .nomaximize
cmp al, 4
jz .nomaximize
call test_maximized
mov eax, 3 ; SW_MAXIMIZED
jnz @f
mov al, 1 ; SW_SHOWNORMAL
push eax
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ShowWindow]
push 1
push 0
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [InvalidateRect]
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
mov ax, [esp+0x10+4]
mov [ebp+tls.x_start], ax
mov ax, [esp+0x12+4]
mov [ebp+tls.y_start], ax
; jmp wndproc_update_wnd
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
mov ax, [esp+0x10+4]
mov [ebp+tls.x_size], ax
mov ax, [esp+0x12+4]
mov [ebp+tls.y_size], ax
; jmp wndproc_update_wnd
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
mov eax, [esp+0x14]
mov ecx, [eax]
mov [ebp+tls.x_start], cx
mov ecx, [eax+4]
mov [ebp+tls.y_start], cx
mov ecx, [eax+8]
sub ecx, [eax]
mov [ebp+tls.x_size], cx
mov ecx, [eax+12]
sub ecx, [eax+4]
mov [ebp+tls.y_size], cx
; push 0
; push 0
; push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
; call [InvalidateRect]
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
; test byte [esp+16+3+4], 20h ; Alt pressed?
; jnz wmdef
cmp byte [esp+16+2+4], 3Eh ; Alt+F4?
jz wmdestroy
movzx eax, byte [esp+16+2+4]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov al, 1Ch ; <Enter>
cmp [ebp+tls.usescancode], 0
jnz .putkeycode
; ignore keys-modifiers
cmp al, 2Ah
jz .ret
cmp al, 36h
jz .ret
cmp al, 38h
jz .ret
cmp al, 1Dh
jz .ret
cmp al, 3Ah
jz .ret
cmp al, 45h
jz .ret
cmp al, 46h
jz .ret
; translate NumPad keys
test byte [esp+14h+3], 1
jnz .nonumpad
mov cl, '*'
cmp al, 55
jz @f
cmp al, 71
jb .nonumpad
cmp al, 83
ja .nonumpad
mov cl, [numlock_map+eax-71]
push eax
push ecx
sub esp, 100h
push esp
call [GetKeyboardState]
mov al, [esp+0x90] ; VK_NUMLOCK
add esp, 100h
test al, 1
pop ecx
pop eax
jnz .put_cl
mov cl, [keymap+eax]
push eax
push ecx
push 0x11 ; VK_CONTROL
call [GetAsyncKeyState]
test ax, ax
jns @f
sub byte [esp], 60h
push 0x10 ; VK_SHIFT
call [GetAsyncKeyState]
test ax, ax
jns @f
pop ecx
pop eax
mov cl, [keymap_shift+eax]
push eax
push ecx
push 0x12 ; VK_MENU
call [GetAsyncKeyState]
test ax, ax
pop ecx
pop eax
jns @f
mov cl, [keymap_alt+eax]
xchg eax, ecx
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.keybuflen]
inc cl
jz .ret
; test for extended key (0xE0 prefix)
test byte [esp+14h+3], 1 ; lParam+3
jz .noext
cmp [ebp+tls.usescancode], 0
jz .noext
mov [ebp+tls.keybuflen], cl
mov [ebp+tls.keybuffer+ecx-1], 0xE0
inc cl
jz .ret
mov [ebp+tls.keybuflen], cl
mov [ebp+tls.keybuffer+ecx-1], al
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 2
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 2
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
cmp [ebp+tls.usescancode], 0
jz wmkeydown.ret
mov al, [esp+16+2+4]
or al, 80h
jmp wmkeydown.putkeycode
; cmp [usescancode], 0
; jnz wmkeydown.ret
; mov al, [esp+12]
; jmp wmkeydown.putkeycode
push esi
push 1
jmp @f
push esi
push 2
call capture1
mov ax, [esp+0x10+12] ; x
mov dx, [esp+0x12+12] ; y
call find_button
pop eax
test esi, esi
jnz .onbutton
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 6
pop esi
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
ret 10h
or [ebp+tls.current_buttons], al
cmp [ebp+tls.original_buttons], 0
jnz @f
mov [ebp+tls.original_buttons], al
mov [ebp+tls.active_button], esi
; don't highlight button if bit 29 is set
test [esi+button_desc.id], 20000000h
jnz .done
; highlight - negate border
call negate_button_border
jmp .done
push -3
jmp @f
push -2
call capture2
pop eax
cmp [ebp+tls.active_button], 0
jz wmrbuttondown.nobutton
and [ebp+tls.current_buttons], al
jnz wmrbuttondown.nobutton
push esi
xor esi, esi
xchg esi, [ebp+tls.active_button]
test byte [esi+button_desc.id+3], 20h
jnz @f
call negate_button_border
; minimize button - special handler (see event.inc)
cmp word [esi+button_desc.id], 0FFFFh
jz .minimize
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 4
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 3
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 86h
mov [ebp+tls.bFirstMouseMove], 1
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.butbuflen]
inc cl
jz @f
mov [ebp+tls.butbuflen], cl
mov eax, [esi+button_desc.id]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [ebp+tls.original_buttons]
mov [ebp+tls.butbuffer+ecx*4-4], eax
mov [ebp+tls.original_buttons], 0
pop esi
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
call minimize_window
jmp .done
cmp [ebp+tls.bFirstMouseMove], 0
mov [ebp+tls.bFirstMouseMove], 0
jnz wmdef
; N.B. Due of current implementation of buttons in the kernel
; mouse events are NOT processed when any button is active!
cmp [ebp+tls.active_button], 0
jnz wmlbuttonup.ret
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 20h
jz wmlbuttonup.ret
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 6
jmp wmlbuttonup.ret
movsx eax, word [esp+0xE+4]
sub [ebp+tls.scroll], eax
jmp vk_mouse
test [ebp+tls.message_mask], 40h
jz wmlbuttonup.ret
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 7
jmp wmlbuttonup.ret
test byte [ebp+tls.message_mask+1], 1
jz .failed2
push edi
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov edi, [edi+shared_data_struc.debugger_mem-shared_data_struc.threads]
test edi, edi
jz .failed
add edi, [base]
mov eax, [edi]
mov ecx, [edi+4]
sub eax, ecx
cmp eax, 12
jl .failed
add dword [edi+4], 12
lea edi, [edi+ecx+8]
xor eax, eax
inc eax
push edi
mov eax, [esp+0xC+12]
call get_slot_ptr
mov eax, [edi]
pop edi
mov eax, [esp+0x10+8]
; translate Win32 exception code to x86 exception vector
cmp eax, 0x80000004
jz .singlestep
xor ecx, ecx
push edi
mov edi, exccode2number-5
add edi, 5
cmp eax, [edi]
jnz .2
mov cl, [edi+4]
jmp .3
cmp dword [edi], ecx
jnz .1
mov cl, 0xD ; translate unrecognized codes to #GP
pop edi
jmp .4
push ebx
mov ecx, [edi-4]
call find_debuggee
mov ecx, ebx
pop ebx
jecxz .failed
sub esp, 0xB2*4
push 1001Fh
push esp
push dword [ecx+12]
call [GetThreadContext]
mov ecx, [esp+0x14] ; DR6
mov byte [edi-8], 3 ; signal #DB
add esp, 0xB3*4
mov [edi], ecx
pop edi
mov [ebp+tls.translated_msg_code], 9
jmp wmlbuttonup.ret
pop edi
push 40h
push 0
push aFailedToDeliverDebugMessage
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [MessageBoxA]
jmp wmlbuttonup.ret
test byte [ebp+tls.message_mask+1], 1
jz wm_debug1.failed2
push edi
call get_cur_slot_ptr
mov edi, [edi+shared_data_struc.debugger_mem-shared_data_struc.threads]
test edi, edi
jz wm_debug1.failed
add edi, [base]
mov eax, [edi]
mov ecx, [edi+4]
sub eax, ecx
cmp eax, 8
jl wm_debug1.failed
add dword [edi+4], 8
lea edi, [edi+ecx+8]
push 2
pop eax
push edi
mov eax, [esp+0xC+12]
call get_slot_ptr
mov eax, [edi]
pop edi
; delete this item from debuggees list
lea ecx, [ebp+tls.debuggees]
mov edx, [ecx]
test edx, edx
jz wm_debug1.written
cmp dword [edx+4], eax
jz .found
mov ecx, edx
jmp @b
push dword [edx]
push ecx
push edx
call free
pop ecx
pop dword [ecx]
jmp wm_debug1.written
mov ecx, [shared_data]
cmp [ecx+shared_data_struc.vk], 0
jnz @f
sub esp, 10h
mov eax, esp
push 0
push eax
push 0
call [SystemParametersInfoA]
mov eax, [esp+20+10h] ; lParam
mov ecx, esp
mov edx, [ecx]
mov [eax+10h], edx
mov edx, [ecx+4]
mov [eax+14h], edx
mov edx, [ecx+8]
sub edx, [ecx]
mov [eax+8], edx
mov edx, [ecx+12]
sub edx, [ecx+4]
mov [eax+0Ch], edx
add esp, 10h
jmp .ret
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [esp+20] ; lParam
mov edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_left]
mov [eax+10h], edx
mov edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_top]
mov [eax+14h], edx
mov edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_right]
sub edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_left]
mov [eax+8], edx
mov edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_bottom]
sub edx, [ecx+shared_data_struc.workarea_top]
mov [eax+0Ch], edx
call release_shared
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 10h
mov esi, [ebp+tls.buttons]
test esi, esi
jz .done
push eax
sub ax, [esi+button_desc.xstart]
cmp ax, [esi+button_desc.xsize]
pop eax
jae .cont
push edx
sub dx, [esi+button_desc.ystart]
cmp dx, [esi+button_desc.ysize]
pop edx
jb .done
mov esi, [esi]
jmp .loop
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [GetDC]
xchg eax, edi
push 6 ; R2_NOT
push edi
call [SetROP2]
push eax
movzx eax, [esi+button_desc.xstart]
movzx edx, [esi+button_desc.ystart]
; point 4
push edx
push eax
; point 3
mov ecx, edx
add cx, [esi+button_desc.ysize]
push ecx
push eax
; point 2
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
add cx, [esi+button_desc.xsize]
push ecx
; point 1
push edx
push ecx
; point 0
push edx
push eax
; Polyline
mov eax, esp
push 5
push eax
push edi
call [Polyline]
add esp, 5*8
push edi
call [SetROP2]
push edi
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [ReleaseDC]
pop edi
mov eax, [ebp+tls.color_border]
shr eax, 1
and eax, 0x007F7F7F
cmp byte [esp+4], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [skin_active_outer]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, [skin_passive_outer]
call create_select_pen
push eax
xor esi, esi
call rect_wnd
call select_delete
mov eax, [ebp+tls.color_border]
cmp byte [esp+4], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [skin_active_frame]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, [skin_passive_frame]
call create_select_pen
push eax
inc esi
call rect_wnd
cmp esi, 3
jnz @b
call select_delete
mov eax, [ebp+tls.color_border]
shr eax, 1
and eax, 0x007F7F7F
cmp byte [esp+4], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [skin_active_inner]
cmp [ebp+tls.bActive], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, [skin_passive_inner]
call create_select_pen
push eax
inc esi
call rect_wnd
call select_delete
ret 4
movzx ecx, [ebp+tls.y_size]
dec ecx
sub ecx, esi
movzx edx, [ebp+tls.x_size]
dec edx
sub edx, esi
; point 5
push esi
push esi
; point 4
push esi
push edx
; point 3
push ecx
push edx
; point 2
push ecx
push esi
; point 1
push esi
push esi
mov eax, esp
push 5
push eax
push edi
call [Polyline]
add esp, 40
; in: edi=hDC
; stack:
; [esp+4] = xstart
; [esp+8] = ystart
; [esp+12] = xend
; [esp+16] = yend (end is excluded)
; [esp+20] = color
; [esp+24] = color_delta (if gradient specified)
test byte [esp+20+3], 80h
jnz .dograd
; no gradient
mov eax, [esp+20]
call convert_color
push eax
call [CreateSolidBrush]
push eax
push dword [esp+4+16]
push dword [esp+8+12]
push dword [esp+12+8]
push dword [esp+16+4]
mov ecx, esp
push eax
push ecx
push edi
call [FillRect]
add esp, 10h
call [DeleteObject]
ret 24
; gradient
mov esi, [esp+8]
cmp esi, [esp+16]
jae .done
mov eax, [esp+20]
call create_select_pen
push eax
push 0
push esi
push dword [esp+12+4]
push edi
call [MoveToEx]
push esi
push dword [esp+8+12]
push edi
call [LineTo]
call select_delete
inc esi
; mov eax, [esp+24]
; sub [esp+20], eax
test byte [esp+27], 80h
jnz .signed
mov al, [esp+24]
sub [esp+20], al
jnb @f
add [esp+20], al
@@: mov al, [esp+25]
sub [esp+21], al
jnb @f
add [esp+21], al
@@: mov al, [esp+26]
sub [esp+22], al
jnb @f
add [esp+22], al
@@: jmp .gradloop
mov al, [esp+24]
add [esp+20], al
jnb @f
sub [esp+20], al
@@: mov al, [esp+25]
add [esp+21], al
jnb @f
sub [esp+21], al
@@: mov al, [esp+26]
add [esp+22], al
jnb @f
sub [esp+22], al
@@: jmp .gradloop
call convert_color
push eax
push 1
push 0
call [CreatePen]
push eax
push edi
call [SelectObject]
push dword [esp+4]
push edi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
call [DeleteObject]
ret 4
push dword [esp+4]
push 0
push [hHeap]
call [HeapAlloc]
ret 4
push dword [esp+4]
push 0
push [hHeap]
call [HeapFree]
ret 4
push 1000h ; MEM_COMMIT
push eax
push 0
call [VirtualAlloc]
push 8000h ; MEM_RELEASE
push 0
push dword [esp+12]
call [VirtualFree]
ret 4
inc [bCaptured]
cmp [bCaptured], 1
jnz @f
push [ebp+tls.hWnd]
call [SetCapture]
@@: ret
cmp [bCaptured], 0
jz @f
dec [bCaptured]
jnz @f
call [ReleaseCapture]
@@: ret
push 10h
push 0
push esi
push 0
call init_MessageBox
call [MessageBoxA]
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
mov esi, vkerr
cmp [vk], 0
jnz server_fail
mov al, 1
mov edx, [newprg_section]
lock xchg [edx], al
test al, al
jz @f
push edx
push 200
call [Sleep]
pop edx
dec edi
jnz server_exists
mov esi, inname
lea edi, [edx+8]
mov ecx, 108h/4
rep movsd
mov esi, [parameters]
test esi, esi
jnz @f
mov esi, converted_path
@@: mov ecx, 100h/4
rep movsd
mov byte [edx+1], 1
mov esi, edx
push 50
pop edi
push 200
call [Sleep]
cmp byte [esi+1], 3
jz @f
dec edi
jnz @b
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
push esi
push user32_thunks
push user32_name
call init_dll
pop esi
push dword [esi+2]
call [SetForegroundWindow]
mov word [esi], bx
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
lea edi, [eax+8]
lea esi, [eax+110h]
call acquire_shared
call new_kolibri_process_with_default_curdir
call release_shared
mov eax, [newprg_section]
mov byte [eax+1], 2
jmp debugloop
push edi
call free_big
sub esp, 44h
push esp
call [GetStartupInfoA]
mov eax, [esp+8]
test eax, eax
jz @f
cmp dword [eax], 'Koli'
jnz @f
cmp dword [eax+4], 'briD'
jnz @f
mov [vk], 1
push newprg_section_name
push 1000h
push ebx
push 4
push ebx
push -1
call [CreateFileMappingA]
mov esi, shared_section_create_err
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
xchg eax, edi
call [GetLastError]
push eax
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 2
push edi
call [MapViewOfFile]
mov [newprg_section], eax
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
; push edi
; call [CloseHandle]
pop eax
cmp eax, 183
jz server_exists
mov ecx, [esp+2Ch]
add esp, 44h
test cl, cl
js @f
cmp [vk], 0
jnz @f
; We were created without STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK flag.
; Rerun self. This has two goals: first, this avoids "hour glass" cursor,
; second, if GetOpenFileNameA was used, it didn't cleanup all resources,
; but new process will run in clean environment.
push [newprg_section]
call [UnmapViewOfFile]
push edi
call [CloseHandle]
mov [bDontDebug], 1
call create_child
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
if 0
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
call [GetCurrentThreadId]
push eax
call [PostThreadMessageA]
sub esp, 40h
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push eax
call [GetMessageA]
add esp, 40h
end if
; create shared data
push ebx
push shared_section_size
push ebx
push 4
push ebx
push -1
call [CreateFileMappingA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hSharedData], eax
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
call [CreateMutexA]
mov esi, shared_mutex_create_err
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hSharedMutex], eax
call map_shared_data
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
mov dword [eax], ecx ; 1 process (OS/IDLE)
mov dword [eax+4], ecx ; 1 process
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.active_process], ecx
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.thread_id], ecx ; PID=1
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.sound_dma], ecx
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.fat32part], ecx
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.hd_base], cl
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_delay], 10
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.mouse_speed_factor], 3
xchg eax, esi
mov al, [vk]
or [esi+shared_data_struc.vk], al
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.pci_data_init], bl
; read ini file server settings
mov edi, aSetup
push win32_path
push ebx
push aSoundFlag
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.sound_flag], al
push win32_path
push 1
push aSysLang
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.syslang], eax
push win32_path
push 1
push aKeyboard
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileIntA]
mov [esi+shared_data_struc.keyboard], ax
mov ebp, esi
mov ecx, 1028
sub esp, ecx
mov esi, esp
mov edi, aMain
push win32_path
push ecx
push esi
push null_string
push aAllowReadMSR
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
cmp byte [esi], 't'
setz [ebp+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadMSR]
push win32_path
push 1028
push esi
push null_string
push aAllowReadPCI
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
cmp byte [esi], 't'
setz [ebp+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadPCI]
setz byte [ebp+shared_data_struc.pci_access_enabled]
push win32_path
push 1028
push esi
push null_string
push aKeepLoadedDriver
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
cmp byte [esi], 't'
setz [keep_loaded_driver]
push win32_path
push 1028
push esi
push null_string
push aEnablePorts
push edi
call [GetPrivateProfileStringA]
; parse EnablePorts parameter
or eax, -1
lea edi, [ebp+shared_data_struc.DisabledPorts]
mov ecx, 1000h
rep stosd
test al, al
jz .done
cmp al, 0x20
jbe ParseEnablePorts
call read_hex
cmp al, '-'
jz .minus
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 3
and edx, 7
btr dword [ebp+shared_data_struc.DisabledPorts+ecx], edx
.x1: test al, al
jz .done
cmp al, 0x20
jbe ParseEnablePorts
mov esi, EnablePortsSyntaxErr
jmp server_fail
push ecx
call read_hex
cmp ecx, [esp]
jb .err
push eax
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 3
mov edx, eax
and edx, 7
btr dword [ebp+shared_data_struc.DisabledPorts+ecx], edx
test eax, eax
jz @f
lea ecx, [eax-1]
cmp ecx, [esp+4]
jae @b
pop eax
pop ecx
jmp .x1
add esp, 1028
xor eax, eax
cmp [bIs9x], al
jnz .skipload
cmp [ebp+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadMSR], bl
jnz .load
cmp [ebp+shared_data_struc.bAllowReadPCI], bl
jnz .load
mov ecx, 2000h
lea edi, [ebp+shared_data_struc.DisabledPorts]
mov al, -1
repz scasb
jz .skipload
; load driver kiw0.sys
; note that this must execute after all work with ini-file
; because win32_path is overwritten
call load_kiw0
call create_child
mov eax, [newprg_section]
cmp byte [eax+1], 1
jz newprg_request
push 500 ; wait a half of second
push debugevent
call [WaitForDebugEvent]
test eax, eax
jz debugloop
; get hProcess
mov eax, [debugevent+4]
mov ecx, [pids]
@@: cmp [ecx+4], eax
jz @f
mov ecx, [ecx]
jmp @b
@@: mov eax, [ecx+8]
mov [hProcess], eax
; parse debug event
mov eax, [debugevent] ; dwDebugEventCode
jz exceptionevent
jz threadcreated
jz processcreated
jz threadexited
jz exited
push 10002h ; DBG_CONTINUE
push [debugevent+8]
push [debugevent+4]
call [ContinueDebugEvent]
jmp debugloop
; delete Win32 pid and tid
mov eax, [debugevent+4]
mov ecx, pids
call delete_id
call find_tid
jecxz @f
call on_thread_exited
mov eax, [debugevent+8]
mov ecx, tids
call delete_id
; if all processes are done, exit
dec [num_kolibri_proc]
jnz debugcont
jmp server_done
mov eax, [debugevent+12]
mov [hThread], eax
mov eax, [debugevent+8]
mov [dwThreadId], eax
call alloc_thread
mov eax, [debugevent+16]
mov ecx, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov [ecx+16], eax
mov [ecx+20], ebx
jmp debugcont
call find_tid
test ecx, ecx
jz debugcont
push [debugevent+12]
call [CloseHandle]
mov eax, [debugevent+24h]
mov ecx, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov [ecx+16], eax
jmp debugcont
call find_tid
test ecx, ecx
jz debugcont
cmp [cur_slot], -1
jz @f
call on_thread_exited
mov eax, [debugevent+8]
mov ecx, tids
call delete_id
jmp debugcont
call find_tid
test eax, eax
jz debugcont
; special handling of #PF exceptions in shared memory areas
cmp [debugevent+12], 0xC0000005
jnz .nopf
mov ecx, [debugevent+36]
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
mov edi, [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads]
test edi, edi
jz .nopf
cmp ecx, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
jb @f
cmp ecx, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.end]
jb .pfshared
mov edi, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.next]
jmp .scanaddr
; this is really exception in shared area
mov esi, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.item]
mov eax, [esi+shmem_item.pOwner]
cmp eax, ebx
jz .pfsh_noowner
call shmem_load
mov edx, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.end]
mov ecx, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
sub edx, ecx
push ecx edx
push eax
push esp
push edx
push ecx
push [hProcess]
call [VirtualProtectEx]
pop eax
pop edx ecx
push ecx edx
push ebx
push edx
push [esi+shmem_item.ptr]
push ecx
push [hProcess]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
pop edx ecx
cmp dword [debugevent+32], ebx
jz .pfsh_read
cmp [edi+shmem_proc_descr.access], ebx
jz .nopf
mov [esi+shmem_item.pOwner], edi
mov eax, [hProcess]
mov [esi+shmem_item.hOwner], eax
jmp debugcont
push eax
push esp
push edx
push ecx
push [hProcess]
call [VirtualProtectEx]
pop eax
jmp debugcont
; first exception is int3 in loader code
; ignore all exceptions before executing our code
; (there is one exception, debugging int3, in ntdll loader code,
; this exception must be continued as handled)
mov edi, context
push edi
push [hThread]
mov dword [edi], 1000Fh
call [GetThreadContext]
add edi, 0xB8
; breakpoints int3 (0xCC): decrement EIP (incremented by Windows)
cmp [debugevent+12], 0x80000003
jnz @f
dec dword [edi]
; single-step exceptions: restore TF flag (cleared by Windows)
mov dx, cs
mov eax, [edi]
mov ecx, [cur_tid_ptr]
cmp [debugevent+12], 0x80000004
jnz .noss
cmp word [edi+4], dx
jnz .set_tf
cmp eax, exception+1
jz @f
or byte [edi+8+1], 1
cmp [ecx+52], ebx
mov [ecx+52], ebx
jnz x
cmp word [edi+4], dx
jnz .noss
cmp eax, i40_done_jmp1
jz .skipnext
cmp eax, i40_done_jmp2
jnz @f
inc dword [ecx+52]
cmp eax, exception+1
jz x
cmp eax, i40_done
jb .noss
cmp eax, not_supported_i40_fn
jb x
mov [ecx+52], ebx
mov esi, tls_index
push eax
push esp
push 4
push esi
push esi
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
mov eax, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov eax, [eax+16]
add eax, 2Ch
mov ecx, esp
push ebx
push ecx
sub ecx, 4
push 4
push ecx
push eax
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz debugcont
mov ecx, [esi]
cmp ecx, -1
jz debugcont
lea eax, [eax+ecx*4]
push eax
mov ecx, esp
push ebx
push ecx
sub ecx, 4
push 4
push ecx
push eax
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop ecx
; now eax -> TLS data
xchg eax, esi
push eax
push esp
push 24
push _cs
push esi
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
mov ax, [_cs]
test ax, ax
jz debugcont
; test for exceptions in Kolibri code
cmp word [context+0xBC], ax
jz process_exception
; debugged process?
mov edx, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov edi, [edx+20]
test edi, edi
jz .nodebuggee
; yes
; int40?
cmp [debugevent+12], 0xC0000005
jnz .exception2dbg
push edx edi
push ebx
mov ecx, esp
push ebx
push esp
push 4
push ecx
push base
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
push [edi+shared_data_struc.win32_hBaseProcess-shared_data_struc.threads]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
lea ecx, [esp+4]
push esp
mov eax, [ecx]
push 2
add eax, [context+0xB8]
push ecx
push eax
push [edi+shared_data_struc.win32_hBaseProcess-shared_data_struc.threads]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop ecx
pop edi edx
cmp al, 2
jnz .exception2dbg
cmp cx, 0x40CD
jz .nodebuggee
; suspend current thread and notify debugger
push dword [edx+8]
call [SuspendThread]
push context
push [hThread]
call [SetThreadContext]
mov eax, [edi+12]
call get_slot_ptr
push [debugevent+12]
push [cur_slot]
push 401h
push [edi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads]
call init_MessageBox
call [PostMessageA]
jmp debugcont
; set Win32 context
mov word [context+0xBC], ax
mov ax, [_ds]
mov word [context+0x98], ax
mov word [context+0x94], ax
mov word [context+0xC8], ax
mov ax, [_fs]
mov word [context+0x90], ax
; mov word [context+0x8C], 0
mov eax, [_eip]
xchg eax, [context+0xB8]
mov [_eip], eax
mov eax, [_esp]
xchg eax, [context+0xC4]
mov [_esp], eax
mov eax, [debugevent+12]
mov [exc_code], eax
mov eax, [debugevent+36]
mov [exc_data], eax
push eax
push esp
push 24
push _cs
push esi
push [hProcess]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
pop eax
push context
push [hThread]
call [SetThreadContext]
jmp debugcont
mov eax, [context+0xB8]
cmp eax, server_test
jnz .no_server_test
mov eax, [debugevent+4]
mov ecx, [pids]
@@: cmp [ecx+4], eax
jz @f
mov ecx, [ecx]
jmp @b
mov edi, [ecx+12]
push ebx
push 1000h
push edi
push [context+0x9C]
push [hProcess]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
push edi
call free_big
mov eax, [cur_slot]
mov [context+0xB0], eax
mov eax, context+0xAC ; ecx
mov ecx, [hSharedData]
call DuplicateMyHandle
mov eax, context+0xA8 ; edx
mov ecx, [hSharedMutex]
call DuplicateMyHandle
jmp add2
cmp eax, server_new_thread
jnz @f
mov eax, [debugevent+8]
mov [dwThreadId], eax
call new_kolibri_thread
mov eax, [cur_slot]
mov [context+0xAC], eax
jmp add2
cmp eax, server_run_prg
jnz @f
; create new process
push ebx
push 4096
push process_curdir
push process_curdir
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
mov eax, [context+0x9C]
mov edx, converted_path
mov edi, edx ; edi=name
call read_asciz
mov eax, [context+0xA0]
xor esi, esi ; esi=params
test eax, eax
jz .x
mov edx, win32_path
mov esi, edx
call read_asciz
mov eax, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov [parent_tid_ptr], eax
push 2 ; dwOptions = DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
push ebx ; bInheritHandle
push ebx ; dwDesiredAccess
push context+0xAC ; lpTargetHandle
push [hProcess]
push eax
call new_kolibri_process
pop ecx
mov edx, [context+0xB0] ; flags for 70.7
mov [ecx+32], edx
mov [ecx+36], ebx
mov [ecx+40], ebx
; mov [context+0xB0], eax
mov [ecx+28], eax
push dword [ecx+24]
call [GetCurrentProcess]
push eax
call [DuplicateHandle]
jmp add2
cmp eax, server_get_run_result
jnz @f
mov esi, [cur_tid_ptr]
push dword [esi+24]
call [CloseHandle]
mov eax, [esi+28]
mov [context+0xB0], eax
mov eax, context+0xAC
mov ecx, [esi+36]
call DuplicateMyHandle
mov eax, context+0xA8
mov ecx, [esi+40]
call DuplicateMyHandle
mov eax, [esi+44]
mov [context+0xA0], eax
mov eax, [esi+48]
mov [context+0x9C], eax
jmp add2
cmp eax, set_wnd_colors
jnz @f
mov ecx, [context+0xA8]
and ecx, 7Fh
push ebx
push ecx
push common_colors
push [context+0xAC]
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
mov [bCommonColorsSet], 1
add [context+0xB8], 2
jmp x
cmp eax, notify_parent
jnz nonotifyparent
mov eax, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov edi, [eax+20]
test edi, edi
jz add2
test byte [edi+32], 1
jz @f
push [hThread]
call [SuspendThread]
mov eax, [hProcess]
mov [edi+36], eax
mov eax, [hThread]
mov [edi+40], eax
mov eax, [context+0xB4]
mov [edi+44], eax
mov eax, [context+0xC4]
mov [edi+48], eax
jmp setparev
mov dword [eax+20], ebx
push dword [edi+24]
call [SetEvent]
jmp add2
cmp eax, loadfailed
jnz @f
mov ecx, [context+0xB0]
mov eax, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov edi, [eax+20]
test edi, edi
jz add2
mov [edi+28], ecx
jmp @b
cmp eax, get_wnd_colors
jnz @f
mov ecx, [context+0xA8]
and ecx, 7Fh
push ebx
push ecx
push common_colors
push [context+0xAC]
push [hProcess]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
mov al, [bCommonColorsSet]
mov byte [context+0xB0], al
jmp add2
cmp eax, set_button_style
jnz @f
mov ecx, [context+0xAC]
cmp cl, [buttontype]
jz add2
mov [buttontype], cl
call update_buttontype
jmp add2
cmp eax, server_send_ipc
jnz no_server_send_ipc
; find target slot
mov eax, [context+0xAC] ; ecx
mov esi, [shared_data]
mov ecx, [esi]
add esi, shared_data_struc.threads
cmp [esi], eax
jz @f
add esi, 64
loop @b
mov [context+0xB0], 4 ; no such PID
jmp .done
mov eax, [esi+4]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov [context+0xB0], 1 ; no IPC memory
jmp .done
push -1
mov ecx, esp
push ebx
push 4
push ecx
push eax
push dword [esi+12]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop ecx
jecxz @f
mov [context+0xB0], 2 ; IPC blocked
jmp .done
push ebx
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push 4
push eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
add eax, 4
push eax
push dword [esi+12]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
pop eax
mov ecx, [esi+8]
sub ecx, 8
sub ecx, eax
sub ecx, [context+0xA0] ; esi = message length
jns @f
mov [context+0xB0], 3 ; buffer overflow
jmp .done
mov edi, eax
add eax, 8
add eax, [context+0xA0]
push eax
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push 4
push eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
add eax, 4
push eax
push dword [esi+12]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
pop eax
add edi, [esi+4] ; edi = pointer to place for our message
; message header: dd source_pid, dd size
push [context+0xA0]
push edi
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
mov eax, [edi]
pop edi
push eax
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push 8
push eax
push edi
push dword [esi+12]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
pop eax
pop eax
; now read message from source process and write it to target
push eax
call malloc
xchg eax, ebp
push ebx
push [context+0xA0]
push ebp
push [context+0xA8]
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
add edi, 8
push ebx
push [context+0xA0]
push ebp
push edi
push dword [esi+12]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
push ebp
call free
mov [context+0xB0], ebx ; success
; now notify window of target handle
; push 0
; push 0
; push 400h ; WM_USER
; push dword [esi+20]
; call [PostMessageA]
; let source thread to notify target window
mov eax, [esi+20]
mov [context+0xAC], eax
jmp add2
cmp eax, server_convert
jnz no_server_convert
mov eax, context+0xB0 ; eax
mov ecx, [eax]
call DuplicateMyHandle
jmp add2
cmp eax, ..server_create_shmem
jnz no_server_create_shmem
sub esp, 32
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push 32
push eax
push dword [context+0xAC] ; ecx
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push 33 ; E_PARAM
pop edx
add esp, 32
mov dword [context+0xB0], edx ; eax
jmp add2
; scan for shared memory area with requested name
mov edx, [shmem_list]
mov esi, esp
cmp edx, shmem_list - shmem_item.next
jz .new
mov edi, edx
push 32
pop ecx
jnz @f
test al, al
loopnz @b
jz .found
mov edx, [edx+shmem_item.next]
jmp .scan
; requested section was not found, create new if needed
push 5 ; E_NOTFOUND
pop edx
mov al, byte [context+0xA0] ; esi
and al, 0xC
jz .ret
jp .invparam
; create
mov eax, [context+0xA8] ; edx
test eax, eax
jz .invparam
call malloc_big
push 30 ; E_NOMEM
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .ret
push eax
push shmem_item.sizeof
call malloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call free_big
push 30
pop edx
jmp .ret
mov edi, eax
push 32/4
pop ecx
rep movsd
mov ecx, [shmem_list]
mov [eax+shmem_item.next], ecx
mov [ecx+shmem_item.prev], eax
mov [eax+shmem_item.prev], shmem_list - shmem_item.next
mov [shmem_list], eax
mov [eax+shmem_item.refs], ebx
pop [eax+shmem_item.ptr]
push [context+0xA8]
pop [eax+shmem_item.size]
mov [eax+shmem_item.hOwner], ebx
mov [eax+shmem_item.pOwner], ebx
mov esi, eax
mov eax, [context+0xA0] ; esi
and eax, 1
mov [esi+shmem_item.access], eax
jmp .created
mov esi, edx
push 10 ; E_ACCESS
pop edx
mov al, byte [context+0xA0] ; esi
and al, 0xC
jz @f
jp .invparam
cmp al, 8
jz .ret
test byte [context+0xA0], 1
jz .created
cmp [esi+shmem_item.access], ebx
jz .ret
inc [esi+shmem_item.refs]
; section ok, now create descriptor for address space in target process
push shmem_proc_descr.sizeof
call malloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push [esi+shmem_item.next]
pop [shmem_list]
push esi
push [esi+shmem_item.ptr]
call free_big
call free
push 30
pop edx
jmp .ret
mov [eax+shmem_proc_descr.item], esi
mov [eax+shmem_proc_descr.ptr], ebx
mov [eax+shmem_proc_descr.end], ebx
xor edx, edx
test byte [context+0xA0], 1
jz @f
inc edx
cmp [esi+shmem_item.refs], 1
jnz @f
mov dl, 1
mov [eax+shmem_proc_descr.access], edx
; no need to synchronize - only server uses this list
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
push [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads]
pop [eax+shmem_proc_descr.next]
mov [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads], eax
; all is OK, return to caller
mov [context+0xB0], ebx ; eax
mov eax, [esi+shmem_item.size]
mov [context+0xAC], eax ; ecx
add eax, 0xFFF
and eax, not 0xFFF
cmp [esi+shmem_item.refs], 1
jnz @f
xor eax, eax
mov [context+0xA8], eax ; edx
add esp, 32
jmp add2
cmp eax, ..server_notify_shmem
jnz no_server_notify_shmem
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
mov edi, [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads]
push [context+0xB0] ; eax
pop [edi+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
mov eax, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.item]
mov eax, [eax+shmem_item.size]
add eax, 0xFFF
and eax, not 0xFFF
add eax, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
mov [edi+shmem_proc_descr.end], eax
jmp add2
cmp eax, ..server_destroy_shmem
jnz no_server_destroy_shmem
sub esp, 32
mov eax, esp
push ebx
push 32
push eax
push dword [context+0xAC] ; ecx
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
mov [context+0xAC], ebx
test eax, eax
jz .ret
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
lea ebp, [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads - shmem_proc_descr.next]
mov edx, [ebp+shmem_proc_descr.next]
test edx, edx
jz .ret
mov esi, [edx+shmem_proc_descr.item]
mov edi, esp
push 32
pop ecx
jnz @f
test al, al
loopnz @b
jz .found
mov ebp, edx
jmp .scan
push [edx+shmem_proc_descr.next]
pop [ebp+shmem_proc_descr.next]
push [edx+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
pop [context+0xAC] ; ecx
mov esi, [edx+shmem_proc_descr.item]
push edx
call free
dec [esi+shmem_item.refs]
jnz .ret
call shmem_free_item
add esp, 32
jmp add2
cmp eax, i40_sys_service.server_terminate
jz server_done
if idletime_via_ring0
cmp eax, i40_sys_service.idlecount_init
jnz @f
push eax
push esp
push ebx
push [cur_slot]
push idlecount_thread
push 2000h
push ebx
call [CreateThread]
pop eax
mov eax, [shared_data]
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.idlecount], 1000
mov [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 1
jmp add2
end if
; ignore int3 breaks (continue as handled)
cmp [debugevent+12], 80000003h ; EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
jz debugcont
if 1
; ignore first-chance exceptions (continue as not handled)
cmp dword [debugevent+0x5C], ebx
jnz .first_chance
mov eax, context
mov eax, [context+0xB8]
mov edi, eeeeip+7
mov ecx, 8
mov edx, eax
and al, 0xF
cmp al, 10
sbb al, 69h
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 4
loop @b
call init_MessageBox
push ebx
push ebx
push eee
push ebx
call [MessageBoxA]
end if
jmp dodebugcont
; get hThread
mov [hThread], ebx
mov [cur_slot], ebx
mov eax, [debugevent+8]
mov ecx, [tids]
@@: jecxz .ret
cmp [ecx+4], eax
jz @f
mov ecx, [ecx]
jmp @b
@@: mov eax, [ecx+12]
mov [cur_slot], eax
mov eax, [ecx+8]
mov [hThread], eax
mov [cur_tid_ptr], ecx
; in: eax=client pointer, edx->buffer
push eax
push edx
push eax
push esp
push 260
push edx
push eax
push [hProcess]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
test eax, eax
pop ecx
pop edx
pop eax
jnz @f
xor ecx, ecx
@@: mov byte [edx+ecx], bl
mov edi, inname
mov esi, [parameters]
mov dword [process_curdir], '/rd/'
mov word [process_curdir+4], '1'
mov [parent_tid_ptr], ebx
; in: edi=pointer to process name, esi=pointer to parameters
; create command line
mov [process_name], edi
push esi
push edi
mov edi, cmdline
mov al, '"'
push 2000
push edi
push ebx
call [GetModuleFileNameA]
add edi, eax
mov ax, '" '
mov al, '"'
pop esi
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
xchg eax, ecx
rep movsb
mov al, '"'
mov al, ' '
pop esi
test esi, esi
jz @f
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
xchg eax, ecx
rep movsb
xor eax, eax
; create process
push [hThread]
push pinfo
push sinfo
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
cmp [bDontDebug], bl
jnz @f
pop ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push cmdline
push ebx
call [CreateProcessA]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call init_MessageBox
push ebx
push ebx
push cpe
push ebx
call [MessageBoxA]
pop eax
xor eax, eax
dec eax
cmp [bDontDebug], bl
jz @f
pop eax
mov eax, pids
@@: mov ecx, [eax]
jecxz @f
xchg eax, ecx
jmp @b
@@: push eax
push 16
call malloc
pop ecx
mov [ecx], eax
mov [eax], ebx
mov ecx, [dwProcessId]
mov [eax+4], ecx
mov ecx, [hProcess]
mov [eax+8], ecx
push eax
mov eax, 1000h
call malloc_big
pop ecx
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov edi, eax
mov esi, process_curdir
mov ecx, 1000h/4
rep movsd
call alloc_thread
call new_kolibri_thread
push eax
add edi, 8
mov esi, [process_name]
mov edx, esi
cmp al, '\'
jnz @f
mov edx, esi
@@: cmp al, 0
jnz .1
mov esi, edx
mov ecx, 11
push ecx edi
mov al, ' '
rep stosb
pop edi ecx
push edi
test al, al
jz .d
cmp al, '.'
jnz @f
mov edi, [esp]
add edi, 8
mov cl, 3
jmp .s
cmp al, 'a'
jb @f
cmp al, 'z'
ja @f
and al, not 20h
@@: stosb
loop .s
pop edi
add edi, 11
mov byte [edi], 0
pop eax
pop [hThread]
inc [num_kolibri_proc]
mov eax, tids
@@: mov ecx, [eax]
jecxz @f
xchg eax, ecx
jmp @b
@@: push eax
push 56
call malloc
pop ecx
mov [ecx], eax
mov [eax], ebx
mov ecx, [dwThreadId]
mov [eax+4], ecx
mov ecx, [hThread]
mov [eax+8], ecx
or dword [eax+12], -1
mov ecx, [parent_tid_ptr]
mov [eax+20], ecx
mov [eax+52], ebx
mov [cur_tid_ptr], eax
push ecx
push ebx ; lpName
push ebx ; bInitialState
push ebx ; bManualReset
push ebx ; lpEventAttributes
call [CreateEventA]
pop ecx
jecxz @f
mov [ecx+24], eax
; find free slot
mov edi, [shared_data]
inc dword [edi+4]
mov ecx, [edi]
add edi, shared_data_struc.threads
xor edx, edx
cmp dword [edi], 0
jz @f
inc edx
add edi, 64
loop @b
mov ecx, [shared_data]
inc dword [ecx]
mov eax, [cur_tid_ptr]
mov [eax+12], edx
mov [cur_slot], edx
mov eax, [max_pid]
inc eax
mov [max_pid], eax
push eax
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [hProcess]
mov eax, [dwThreadId]
push edi
add edi, 20
mov eax, [hThread]
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop eax
@@: mov edx, [ecx]
cmp [edx+4], eax
jz @f
mov ecx, edx
jmp @b
push dword [edx]
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
push [hHeap]
; push dword [edx+8]
; call [CloseHandle]
call [HeapFree]
pop ecx
pop dword [ecx]
mov ecx, [cur_tid_ptr]
; send notification message to debugger, if it is present
mov edi, [ecx+20]
test edi, edi
jz @f
push ecx
mov eax, [edi+12]
call get_slot_ptr
push ebx
push [cur_slot]
push 402h
push [edi+shared_data_struc.hWnd-shared_data_struc.threads]
call init_MessageBox
call [PostMessageA]
pop ecx
; terminate all debuggees, if are
mov esi, tids
mov esi, [esi]
test esi, esi
jz @f
cmp [esi+20], ecx
jnz @b
push ecx
push ebx
push dword [esi+8]
call [TerminateThread]
pop ecx
jmp @b
; free all shared memory
call get_cur_slot_ptr_server
mov edi, [edi+shared_data_struc.shmem_list-shared_data_struc.threads]
test edi, edi
jz .doneshared
push [edi+shmem_proc_descr.next]
mov esi, [edi+shmem_proc_descr.item]
dec [esi+shmem_item.refs]
jz .freephys
cmp [esi+shmem_item.pOwner], edi
jnz .nextshared
call shmem_load
jmp .nextshared
call shmem_free_item
push edi
call free
pop edi
jmp .freeshared
; create thread to do rest of job (part which must be done with SharedDataMutex acquired)
; it is not safe to acquire_shared right here, because of possible deadlock
push eax
push esp
push ebx
push [cur_slot]
push on_thread_exited_thread
push 10000h
push ebx
call [CreateThread]
pop eax
call acquire_shared
mov eax, [shared_data]
dec dword [eax+4]
mov eax, [esp+4]
call get_slot_ptr
and dword [edi], 0
; avoid problems with @panel
mov eax, ' '
add edi, 28
call release_shared
push 0
call [ExitThread]
if idletime_via_ring0
mov eax, .count
call CallRing0
mov esi, eax
push 1000
call [Sleep]
mov eax, .count
call CallRing0
sub esi, eax
; add esi, 1000
; jc @f
; mov esi, 1000
neg esi
cmp esi, 1000
jb @f
mov esi, 1000
mov ecx, [shared_data]
mov [ecx+shared_data_struc.idlecount], esi
jmp .workloop
push edi
; xor edx, edx
int 0x20 ; VMMCall Get_Sys_Thread_Handle
dw 10Ah
dw 1
push edi
int 0x20 ; VMMCall _GetThreadExecTime
dw 106h
dw 1
pop edi
; int 0x20 ; VMMCall Get_Sys_Thread_Handle
; dw 10Ah
; dw 1
; int 0x20 ; VMMCall Get_Next_Thread_Handle
; dw 113h
; dw 1
; int 0x20 ; VMMCall Test_Sys_Thread_Handle
; dw 10Bh
; dw 1
; jz @f
; push edi
; int 0x20 ; VMMCall _GetThreadExecTime
; dw 106h
; dw 1
; add edx, eax
; pop eax
; jmp @b
; mov eax, edx
pop edi
end if
mov esi, [pids]
test esi, esi
jz .done
push 0
push 1
push buttontype
push buttontype
push dword [esi+8]
call [WriteProcessMemory]
mov esi, [esi]
jmp @b
push -1
push [hBgrMutex]
call [WaitForSingleObject]
cmp [bgr_section], 0
jnz .ret
push ebx
call get_screen_size
movzx eax, bx
shr ebx, 16
inc eax
inc ebx
mul ebx
imul eax, 3
pop ebx
add eax, 20h
push bgr_section_name
; push 0
push eax
push 0
push 4
push 0
push -1
call [CreateFileMappingA]
test eax, eax
jz .ret
xchg eax, esi
call [GetLastError]
push eax
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 2
push esi
call [MapViewOfFile]
push eax
; push esi
; call [CloseHandle]
pop eax
mov [bgr_section], eax
test eax, eax
xchg eax, edi
pop eax
jz .ret
cmp eax, 183
jz .ret
; init background data
call get_screen_size
xor eax, eax
shld eax, ebx, 16
inc eax
mov ax, bx
inc eax
mov byte [edi], 2
add edi, 8
xor ebx, ebx
; cmp byte [esp+4], 0
; jz read_bgr
jmp read_bgr
push [hBgrMutex]
call [ReleaseMutex]
ret 4
; read and parse desktop background to edi (=[bgr_section]+10h)
; call [GetDesktopWindow]
xor eax, eax
push eax
push eax
call [GetDC]
push eax
push eax
call [CreateCompatibleDC]
xchg eax, esi
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push dword [edi-10h]
push dword [esp+8]
call [CreateCompatibleBitmap]
push eax
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push eax
push 0xCC0020
push ebx
push ebx
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push dword [edi-10h]
push ebx
push ebx
push esi
call [BitBlt]
push dword [esp+4]
call [PaintDesktop]
push 0x660046
push ebx
push ebx
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push dword [edi-10h]
push ebx
push ebx
push esi
call [BitBlt]
push 0x660046
push ebx
push ebx
push esi
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push dword [edi-10h]
push ebx
push ebx
push dword [esp+36]
call [BitBlt]
push 0x660046
push ebx
push ebx
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push dword [edi-10h]
push ebx
push ebx
push esi
call [BitBlt]
push esi
call [SelectObject]
push ebp
xchg eax, ebp
; now esi=hDC, ebp=hBitmap
push ebx ; biClrImportant
push ebx ; biClrUsed
push ebx ; biYPelsPerMeter
push ebx ; biXPelsPerMeter
push ebx ; biSizeImage
push ebx ; biCompression
push 200001h ; biBitCount, biPlanes
push dword [edi-0Ch] ; biHeight
push dword [edi-10h] ; biWidth
push 40 ; biSize
mov ecx, esp
push ebx
push ecx
mov eax, [edi-0Ch]
mul dword [edi-10h]
shl eax, 2
call malloc_big
push eax
push dword [edi-0Ch]
push ebx
push ebp
push esi
xchg eax, edi
call [GetDIBits]
add esp, 40
push ebp
call [DeleteObject]
pop ebp
push esi
call [DeleteDC]
pop eax
pop ecx
push eax
push ecx
call [ReleaseDC]
mov esi, [bgr_section]
mov eax, [esi] ; width
mov ecx, [esi+4] ; height
add esi, 10h
xchg esi, edi
; esi=source, edi=destination
push eax
mul ecx
shl eax, 2
add esi, eax
pop edx
push ecx
mov ecx, edx
neg ecx
lea esi, [esi+ecx*4]
neg ecx
push esi
; call convert_color
dec edi
loop .2
pop esi
pop ecx
loop .1
push esi
call free_big
push [hBgrMutex]
call [ReleaseMutex]
ret 4
call [GetTickCount]
mov ecx, [shared_data]
cmp eax, [ecx+shared_data_struc.dwNewBgrTime]
jb .ret
add eax, 3000
mov [ecx+shared_data_struc.dwNewBgrTime], eax
xor eax, eax
lock xchg eax, [bgr_section]
test eax, eax
jz .ret
push eax
call [UnmapViewOfFile]
xor ecx, ecx
cmp al, '0'
jb .done
cmp al, '9'
jbe .digit
cmp al, 'A'
jb .done
cmp al, 'F'
jbe .digit2
cmp al, 'a'
jb .done
cmp al, 'f'
jbe .digit3
sub al, 0x20
sub al, 'A'-'0'-10
sub al, '0'
movzx eax, al
shl ecx, 4
add ecx, eax
cmp ecx, 0x10000
jae ParseEnablePorts.err
jmp .l
xor ebx, ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 3
push ebx
push ebx
push 0xC0000000
push kiw0
call [CreateFileA]
inc eax
jz .ret
dec eax
push eax
push eax
mov ecx, esp
push ebx ; lpOverlapped
push ecx ; lpBytesReturned
push dword [ecx+8+20] ; nOutBufferSize
push dword [ecx+8+16] ; lpOutBuffer
push dword [ecx+8+12] ; nInBufferSize
push dword [ecx+8+8] ; lpInBuffer
push dword [ecx+8+4] ; dwIoControlCode
push eax
call [DeviceIoControl]
pop ecx
pop ecx
push eax
push ecx
call [CloseHandle]
pop eax
ret 20
driver_via_scm = 0
; check whether driver with required version is already loaded
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 4
push eax
push ebx
push ebx
push 0x222008
call send_driver_request
test eax, eax
pop edi
jz .load
if driver_via_scm
jnz .open
pop eax
cmp [keep_loaded_driver], 0
jnz .noopen
push 1 ; dwDesiredAccess = SC_MANAGER_CONNECT
mov esi, DrvLoadErr
push ebx ; lpDatabaseName
push ebx ; lpMachineName
call [OpenSCManagerA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hSCManager], eax
push 10030h
push kiw0_drivername
push [hSCManager]
call [OpenServiceA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hService], eax
jz .driverok
; driver is loaded, but has incorrect version
; try to unload and load new driver
call unload_kiw0
jmp @f
mov esi, DrvLoadErr
push 2 ; dwDesiredAccess = SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE
push ebx ; lpDatabaseName
push ebx ; lpMachineName
call [OpenSCManagerA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hSCManager], eax
mov edi, win32_path
push edi
push edi
call [lstrlenA]
lea edi, [edi+eax+1-inifilenamesize]
push esi
mov esi, kiw0filename
mov ecx, kiw0filenamesize
rep movsb
pop esi
pop edi
push ebx ; lpPassword
push ebx ; lpServiceStartName
push ebx ; lpDependencies
push ebx ; lpdwTagId
push ebx ; lpLoadOrderGroup
push edi ; lpBinaryPathName
push ebx ; dwErrorControl = SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
push 3 ; dwStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START
push 1 ; dwServiceType = SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
push 10030h ; dwDesiredAccess = SERVICE_START or SERVICE_STOP or DELETE
push kiw0_username ; lpDisplayName
push kiw0_drivername ; lpServiceName
push [hSCManager]
call [CreateServiceA]
; test eax, eax
; jnz .cont
; call [GetLastError]
; cmp eax, 431h ; ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS
; jnz server_fail
; push 10030h
; push kiw0_drivername
; push [hSCManager]
; call [OpenServiceA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
mov [hService], eax
push ebx ; lpServiceArgVectors
push ebx ; dwNumServiceArgs
push eax
call [StartServiceA]
test eax, eax
jz server_fail
sub esp, 20h
push esp
push [hService]
call [ControlService]
add esp, 20h
push [hService]
call [DeleteService]
push [hService]
call [CloseServiceHandle]
cmp [hService], 0
jz .skip_drv
cmp [keep_loaded_driver], 0
jnz .skip_drv
call unload_kiw0
push [hSCManager]
call [CloseServiceHandle]
jz load_kiw0.driverok
call unload_kiw0
mov esi, DrvLoadErr
push eax
mov eax, esp
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx ; lpdwDisposition
push eax ; phkResult
push ecx ; lpSecurityAttributes
push 6 ; samDesired = KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY
push ecx ; dwOptions
push ecx ; lpClass
push ecx ; Reserved
push DrvKey ; lpSubKey
push 0x80000002 ; hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
call [RegCreateKeyExA]
test eax, eax
jnz server_fail
push esi
mov esi, win32_path
push esi
call [lstrlenA]
lea esi, [esi+eax-1]
lea edi, [esi+4]
mov ecx, eax
push edi
rep movsb
mov dword [edi-3], '\??\'
pop edi
sub edi, inifilenamesize-2
mov esi, kiw0filename
mov ecx, kiw0filenamesize
rep movsb
sub edi, win32_path+1
mov [drvpathlen], edi
pop esi
mov edi, DrvKeyValues
push dword [edi+12] ; cbData
push dword [edi+8] ; lpData
push dword [edi+4] ; dwType
push 0 ; Reserved
push dword [edi] ; lpValueName
push dword [esp+20] ; hKey
call [RegSetValueExA]
test eax, eax
jz @f
call [RegCloseKey]
push DrvKey
push 0x80000002
call [RegDeleteKeyA]
jmp server_fail
add edi, 16
cmp dword [edi], 0
jnz .write_values
call [RegCloseKey]
; NtLoadDriver and NtUnloadDriver require SeLoadPrivilege enabled.
; But I found that if user has this privilege, then it is already enabled
; (unlike things like SeShutdownPrivilege - in such cases there must be
; additional code with AdjustTokenPrivileges(OpenProcessToken(...),LookupPrivilegeValue(...),...))
push ntdll_name
call [GetModuleHandleA]
push aNtLoadDriver
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
push DrvKeySys
call eax
test eax, eax
js .del_fail
mov [bDriverLoaded], 1
; Unload and delete driver kiw0.sys
; 1. Unload
push ntdll_name
call [GetModuleHandleA]
push aNtUnloadDriver
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
push DrvKeySys
call eax
; 2. When the kernel loads driver, it (kernel) creates auxiliary reg keys
; in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\
; (for legacy drivers such as kiw0, this is Root\LEGACY_KIW0\<instance>)
; To delete this key and possibly reenumerate, call umpnpmgr.DeleteServicePlugPlayRegKeys
; In Win2k the library umpnpmgr.dll doesn't export this function,
; but under Win2k there is impossible to delete this key, because it is still opened by the kernel
mov esi, aCannotLoadDll
push umpnpmgr_name
call [LoadLibraryA]
test eax, eax
jz .nodll
push eax
push umpnpmgr_uninst
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push kiw0_unicode
call eax
call [FreeLibrary]
; 3. Delete main registry key, HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\kiw0
; (and created by the kernel subkey Enum)
push DrvKeyEnum
push 0x80000002
call [RegDeleteKeyA]
push DrvKey
push 0x80000002
call [RegDeleteKeyA]
cmp [bDriverLoaded], 0
jz .skip_drv
cmp [keep_loaded_driver], 0
jnz .skip_drv
call unload_kiw0
end if
cmp [bIs9x], 0
jz server_done_perf
mov eax, [shared_data]
cmp [eax+shared_data_struc.b9xPerfInited], 0
jz server_done_perf
if ~idletime_via_ring0
push eax
push esp ; phkResult
push 1 ; samDesired = KEY_QUERY_VALUE
push ebx ; ulOptions
push perfend ; lpSubKey
push 80000006h ; hKey = HKEY_DYN_DATA
call [RegOpenKeyExA]
pop esi
test eax, eax
jnz server_done_perf
push eax
mov eax, esp
push 4
push esp ; lpcbData
push eax ; lpData
push ebx ; lpType
push ebx ; lpReserved
push perfval ; lpValueName
push esi ; hKey
call [RegQueryValueExA]
pop ecx
pop ecx
push esi
call [RegCloseKey]
end if
push ebx
call [ExitProcess]
push winmm_name
call [LoadLibraryA]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
push aPlaySoundA
push eax
call [GetProcAddress]
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free
mov [PlaySoundA], eax
jmp eax
push ecx
call [FreeLibrary]
mov [PlaySoundA], @f
xor eax, eax
ret 12
push dword [esp+4]
call [LoadLibraryA]
xchg edi, eax
mov esi, [esp+8]
test eax, eax
jz @f
add eax, 0x400002
push eax
push edi
call [GetProcAddress]
mov [esi-4], eax
jmp @b
ret 8
cmp [MessageBoxA], rva MessageBoxA_thunk
jnz @f
push user32_thunks
push user32_name
call init_dll
jecxz @f
push ebx
push ebx
push eax
push [hProcess]
push ecx
call [GetCurrentProcess]
push eax
call [DuplicateHandle]
mov [eax], ecx
mov edx, [eax+shmem_proc_descr.end]
mov ecx, [eax+shmem_proc_descr.ptr]
sub edx, ecx
push eax ecx edx
push eax
push esp
push edx
push ecx
push [esi+shmem_item.hOwner]
call [VirtualProtectEx]
pop eax
pop edx ecx eax
push ebx
push edx
push [esi+shmem_item.ptr]
push ecx
push [esi+shmem_item.hOwner]
call [ReadProcessMemory]
mov [esi+shmem_item.hOwner], ebx
mov [esi+shmem_item.pOwner], ebx
mov eax, [esi+shmem_item.next]
mov ecx, [esi+shmem_item.prev]
mov [eax+shmem_item.prev], ecx
mov [ecx+shmem_item.next], eax
push [esi+shmem_item.ptr]
call free_big
push esi
call free
include 'i40emul.inc'
section '.rdata' data readable
data import
macro thunk a {
a#_thunk:dw 0
db `a,0}
dd 0,0,0, rva kernel32_name, rva kernel32_thunks
; dd 0,0,0, rva user32_name, rva user32_thunks
; dd 0,0,0, rva gdi32_name, rva gdi32_thunks
; dd 0,0,0, rva comdlg32_name, rva comdlg32_thunks
dd 0,0,0, rva advapi32_name, rva advapi32_thunks
; dd 0,0,0, rva winmm_name, rva winmm_thunks
dd 0,0,0,0,0
kernel32_name db 'kernel32.dll',0
user32_name db 'user32.dll',0
gdi32_name db 'gdi32.dll',0
ntdll_name db 'ntdll.dll',0
comdlg32_name db 'comdlg32.dll',0
advapi32_name db 'advapi32.dll',0
winmm_name db 'winmm.dll',0
;winsock_name db 'wsock32.dll',0
CreateFileA dd rva CreateFileA_thunk
CloseHandle dd rva CloseHandle_thunk
CreateFileMappingA dd rva CreateFileMappingA_thunk
OpenFileMappingA dd rva OpenFileMappingA_thunk
MapViewOfFile dd rva MapViewOfFile_thunk
UnmapViewOfFile dd rva UnmapViewOfFile_thunk
ReadFile dd rva ReadFile_thunk
WriteFile dd rva WriteFile_thunk
GetFileSize dd rva GetFileSize_thunk
SetEndOfFile dd rva SetEndOfFile_thunk
VirtualAlloc dd rva VirtualAlloc_thunk
VirtualFree dd rva VirtualFree_thunk
VirtualProtect dd rva VirtualProtect_thunk
VirtualProtectEx dd rva VirtualProtectEx_thunk
SetFilePointer dd rva SetFilePointer_thunk
ExitProcess dd rva ExitProcess_thunk
ExitThread dd rva ExitThread_thunk
CreateProcessA dd rva CreateProcessA_thunk
CreateThread dd rva CreateThread_thunk
TerminateThread dd rva TerminateThread_thunk
GetCommandLineA dd rva GetCommandLineA_thunk
ReadProcessMemory dd rva ReadProcessMemory_thunk
WriteProcessMemory dd rva WriteProcessMemory_thunk
WaitForDebugEvent dd rva WaitForDebugEvent_thunk
ContinueDebugEvent dd rva ContinueDebugEvent_thunk
SuspendThread dd rva SuspendThread_thunk
ResumeThread dd rva ResumeThread_thunk
GetThreadContext dd rva GetThreadContext_thunk
SetThreadContext dd rva SetThreadContext_thunk
GetProcessHeap dd rva GetProcessHeap_thunk
HeapAlloc dd rva HeapAlloc_thunk
HeapReAlloc dd rva HeapReAlloc_thunk
HeapFree dd rva HeapFree_thunk
Sleep dd rva Sleep_thunk
GetLocalTime dd rva GetLocalTime_thunk
SetFileTime dd rva SetFileTime_thunk
GetCurrentDirectoryA dd rva GetCurrentDirectoryA_thunk
SetCurrentDirectoryA dd rva SetCurrentDirectoryA_thunk
GetTickCount dd rva GetTickCount_thunk
GetCurrentProcess dd rva GetCurrentProcess_thunk
GetPrivateProfileStringA dd rva GetPrivateProfileStringA_thunk
GetPrivateProfileIntA dd rva GetPrivateProfileIntA_thunk
lstrcpyA dd rva lstrcpyA_thunk
lstrcpynA dd rva lstrcpynA_thunk
lstrcatA dd rva lstrcatA_thunk
lstrlenA dd rva lstrlenA_thunk
lstrcmpA dd rva lstrcmpA_thunk
GetFileAttributesA dd rva GetFileAttributesA_thunk
SetFileAttributesA dd rva SetFileAttributesA_thunk
GetModuleFileNameA dd rva GetModuleFileNameA_thunk
GetLastError dd rva GetLastError_thunk
CreateMutexA dd rva CreateMutexA_thunk
CreateEventA dd rva CreateEventA_thunk
SetEvent dd rva SetEvent_thunk
DuplicateHandle dd rva DuplicateHandle_thunk
WaitForSingleObject dd rva WaitForSingleObject_thunk
ReleaseMutex dd rva ReleaseMutex_thunk
GetVersion dd rva GetVersion_thunk
GetModuleHandleA dd rva GetModuleHandleA_thunk
GetProcAddress dd rva GetProcAddress_thunk
GetCurrentThreadId dd rva GetCurrentThreadId_thunk
GetStartupInfoA dd rva GetStartupInfoA_thunk
FindFirstFileA dd rva FindFirstFileA_thunk
FindNextFileA dd rva FindNextFileA_thunk
FindClose dd rva FindClose_thunk
FileTimeToDosDateTime dd rva FileTimeToDosDateTime_thunk
DeleteFileA dd rva DeleteFileA_thunk
DeviceIoControl dd rva DeviceIoControl_thunk
MultiByteToWideChar dd rva MultiByteToWideChar_thunk
FileTimeToSystemTime dd rva FileTimeToSystemTime_thunk
SystemTimeToFileTime dd rva SystemTimeToFileTime_thunk
GetFullPathNameA dd rva GetFullPathNameA_thunk
CompareStringA dd rva CompareStringA_thunk
GlobalMemoryStatus dd rva GlobalMemoryStatus_thunk
InitializeCriticalSection dd rva InitializeCriticalSection_thunk
EnterCriticalSection dd rva EnterCriticalSection_thunk
LeaveCriticalSection dd rva LeaveCriticalSection_thunk
CreateDirectoryA dd rva CreateDirectoryA_thunk
RemoveDirectoryA dd rva RemoveDirectoryA_thunk
LoadLibraryA dd rva LoadLibraryA_thunk
FreeLibrary dd rva FreeLibrary_thunk
dw 0
thunk CreateFileA
thunk CloseHandle
thunk CreateFileMappingA
thunk OpenFileMappingA
thunk MapViewOfFile
thunk UnmapViewOfFile
thunk ReadFile
thunk WriteFile
thunk GetFileSize
thunk SetEndOfFile
thunk VirtualAlloc
thunk VirtualFree
thunk VirtualProtect
thunk VirtualProtectEx
thunk SetFilePointer
thunk ExitProcess
thunk ExitThread
thunk CreateProcessA
thunk CreateThread
thunk TerminateThread
thunk GetCurrentProcess
thunk GetCommandLineA
thunk ReadProcessMemory
thunk WriteProcessMemory
thunk WaitForDebugEvent
thunk ContinueDebugEvent
thunk SuspendThread
thunk ResumeThread
thunk GetThreadContext
thunk SetThreadContext
thunk GetProcessHeap
thunk HeapAlloc
thunk HeapReAlloc
thunk HeapFree
thunk Sleep
thunk GetLocalTime
thunk SetFileTime
thunk GetCurrentDirectoryA
thunk SetCurrentDirectoryA
thunk GetTickCount
thunk GetPrivateProfileStringA
thunk GetPrivateProfileIntA
thunk lstrcpyA
thunk lstrcpynA
thunk lstrcatA
thunk lstrlenA
thunk lstrcmpA
thunk GetFileAttributesA
thunk SetFileAttributesA
thunk GetModuleFileNameA
thunk GetLastError
thunk CreateMutexA
thunk CreateEventA
thunk SetEvent
thunk DuplicateHandle
thunk WaitForSingleObject
thunk ReleaseMutex
thunk GetVersion
thunk GetModuleHandleA
thunk GetProcAddress
thunk GetCurrentThreadId
thunk GetStartupInfoA
thunk FindFirstFileA
thunk FindNextFileA
thunk FindClose
thunk CharToOemA
thunk OemToCharA
thunk FileTimeToDosDateTime
thunk DeleteFileA
thunk DeviceIoControl
thunk MultiByteToWideChar
thunk FileTimeToSystemTime
thunk SystemTimeToFileTime
thunk GetFullPathNameA
thunk CompareStringA
thunk GlobalMemoryStatus
thunk InitializeCriticalSection
thunk EnterCriticalSection
thunk LeaveCriticalSection
thunk CreateDirectoryA
thunk RemoveDirectoryA
thunk LoadLibraryA
thunk FreeLibrary
aNtSetLdtEntries db 'NtSetLdtEntries',0
if ~driver_via_scm
aNtLoadDriver db 'NtLoadDriver',0
aNtUnloadDriver db 'NtUnloadDriver',0
end if
align 4
if ~driver_via_scm
RegCreateKeyExA dd rva RegCreateKeyExA_thunk
RegDeleteKeyA dd rva RegDeleteKeyA_thunk
end if
RegOpenKeyExA dd rva RegOpenKeyExA_thunk
RegCloseKey dd rva RegCloseKey_thunk
RegQueryValueExA dd rva RegQueryValueExA_thunk
RegSetValueExA dd rva RegSetValueExA_thunk
OpenSCManagerA dd rva OpenSCManagerA_thunk
CreateServiceA dd rva CreateServiceA_thunk
OpenServiceA dd rva OpenServiceA_thunk
StartServiceA dd rva StartServiceA_thunk
ControlService dd rva ControlService_thunk
DeleteService dd rva DeleteService_thunk
CloseServiceHandle dd rva CloseServiceHandle_thunk
dw 0
if ~driver_via_scm
thunk RegCreateKeyExA
thunk RegDeleteKeyA
end if
thunk RegOpenKeyExA
thunk RegCloseKey
thunk RegQueryValueExA
thunk RegSetValueExA
thunk OpenSCManagerA
thunk CreateServiceA
thunk OpenServiceA
thunk StartServiceA
thunk ControlService
thunk DeleteService
thunk CloseServiceHandle
;PlaySoundA dd rva PlaySoundA_thunk
; dw 0
;thunk PlaySoundA
end data
aGetOpenFileNameA db 'GetOpenFileNameA',0
aPlaySoundA db 'PlaySoundA',0
align 4
;data resource from 'klbrico.res'
;end data
data resource
; only icon resource from file 'KlbrInWin.ico'
; for graphics thanks to goglus, Leency, Heavyiron
iconfile equ 'KlbrInWin.ico'
virtual at 0
; load .ico header
file iconfile:0,6
load .idReserved word from 0
load .idType word from 2
load .idCount word from 4
if (.idReserved <> 0) | (.idType <> 1)
error invalid icon file
end if
end virtual
; root resource directory
dd 0, 0, 0
dw 0, 2 ; 2 entries by id
dd 3, (.icon1 - rsrcdata) or 80000000h ; entry 1: RT_ICON
dd 14, (.gicon1 - rsrcdata) or 80000000h ; entry 2: RT_GROUP_ICON
; level-1 resource directory for RT_ICON
dd 0, 0, 0
dw 0, .idCount ; .idCount entries by id
repeat .idCount
dd %, ((.icon2 - rsrcdata) + 18h*(%-1)) or 80000000h
end repeat
; level-1 resource directory for RT_GROUP_ICON
dd 0, 0, 0
dw 0, 1 ; 1 entry by id
dd 1, (.gicon2 - rsrcdata) or 80000000h
; level-2 resource directories for RT_ICON
repeat .idCount
dd 0, 0, 0
dw 0, 1 ; 1 entry by id
dd 0, (.icon3 - rsrcdata) + 10h*(%-1)
end repeat
; level-2 resource directory for RT_GROUP_ICON
dd 0, 0, 0
dw 0, 1 ; 1 entry by id
dd 0, (.gicon3 - rsrcdata)
; leaf entries for RT_ICON
.a = rva .icons
repeat .idCount
virtual at 0
file iconfile:6+16*(%-1)+8,4
load .dwBytesInRes dword from 0
end virtual
dd .a, .dwBytesInRes, 0, 0
.a = (.a + .dwBytesInRes + 3) and not 3
end repeat
; leaf entry for RT_GROUP_ICON
dd rva .gicon, .gicon_end - .gicon, 0, 0
; icon data
repeat .idCount
virtual at 0
file iconfile:6+16*(%-1)+8,8
load .dwBytesInRes dword from 0
load .dwImageOffset dword from 4
end virtual
file iconfile:.dwImageOffset,.dwBytesInRes
while .dwBytesInRes and 3
.dwBytesInRes = .dwBytesInRes + 1
db 0
end while
end repeat
dw 0, 1, .idCount ; .idCount images
repeat .idCount
file iconfile:6+16*(%-1),12
dw %
end repeat
end data
data 9
dd tls_init_start
dd tls_init_end
dd tls_index
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
end data
virtual at 0
._cs dw ?
._ds dw ?
._esp dd ?
._eip dd ?
._fs dw ?
dw ? ; align
.exc_code dd ?
.exc_data dd ?
.message_mask dd ?
.lpShapeData dd ?
.scale dd ?
.curdraw db ?
.uninit_size = .size - $
.showwnd db ?
.bFirstMouseMove db ?
.bActive db ?
.hWnd dd ?
.hCursor dd ?
.buttons dd ?
.x_size dw ?
.x_start dw ?
.y_size dw ?
.y_start dw ?
.client_left dd ?
.client_top dd ?
.client_width dd ?
.client_height dd ?
.color_main dd ?
.color_capt dd ?
.color_border dd ?
.caption dd ?
.debuggees dd ?
.translated_msg_code db ?
.usescancode db ?
.keybuflen db ?
.butbuflen db ?
.keybuffer rb 0x100
.butbuffer rd 0x100
.active_button dd ?
.cur_slot dd ?
.saved_fs0 dd ?
.saved_fs4 dd ?
.prev_snd_block dd ?
.cur_dir dd ?
.scroll dd ?
.original_buttons db ?
.current_buttons db ?
dw ?
.size = $
end virtual
align 4
dw 1,-1 ; dlgVer,signature
dd 0 ; helpId
dd 0 ; exStyle
dd 56000444h ; style
dw 2 ; cDlgItems
dw 0,0,275,28 ; x,y,cx,cy
dw 0,0,0 ; menu,windowClass,title
dw 8 ; pointsize
dd 0 ; weight,italic,charset
du 'MS Sans Serif',0
align 4
dd 0 ; helpId
dd 0 ; exStyle
dd 50010000h ; style
dw 5,12,45,9 ; x,y,cx,cy
dw -1 ; id
dw 0
dw -1,82h ; windowClass
du "Parameters:",0
dw 0
align 4
dd 0
dd 204h
dd 50010080h
dw 54,10,218,12
dw 23
dw 0
dw -1,81h
dw 0
dw 0
align 4
_1193180 dd 1193180
_100 dd 100
; note that values 0, D,E,F must not be used, but 0 is used (e.g. by icon2)
dw 0xC3FB, 0x4742, 0x4342, 0x3F7C, 0x3BEC, 0x388F, 0x3562, 0x3264
dw 0x2F8F, 0x2CE4, 0x2A5F, 0x2802, 0x25BF, 0xFDA, 0, 0x19
db 'HARDDISK ',10h
db 'RAMDISK ',10h
dir1 db 'FIRST ',10h
db 1,2,'RD'
db 1,7,'RAMDISK'
db 2,2,'FD'
db 2,11,'FLOPPYDI.SK'
db 4,3,'HD0'
db 5,3,'HD1'
db 6,3,'HD2'
db 7,3,'HD3'
db 3,2,'HD'
db 3,8,'HARDDISK'
db 0
; align 4
; winsock_imports:
; WSAStartup dd WSAStartup_name
; WSACleanup dd WSACleanup_name
; socket dd socket_name
; closesocket dd closesocket_name
; dd 0
; WSAStartup_name db 'WSAStartup',0
; WSACleanup_name db 'WSACleanup',0
; socket_name db 'socket',0
; closesocket_name db 'closesocket',0
ofn_title db 'Select KolibriOS executable',0
dd -10
fileopenerr db 'Cannot open input file',0
dd -31
filereaderr db 'Input file read error',0
dd -31
notexe db 'Not KolibriOS executable!',0
dd -7
params_err db 'Parameters pointer is outside used memory!',0
dd -30
memerr db 'Not enough memory',0
dd -30
ldterr db 'Cannot allocate LDT selectors',0
idt_err db 'IDT limit too small',0
exceptionstr db 'Exception',0
excstr db 'Emulated process has caused an exception and will be terminated.',13,10
db 'Registers:',13,10
db 'EAX=%08X EBX=%08X ECX=%08X EDX=%08X',13,10
db 'ESI=%08X EDI=%08X ESP=%08X EBP=%08X',13,10
db 'EIP=%08X EFLAGS=%08X',0
nsm db 'Unsupported system function',0
notsupportedmsg db 'Emulated process has called unknown system function and will be terminated.',13,10
db 'Registers:',13,10
db 'EAX=%08X EBX=%08X ECX=%08X EDX=%08X',13,10
db 'ESI=%08X EDI=%08X ESP=%08X EBP=%08X',13,10
db 'EIP=%08X EFLAGS=%08X',0
cpe db 'Cannot create process',0
BgrFileErrorMsg db 'Cannot create background image file',0
dd -1
skinfileerr db 'Invalid skin file',0
vkerr db 'A running instance of KlbrInWin already exists, cannot continue',0
dd -1
no_partition db 'Partition is not defined',0
EnablePortsSyntaxErr db 'EnablePorts parameter: syntax error',0
DrvLoadErr db 'Cannot load driver',0
DrvOpenErr db 'Cannot send command to driver',0
PortsRangeErr db 'Sysfunction 46: invalid ports range',0
PortsNotEnabledErr db 'Sysfunction 46: attempt to allocate not enabled ports',0
PortsUsedErr db 'Sysfunction 46: attempt to allocate already used ports',0
PortsNotUsedErr db 'Sysfunction 46: attempt to free ports which were not allocated',0
;aPathInvalid db 'Path pointer is outside used memory and will be ignored',0
dd -2
aPathUnknown db 'Win32 path to program cannot be written as Kolibri path!',0
aReadMSRDisabled db 'Emulated process tries to read MSR, and this is disabled in ini-file.',0
aNoMsr db 'Emulated process has tried to read invalid MSR and will be terminated',0
aInvFn64Call db 'Function 64 has been called after heap initialization, will fail.',0
aHeapNotInited db 'Attempt to work with uninitialized heap!',0
aInternalError db 'Internal error',0
aMallocFailed db 'Memory request failed!',0
aFreeInvalid db 'Attempt to free/realloc not allocated block!',0
aCannotLoadDll db 'Cannot load DLL',0
aUnknownReloc db 'Unknown relocation type',0
aExportsNotFound db 'DLL export table was not found!',0
aInvCursorData db 'Invalid cursor data',0
aOnlyOneCursor db 'Cursor data must contain only one cursor',0
aInvCursorDim db 'Cursor must be of size 32*32 pixels',0
aCursorFailed db 'Cursor creation failed',0
aCursorLimitExceeded db 'Cursors limit exceeded',0
aInvalidCursor db 'Invalid handle for delete_cursor!',0
aSound db 'SOUND',0
aInfinity db 'INFINITY',0
aUnknownDriver db 'Attempt to load unknown driver will fail',0
aCannotGetPci db 'Cannot get PCI BIOS parameters',0
;aPciDisabled db 'Emulated process tries to enable PCI access, and this is disabled in ini-file.',0
dd -1
aInvalidColorDepth db 'Invalid ColorDepth parameter in ini-file',0
DSAErr db 'Access to DirectScreenArea outside real screen data causes an exception...',0
DSADisabled db 'The program has called sysfunction 61 (Direct Screen Access parameters),',10
db 'but Direct Screen Access is disabled in ini-file. The program will be terminated :(',0
aFailedToDeliverDebugMessage db 'Failed to deliver debug message',0
aInvalidDataForDR db 'Invalid data for 69.9, returning an error',0
aCannotDestroyShMem db 'Attempt to close not opened shared memory area',0
;aWinsockInitErr db 'Cannot initialize Winsock DLL!',0
;aSocketErr db 'Cannot allocate socket!',0
inifilename db 'KlbrInWin.ini'
null_string db 0
inifilenamesize = $ - inifilename
kiw0filename db 'kiw0.sys',0
kiw0filenamesize = $ - kiw0filename
kiw0_username db 'KlbrInWin ring-0 component',0
kiw0_drivername db 'kiw0',0
kiw0 db '\\.\kiw0',0
if ~driver_via_scm
DrvKey db 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kiw0',0
DrvKeyEnum db 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kiw0\Enum',0
align 4
dw DrvKeySysLen-2, DrvKeySysLen
dd @f
@@ du '\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kiw0',0
DrvKeySysLen = $ - @b
aDisplayName db 'DisplayName',0
aType db 'Type',0
aStart db 'Start',0
aErrorControl db 'ErrorControl',0
aImagePath db 'ImagePath',0
umpnpmgr_name db 'umpnpmgr.dll',0
umpnpmgr_uninst db 'DeleteServicePlugPlayRegKeys',0
kiw0_unicode du 'kiw0',0
end if
default_ramdisk db 'A:\',0
ramdisk_keyname db 'RamDisk',0
aDisk db 'Disk',0
aMain db 'Main',0
aFont1 db 'Font1',0
aFont2 db 'Font2',0
aSkin db 'Skin',0
aQuestions db 'Questions',0
aSetBgr db 'SetBgr',0
aSetup db 'sys_setup',0
aSoundFlag db 'sound_flag',0
aSoundVol db 'sound_vol',0
aSysLang db 'syslang',0
aKeyboard db 'keyboard',0
aEnablePorts db 'EnablePorts',0
aAllowReadMSR db 'AllowReadMSR',0
aAllowReadPCI db 'AllowReadPCI',0
aKeepLoadedDriver db 'KeepLoadedDriver',0
aDirectScreenAccess db 'DirectScreenAccess',0
aColorDepth db 'ColorDepth',0
aInvalidateTime db 'DSAInvalidateTime',0
classname db 'KolibriInWin_WndClass',0
dd -30
createwnderr db 'Cannot create window!',0
dd -30
shared_section_size = 8000h
shared_section_create_err db 'Cannot create section for shared data!',0
shared_mutex_create_err db 'Cannot create mutex for shared data!',0
virtual at 0
.alloc_threads dd ?
.num_threads dd ?
.vk db ?
.bAllowReadMSR db ?
.b9xPerfInited db ?
if idletime_via_ring0
.idlecount dd ?
end if
; \begin{sys_setup}
.sound_flag db ?
.syslang dd ?
.midi_base dw ?
.cd_base db ?
.hd_base db ?
.sb16 dd ?
.wss dd ?
.fat32part dd ?
.sound_dma dd ?
.lba_read_enabled dd ?
.pci_access_enabled dd ?
.keyboard dw ?
.mouse_speed_factor dw ?
.mouse_delay dd ?
; \end{sys_setup}
.pci_data_init db ? ; initialized?
.bAllowReadPCI db ?
.curport dw ?
.cursocket dd ?
.pci_bios_mj db ? ; major PCI BIOS version
.pci_bios_mn db ? ; minor PCI BIOS version
.pci_bios_lb db ? ; last PCI bus
.pci_bios_pc db ? ; PCI characteristics
.workarea_left dd ?
.workarea_top dd ?
.workarea_right dd ?
.workarea_bottom dd ?
.dwNewBgrTime dd ?
.msg_board_count dd ?
.msg_board_data rb 512
.active_process dd ?
.cpuspeed dd ?
.DisabledPorts rb 2000h
.UsedIoMap rb 2000h
num_cursors = 63 ; exclude standard arrow cursor, it is handled separately
.cursors rd num_cursors*2
; rept .alloc_threads
.thread_id dd ? ; 0 for free slot
.thread_ipc_mem dd ?
.thread_ipc_size dd ?
.win32_hBaseProcess dd ? ; this is handle for debugger!
.win32_dwThreadId dd ?
.hWnd dd ?
.limit dd ?
.name rb 12
.win32_hThread dd ? ; this is handle for debugger!
.debugger_mem dd ?
.win32_stack dd ?
.shmem_list dd ? ; head of L1-list of shmem_proc_descr
rd 2
end virtual
bgr_section_name db 'KolibriInWin_background',0
bgr_section_size = 0x160000+0x10
bgr_mutex_name db 'KolibriInWin_bgrmtx',0
bgrkeyname db 'Control Panel\Desktop',0
bgrstylevalue db 'WallpaperStyle',0
bgrtilevalue db 'TileWallpaper',0
bgrtempfilename db 'klbrbgr.bmp',0
bgrfilename db 'klbr_bgr.bmp',0
newprg_section_name db 'KolibriInWin_newprg',0
keycpu db 'HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0',0
keymhz db '~MHz',0
aIdentifier db 'Identifier',0
aConfigurationData db 'Configuration Data',0
perfstart db 'PerfStats\StartStat',0
perfget db 'PerfStats\StatData',0
perfend db 'PerfStats\StopStat',0
perfval db 'KERNEL\CPUUsage',0
aPerfInitFailed db 'Failed to init performance counter',0
db 0 ; #DE
; dd 0x80000004 ; EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP (handled separately)
; db 1 ; #DB
db 0xD ; #GP (yes, in Kolibri it's #GP, not #BP)
db 4 ; #OF
db 5 ; #BR
db 6 ; #UD
db 0xD ; #GP
db 0xE ; #PF
db 0x11 ; #AC
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
db 0x10 ; #MF
dd 0
section '.data' data readable writable
MessageBoxA dd rva MessageBoxA_thunk
wsprintfA dd rva wsprintfA_thunk
GetDC dd rva GetDC_thunk
ReleaseDC dd rva ReleaseDC_thunk
LoadIconA dd rva LoadIconA_thunk
LoadCursorA dd rva LoadCursorA_thunk
LoadImageA dd rva LoadImageA_thunk
RegisterClassExA dd rva RegisterClassExA_thunk
CreateWindowExA dd rva CreateWindowExA_thunk
MoveWindow dd rva MoveWindow_thunk
ShowWindow dd rva ShowWindow_thunk
DefWindowProcA dd rva DefWindowProcA_thunk
BeginPaint dd rva BeginPaint_thunk
EndPaint dd rva EndPaint_thunk
GetMessageA dd rva GetMessageA_thunk
PeekMessageA dd rva PeekMessageA_thunk
TranslateMessage dd rva TranslateMessage_thunk
DispatchMessageA dd rva DispatchMessageA_thunk
FillRect dd rva FillRect_thunk
PostQuitMessage dd rva PostQuitMessage_thunk
GetDesktopWindow dd rva GetDesktopWindow_thunk
GetAsyncKeyState dd rva GetAsyncKeyState_thunk
GetKeyboardState dd rva GetKeyboardState_thunk
SetCapture dd rva SetCapture_thunk
ReleaseCapture dd rva ReleaseCapture_thunk
GetCursorPos dd rva GetCursorPos_thunk
SetCursorPos dd rva SetCursorPos_thunk
InvalidateRect dd rva InvalidateRect_thunk
ValidateRect dd rva ValidateRect_thunk
SetWindowRgn dd rva SetWindowRgn_thunk
EnumThreadWindows dd rva EnumThreadWindows_thunk
PostMessageA dd rva PostMessageA_thunk
SendMessageTimeoutA dd rva SendMessageTimeoutA_thunk
GetDlgItemTextA dd rva GetDlgItemTextA_thunk
PaintDesktop dd rva PaintDesktop_thunk
SystemParametersInfoA dd rva SystemParametersInfoA_thunk
GetWindowRect dd rva GetWindowRect_thunk
GetWindowPlacement dd rva GetWindowPlacement_thunk
;BringWindowToTop dd rva BringWindowToTop_thunk
PostThreadMessageA dd rva PostThreadMessageA_thunk
CharToOemA dd rva CharToOemA_thunk
OemToCharA dd rva OemToCharA_thunk
IsWindowVisible dd rva IsWindowVisible_thunk
CreateIconFromResourceEx dd rva CreateIconFromResourceEx_thunk
CreateIconIndirect dd rva CreateIconIndirect_thunk
SetCursor dd rva SetCursor_thunk
DestroyCursor dd rva DestroyCursor_thunk
SetForegroundWindow dd rva SetForegroundWindow_thunk
dw 0
thunk MessageBoxA
thunk wsprintfA
thunk GetDC
thunk ReleaseDC
thunk CreateCompatibleDC
thunk LoadIconA
thunk LoadCursorA
thunk LoadImageA
thunk RegisterClassExA
thunk CreateWindowExA
thunk MoveWindow
thunk ShowWindow
thunk DefWindowProcA
thunk BeginPaint
thunk EndPaint
thunk GetMessageA
thunk PeekMessageA
thunk TranslateMessage
thunk DispatchMessageA
thunk PostQuitMessage
thunk GetDesktopWindow
thunk GetPixel
thunk SetPixel
thunk GetAsyncKeyState
thunk GetKeyboardState
thunk SetCapture
thunk ReleaseCapture
thunk GetCursorPos
thunk SetCursorPos
thunk InvalidateRect
thunk ValidateRect
thunk SetWindowRgn
thunk PostMessageA
thunk SendMessageTimeoutA
thunk EnumThreadWindows
thunk GetDlgItemTextA
thunk PaintDesktop
thunk SystemParametersInfoA
thunk GetWindowRect
thunk GetWindowPlacement
;thunk BringWindowToTop
thunk PostThreadMessageA
thunk IsWindowVisible
thunk CreateIconFromResourceEx
thunk CreateIconIndirect
thunk SetCursor
thunk DestroyCursor
thunk SetForegroundWindow
SetDIBitsToDevice dd rva SetDIBitsToDevice_thunk
GetDIBits dd rva GetDIBits_thunk
CreatePen dd rva CreatePen_thunk
SelectObject dd rva SelectObject_thunk
DeleteObject dd rva DeleteObject_thunk
CreateSolidBrush dd rva CreateSolidBrush_thunk
CreateBitmap dd rva CreateBitmap_thunk
CreateCompatibleDC dd rva CreateCompatibleDC_thunk
CreateCompatibleBitmap dd rva CreateCompatibleBitmap_thunk
BitBlt dd rva BitBlt_thunk
MoveToEx dd rva MoveToEx_thunk
LineTo dd rva LineTo_thunk
GetDeviceCaps dd rva GetDeviceCaps_thunk
GetPixel dd rva GetPixel_thunk
SetPixel dd rva SetPixel_thunk
SetROP2 dd rva SetROP2_thunk
Polyline dd rva Polyline_thunk
ExtCreateRegion dd rva ExtCreateRegion_thunk
DeleteDC dd rva DeleteDC_thunk
dw 0
thunk SetDIBitsToDevice
thunk GetDIBits
thunk CreatePen
thunk SelectObject
thunk DeleteObject
thunk CreateSolidBrush
thunk FillRect
thunk BitBlt
thunk CreateBitmap
thunk CreateCompatibleBitmap
thunk MoveToEx
thunk LineTo
thunk GetDeviceCaps
thunk SetROP2
thunk Polyline
thunk ExtCreateRegion
thunk DeleteDC
;GetOpenFileNameA dd rva GetOpenFileNameA_thunk
; dw 0
;thunk GetOpenFileNameA
align 4
dd 76 ; lStructSize
dd 0 ; hWndOwner
dd ofn_arg_template ; hInstance
dd 0 ; lpstrFilter
dd 0 ; lpstrCustomFilter
dd 0 ; nMaxCustFilter
dd 0 ; nFilterIndex
dd inname ; lpstrFile
dd 100h ; nMaxFile
dd 0 ; lpstrFileTitle
dd 0 ; nMaxFileTitle
dd 0 ; lpstrInitialDir
dd ofn_title ; lpstrTitle
dd 818A4h ; flags
dw 0 ; nFileOffset
dw 0 ; nFileExtension
dd 0 ; lpstrDefExt
dd 0 ; lCustData
dd ofn_hook ; lpfnHook
dd 0 ; lpTemplateName
align 4
PlaySoundA dd PlaySoundA_delayed_imp
NumThreads dd 1
virtual at 0
.name rb 32
.next dd ?
.prev dd ?
.refs dd ?
.ptr dd ?
.size dd ?
.access dd ?
.hOwner dd ?
.pOwner dd ?
.sizeof = $
end virtual
virtual at 0
.next dd ?
.item dd ?
.ptr dd ?
.end dd ?
.access dd ?
.sizeof = $
end virtual
shmem_list dd shmem_list - shmem_item.next
dd shmem_list - shmem_item.next
dd aDisplayName, 1, kiw0_username, kiw0_drivername-kiw0_username-1
dd aType, 4, DrvKeyValues+4, 4
dd aStart, 4, addr3, 4
dd aErrorControl, 4, DrvKeyValues+4, 4
dd aImagePath, 1, win32_path, ?
drvpathlen = $-4
dd 0
keymfa db 'HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\MultifunctionAdapter\'
idxmfa db '0'
db 0
hdxn db 'hd0n',0
hdpart db 'hd0_%d',0
hdxy_str db '/hd%d/%d/',0
bInitialized db 0
bCaptured db 0
label jmp_klbr fword
jmp_klbr_eip dd 0
klbr_cs dw 0Fh
klbr_ds dw 17h
klbr_null dw 0
label jmp_temp_int33 fword
dd 0
temp_cs dw 0
label jmp_temp_int1A fword
dd temp_code_int1A - temp_code
temp_cs2 dw 0
eee db 'exception in debuggee at '
eeeeip db '00000000'
db 0
; data for int40 emulating code - initialized
; from kernel.asm
db '6',27,'1234567890-=',8,9 ; 0x00
db 'qwertyuiop[]',13,'~as' ; 0x10
db 'dfghjkl;',39,96,0,'\zxcv' ; 0x20
db 'bnm,./',0,'45 @23456' ; 0x30
db '7890123',180,178,184,'6',176,'7',179,'8',181 ; 0x40
db 177,183,185,182,'AB<D',255,'FGHIJKL' ; 0x50
db '6',27,'!@#$%^&*()_+',8,9 ; 0x00
db 'QWERTYUIOP{}',13,'~AS' ; 0x10
db 'DFGHJKL:"~',0,'|ZXCV' ; 0x20
db 'BNM<>?',0,'45 @23456' ; 0x30
db '7890123',180,178,184,'6',176,'7',179,'8',181 ; 0x40
db 177,183,185,182,'AB>D',255,'FGHIJKL' ; 0x50
db ' ',27,' @ $ {[]}\ ',8,9 ; 0x00
db ' ',13,' ' ; 0x10
db ' ',0,' ' ; 0x20
db ' ',0,'4',0,' ' ; 0x30
db ' ',180,178,184,'6',176,'7',179,'8',181 ; 0x40
db 177,183,185,182,'ABCD',255,'FGHIJKL' ; 0x50
numlock_map db '789-456+1230.'
db 0,7,1,0 ; emulate Kolibri
db 3 ; UID_KlbrInWin
dd 945 ; emulate revision 945
; (last change: functions 68.22 and 68.23)
bCommonColorsSet db 0
bHaveDSA db 0
vk db 0
tls_index dd -1
max_pid dd 1
num_kolibri_proc dd 0
dd 1, 21 ; type 1
dd 0, 0 ; no drawn window
dd 5, 20 ; type 2
dd 5, ? ; skinned
dd 5, ? ; skinned fixed-size
buttontype db 1
db 'B','M'
dd ? ; size
dd 0
dd 36h
dd 28h
dd ? ; width
dd ? ; height
dw 1
dw 24
dd 0
dd ? ; size
dd 0,0
dd 0,0
db 'RIFF'
dd ?
db 'WAVEfmt '
dd 10h
dw 1,1
wave_r dd 22050
dd 22050
dw 1,8
db 'data'
; dd ?
wbb_size = $ - wave_block_begin
; note that all uninitialized variables are set to 0 by Windows
sinfo dd 44h
rb 28h
dd 80h
rb 14h
times 24 db 0
dd 7 ; message_mask
dd 0 ; lpShapeData
dd 1 ; scale
db 1 ; curdraw
times tls.uninit_size db ?
bDontDebug db ?
keep_loaded_driver db ?
align 4
bgr_section dd ?
hBgrMutex dd ?
;dwNewBgrTime dd ?
SetBgrQuestion dd ?
newprg_section dd ?
hArrow dd ?
bIs9x db ?
bDriverLoaded db ?
heap_status db ?
align 4
inname rb 256
header rd 9
base dd ?
limit dd ?
fn9limit dd ?
heap_start dd ?
heap_control_block dd ?
heap_region_size dd ?
heap_critical_sec rb 0x18
DSACritSect rb 0x18
selector_data rb 8
selector_code rb 8
NtSetLdtEntries dd ?
idtr dp ?
hProcess dd ?
hThread dd ?
dwProcessId dd ?
dwThreadId dd ?
cur_slot dd ?
cur_tid_ptr dd ?
parent_tid_ptr dd ?
debugevent rd 18h
tids dd ?
pids dd ?
_cs dw ?
_ds dw ?
_esp dd ?
_eip dd ?
_fs dw ?
_gs dw ?
exc_code dd ?
exc_data dd ?
klbr_esp dd ?
temp_ss dw ?
temp_stack_size = 0x1000
temp_stack rb temp_stack_size
parameters dd ?
startcurdir rb 261
sound_vol db ?
align 4
context rd 0xB3
; data for int40 emulating code - uninitialized
hHeap dd ?
hSharedData dd ?
hSharedMutex dd ?
shared_data dd ?
_skinh dd ?
margins rw 4 ; right:left:bottom:top
skin_active_inner dd ?
skin_active_outer dd ?
skin_active_frame dd ?
skin_passive_inner dd ?
skin_passive_outer dd ?
skin_passive_frame dd ?
common_colors rb 128
left_bmp dd ?
oper_bmp dd ?
base_bmp dd ?
left1_bmp dd ?
oper1_bmp dd ?
base1_bmp dd ?
.left dd ?
.top dd ?
.width dd ?
.height dd ?
.left dd ?
.top dd ?
.width dd ?
.height dd ?
char_mt dd ?
char2_mt dd ?
process_name dd ?
ramdisk_path rb 512
converted_path rb 512
win32_path rb 512
hd_partitions_num rd 4
hd_partitions_array rd 4
cmdline rb 2000
process_curdir rb 4096 ; protected by the same mutex as for shared data
if driver_via_scm
hSCManager dd ?
hService dd ?
end if
ColorDepth dd ?
InvalidateTime dd ?
DSA dd ?
;WinSockDLL dd ?
align 4
unpack.p rd unpack.LZMA_BASE_SIZE + (unpack.LZMA_LIT_SIZE shl (unpack.lc+unpack.lp))
unpack.code_ dd ?
unpack.range dd ?
unpack.rep0 dd ?
unpack.rep1 dd ?
unpack.rep2 dd ?
unpack.rep3 dd ?
unpack.previousByte db ?