forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
376 lines
14 KiB
376 lines
14 KiB
; App written by randall ported to Kolibri and MenuetOS64 by macgub (
; Now it use static memory, it is mixed 32bit code and SSE instructions.
include '../../../'
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd IMG_END ; size of image
dd I_END ;0x100000 ; memory for app
dd I_END ;0xbffff ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
START: ; start of execution
call draw_window
call Main
call draw_from_buffer
; call Main
; mov eax,7
; mov ebx,screen
; mov ecx,IMG_SIZE*65536+IMG_SIZE
; mov edx,0*65536+0
; int 0x40
; mov eax,23 ; wait here for event
; mov ebx,timeout
; int 0x40
; mov eax,11 ; check for event no wait
mov eax,10 ; wait for event
int 0x40
cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ?
je red
cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ?
je key
cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ?
je button
jmp noclose
red: ; redraw
call draw_window
call draw_from_buffer
jmp still
key: ; key
mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore
int 0x40
shr eax,8
cmp eax, 27
jne still
mov eax, -1
int 0x40
button: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne noclose
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
jmp still
mov eax,7
mov ebx,screen
mov ecx,IMG_SIZE*65536+IMG_SIZE
mov edx,0*65536+0
int 0x40
; DESC: Pseudo random number generator.
; OUT: eax [0;2^32-1]
macro XORWOW {
mov edx,[g_xorwow_x] ; edx = x
shr edx,2 ; edx = x >> 2
xor edx,[g_xorwow_x] ; t = x ^ (x >> 2)
mov eax,[g_xorwow_y] ; eax = y
mov [g_xorwow_x],eax ; x = y
mov eax,[g_xorwow_z] ; eax = z
mov [g_xorwow_y],eax ; y = z
mov eax,[g_xorwow_w] ; eax = w
mov [g_xorwow_z],eax ; z = w
mov eax,[g_xorwow_v] ; eax = v
mov [g_xorwow_w],eax ; w = v
mov edi,eax ; edi = v
shl edi,4 ; edi = v << 4
xor edi,eax ; edi = (v ^ (v << 4))
mov eax,edx ; eax = t
shl eax,1 ; eax = t << 1
xor eax,edx ; eax = (t ^ (t << 1))
xor eax,edi ; eax = (v ^ (v << 4)) ^ (t ^ (t << 1))
mov [g_xorwow_v],eax ; v = eax
add [g_xorwow_d],362437 ; d += 362437
mov eax,[g_xorwow_d] ; eax = d
add eax,[g_xorwow_v] ; eax = d + v
; DESC: Returns pseudo random number in the range [-0.5;0.5).
; OUT: xmm0.x [-0.5;0.5)
macro RANDOM {
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
mulss xmm0,[g_rand_scale]
; NAME: GenerateSequence
; IN: xmm0.x re (c0.x)
; IN: xmm1.x im (c0.y)
; IN: edi array size
; IN/OUT: esi pointer to the allocated array
; OUT: eax generated sequence size
align 16
xor eax,eax ; eax is index loop
xorps xmm4,xmm4 ; xmm4 is c.x
xorps xmm5,xmm5 ; xmm5 is c.y
; cn.x = c.x * c.x - c.y * c.y + c0.x
movaps xmm2,xmm4
movaps xmm3,xmm5
mulss xmm2,xmm4
mulss xmm3,xmm5
subss xmm2,xmm3
addss xmm2,xmm0
movaps xmm6,xmm2 ; xmm6 is cn.x
; cn.y = 2.0 * c.x * c.y + c0.y
movaps xmm7,xmm4
mulss xmm7,xmm5
addss xmm7,xmm7
addss xmm7,xmm1 ; xmm7 is cn.y
; store cn
movd dword [esi+eax*8],xmm6
movd dword [esi+eax*8+4],xmm7
; if (cn.x * cn.x + cn.y * cn.y > 10.0) return eax;
movaps xmm2,xmm6
movaps xmm3,xmm7
mulss xmm2,xmm6
mulss xmm3,xmm7
addss xmm2,xmm3
ucomiss xmm2,[g_max_dist]
ja .EndLoop
movaps xmm4,xmm6 ; c.x = cn.x
movaps xmm5,xmm7 ; c.y = cn.y
; continue loop
inc eax
cmp eax,edi
jb .Loop
; return 0
xor eax,eax
; NAME: main
; DESC: Program main function.
align 16
img_ptr equ ebp-8
seq_ptr equ ebp-16
pixel equ ebp-24
r13dd equ ebp-64
r12dd equ ebp-68
r15dd equ ebp-72
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,128
; mem for the sequence
lea eax,[sequence]
mov [seq_ptr],eax
; mem for the image
lea eax,[screen]
mov [img_ptr],eax
; begin loops
mov dword[r13dd],0 ; .LoopIterations counter
mov dword[r12dd],0 ; .LoopOneMillion counter
mulss xmm0,[g_range]
movaps xmm1,xmm0
mulss xmm0,[g_range]
mov edi,SEQ_SIZE
mov esi,[seq_ptr]
call GenerateSequence ; eax = n sequence size
test eax,eax
jz .LoopSequenceEnd
xor ecx,ecx ; ecx = i = 0 loop counter
; mov r9dd,[seq_ptr] ; r9 = sequence base address
; mov r8dd,[img_ptr] ; r8 = image base address
movss xmm2,[g_img_size]
movaps xmm3,xmm2
mulss xmm3,[g_0_5] ; xmm3 = (g_img_size)/2
movss xmm4,[g_zoom]
mulss xmm4,xmm2 ; xmm4 = g_zoom * g_img_size
movss xmm5,[g_offsetx] ; xmm5 = g_offsetx
movss xmm6,[g_offsety] ; xmm6 = g_offsety
cmp ecx,eax ; i < n
je .LoopSequenceEnd
movd xmm0,[sequence+ecx*8] ; load re
movd xmm1,[sequence+ecx*8+4] ; load im
addss xmm0,xmm5 ; xmm0 = re+g_offsetx
addss xmm1,xmm6 ; xmm1 = im+g_offsety
mulss xmm0,xmm4 ; xmm0 = (re+g_offsetx)*g_img_size*g_zoom
mulss xmm1,xmm4 ; xmm1 = (im+g_offsety)*g_img_size*g_zoom
addss xmm0,xmm3 ; xmm0 = (re+g_offsetx)*g_img_size*g_zoom+g_img_size/2
addss xmm1,xmm3 ; xmm1 = (im+g_offsety)*g_img_size*g_zoom+g_img_size/2
cvtss2si edi,xmm0 ; edi = x = int(xmm0.x)
cvtss2si esi,xmm1 ; esi = y = int(xmm1.x)
cmp edi,0
jl @f
cmp edi,IMG_SIZE
jge @f
cmp esi,0
jl @f
cmp esi,IMG_SIZE
jge @f
imul esi,esi,IMG_SIZE
add esi,edi
add dword [screen+esi*4],1
inc ecx
jmp .LoopSequence
; continue .LoopOneMillion
add dword[r12dd],1
cmp dword[r12dd],1000000
jb .LoopOneMillion
; continue .LoopIterations
add dword[r13dd],1
cmp dword[r13dd],ITERATIONS
jb .LoopIterations
; find max value
mov dword[r12dd],0
xor eax,eax ; eax = i = loop counter
push ecx
mov ecx,[r12dd]
cmp dword [screen+eax*4],ecx
cmova ecx,dword [screen+eax*4]
mov [r12dd],ecx
pop ecx
inc eax
jb .LoopMax
; find min value
; mov r13d,r12d ; r13d = min_val = max_val
push dword[r12dd]
pop dword[r13dd]
xor eax,eax ; eax = i = loop counter
push ecx
mov ecx,[r13dd]
cmp dword [screen+eax*4],ecx
cmovb ecx,dword [screen+eax*4]
mov [r13dd],ecx
pop ecx
inc eax
jb .LoopMin
; write image pixels
mov byte [pixel+3],255
; mov r14,[img_ptr] ; r14 = image base address
; xor r15d,r15d ; r15d = i = loop counter
mov dword[r15dd],0
cvtsi2ss xmm0,[r12dd] ; load max_value
cvtsi2ss xmm1,[r13dd] ; load min_value
movaps xmm2,xmm0
subss xmm2,xmm1 ; xmm2 = r = max_value - min_value
xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,[screen+ecx*4] ; eax = image_value
sub eax,[r13dd] ; eax = image_value - min_value
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax ; xmm0 = float(image_value - min_value)
addss xmm0,xmm0 ; xmm0 = 2.0f * float(image_value - min_value)
divss xmm0,xmm2 ; xmm0 = 2.0f * float(image_value - min_value) / r
minss xmm0,[g_1_0] ; clamp to 1.0
maxss xmm0,[g_0_0] ; clamp to 0.0
mulss xmm0,[g_255_0] ; convert to 0 - 255
cvtss2si eax,xmm0
; write pixel data
mov [screen+ecx*3],eax
inc ecx
jb .LoopWrite
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
; restore img_ptr,seq_ptr,pixel
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
mcall 12, 1 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mcall 48, 4 ;get skin width
lea ecx, [50*65536+IMG_SIZE+4+eax] ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] + [skin_height]
mcall 0,<50,IMG_SIZE+9>,,0x74000000,,labelt ;draw window
mcall 12, 2 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
align 1
db 'buddhabrot',0
align 4
g_xorwow_x dd 123456789
g_xorwow_y dd 362436069
g_xorwow_z dd 521288629
g_xorwow_w dd 88675123
g_xorwow_v dd 5783321
g_xorwow_d dd 6615241
g_rand_scale dd 2.3283064e-10 ; 1.0 / 2^32
g_img_size dd 600.0
g_offsetx dd 0.5
g_offsety dd 0.0
g_zoom dd 0.4
g_max_dist dd 10.0
g_range dd 4.2
g_0_5 dd 0.5
g_0_0 dd 0.0
g_1_0 dd 1.0
g_255_0 dd 255.0
rd 1024
I_END: |