forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Add 4 freeware NES games to Templates folder Update SNTP by Coldy git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
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54 lines
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PD 2011 Shiru
How to play: On every level you have a set of computers and fragments
of wires. Your goal is to connect together all the computers
on a level. To do this, you should rotate wire fragments or
the computers themselves using A, B or Select buttons. Time
is limited. If you haven't made it in time, the game is over,
and you have to use pass code to try again.
Final levels of the game has more complex networks, more wire
types, unused wire segments, and the network starts to
degradate over the time. There are 50 levels in the game.
After completing a level, you receive a pass code, also
displayed in the pause menu. You can enter it in the main menu
using Code item to resume play later. It is also entered
automatically every new level, so you can easily continue
game when the game is over or interrupted.
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Credits: Everything made by Shiru
Tested by Alone Coder, B00daW, Pinball Wizzard, MrFTBN
The game is not licensed or endorsed by Nintendo company in any way. It is free
of charge, released into Public Domain, and provided "as is", without warranty
or responsibility of any kind.
If you like it and think you would pay for it, please consider to visit Donate
link at and make a donation. Donations will be
redirected to a charity, providing a little bit of help for those in need, and
encourangement for the author to further work on projects like this. |