hidnplayr 72c96117d0 ALL ethernet drivers: return success/failed for transmit function, dump packet when failing.
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@4334 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2013-12-08 14:34:08 +00:00

1267 lines
35 KiB

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; MTD80x driver for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on mtd80x.c from the etherboot project ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
format MS COFF
API_VERSION = 0x01000100
__DEBUG__ = 1
include '../proc32.inc'
include '../imports.inc'
include '../fdo.inc'
include '../netdrv.inc'
public START
public service_proc
public version
; for different PHY
MysonPHY = 1
AhdocPHY = 2
SeeqPHY = 3
MarvellPHY = 4
Myson981 = 5
LevelOnePHY = 6
OtherPHY = 10
; Offsets to the Command and Status Registers.
PAR0 = 0x0 ; physical address 0-3
PAR1 = 0x04 ; physical address 4-5
MAR0 = 0x08 ; multicast address 0-3
MAR1 = 0x0C ; multicast address 4-7
FAR0 = 0x10 ; flow-control address 0-3
FAR1 = 0x14 ; flow-control address 4-5
TCRRCR = 0x18 ; receive & transmit configuration
BCR = 0x1C ; bus command
TXPDR = 0x20 ; transmit polling demand
RXPDR = 0x24 ; receive polling demand
RXCWP = 0x28 ; receive current word pointer
TXLBA = 0x2C ; transmit list base address
RXLBA = 0x30 ; receive list base address
ISR = 0x34 ; interrupt status
IMR = 0x38 ; interrupt mask
FTH = 0x3C ; flow control high/low threshold
MANAGEMENT = 0x40 ; bootrom/eeprom and mii management
TALLY = 0x44 ; tally counters for crc and mpa
TSR = 0x48 ; tally counter for transmit status
BMCRSR = 0x4c ; basic mode control and status
PHYIDENTIFIER = 0x50 ; phy identifier
ANARANLPAR = 0x54 ; auto-negotiation advertisement and link partner ability
ANEROCR = 0x58 ; auto-negotiation expansion and pci conf.
BPREMRPSR = 0x5c ; bypass & receive error mask and phy status
; Bits in the interrupt status/enable registers.
RFCON = 0x00020000 ; receive flow control xon packet
RFCOFF = 0x00010000 ; receive flow control xoff packet
LSCStatus = 0x00008000 ; link status change
ANCStatus = 0x00004000 ; autonegotiation completed
FBE = 0x00002000 ; fatal bus error
FBEMask = 0x00001800 ; mask bit12-11
ParityErr = 0x00000000 ; parity error
TargetErr = 0x00001000 ; target abort
MasterErr = 0x00000800 ; master error
TUNF = 0x00000400 ; transmit underflow
ROVF = 0x00000200 ; receive overflow
ETI = 0x00000100 ; transmit early int
ERI = 0x00000080 ; receive early int
CNTOVF = 0x00000040 ; counter overflow
RBU = 0x00000020 ; receive buffer unavailable
TBU = 0x00000010 ; transmit buffer unavilable
TI = 0x00000008 ; transmit interrupt
RI = 0x00000004 ; receive interrupt
RxErr = 0x00000002 ; receive error
; Bits in the NetworkConfig register.
RxModeMask = 0xe0
AcceptAllPhys = 0x80 ; promiscuous mode
AcceptBroadcast = 0x40 ; accept broadcast
AcceptMulticast = 0x20 ; accept mutlicast
AcceptRunt = 0x08 ; receive runt pkt
ALP = 0x04 ; receive long pkt
AcceptErr = 0x02 ; receive error pkt
AcceptMyPhys = 0x00000000
RxEnable = 0x00000001
RxFlowCtrl = 0x00002000
TxEnable = 0x00040000
TxModeFDX = 0x00100000
TxThreshold = 0x00e00000
PS1000 = 0x00010000
PS10 = 0x00080000
FD = 0x00100000
; Bits in network_desc.status
RXOWN = 0x80000000 ; own bit
FLNGMASK = 0x0fff0000 ; frame length
FLNGShift = 16
MARSTATUS = 0x00004000 ; multicast address received
BARSTATUS = 0x00002000 ; broadcast address received
PHYSTATUS = 0x00001000 ; physical address received
RXFSD = 0x00000800 ; first descriptor
RXLSD = 0x00000400 ; last descriptor
ErrorSummary = 0x80 ; error summary
RUNT = 0x40 ; runt packet received
LONG = 0x20 ; long packet received
FAE = 0x10 ; frame align error
CRC = 0x08 ; crc error
RXER = 0x04 ; receive error
; rx_desc_control_bits
RXIC = 0x00800000 ; interrupt control
RBSShift = 0
; tx_desc_status_bits
TXOWN = 0x80000000 ; own bit
JABTO = 0x00004000 ; jabber timeout
CSL = 0x00002000 ; carrier sense lost
LC = 0x00001000 ; late collision
EC = 0x00000800 ; excessive collision
UDF = 0x00000400 ; fifo underflow
DFR = 0x00000200 ; deferred
HF = 0x00000100 ; heartbeat fail
NCRMask = 0x000000ff ; collision retry count
NCRShift = 0
; tx_desc_control_bits
TXIC = 0x80000000 ; interrupt control
ETIControl = 0x40000000 ; early transmit interrupt
TXLD = 0x20000000 ; last descriptor
TXFD = 0x10000000 ; first descriptor
CRCEnable = 0x08000000 ; crc control
PADEnable = 0x04000000 ; padding control
RetryTxLC = 0x02000000 ; retry late collision
PKTSMask = 0x3ff800 ; packet size bit21-11
PKTSShift = 11
TBSMask = 0x000007ff ; transmit buffer bit 10-0
TBSShift = 0
; BootROM/EEPROM/MII Management Register
MASK_MIIR_MII_READ = 0x00000000
MASK_MIIR_MII_WRITE = 0x00000008
MASK_MIIR_MII_MDO = 0x00000004
MASK_MIIR_MII_MDI = 0x00000002
MASK_MIIR_MII_MDC = 0x00000001
OP_READ = 0x6000 ; ST:01+OP:10+PHYAD+REGAD+TA:Z0
OP_WRITE = 0x5002 ; ST:01+OP:01+PHYAD+REGAD+TA:10
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants for Myson PHY
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
MysonPHYID = 0xd0000302
MysonPHYID0 = 0x0302
StatusRegister = 18
SPEED100 = 0x0400 ; bit10
FULLMODE = 0x0800 ; bit11
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants for Seeq 80225 PHY
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SeeqPHYID0 = 0x0016
MIIRegister18 = 18
SPD_DET_100 = 0x80
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants for Ahdoc 101 PHY
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AhdocPHYID0 = 0x0022
DiagnosticReg = 18
DPLX_FULL = 0x0800
Speed_100 = 0x0400
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
MarvellPHYID0 = 0x0141
LevelOnePHYID0 = 0x0013
MII1000BaseTControlReg = 9
MII1000BaseTStatusReg = 10
SpecificReg = 17
; for 1000BaseT Control Register
PHYAbletoPerform1000FullDuplex = 0x0200
PHYAbletoPerform1000HalfDuplex = 0x0100
PHY1000AbilityMask = 0x300
; for phy specific status register, marvell phy.
SpeedMask = 0x0c000
Speed_1000M = 0x08000
Speed_100M = 0x4000
Speed_10M = 0
Full_Duplex = 0x2000
; for phy specific status register, levelone phy
LXT1000_100M = 0x08000
LXT1000_1000M = 0x0c000
LXT1000_Full = 0x200
; for PHY
LinkIsUp = 0x0004
LinkIsUp2 = 0x00040000
virtual at 0
.status dd ?
.control dd ?
.buffer dd ?
.next_desc dd ?
.next_desc_logical dd ?
.skbuff dd ?
.reserved1 dd ?
.reserved2 dd ?
.size = $
end virtual
virtual at ebx
.tx_desc rb NUM_TX_DESC*mtd_desc.size
.rx_desc rb NUM_RX_DESC*mtd_desc.size
.io_addr dd ?
.pci_bus dd ?
.pci_dev dd ?
.irq_line db ?
.dev_id dw ?
.flags dd ?
.crvalue dd ?
.bcrvalue dd ?
.cur_rx dd ?
.cur_tx dd ?
; These values are keep track of the transceiver/media in use.
.linkok dd ?
.line_speed dd ?
.duplexmode dd ?
.default_port dd ?
.PHYType dd ?
; MII transceiver section.
.mii_cnt dd ? ; MII device addresses.
.phys db ? ; MII device addresses.
device_size = $ - device
end virtual
section '.flat' code readable align 16
;; ;;
;; proc START ;;
;; ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;
align 4
proc START stdcall, state:dword
cmp [state], 1
jne .exit
DEBUGF 2,"Loading %s driver\n", my_service
stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc
xor eax, eax
;; ;;
;; proc SERVICE_PROC ;;
;; ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;
align 4
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
mov edx, [ioctl]
mov eax, [IOCTL.io_code]
cmp eax, 0 ;SRV_GETVERSION
jne @F
cmp [IOCTL.out_size], 4
jb .fail
mov eax, [IOCTL.output]
mov [eax], dword API_VERSION
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, 1 ;SRV_HOOK
jne .fail
cmp [IOCTL.inp_size], 3 ; Data input must be at least 3 bytes
jb .fail
mov eax, [IOCTL.input]
cmp byte [eax], 1 ; 1 means device number and bus number (pci) are given
jne .fail ; other types arent supported for this card yet
; check if the device is already listed
mov esi, device_list
mov ecx, [devices]
test ecx, ecx
jz .firstdevice
; mov eax, [IOCTL.input] ; get the pci bus and device numbers
mov ax , [eax+1] ;
mov ebx, [esi]
cmp al, byte[device.pci_bus]
jne @f
cmp ah, byte[device.pci_dev]
je .find_devicenum ; Device is already loaded, let's find it's device number
add esi, 4
loop .nextdevice
; This device doesnt have its own eth_device structure yet, lets create one
cmp [devices], MAX_DEVICES ; First check if the driver can handle one more card
jae .fail
allocate_and_clear ebx, device_size, .fail
; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct
mov [device.reset], reset
mov [device.transmit], transmit
mov [device.unload], unload
mov [device.name], my_service
; save the pci bus and device numbers
mov eax, [IOCTL.input]
movzx ecx, byte[eax+1]
mov [device.pci_bus], ecx
movzx ecx, byte[eax+2]
mov [device.pci_dev], ecx
; Now, it's time to find the base io addres of the PCI device
; We've found the io address, find IRQ now
DEBUGF 2,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\
; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device
; Because initialization fires IRQ, IRQ handler must be aware of this device
mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list
mov [device_list+4*eax], ebx ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device)
inc [devices] ;
call probe ; this function will output in eax
test eax, eax
jnz .err2 ; If an error occured, exit
mov [device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH
call NetRegDev
cmp eax, -1
je .destroy
; If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax
DEBUGF 2,"Trying to find device number of already registered device\n"
call NetPtrToNum ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx
; into a device number in edi
mov eax, edi ; Application wants it in eax instead
DEBUGF 2,"Kernel says: %u\n", eax
; If an error occured, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax)
; todo: reset device into virgin state
dec [devices]
DEBUGF 2,"removing device structure\n"
stdcall KernelFree, ebx
or eax, -1
;; ;;
;; Actual Hardware dependent code starts here ;;
;; ;;
align 4
; TODO: (in this particular order)
; - Stop the device
; /* Disable Tx Rx*/
; outl( mtdx.crvalue & (~TxEnable) & (~RxEnable), mtdx.ioaddr + TCRRCR );
; /* Reset the chip to erase previous misconfiguration. */
; mtd_reset(nic);
; - Detach int handler
; - Remove device from local list (device_list)
; - call unregister function in kernel
; - Remove all allocated structures and buffers the card used
or eax,-1
align 4
DEBUGF 2,"Probing mtd80x device\n"
stdcall PciRead32, [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev], 0
cmp ax, 0x1516
jne .notfound
shr eax, 16
mov [device.dev_id], ax
cmp ax, 0x0800
je .has_mii_xcvr
cmp ax, 0x0803
je .has_chip_xcvr
cmp ax, 0x0891
je .has_mii_xcvr
DEBUGF 1,"Device not supported!\n"
xor eax, eax
dec eax
DEBUGF 1,"Device has chip xcvr\n"
jmp .xcvr_set
DEBUGF 1,"Device has mii xcvr\n"
call read_mac
; Reset the chip to erase previous misconfiguration.
set_io 0
set_io BCR
xor eax, eax
inc eax
out dx, eax
; find the connected MII xcvrs
cmp [device.dev_id], 0x0803
je .is_803
; int phy, phy_idx = 0;
; for (phy = 1; phy < 32 && phy_idx < 1; phy++) {
; int mii_status = mdio_read(nic, phy, 1);
; if (mii_status != 0xffff && mii_status != 0x0000) {
; mtdx.phys[phy_idx] = phy;
; DBG ( "%s: MII PHY found at address %d, status "
; "0x%4.4x.\n", mtdx.nic_name, phy, mii_status );
; /* get phy type */
; {
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(nic, mtdx.phys[phy_idx], 2);
; if (data equ= SeeqPHYID0)
; mtdx.PHYType = SeeqPHY;
; else if (data equ= AhdocPHYID0)
; mtdx.PHYType = AhdocPHY;
; else if (data equ= MarvellPHYID0)
; mtdx.PHYType = MarvellPHY;
; else if (data equ= MysonPHYID0)
; mtdx.PHYType = Myson981;
; else if (data equ= LevelOnePHYID0)
; mtdx.PHYType = LevelOnePHY;
; else
; mtdx.PHYType = OtherPHY;
; }
; phy_idx++;
; }
; }
; mtdx.mii_cnt = phy_idx;
; if (phy_idx equ= 0) {
; printf("%s: MII PHY not found -- this device may "
; "not operate correctly.\n", mtdx.nic_name);
; }
jmp .no_803
mov [device.phys], 32
; get phy type
set_io 0
in eax, dx
cmp eax, MysonPHYID
jne @f
mov [device.PHYType], MysonPHY
DEBUGF 1,"MysonPHY\n"
jmp .no_803
mov [device.PHYType], OtherPHY
DEBUGF 1,"OtherPHY\n"
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Resetting mtd80x\n"
; insert irq handler on given irq
movzx eax, [device.irq_line]
DEBUGF 1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1
stdcall AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, dword 0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,"\nCould not attach int handler!\n"
; or eax, -1
; ret
; Reset the chip to erase previous misconfiguration.
set_io 0
set_io BCR
xor eax, eax
inc eax
out dx, eax
call init_ring
; Initialize other registers.
; Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.
mov [device.bcrvalue], 0x10 ; little-endian, 8 burst length
mov [device.crvalue], 0xa00 ; 128 burst length
cmp [device.dev_id], 0x891
jne @f
or [device.bcrvalue], 0x200 ; set PROG bit
or [device.crvalue], 0x02000000 ; set enhanced bit
or [device.crvalue], RxEnable + TxThreshold + TxEnable
call set_rx_mode
set_io 0
set_io BCR
mov eax, [device.bcrvalue]
out dx, eax
set_io TCRRCR
mov eax, [device.crvalue]
out dx, eax
call getlinkstatus
call getlinktype
; Restart Rx engine if stopped.
set_io 0
set_io RXPDR
xor eax, eax
out dx, eax
; Enable interrupts
set_io 0
set_io ISR
mov eax, (FBE or TUNF or CNTOVF or RBU or TI or RI)
out dx, eax
set_io IMR
; mov eax, (FBE or TUNF or CNTOVF or RBU or TI or RI)
out dx, eax
; clear packet/byte counters
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [device.bytes_tx]
mov ecx, 6
rep stosd
mov [device.mtu], 1514
; Set link state to unknown
mov [device.state], ETH_LINK_UNKOWN
xor eax, eax
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"initializing rx and tx ring\n"
; Initialize all Rx descriptors
lea esi, [device.rx_desc]
mov [device.cur_rx], esi
mov ecx, NUM_RX_DESC
mov [esi + mtd_desc.status], RXOWN
mov [esi + mtd_desc.control], 1536 shl RBSShift
lea eax, [esi + mtd_desc.size]
mov [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical], eax
push ecx esi
mov [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc], eax
stdcall KernelAlloc, 1536
pop esi
push esi
mov [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff], eax
call GetPgAddr
pop esi ecx
mov [esi + mtd_desc.buffer], eax
add esi, mtd_desc.size
loop .rx_desc_loop
; Mark the last entry as wrapping the ring.
lea eax, [device.rx_desc]
mov [esi - mtd_desc.size + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical], eax
push esi
pop esi
mov [esi - mtd_desc.size + mtd_desc.next_desc], eax
set_io 0
set_io RXLBA
out dx, eax
; Initialize all Tx descriptors
lea esi, [device.tx_desc]
mov [device.cur_tx], esi
mov ecx, NUM_TX_DESC
mov [esi + mtd_desc.status], 0
lea eax, [esi + mtd_desc.size]
mov [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical], eax
push ecx esi
pop esi ecx
mov [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc], eax
add esi, mtd_desc.size
loop .tx_desc_loop
; Mark the last entry as wrapping the ring.
lea eax, [device.tx_desc]
mov [esi - mtd_desc.size + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical], eax
push esi
pop esi
mov [esi - mtd_desc.size + mtd_desc.next_desc], eax
set_io 0
set_io TXLBA
out dx, eax
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Setting RX mode\n"
; Too many to match, or accept all multicasts.
set_io 0
set_io MAR0
xor eax, eax
not eax
out dx, eax
set_io MAR1
out dx, eax
and [device.crvalue], not (RxModeMask)
or [device.crvalue], AcceptBroadcast + AcceptMulticast + AcceptMyPhys
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Getting link status\n"
mov [device.linkok], 0
cmp [device.PHYType], MysonPHY
jne .no_myson_phy
set_io 0
set_io BMCRSR
mov ecx, 1000
in eax, dx
test eax, LinkIsUp2
jnz .link_ok
push ecx edx ebx
mov esi, 10
call Sleep
pop ebx edx ecx
loop .loop1
; for (i = 0; i < DelayTime; ++i) {
; if (mdio_read(nic, mtdx.phys[0], MII_BMSR) & BMSR_LSTATUS) {
; mtdx.linkok = 1;
; return;
; }
; m80x_delay(100);
DEBUGF 1,"Link is up\n"
inc [device.linkok]
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Getting link type\n"
cmp [device.PHYType], MysonPHY
jne .no_myson_phy
DEBUGF 1,"myson PHY\n"
set_io 0
set_io TCRRCR
in eax, dx
mov [device.duplexmode], 1 ; 1 = half duplex
test eax, FD
jne @f
DEBUGF 1,"full duplex\n"
inc [device.duplexmode] ; 2 = full duplex
mov [device.line_speed], 1 ; 1 = 10M
test eax, PS10
jne @f
DEBUGF 1,"100mbit\n"
inc [device.line_speed] ; 2 = 100M
DEBUGF 1,"no myson phy\n"
; if (mtdx.PHYType equ= SeeqPHY) { /* this PHY is SEEQ 80225 */
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(dev, mtdx.phys[0], MIIRegister18);
; if (data & SPD_DET_100)
; mtdx.line_speed = 2; /* 100M */
; else
; mtdx.line_speed = 1; /* 10M */
; if (data & DPLX_DET_FULL)
; mtdx.duplexmode = 2; /* full duplex mode */
; else
; mtdx.duplexmode = 1; /* half duplex mode */
; } else if (mtdx.PHYType equ= AhdocPHY) {
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(dev, mtdx.phys[0], DiagnosticReg);
; if (data & Speed_100)
; mtdx.line_speed = 2; /* 100M */
; else
; mtdx.line_speed = 1; /* 10M */
; if (data & DPLX_FULL)
; mtdx.duplexmode = 2; /* full duplex mode */
; else
; mtdx.duplexmode = 1; /* half duplex mode */
; }
; else if (mtdx.PHYType equ= MarvellPHY) {
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(dev, mtdx.phys[0], SpecificReg);
; if (data & Full_Duplex)
; mtdx.duplexmode = 2; /* full duplex mode */
; else
; mtdx.duplexmode = 1; /* half duplex mode */
; data &= SpeedMask;
; if (data equ= Speed_1000M)
; mtdx.line_speed = 3; /* 1000M */
; else if (data equ= Speed_100M)
; mtdx.line_speed = 2; /* 100M */
; else
; mtdx.line_speed = 1; /* 10M */
; }
; else if (mtdx.PHYType equ= Myson981) {
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(dev, mtdx.phys[0], StatusRegister);
; if (data & SPEED100)
; mtdx.line_speed = 2;
; else
; mtdx.line_speed = 1;
; if (data & FULLMODE)
; mtdx.duplexmode = 2;
; else
; mtdx.duplexmode = 1;
; }
; else if (mtdx.PHYType equ= LevelOnePHY) {
; unsigned int data;
; data = mdio_read(dev, mtdx.phys[0], SpecificReg);
; if (data & LXT1000_Full)
; mtdx.duplexmode = 2; /* full duplex mode */
; else
; mtdx.duplexmode = 1; /* half duplex mode */
; data &= SpeedMask;
; if (data equ= LXT1000_1000M)
; mtdx.line_speed = 3; /* 1000M */
; else if (data equ= LXT1000_100M)
; mtdx.line_speed = 2; /* 100M */
; else
; mtdx.line_speed = 1; /* 10M */
; }
; // chage crvalue
; // mtdx.crvalue&equ(~PS10)&(~FD);
; mtdx.crvalue &= (~PS10) & (~FD) & (~PS1000);
; if (mtdx.line_speed equ= 1)
; mtdx.crvalue |= PS10;
; else if (mtdx.line_speed equ= 3)
; mtdx.crvalue |= PS1000;
; if (mtdx.duplexmode equ= 2)
; mtdx.crvalue |= FD;
;; ;;
;; Transmit ;;
;; ;;
;; In: buffer pointer in [esp+4] ;;
;; size of buffer in [esp+8] ;;
;; pointer to device structure in ebx ;;
;; ;;
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Transmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n",[esp+4],[esp+8]
mov eax, [esp+4]
DEBUGF 1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\
cmp dword [esp+8], 1514
ja .fail
mov esi, [device.cur_tx]
push [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical]
pop [device.cur_tx]
; todo: check if descriptor is not owned by the device!
mov eax, [esp + 4]
mov [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff], eax
mov [esi + mtd_desc.buffer], eax
mov eax, [esp + 8]
shl eax, PKTSShift ; packet size
or eax, TXLD + TXFD + CRCEnable + PADEnable + TXIC + 1536 shl TBSShift ; buffer size
mov [esi + mtd_desc.control], eax
mov [esi + mtd_desc.status], TXOWN
; Update stats
inc [device.packets_tx]
mov eax, [esp+8]
add dword [device.bytes_tx], eax
adc dword [device.bytes_tx + 4], 0
; Point to transmit descriptor
set_io 0
set_io TXLBA
mov eax, esi
out dx, eax
; set_io TCRRCR
; mov eax, [device.crvalue]
; out dx, eax
; Wake the potentially-idle transmit channel.
set_io TXPDR ; TX Poll
xor eax, eax
out dx, eax
DEBUGF 1,"transmit ok\n"
xor eax, eax
ret 8
DEBUGF 1,"transmit failed\n"
stdcall KernelFree, [esp + 4]
or eax, -1
ret 8
align 4
set_io 0
set_io PAR0
lea edi, [device.mac]
set_io PAR1
DEBUGF 1,"MAC = %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",\
align 4
;; ;;
;; Interrupt handler ;;
;; ;;
align 4
push ebx esi edi
DEBUGF 1,"\n%s int\n", my_service
; find pointer of device wich made IRQ occur
mov ecx, [devices]
test ecx, ecx
jz .nothing
mov esi, device_list
mov ebx, [esi]
set_io 0
set_io ISR
in eax, dx
out dx, eax ; send it back to ACK
test eax, eax
jnz .got_it
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz .nextdevice
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
ret ; If no device was found, abort (The irq was probably for a device, not registered to this driver)
DEBUGF 1,"Device: %x Status: %x ", ebx, ax
test ax, RI ; receive interrupt
jz .no_rx
DEBUGF 1,"Receive interrupt\n"
push ax
mov esi, [device.cur_rx]
test [esi + mtd_desc.status], RXOWN
jnz .fail_rx
push .rx_complete
mov ecx, [esi + mtd_desc.status]
shr ecx, FLNGShift
sub ecx, 4 ; we dont need CRC
push ecx
; Update stats
add dword [device.bytes_rx], ecx
adc dword [device.bytes_rx + 4], 0
inc dword [device.packets_rx]
push [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff]
jmp Eth_input
mov esi, [device.cur_rx]
mov [esi + mtd_desc.control], 1536 shl RBSShift
stdcall KernelAlloc, 1536
mov [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff], eax
call GetPgAddr
mov [esi + mtd_desc.buffer], eax
mov [esi + mtd_desc.status], RXOWN
mov eax, [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical]
mov [device.cur_rx], eax
jmp .rx_loop
; while( ( mtdx.cur_rx->status & RXOWN ) == 0 )
; {
; mtdx.cur_rx->status = RXOWN;
; mtdx.cur_rx = mtdx.cur_rx->next_desc_logical;
; }
; /* Restart Rx engine if stopped. */
; outl(0, mtdx.ioaddr + RXPDR);
DEBUGF 1,"RX failed\n"
pop ax
test ax, TI ; transmit interrupt
jz .no_tx
DEBUGF 1,"Transmit interrupt\n"
push ax
lea esi, [device.tx_desc]
mov ecx, NUM_TX_DESC
test [esi + mtd_desc.status], TXOWN
jnz .skip_this_one
mov eax, [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff]
test eax, eax
je .skip_this_one
mov [esi + mtd_desc.skbuff], 0
DEBUGF 1,"freeing buffer:%x\n", eax
stdcall KernelFree, eax
mov esi, [esi + mtd_desc.next_desc_logical]
loop .tx_loop
pop ax
test ax, TBU
jz .no_tbu
DEBUGF 1,"Transmit buffer unavailable!\n"
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; End of code
align 4 ; Place all initialised data here
devices dd 0
version dd (DRIVER_VERSION shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF)
my_service db 'mtd80x',0 ; max 16 chars include zero
; 0x1516, 0x0800, "MTD800", "Myson MTD800"
; 0x1516, 0x0803, "MTD803", "Surecom EP-320X"
; 0x1516, 0x0891, "MTD891", "Myson MTD891"
include_debug_strings ; All data wich FDO uses will be included here
section '.data' data readable writable align 16 ; place all uninitialized data place here
device_list rd MAX_DEVICES ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling