2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
;; ;;
;; ;;
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
task_tss rd 1
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
align 32
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
push ds
mov ax,word os_data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov [task_tss],esp
add dword [task_tss],4
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
mov edi,[0x3000]
mov eax,edi
shl edi, 3
;clear busy flag in application's TSS
mov [edi+gdts+ tss0 +5], word 01010000b *256 +11101001b
;save GDT TSS entry
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov edx,[edi+tss0_l]
; mov [reg1+eax*4],edx
; mov edx,[edi+tss0_l+4]
; mov [reg2+eax*4],edx
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
;and then write there i40's descriptor
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov edx,[tss0sys_l+edi]
; mov [edi+tss0_l],edx
; mov edx,[tss0sys_l+edi+4]
; mov [edi+tss0_l+4],edx
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
shl edi,5
mov [edi+0x80000+0xB0],eax ; used i40 handler
; for syscall trace function
call save_registers
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov esi, [0x3000]
; imul esi, tss_step
; add esi, tss_data
mov esi,[task_tss]
; sub esi,0x28
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
; esi holds address of TSS of interupted program
; load first 3 registers
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
mov eax,[esi+28];+l.eax-tss_sceleton]
mov ebx,[esi+16];l.ebx-tss_sceleton]
mov ecx,[esi+24];l.ecx-tss_sceleton]
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
; save current registers
; stack may be modified by a system function to return some value to caller!
; load all registers from TSS of the application, in crossed order (why?)
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
mov edi,[esi+28];l.eax-tss_sceleton]
mov eax,[esi+16];l.ebx-tss_sceleton]
mov ebx,[esi+24];l.ecx-tss_sceleton]
mov ecx,[esi+20];l.edx-tss_sceleton]
mov edx,[esi+4];l.esi-tss_sceleton]
mov esi,[esi+0];l.edi-tss_sceleton]
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
; enable interupts - a task switch or an IRQ _CAN_ interrupt i40 handler
; eax doesn't need to be saved, but...
push eax
and edi,0xff
call dword [servetable+edi*4]
pop eax
; return saved and probably even changed regs
; <Ivan 05.03.2005> esi already loaded - look above "pusha"
;mov esi,[0x3000]
;imul esi,tss_step
;add esi,tss_data
; </Ivan 05.03.2005>
; modify 3 program's registers (in its TSS)
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
mov [esi+28],eax;[esi+l.eax-tss_sceleton], eax
mov [esi+16],ebx;[esi+l.ebx-tss_sceleton], ebx
mov [esi+24],ecx;[esi+l.ecx-tss_sceleton], ecx
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
; calculate app's TSS address
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov ebx, [0x3000]
; shl ebx, 3
; add ebx, tss0_l
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov ecx, [0x3000]
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
; restore saved TSS descriptor
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov eax, [reg1+ecx*4]
; mov [ebx], eax
; mov eax, [reg2+ecx*4]
; mov [ebx+4], eax
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [0x3000] ; no syscall interrupt in use anymore
shl edi, 8
mov [edi+0x80000+0xB0],eax
; clear busy flag in TSS of this handler
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; mov edi, [0x3000]
; shl edi, 3
; mov [edi+tss0sys_l +5], word 01010000b *256 +11101001b
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; add edi,tss0
; mov [0xB004], di
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
2005-10-10 18:57:18 +02:00
; jmp pword [0xB000]
pop eax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
2005-10-06 19:56:22 +02:00
jmp i40
label reg1 dword at 0x6000
label reg2 dword at 0x6400
label usedi40 byte at 0x6800
schd dd 0x0
align 4
mov esi,[0x3000]
imul esi,tss_step
add esi,tss_data
mov eax,[esi+l.eax-tss_sceleton]
mov ebx,[esi+l.ebx-tss_sceleton]
mov ecx,[esi+l.ecx-tss_sceleton]
mov edx,[esi+l.edx-tss_sceleton]
mov edi,[esi+l.edi-tss_sceleton]
mov ebp,[esi+l.ebp-tss_sceleton]
mov esi,[esi+l.esi-tss_sceleton]
push eax ecx esi edi
mov esi,[0x3010]
mov eax,[esi+0x4]
mov esi,esp
inc [save_syscall_count]
mov edi,[save_syscall_count]
and edi,0xF
shl edi,6
add edi,save_syscall_data+32
mov [edi-32],eax
mov ecx,32 / 4
rep movsd
pop edi esi ecx eax
save_syscall_count dd 0x0
label save_syscall_data dword at 0x5000
align 4
dd sys_drawwindow ; 0-DrawWindow
dd syscall_setpixel ; 1-SetPixel
dd sys_getkey ; 2-GetKey
dd sys_clock ; 3-GetTime
dd syscall_writetext ; 4-WriteText
dd delay_hs ; 5-DelayHs
dd syscall_openramdiskfile ; 6-OpenRamdiskFile
dd syscall_putimage ; 7-PutImage
dd sys_button ; 8-DefineButton
dd sys_cpuusage ; 9-GetProcessInfo
dd sys_waitforevent ; 10-WaitForEvent
dd sys_getevent ; 11-CheckForEvent
dd sys_redrawstat ; 12-BeginDraw and EndDraw
dd syscall_drawrect ; 13-DrawRect
dd syscall_getscreensize ; 14-GetScreenSize
dd sys_background ; 15-bgr
dd sys_cachetodiskette ; 16-FlushFloppyCache
dd sys_getbutton ; 17-GetButton
dd syscall_system ; 18-Shutdown,KillApp,WindowActivate
dd syscall_startapp ; 19-StartApp
dd sys_midi ; 20-ResetMidi and OutputMidi
dd sys_setup ; 21-SetMidiBase,SetKeymap,SetShiftKeymap,.
dd sys_settime ; 22-setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
dd sys_wait_event_timeout ; 23-TimeOutWaitForEvent
dd syscall_cdaudio ; 24-PlayCdTrack,StopCd and GetCdPlaylist
dd sys_sb16 ; 25-SetSb16
dd sys_getsetup ; 26-GetMidiBase,GetKeymap,GetShiftKeymap,.
dd sys_wss ; 27-SetWssMainVol and SetWssCdVol
dd sys_sb16II ; 28-SetSb16
dd sys_date ; 29-GetDate
dd syscall_readhd ; 30-ReadHd
dd syscall_starthdapp ; 31-StartHdApp
dd syscall_delramdiskfile ; 32-DelRamdiskFile
dd syscall_writeramdiskfile; 33-WriteRamdiskFile
dd read_floppy_file ; 34-ReadFloppyDrive
dd syscall_getpixel ; 35-GetPixel
dd syscall_readstring ; 36-ReadString (not yet ready)
dd readmousepos ; 37-GetMousePosition_ScreenRelative,.
dd syscall_drawline ; 38-DrawLine
dd sys_getbackground ; 39-GetBackgroundSize,ReadBgrData,.
dd set_app_param ; 40-WantEvents
dd syscall_getirqowner ; 41-GetIrqOwner
dd get_irq_data ; 42-ReadIrqData
dd sys_outport ; 43-SendDeviceData
dd sys_programirq ; 44-ProgramIrqs
dd reserve_free_irq ; 45-ReserveIrq and FreeIrq
dd syscall_reserveportarea ; 46-ReservePortArea and FreePortArea
dd display_number ; 47-WriteNum
dd display_settings ; 48-SetRedrawType and SetButtonType
dd syscall_appints ; 49-AppInts
dd random_shaped_window ; 50-Window shape & scale
dd syscall_threads ; 51-Threads
dd stack_driver_stat ; 52-Stack driver status
dd socket ; 53-Socket interface
dd user_events ; 54-User events
dd sound_interface ; 55-Sound interface
dd write_to_hd ; 56-Write a file to hd
dd delete_from_hd ; 57-Delete a file from hd
dd file_system ; 58-Common file system interface
dd sys_trace ; 59-System call trace
dd new_sys_ipc ; 60-Inter Process Communication
dd sys_gs ; 61-Direct graphics access
dd sys_pci ; 62-PCI functions
dd sys_msg_board ; 63-System message board
dd sys_resize_app_memory ; 64-Resize application memory usage
dd undefined_syscall ; 65-UTF
dd sys_process_def ; 66-Process definitions - keyboard
dd sys_window_move ; 67-Window move or resize
dd sys_internal_services ; 68-Some internal services
times 255 - ( ($-servetable) /4 ) dd undefined_syscall
dd sys_end ; -1-end application