;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; IRQ0 HANDLER (TIMER INTERRUPT) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 32 irq0: save_ring3_context mov ax, os_data mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov edi,[0x3000] shl edi, 3 ; fields of TSS descriptor: ; mov [edi+gdts+ tss0 +5], word 01010000b *256 +11101001b inc dword [timer_ticks] mov eax, [timer_ticks] call playNote ; <<<--- Speaker driver cmp eax,[next_usage_update] jb .nocounter add eax,100 mov [next_usage_update],eax call updatecputimes .nocounter: mov edi, [0x3010] mov ebx, [edi+0x18] ; time stamp counter add call _rdtsc sub eax, ebx add eax, [edi+0x14] ; counter sum mov [edi+0x14], eax mov ebx,[0x3000] mov [prev_slot], ebx cmp [0xffff], byte 1 je .do_not_change_task .waiting_for_termination: .waiting_for_reuse: .waiting_for_event: .suspended: cmp ebx, [0x3004] jb @f mov edi, 0x3000 xor ebx, ebx @@: add edi,0x20 inc ebx mov al, byte [edi+0xA] cmp al, 1 jz .suspended cmp al, 2 jz .suspended cmp al, 3 je .waiting_for_termination cmp al, 4 je .waiting_for_termination cmp al, 9 je .waiting_for_reuse mov [0x3000],ebx mov [0x3010],edi cmp al, 5 jne .noevents call get_event_for_app test eax, eax jz .waiting_for_event mov [event_sched], eax mov [edi+0xA], byte 0 .noevents: cmp ebx, [prev_slot] sete [0xffff] .do_not_change_task: call _rdtsc mov [edi+0x18],eax shl ebx, 3 xor eax, eax add ebx, tss0 mov word [far_jump.sel], bx ; selector mov dword [far_jump.offs], eax ; offset cmp [irq0needeoi],byte 0 mov [irq0needeoi],byte 1 jz .noeoi mov al,0x20 ; send End Of Interrupt signal mov dx,0x20 out dx,al .noeoi: cmp [0xffff],byte 0 je .switch dec byte [0xffff] jz @f .switch: jmp pword [far_jump] inc [context_counter] ;noname & halyavin @@: restore_ring3_context iret uglobal align 4 far_jump: .offs dd ? .sel dw ? context_counter dd ? ;noname & halyavin next_usage_update dd ? timer_ticks dd ? prev_slot dd ? event_sched dd ? endg iglobal irq0needeoi db 1 endg align 4 change_task: pushfd cli mov [0xffff],byte 2 mov [irq0needeoi],byte 0 dec dword [timer_ticks] ; because irq0 will increase it int 0x20 ; irq0 handler popfd ret align 4 updatecputimes: mov eax,[idleuse] mov [idleusesec],eax mov [idleuse],dword 0 mov ecx, [0x3004] mov edi, 0x3020 .newupdate: mov ebx,[edi+0x14] mov [edi+0x1c],ebx mov [edi+0x14],dword 0 add edi,0x20 dec ecx jnz .newupdate ret