Galkov a730579b19 kernel - fix by forum post=23224
event - small optimization, not more

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2009-05-02 08:59:16 +00:00

488 lines
17 KiB

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
align 4
event_start dd ?
event_end dd ?
event_uid dd 0
EV_SPACE = 512
FreeEvents = event_start-EVENT.fd ; "âèðòóàëüíûé" event, èñïîëüçóþòñÿ òîëüêî ïîëÿ:
; FreeEvents.fd=event_start è FreeEvents.bk=event_end
align 4
init_events: ;; used from kernel.asm
stdcall kernel_alloc,EV_SPACE*EVENT.size
or eax,eax
jz .fail
; eax - current event, ebx - previos event below
mov ecx,EV_SPACE ; current - in allocated space
mov ebx,FreeEvents ; previos - íà÷àëî ñïèñêà
push ebx ; îíî æå è êîíåö ïîòîì áóäåò
@@: mov [ebx+EVENT.fd],eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk],ebx
mov ebx,eax ; previos <- current
add eax,EVENT.size ; new current
loop @b
pop eax ; âîò îíî êîíöîì è ñòàëî
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd],eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk],ebx
.fail: ret
EVENT_WATCHED equ 0x10000000 ;áèò 28
EVENT_SIGNALED equ 0x20000000 ;áèò 29
MANUAL_RESET equ 0x40000000 ;áèò 30
MANUAL_DESTROY equ 0x80000000 ;áèò 31
align 4
create_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Ïåðåíîñèì EVENT èç ñïèñêà FreeEvents â ñïèñîê ObjList òåêóùåãî ñëîòà
; EVENT.state óñòàíàâëèâàåì èç ecx, EVENT.code êîñâåííî èç esi (åñëè esi<>0)
; esi - event data
; ecx - flags
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov ebx,[current_slot]
mov edx,[TASK_BASE]
mov edx,[]
set_event: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; Áåðåì íîâûé event èç FreeEvents, çàïîëíÿåì åãî ïîëÿ, êàê óêàçàíî â ecx,edx,esi
; è óñòàíàâëèâàåì â ñïèñîê, óêàçàííûé â ebx.
; Âîçâðàùàåì ñàì event (â eax), è åãî uid (â edx)
; ebx - start-chain "virtual" event for entry new event Right of him
; ecx - flags (copied to EVENT.state)
; edx - pid (copied to
; esi - event data (copied to EVENT.code indirect, =0 => skip)
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov eax,FreeEvents
cmp eax,[eax+EVENT.fd]
jne @f ; not empty ???
call init_events
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
@@: mov eax,[eax+EVENT.fd]
mov [eax+EVENT.magic],'EVNT'
mov [eax+EVENT.destroy],destroy_event.internal
mov [eax+EVENT.state],ecx
mov [],edx
inc [event_uid]
Mov [],edx,[event_uid]
or esi,esi
jz RemoveEventTo
lea edi,[eax+EVENT.code]
mov ecx,EVENT.codesize/4
rep movsd
RemoveEventTo: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; eax - óêàçàòåëü íà event, ÊÎÒÎÐÛÉ âñòàâëÿåì
; ebx - óêàçàòåëü íà event, ÏÎÑËÅ êîòîðîãî âñòàâëÿåì
;scratched: ebx,ecx
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=eax=Self, ebx=NewLeft
xchg ecx,[ebx+EVENT.fd] ; NewLeft.fd=Self, ecx=NewRight
cmp eax,ecx ; ñòîï, ñåáå äóìàþ...
je .break ; - à íå äóðàê ëè ÿ?
mov [ecx+EVENT.bk],eax ; NewRight.bk=Self
xchg ebx,[eax+EVENT.bk] ; Self.bk=NewLeft, ebx=OldLeft
xchg ecx,[eax+EVENT.fd] ; Self.fd=NewRight, ecx=OldRight
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd],ecx ; OldLeft.fd=OldRight
mov [ecx+EVENT.bk],ebx ; OldRight.bk=OldLeft
.break: popfd
align 4
NotDummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
pop edi
call DummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[]
push edi
.small: ; êðèâî êàê-òî...
pop edi
call pid_to_slot ; saved all registers (eax - retval)
shl eax,8
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
jmp edi ; øòàòíûé âîçâðàò
align 4
raise_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Óñòàíàâëèâàåì äàííûå EVENT.code
; Åñëè òàì ôëàã EVENT_SIGNALED óæå àêòèâåí - áîëüøå íè÷åãî
; Èíà÷å: ýòîò ôëàã âçâîäèòñÿ, çà èñêëþ÷åíèåì ñëó÷àÿ íàëè÷èÿ ôëàãà EVENT_WATCHED â edx
;  ýòîì ñëó÷àå EVENT_SIGNALED âçâîäèòñÿ ëèøü ïðè íàëè÷èå EVENT_WATCHED â ñàìîì ñîáûòèè
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
; edx - flags
; esi - event data (=0 => skip)
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
call NotDummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
or esi,esi
jz @f
lea edi,[ebx+EVENT.code]
mov ecx,EVENT.codesize/4
rep movsd
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
bt edx, 28 ;EVENT_WATCHED
jnc @f
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
or byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
xchg eax,ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
clear_event: ;; EXPORT use
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
;scratched: ebx,ecx
call NotDummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
and byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], not((EVENT_SIGNALED+EVENT_WATCHED)shr 24)
xchg eax,ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
send_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Ñîçäàåò íîâûé EVENT (âûòàñêèâàåò èç ñïèñêà FreeEvents) â ñïèñêå EventList
; öåëåâîãî ñëîòà (eax=pid), ñ äàííûìè èç esi êîñâåííî, è state=EVENT_SIGNALED
; eax - slots pid, to sending new event
; esi - pointer to sending data (in code field of new event)
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
; may be used as CDECL with such prefix...
; mov esi,[esp+8]
; mov eax,[esp+4]
; but not as STDCALL :(
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov edx,eax
call NotDummyTest.small ; not returned for fail !!!
jmp set_event
align 4
DummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
cmp [eax+EVENT.magic],'EVNT'
jne @f
cmp [],ebx
je .ret
@@: pop eax
xor eax,eax
.ret: ret
align 4
or ebx,-1 ; infinite timeout
; Îæèäàíèå "àáñòðàêòíîãî" ñîáûòèÿ ÷åðåç ïåðåâîä ñëîòà â 5-þ ïîçèöèþ.
; Àáñòðàêòíîñòü çàêëþ÷åíà â òîì, ÷òî ôàêò ñîáûòèÿ îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ ôóíêöèåé APPDATA.wait_test,
; êîòîðàÿ çàäàåòñÿ êëèåíòîì è ìîæåò áûòü ôàêòè÷åñêè ëþáîé.
; Ýòî ïîçâîëÿåò shed-ó íàäåæíî îïðåäåëèòü ôàêò ñîáûòèÿ, è íå ñîâåðøàòü "õîëîñòûõ" ïåðåêëþ÷åíèé,
; ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûõ äëÿ ðàçáîðîê òèïà "ñâîé/÷óæîé" âíóòðè çàäà÷è.
; edx - wait_test, êëèåíòñêàÿ ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ (àäðåñ êîäà)
; ecx - wait_param, äîïîëíèòåëüíûé ïàðàìåòð, âîçìîæíî íåîáõîäèìûé äëÿ [wait_test]
; ebx - wait_timeout
; eax - ðåçóëüòàò âûçîâà [wait_test] (=0 => timeout)
;scratched: esi
mov esi,[current_slot]
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_param],ecx
mov ebx,esi;ïîêà ýòî âîïðîñ, ÷åãî êóäû ñóâàòü..........
pushfd ; ýòî ñëåäñòâèå îáùåé êîíöåïöèè: ïóñòü ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ èìååò
cli ; ïðàâî ðàññ÷èòûâàòü íà çàêðûòûå ïðåðûâàíèÿ, êàê ïðè âûçîâå èç shed
call edx
mov [esp+28],eax
or eax,eax
jnz @f ;RET
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_test],edx
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_timeout],ebx
Mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_begin],eax,[timer_ticks]
mov eax,[TASK_BASE]
mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 5
call change_task
mov eax,[esi+APPDATA.wait_param]
@@: ret
align 4
wait_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Îæèäàíèå ôëàãà EVENT_SIGNALED â ñîâåðøåííî êîíêðåòíîì Event
; (óñòàíàâëèâàåìîãî, íàäî ïîëàãàòü, ÷åðåç raise_event)
; Ïðè àêòèâíîì ôëàãå MANUAL_RESET - áîëüøå íè÷åãî
; Èíà÷å: ôëàãè EVENT_SIGNALED è EVENT_WATCHED ó ïîëó÷åííîãî ñîáûòèÿ ñáðàñûâàþòñÿ,
; è, ïðè àêòèâíîì MANUAL_DESTROY - ïåðåìåùàåòñÿ â ñïèñîê ObjList òåêóùåãî ñëîòà,
; à ïðè íå àêòèâíîì - óíè÷òîæàåòñÿ øòàòíî (destroy_event.internal)
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
;scratched: ecx,edx,esi
call DummyTest
mov ecx,eax ; wait_param
mov edx, get_event_alone ; wait_test
call Wait_events ; timeout ignored
jmp wait_finish
align 4
get_event_ex: ;; f68:14
; Îæèäàíèå ëþáîãî ñîáûòèÿ â î÷åðåäè EventList òåêóùåãî ñëîòà
; Äàííûå ñîáûòèÿ code - êîïèðóþòñÿ â ïàìÿòü ïðèëîæåíèÿ (êîñâåííî ïî edi)
; Ïðè àêòèâíîì ôëàãå MANUAL_RESET - áîëüøå íè÷åãî
; Èíà÷å: ôëàãè EVENT_SIGNALED è EVENT_WATCHED ó ïîëó÷åííîãî ñîáûòèÿ ñáðàñûâàþòñÿ,
; è, ïðè àêòèâíîì MANUAL_DESTROY - ïåðåìåùàåòñÿ â ñïèñîê ObjList òåêóùåãî ñëîòà,
; à ïðè íå àêòèâíîì - óíè÷òîæàåòñÿ øòàòíî (destroy_event.internal)
; edi - àäðåñ â êîäå ïðèëîæåíèÿ äëÿ êîïèðîâàíèÿ äàííûõ èç EVENT.code
; eax - ñîáñòâåííî EVENT (áóäåì íàçûâàòü ýòî åãî õýíäëîì)
;scratched: ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
mov edx, get_event_queue ; wait_test
call Wait_events ; timeout ignored
lea esi,[eax+EVENT.code]
mov ecx,EVENT.codesize/4
rep movsd
mov [edi-EVENT.codesize+2],cl ;clear priority field
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], MANUAL_RESET shr 24
jnz get_event_queue.ret ; RET
and byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], not((EVENT_SIGNALED+EVENT_WATCHED)shr 24)
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], MANUAL_DESTROY shr 24
jz destroy_event.internal
mov ebx,[current_slot]
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
destroy_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Ïåðåíîñèì EVENT â ñïèñîê FreeEvents, ÷èñòèì ïîëÿ magic,destroy,pid,id
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
; eax - àäðåñ îáúåêòà EVENT (=0 => fail)
;scratched: ebx,ecx
call DummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
xor ecx,ecx ; clear common header
mov [eax+EVENT.magic],ecx
mov [eax+EVENT.destroy],ecx
mov [],ecx
mov [],ecx
mov ebx,FreeEvents
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
; êëèåíòñêàÿ ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ äëÿ get_event_ex
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - àäðåñ APPDATA ñëîòà òåñòèðîâàíèÿ
; eax - àäðåñ îáúåêòà EVENT (=0 => fail)
mov eax,[ebx+APPOBJ.bk] ; âûáèðàåì ñ êîíöà, ïî ïðèíöèïó FIFO
cmp eax,ebx ; empty ???
je get_event_alone.ret0
.ret: ret
align 4
; êëèåíòñêàÿ ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ äëÿ wait_event
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - àäðåñ APPDATA ñëîòà òåñòèðîâàíèÿ
; eax - àäðåñ îáúåêòà EVENT (=0 => fail)
mov eax,[ebx+APPDATA.wait_param]
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz .ret
or byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
.ret0: xor eax,eax ; NO event!!!
.ret: ret
align 4
sys_sendwindowmsg: ;; f72
dec ebx
jnz .ret ;subfunction==1 ?
;pushfd ;à íàôèãà?
sub ecx,2
je .sendkey
loop .retf
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT],1
jae .result ;overflow
inc byte[BTN_COUNT]
mov [BTN_BUFF],edx
jmp .result
movzx eax,byte[KEY_COUNT]
cmp al,120
jae .result ;overflow
inc byte[KEY_COUNT]
mov [KEY_COUNT+1+eax],dl
setae byte[esp+32] ;ñ÷èòàåì, ÷òî èñõîäíî: dword[esp+32]==72
.retf: ;popfd
.ret: ret
align 4
sys_getevent: ;; f11
mov ebx,[current_slot] ;ïîêà ýòî âîïðîñ, ÷åãî êóäû ñóâàòü..........
pushfd ; ýòî ñëåäñòâèå îáùåé êîíöåïöèè: ïóñòü ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ èìååò
cli ; ïðàâî ðàññ÷èòûâàòü íà çàêðûòûå ïðåðûâàíèÿ, êàê ïðè âûçîâå èç shed
call get_event_for_app
mov [esp+32],eax
align 4
sys_waitforevent: ;; f10
or ebx,-1 ; infinite timeout
sys_wait_event_timeout: ;; f23
mov edx,get_event_for_app ; wait_test
call Wait_events_ex ; ebx - timeout
mov [esp+32],eax
align 4
get_event_for_app: ;; used from f10,f11,f23
; êëèåíòñêàÿ ô-ÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ äëÿ ïðèëîæåíèé (f10,f23)
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - àäðåñ APPDATA ñëîòà òåñòèðîâàíèÿ
; eax - íîìåð ñîáûòèÿ (=0 => no events)
movzx edi,bh ; bh is assumed as [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi,5
add edi,CURRENT_TASK ; edi is assumed as [TASK_BASE]
mov ecx,[edi+TASKDATA.event_mask]
.loop: ; ïîêà íå èñ÷åðïàåì âñå áèòû ìàñêè
bsr eax,ecx ; íàõîäèì íåíóëåâîé áèò ìàñêè (31 -> 0)
jz .no_events ; èñ÷åðïàëè âñå áèòû ìàñêè, íî íè÷åãî íå íàøëè ???
btr ecx,eax ; ñáðàñûâàåì ïðîâåðÿåìûé áèò ìàñêè
; ïåðåõîäèì íà îáðàáîò÷èê ýòîãî (eax) áèòà
cmp eax,16
jae .IRQ ; eax=[16..31]=retvals, events irq0..irq15
cmp eax,9
jae .loop ; eax=[9..15], ignored
cmp eax,3
je .loop ; eax=3, ignored
ja .FlagAutoReset ; eax=[4..8], retvals=eax+1
cmp eax,1
jae .BtKy ; eax=[1,2], retvals=eax+1
.WndRedraw: ; eax=0, retval WndRedraw=1
cmp [edi-twdw+WDATA.fl_redraw],al ;al==0
jne .result
jmp .loop
xor eax,eax
;TODO: ñäåëàòü òàê æå, êàê è äëÿ FlagAutoReset (BgrRedraw,Mouse,IPC,Stack,Debug)
mov edx,[irq_owner+eax*4-64] ; eax==16+irq
cmp edx,[]
jne .loop
mov edx,eax
shl edx,12
cmp dword[IRQ_SAVE+edx-0x10000],0 ; edx==(16+irq)*0x1000
je .loop ; empty ???
ret ; retval = eax
.FlagAutoReset: ; retvals: BgrRedraw=5, Mouse=6, IPC=7, Stack=8, Debug=9
btr [ebx+APPDATA.event_mask],eax
jnc .loop
.result: ; retval = eax+1
inc eax
movzx edx,bh
movzx edx, word[WIN_STACK+edx*2]
je .Keys ; eax=1, retval Keys=2
.Buttons: ; eax=2, retval Buttons=3
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT],0
je .loop ; empty ???
cmp edx,[TASK_COUNT]
jne .loop ; not Top ???
cmp dword[BTN_BUFF],0xFFFF ;-ID for Minimize-Button of Form
jne .result
mov [window_minimize],1
dec byte[BTN_COUNT]
jmp .loop
.Keys: ; eax==1
cmp edx,[TASK_COUNT]
jne @f ; not Top ???
cmp [KEY_COUNT],al ; al==1
jae .result ; not empty ???
@@: mov edx, hotkey_buffer
@@: cmp [edx],bh ; bh - slot for testing
je .result
add edx,8
cmp edx, hotkey_buffer+120*8
jb @b
jmp .loop